RE: BANKSY - The best graffiti artist in the world and my journey to find his very first pieces

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BANKSY - The best graffiti artist in the world and my journey to find his very first pieces

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Banksy - Not the Best Graffiti Artist in the World

Unless you consider artistic theft an art. In which case, then yes, Banksy may be the best.


I used to be a huge Banksy fan. Flower Thrower blew me away when I first saw it:

Flower Thrower

The power and poignancy in that picture made me realize just how subversive art could be. I became obsessed with Banksy. I researched everything I could find about him.

My appetite was such that soon I was reading about other artists, like Shepard Fairey. I actually went and met Mr. Brainwash. And then I discovered Blek Le Rat.

When I first saw Blek Le Rat's work, I thought, "Who is this guy ripping off Banksy? What an idiot!" I had seen enough of Banksy's work to know that Blek was a copycat. I couldn't believe someone would have the balls to straight up steal Banksy's style.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Banksy was ripping off Blek Le Rat.**

If you look up Blek Le Rat on Wikipedia, you will find this:

Blek le Rat was one of the first graffiti artists in Paris, and has been
described as the "Father of stencil graffiti". Blek began his artwork in
1981, painting stencils of rats on the walls of Paris streets. He described
the rat as "the only free animal in the city", and one which "spreads the
plague everywhere, just like street art".

This is what his trademark rats looked like:

Blek Le Rat

It was cool. People liked it. So Banksy decided to do it, too:

Banksy Flying Rats

Does this look similar:


How about this:


It's not just that Banksy steals ideas. It's that he bytes Blek's entire goddamn style.

As an artist, your style is what defines you. When someone copies your work, it sucks. But when someone copies your style, it's like they are trying to take your soul.

Banksy has been widely criticized in the street art world because of this. But when he finally addressed the issue, his response was telling:

"Every time I think I’ve painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek le Rat has done it as well. Only twenty years earlier."

Banksy is only capable of painting things that are slightly original because he steals ideas. If he wants to paint things that are completely original, he needs to start coming up with the ideas himself.

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Oh no. You just...but...I have been obsessed with Banksy. D: I must look up and validate this. Ugh, this is sad. ( ._.)

I was crushed when I found out too.

Yeah, that's a heavy fucking blow....

Checks out apparently. I need to go learn more about Blek Le Rat