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The best part of Steemit is the incentive to improve.. Why has Facebook become such a bore? There is no incentive for anyone to improve their posts.

I think I am an ok amateur photographer. But format? Writing style? Put a meme in a comment? Nope, dont know how to do that...

But there is an incentive for me to get better.. I'm learning markdown and html. I've picked up a few books on creative writing. I'm taking many, many pictures a day to improve my technique.. I'm following the bloggers who are creating great content..

And I will get good at this :)

Exactly. Facebook isn't FOR people to try and improve. It seems to me it's mainly about keeping in touch through superficial sweet nothing posts that do nothing except remind your friends and family that "I'm here." There's actually some value in that, as it keeps people connected, but I'm not all that interested in it.

Facebook doesn't make it easy to connect with like minded people who aren't in your friends list. People don't post their ideas, they post what they think their family and friend want to see. Or hope they want to see.

Steemit connects you with people who are into what you're into. And it exposes you to ideas and information you'd never see on Facebook. This is the place for people trying to provide something of value, and for people to discover that that is a possibility, even though they got on here thinking it was gonna be like Facebook plus money.

Steemit will be a Facebook killer not by being like Facebook, but by showing people that the energy they expend on the internet can be much more valuable to a lot more people.

Excellent. And your attitude inspires me... :-)

What an awesome article @rok-sivante!

Super motivating and super real, I read every single word of the post. I am going to resteem this and hope a lot more people read it.

You're right about everything and I wrote a similar article recently, but I missed out on some points that you mentioned. Thank you for this! To the moon! :D

I was just reading this and thinking damn why didn't i wrote something like that. Honestly every single word said is totally makes sense .90% of the comments just made because they wanna be recognized by big fishes or to get something back .Enjoyed the reading and how structured every single point here.

interesting, your perception on the comments bit. nurture that eye for detail... ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I havent read such a sick how to steem post in my short time on this platform. Such insight and presented in such a "kickass" way right on @rok-sivante. Keep on steeming bro. Peace out. Have had to resteem

thank ya, sir.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What complete and utter garbage... now I know why I haven't used steem since last year, if this guy is getting paid... it is ALL fluff, this whole article was fluff and curse words, and poor grammar... yes, but you did let all your bad qualities hang out, congrats. Moving on.

Everyone seems to blog the shite out of Steemit after HF19. Fortunately only good articles are on hot and trending, even though they are 1 meme with 600$ rewards. Lol, joke aside.

After 19, Steemit really needs to push it's content quality boundries to the highest possible measure.

Another nice article of how to not suck at Steemit. Thank you.

This is a very good article. I read it twice before this comment. I didn't think to some of that reasons. Now is clearer. Thank you!


meep indeed, my friend. meep indeed



Dang, It kind of hurts that such valuable posts as this gets drowned in many posts after a while, I so much wish there was still a resteem button, I want to say a million thank you's for this post, but as you said in one of the comments, the best thank you is paying it forward and applying what has been learnt to becoming better, and this is what it is.

Its amazing how golden your old contents are, your consistency is awesome. Thank you for this spurr and motivation.

shite, you're right. forgot about this one, though upon you bringing it back to my attention and scanning through, it is damn good.

been thinking about putting out a post with links to some of the best older ones, shall have to include this in it.

your welcome, and thank you as well.

Hah...that is some good shit ...very inspirational..
Thank you very much..

Thanks for sharing this.
Gave me a different prospective.
There is one word "Niyama" in Sanskrit, means discipline which makes things better. I hope to follow the Niyama for the betterment.

Thank god the dog park has free baggies 'cause I'm lucky if I get 3 minnow votes today haha

I just gave you another Redfish or minnow vote! Made me laugh. Now I need to go see if I graduated from the bowl into the ocean yet! My vote is worth 4 cents now after HF19.

just added a $9 vote to one of yours, so that theory proved incorrect... :-)

Wow! Very gracious of you. Thank you so much.

Some of your HARD FACTS are not so hard but I enjoyed your article and I upvoted it. According to 2016 statistics published by the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 78% of small business startups survive the first year and about half of all employer establishments survive at least five years. A third survive ten years or more. This is a far cry from the previously long-held belief that 50 percent of businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within five years.

Annnnd the correction police are in the building. Though it sure had me laughing when I saw your account name, in connection. :-)

Thanks for keeping my posts safe from dangerous misinformation. ;-)

I had to vote you up as I got a laugh.

Yea that is true! Hopefully since steemit is still in beta we can get some of that initial starter leverage. Loved the details laid out here, some harsh but true. Following, hope for more great posts!

Some good tips there, thanks. I'm here a month now and still haven't posted anything. Perhaps this will help me to get my ass in gear.

a lot of cursing to get an idea across .....

Sometimes brains need to be rattled by shaking up preconceptions of political correctness and politeness to generate the cracks through which new ideas can penetrate... ;-)

Some times people need a kick in the ass to see what is real.


find it strange you connecting rattling of a brain with the an act of human development (i.e. make love. have sex, ...)that guarantees the continuous transfer of information to assure the survival of this species ..... cheers ..



good one .... in UK it is Fornication Under Consent of the King .... F.U.C.K. .... rgds.

Lol. :-D

Hahahaha! So good!

E vero


Just came back from the dollar store, needed to get some cheap doggie bags....what did i miss? ;)

Persistence is one of the most important. Gary V talks about it all the time. I'm a walking example of it. Took me 6 years of failure to become an "overnight success", but the persistence to keep going at it despite those failures taught me everything I needed to know to finally hit that success.

and surely, it would not taste near as good had it come easy... :-)

Nothing worth doing is ever easy! :)

Now THIS is the reason I joined Steemit. Because of thoughtful posts like this and because of the ideas in this one post.

Might be a good exercise to read this every day for the first week in Steemit?

Thanks for dedicating the time to write this.

You... @rok-sivante ... who needs The Flash....or Super Mario Brothers.... when you've got @rok-sivante


Enough Said I'm following you.

uhhhh... humbled. and a little confused with the Asian manboobs. lol.

You've just described me in details my no future on Steemit. Unfortunately.

as an immigrant, I can speak and read, but I would never have a great English for writing.

NO. I have challenged you with a choice to choose for yourself.

And perhaps one of your greatest opportunities here could be not writing in English, but leading an expansion into your native language/homeland.

You create your own fortune. And by breaking your barriers and daring to dream, could potentially open the doors for others to create theirs - as many from your homeland might not yet know of the possibilities here...

Ball is in your court.

thank you for inspiring me.

I've even started to feel vibrations from the idea to invite and lead a lot of my friends .

we can do it. I can do it

wish I remembered exactly what article it was... someone had written yesterday about just how far $6 SBD per day could go in Bulgaria - that that little rewards alone would be better than minimum/average(?) wage in their country...

not sure where you're from - but what would an extra $5-10 per day ($150-300) at a minimum do for your friends and people in your home community?

what could the platform be used for to share within the community?

what voices in the community would have to speak out important or value perspectives that'd be good for others to hear?

what type of attention needs to be brought to certain things going on in your community? what good could might it do to write some posts to generate awareness for them and do some fundraising to donate rewards to a project or cause?

there are alot of possibilities for small ways this space could be used beyond simple blogging and social media sharing. and keeping consistent posting quality stuff daily, a little bit might add up to make a big difference to some of the people in your homeland or expat community, while serving a great good too... ;-)

I thought deeply about why I'm here.

I need to find connections with similar people. Being Light worker, keeping Earth and providing energy to the Earth I know a lot of Earth keepers in Russia and Ukraine.

For sure I can work myself and alone. but I would glad to find Keepers from other parts of our planet.

Money? I live in CA now, and an additional $5-10 is about nothing, the same as for my Russian friends.

Connections, ability to do our work together is a mine main goal here. Also to help people to make a transformation and prepare them to a higher reality.

The new platform exists now. A lot of people already there. My personal goal is to awake others and help to move to 5D

I have been reading quite a few success blogs on Steemit the last day or so and I appreciate the bluntness of this post. Nothing in life comes easy, no matter how much we want it to. Thanks for the motivation/kick in the ass. I know I will keep trucking along.

You're hilarious :D Thanks for the tips. It's funny because I already know a lot of what you said and the truth behind it but sometimes it's good to hear it again and again. I feel like being on Steemit is good for me because I'm such a private person and so used to having all my valuable experiences stay hidden out of choice. But I'd like to change that. I just feel like I need to keep practicing :) Good thing I'm not here to make a shitload of money :D Although being a decent photographer seems to help with that a bit. Anyways, awesome post!

wax on, wax off... ;-)

The devil is in the details:
"Grammar. Formatting. Proper sentance structure"..... no 'a' in sentence

I'm a teacher, had to! ;) Lol.
Great post though, for real! Nice motivation! Thanks for sharing!

Hehe. :-)

Ahhhh I was going to point this out just for the the irony of the sentence in which it was being used 😄 it's such a great post though regardless.

All about helping each other! Great post! Upvoted/Following

I don't know, I've put about a 10th of the time into Steemit compared to FB, just because my friends are over there, and I'm pleasantly surprised. I think the barrier to Steemit thriving is the way the developers update the platform and keep the thing centralized. Not as fair as other crypto platforms for back-end. It's great for front-runner users like me, though!

T'is still early in the game. Thingd are constantly evolving - some barriers may get squashed while new ones pop up. Irregardless, it's a pretty cool space to engage in for the time being... :-)

Oh, I fucking love it! Cryptos look volatile, but the ones that last are going to make garbage money like USD freak out and show their true volatility.

A lot of good advice!, specially agree with the persistence... I think persistence is key for success in pretty much everything in life...

Interesting article and should be of help to many.

YeS! Gonna Fail Today! At losing!!

Did a good job
Best Article

I sucked so far. As many others. It's a good insight and I've been cracking my brains for a bit and I know where to go from now on. Thnx for the insight. Hope u all get there!


Who the fuck AM I? Hmmm.... There's a tale for the ages. You sure you can handle the truth, @rok-sivante? ;)

Seriously, though, persistence is so important, and probably the place where most people will get caught on their path to success in anything, including here. Don't give up after a couple of low-paying posts. Keep going, build your audience, and you'll get where you want to go. Have a plan, make goals, and work until you reach them. It may take a while, but persistence pays off. Use it, and you WILL GET THERE.

ha ha, I'm not sure, but am kinda curious to find out with an opener like that... :-)

Maybe I'll tell the tale one day. ;)

It is refreshing to find a social media platform that attempts to bring out the best in others. It doesn't seem to be a popularity contest, but rather a community of individuals with diverse minds who are tired of the mainstream and are seeking the knowledge and yes acceptance of their peers without the "instacelebrity" moniker that is flying around these days. Speaking and seeking the truth is a lost art. I am happy that there is an uprising such as this and an arena where fresh thoughts and concepts can be shared freely by brave souls.

there really is something special about this space - truly a magnet for many with a blend of sharp minds, strong spirits, and good hearts. plenty of cool creative and collaborative possibilities on this open canvas... :-)

Awesome post, definitely took notes . Thanks for sharing!

Fuck notes! Go throw yourself in the water and pay it forward through putting them into action! ;-)

Totally agree with you. I resteem the post.

I've much to learn here still :)

This is a very good article. I liked your five key nuggets of wisdom, they are encouraging and motivating. I'm new to Steemit (a bit over a week now), and this article is a definite need to read before getting started. Thank you for posting!


The truth takes effort and discipline each day....thank you

the best "thank you" is to pay it forward through implementation of what you took away... ;-)

I good way to put it...thank you.

To the mothafucking moon and beyond! Love this post and totally agree! Tnx for the share!

Damn son, there was so much slang in this article, it was off the charts!

I like and appreciate everything you said man, it really was a motivating post for sure! Followed.

Seeing as how you;re saying you would love to have more great new original content, I would very much appreciate if you checked out my blog, It's about helping new and confused authors. Exciting stuff right? Right? I know it's awesome!

Anyways, I look forward to more snarky yet motivating content. :D

commented on there. good stuff. keep it coming... ;-)

If someone writes a Steemit bible, this should probably be included in no less than two strategic places, so the people that skip right on down to this area are more likely to catch a bit of it.

Hey I don't care how much money it is, I will take it, little or lots of it.

how 'bout earning it through what you give rather than taking...?

Ya this one really illustrates me to a tee. Sadly I am also too stupid to know when to quit, so Ill keep trying and failing. Its the story of my life.

sounds like you've already committed firmly to the ending rather than writing it as you go...

maybe not quitting isn't stupidity, but a potential strength, and there's a reason you keep trying and falling... just need a little course correction and sooner or later, the storyline is rewritten... ;-)

I am committed to getting committed. I just need a few more weeks on here to prove that I am indeed crazy.

proving to who?

for what purpose?

what would happen to your plan if the attempt failed and there was actually an order in the apparent chaos, and "crazy" was only but a state, not who you are or what you're destined to...?

Then I guess I would have to submit to the chaos and allow it to take me wherever it so chose's. At this point, anywhere is better than here... Even North Korea .

it sounds like you already have submitted to the chaos.

and perhaps either you roll with it down this shit path, or back da fuq up and reseize control of the pen...

I agree, it surely is time for a paradigm shift.

Wow! Thanks for the very honest, blunt and informative post, I have learned much and will persist on. Most importantly, I will work on my content and make it more valuable from now on. I got it all wrong before but I am new and learning. This has to be one of the best posts I have come across. Thank you so much :)

Thank you for this helpful post! Granted I knew these things prior to reading your article, but these are things that we all need to hear. Sometimes more than once. I feel fired up and ready for more! <3

Reread thrice and pondered. Thanks. After 1 month here, this is exactly what I needed to read. Stay the course...


Awesome to hear/read.

Sometimes I wonder why the fuck bother staying up until 5am writing what might just be some Steemit circle jerk garbage - though it's feedback like this "exactly what I needed to read" that puts a smile on my face and makes the sleep deprivation worth it. Bless. :-)

Well, now that I've got your attention, why don't you go ahead and resteem all my posts and send me $5 SBD... that will really make you feel good :)

Hahah! perfect

Well that was worth an upvote and a follow

Daaaaamn Daniel. Back at it AGAIN!!

@rok-sivante Laying it down as straight forward as they come!!
Loved this. Your point are all the TRUTH !

With that said, I have work to do. I want to crush it here. I will be following your advice!

Lol. Oh man, that GIF is kinda scary! :-)

I am reminded of a quote from Dave Grohl. "Go out and suck!" (I'm paraphrasing) But that was the gist. His point was grind it out and put in the time and make mistakes and you might be a Nirvana or Foo Fighters someday.
I have been steeming for a little over 3 months. And I have seen improvements in my own writing and idea development. When there is incentive to be good my lazy ramblings become more cogent ideas.
Great post. Definitely #followupvote worthy. Keep up the good work.

oooh... time to hit up some Nirvana and Foo Fighters on Spotify - been a while... hehe :-)

I was informed over the weekend that the 90s are en vogue again. A kid asked me if what I was listening to was Nirvana. Yes. A 15 year old kid told me that 90s style and music is hot (trendy) right now! Blew my mind.

I dont like to fail
thank u for your post

Paradox is, the more and faster we fail, the faster we succeed...

I agree with the general idea suggesting that posts that bring value to the Steemit platform are are inherently more valuable to the poster than fluff 'please throw money at me' posts. But in my experience, the the twin aspects of whale dominance + the recurring eyeballs via following posts has been trending towards rewards concentration to a minority of certain posters. Many of them are quite good. But many of those same posters throw up some pretty damned fluffy stuff and still get rewarded greatly for it for the above two reasons.

I really hope this hard fork 19 starts to even out the playing field. The potential is immense.

I think the key point is practice. I'm new to this and obviously not retiring anytime soon from it lol... But Im trying to think of it like my old radio show I had back in the late 90's. The first few months were pretty much the same show complete with playing the same songs over and over bc I had no idea of the library literally staring me in the face, dead air, no idea what to say on the mic. Around the 6 month mark, the show magically changed. The flow between songs were cohesive. There was never a repeat song in the 5 hour set. I could make jokes and tie it in to whatever PSA I had to read. No stuttering, no dead air. What took me 4 days to plan in the first few months took me an hour or two. It was all practice and comfort and discovering what made people call to bullshit and make request and what made people call to say you suck get off the air.

ha ha. yep - the faster you get through the learning curves, the better you get. and musta been tough taking those hate calls, but am sure those helped in the end - the community here tends to be a little nicer... :-)

Great Article! To be honest I was becoming a bit discouraged. I have only been here for a several days and I was hoping some of my photos and posts to take off as they have done in the past on other social media sites. I am going to keep at it and see what happens. Thanks for the motivation!


Thank you from a newb still sticking her toes into the Steemit pool. I like to observe and study before I jump right into things which is what I have been doing the past day or two. This article is giving me the kick in the ass I need to not remain in the "you suck" category. Thank you.

your welcome. now action your gratitude by putting your takeaways into action to inspire someone else... ;-)

This is the best post I have read on how to make it in Steemit. Big help, thanks.

That was a wonderful post, well written, humorous with just a splash of bad language...not enough to be offensive but just enough to emphasize your points. :D

I really love this post because I'm one of those people that have to fight every single day to not give up. Its hard work but I can look myself in the mirror most days so that's a plus. :D

Thanks for sharing this because its very "spot on" as they say over the pond. :D

Gravity is a myth the whole Earth sucks!

But that's really ok. Even if I plug away at $0.07 posts I still occasionally hit some $10 copper and may eventually start striking $100 GOLD from time to time.

Do I write some fluff? Yeah ... the world needs a little fluff.

I also write what I know and a decent chunk of it, and comment a shit-ton (actually I make more from comments than original posts).

So I agree read, post, CONTRIBUTE, all the damn time! Steem on!

Haha. Your comment takes the trophy for the day's. I like your style. 😎

A fantastic and inspiring post @rok-sivante! I may not be the best at some of the points you brought up but I am working on improving my presentation and writing skills. :) Thanks for the advice buddy and hope your day is going well!


Yea man! Great writing! Thanks for the pep talk. I still suck, but I'm getting better all the time.

Loved it. Just got started on steemit. I plan on riding the ARCs from Stargate to Stargate.

Read every word and am better for it. Thank you!

#3 and #5 hit home the most for me.
I just today realized that I can use html in my formatting, not just markdown. My posts are now much better formatted already and will continue to improve. Over the past few days I have gotten my groove and have found my focus for my Steem contributions, so I now have a reason to persist.

Followed, Upvoted, and resteemed!


Even with those small tweaks, just wait and see the difference in results - starting even with the satisfaction of observing your output improving in quality. T'is a rewarding journey in many ways... ;-)

Thank you for sharing this . I started this adventure on steem some days ago, I'm still studying it but the most attractive thing is the quantity of quality contents that can be find. I love photography and here I find so many talented genuine people to follow. I love cooking and travelling and here I can share what I like to do. Plus I'm fascinated by the fact that everything is ongoing and changes everyday. I try to follow your suggestions ! Thanks


Definitely worth the read, thanks !

I definitely could work more on sharing who I am, not just tidbits about what interests me :/

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Just finished reading. Holy shit, this was completely necessary for me. Thank you so much for putting this out there, I think reason number five was the most poignant for me. Consistency is key, like with all things in life. Resteemed.

Your feedback is appreciated. Now express that thanks by putting what you took away into action and paying it forward to serve... ;-)

Absolutely, thanks again!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think you are right, lol

Good post @rok-sivante you are the best

If that's the conclusion you've drawn, I've failed miserably to get my point across. Lol.

There is no best here - only continual improvement of ourselves. Though ifwere measured by rewards or followers, I'd still be well-behind the top - which is perfect, cuz writing like this, I don't do for praise or rewards, but to pay forward some motivation and inspiration so a new generation can come uo and blow me the fuck away... :-)

This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 22. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $134.56 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 22 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Just wanted to add to your article @rok-sivante , If you fail to get more people to see your stuff Then you aren't trying hard enough, go out and comment, go find people to vote for your stuff, don't vote beg but be sincere when commenting. It makes the worlds difference, People say "It's not what you know, It's who you know"


Been here little over two weeks now, most discouraging thing being seen so less as a rookie. Seeing some get 15$ rewards for a simple comment while others post detailed and well structured articles getting close to none. Luck does play a great role as a newcomer, that, and what you describe as having the willpower to continue, be it my personal stumbling block. Really hope I can keep motivating myself to continue because I do believe Steemit to be a part of the future :)!

yes, some of these things can be discouraging at first - hence the value of that persistence. not all is perfect here, but considering none of us ever made shit creating content on Facebook, a little bit of poorly-distributed rewards is still a step in the write direction while things even out over time... ;-)

Great tips, thanks for sharing :)

I promise I'm not spamming you ;-) another excellent post and absolutely on the money!

no irrelevant links... no spam filter triggered. ha ha.

Phew, was getting worried the for a minute :-)

Oh my gawd, I LOVE this!! Your writings are right the fuck on!!

ha ha. 😊

Hey well it looks like you check all those boxes rok!

Good advice.

I was just wondering-- how successful might it be to post essays I've written in the past, "offensive" content, as well as plain old fictional stories that probably suck? I just joined the community but I'm very eager to share my works. And thank you much for the... intriguing article. I was not expecting so many swear words, but the content was very informational and helpful!

Experiment. You'll never know until you try... ;-)

Very insightful and honest. Thank you!

Leaving this comment for future re-read/reminder :)

I like your tough love concept. I'm a week old on Steemit. And I've been quite excited to be here. I had almost next to nil knowledge of blockchain or cryptocurrencies till a week ago, now I know more. I've made some general posts and have been happy to see people respond. But, reading your article makes me want to do more. To add max value so to say. It's like making one sit up and focus and act and not just shake and make random moves with excitement. Upvoted your article and now following you. Thanks for the great push, @rok-sivante. Totally appreciate it.

Awesome post! Being new to Steemit I found this really helpful, a thoroughly entertaining read. I'm now following.

great post! :D

Great post! I'll resteem it for future reference. ;)

My son and a friend of his suggested Steemit to me because I was bored with the way FB operates.
You post something that has real substance and you'll get 6,7, maybe 20 likes.
You post a picture of a wet cat with an angry look and you get upwards of 50.
I like silly shit as much as the next guy but I also want to be informed. I want to have my thinking challenged. I want to be entertained on a more intellectual level. These are all very important things.
I also like to have the things I'm writing qualified. I like to know that my work has value to others. On Steemit you see this in the votes and in the comments. You get critiqued, but not badgered or put down. It allows you to open up and share your creativity amongst people who are doing exactly the same. It is community and it is a joy to be a part of it. Also gaining some coin along the way is a nice perk.

I still have my FB. Sometimes that cat just cracks me up. Just sayin'.

That's not a very pick-me-up title. Kidding of course, let me enjoy, I'm sure it'll be a riveting read!

Sometimes the poison is the cure... ;-)

I love the way you write!!! Funny, inspiring, thought provoking (yeah, a little bit of shock). Pure awesome-ness. Abso-fucking-lutely following you.


I can absolutely relate to what you´ve just said! When my boyfriend introduced me to Steemit he told me ´just put your articles from the blog , they are good enough´. And yes, some are worthy and will definitely upload them. But I waited before writing my first post precisely because this is a space we can make ´ sacred´. What are my expectations from Steemit? What am I willing to give? What kind of community do I want to attract / build / be part of?
Thank you, it´s the sign I needed :)

Your welcome. :-)

Beautifully and bluntly spoken. Thanks for sharing

Together, let’s build a wonderful
💙 Steemit Community 💙

Great article overall, but I especially love this: "And what you're deathly afraid to share on other social media platforms might just be exactly what will generate the most intimate connections and attract your tribe of like-minded fringe-dwellers here."

As a new creator in the community I appreciate the share and the advice! 😍

Check out my feed. I am a traveling photographer myself. I'm currently going through a backlog of a year's worth of photos and sharing my journey to my best self. Have a great day! 💙

Bad ass! Great post across the board, but this was my favorite paragraph.

Because unselfishly, I recognize that each one of ours' time and energy is too fucking precious to waste on shit content, and would wish upon anyone coming to join this community that they be welcomed by a flood of complete awesomeness ensuring all our time invested here generates fulfilling rewards of stimulated intellect, hearty rich laughs, quality human connections, and the type of inspiration that makes life worth living.

Some great advice here.

FYI your part about attention to detail had a typo / grammar issue (ironic i know) :)

Grammary is a great free tool to prevent these from happening. A little tip for you in exchange for the value you provided in this article. Cheers

"Steel must go through the test of fire if it is to be strong"

You doled out some harsh ass truth there. This platform has to be focussed on long term growth and sustainability. As someone who joined Steem mainly to post fiction, this is something I really want to see happen here. Because without that I'm kinda screwed seven ways to Sunday without lube.

Their incentive system seems to be built to support this so here's to hoping people take your advice to heart. I know I will.

will keep it mind. thanks

hell yeah! thank you for all the great insights @rok-sivante

This is really corny, and i don't want to come off as pathetic, but your post was really inspirational to me. I really enjoyed the part about using steemit to post all the things i was too scared to post on Facebook. Thanks so much for being down to earth and honest. :)

surprised I didn't reply to this earlier, though better late than never...

not corny at all. I appreciate the feedback.


I have a much better idea as to why I fail here, thanks. Following.

Dude, you said what I've been trying to say, and do. This isn't a minnow plea for attention, just skim my last couple posts if you have the time xD. Thank you for sharing this and I am venturing out as the me I didn't know existed. Experiencing a few bumps already I think but I'm loving it! Cheers!