So in this article, revealing how to make money on steemit and how complete beginners earning 100 to 700, a day with no experience. Hey guys, how's it going? Mike, Fasil Here. Welcome to this video before we actually remind you that several spots have opened up for this week's free workshop where it's the fastest and easiest way to make money online. We literally have a 62 year old. Woman go from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days. Check it out in the free workshop below. So now that people realize this with steemit, there's like a huge opportunity to go ahead and make money. As you can see, there's about like 6.93 million people that visit the site every single month and with that level of people looking at that site, there's a lot of ways to go ahead and make money with steemit. Some of these ways. For example, for my business, literally took me from seven dollars a day in the middle of august all the way to 300 a day passively as well as creating an online business. Where in the past 30 days, we've netted about like sixty two thousand dollars in that. So it's actually break down how people are making money with steemit comparing it to the traditional ways to make money with steemit and more. So the non-traditional ways that in my opinion are a lot more easy and a lot more simple for beginners just getting started. So as you can see, I have this article up right here, which is, what is the traditional old way of making money with steemit and essentially what it is people go-ahead and make uh really good content. And then they earn in steam points or coins and whatnot. Essentially, this is a cryptocurrency that fluctuates. So the first way to actually earn money is you could essentially just hold it and never sell. As you can see right here, steam dollars is a form of cryptocurrency, which is a digital acetum, but it's exchanges traded bought and sold. All of said information is stored within the blockchain. The blockchain is a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly in 2009. Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency ever as we see what has taken place. Nearly a decade later. Uh, it has gone nearly a 300 increase in 10 years and that's only when it got to 2 900. Right now, it's even crazy, right, so that's what the opportunity is the first level, which is the obvious level is like, okay, if I create content on steemit, I could essentially earn in uh- steam dollars and potentially in the future that can make a lot of money and then talk about. Of course, the most common way is the most popular write good content and emphasize on good. But here's the thing like the people that go ahead and just focus on this method on steemit alone. Maybe they can make upwards to a thousand dollars a month that's not necessarily going to be the thing that takes you over to the higher levels of making money. Right? But what some people don't realize with steemit is they're just using this as a way to generate their own traffic to get people off of sidemen onto their own blogger website. Like as you can see, that's literally what I do with my blog and my website. I get people from multiple different traffic sources and I get them onto my website because that's ultimately what makes the money by literally getting them to your website and collecting their email addresses. You could start beginning communicating with this audience off of steemit and start making money. And what you're actually capitalizing on is the fact that there's so many people on steemit that all you really need is a handful of people to really start making like for example, 100 a day, 200 a day, so on and so forth. So what I ended up doing, you know, with my blog and my website is, once I get them there, I literally get them on my email list because when I get their emails, I can literally promote so much different products and services and whatnot. Like for example, a lot of people that are on the steemit um industry. Right? A Lot Of Them Are Really into cryptocurrency. Obviously, right. So I could literally sign up for a company like digestor or even like click bank, which is an affiliate marketing place where you can go ahead and essentially promote, you know, cryptocurrency products. Uh, you can see this crypto varsity right here. You get 53 per commission for click bank as well as like in digital store. They have these crypto offers where you could essentially make upwards to like 336 dollars per commission for things to help people, you know, make money with crypto. Right, so that would only be possible because i'm getting them off of certain platforms, getting them on my website, getting their email address. And then promoting offers to a sales presentation that I did not have to create myself, right? Look At This. It's An Evergreen. Uh- web presentation where they're the ones that do the selling for me. Right, and that's essentially what I got started in to really start making really good money. I found a traffic source that got a bunch of like millions of visitors. I started creating my own content and getting them off of that platform. And then I started grabbing their email address and promoting other people's offers. And that's essentially why, like, for example, in the past seven days, we've netted about like thirteen thousand dollars net, as you can see right here with today pulling in like nineteen hundred dollars, right? All This Is Insane. But none of this would have ever happened if I did not reverse engineer on the fact that, okay, number one, what business do I wanna be in? Okay, I Wanna be in a business where I sell digital products or offers because then I don't have to trade my time for money. Number two. I need to define my dream audience and where they hang out. If I want to go and serve crypto people, I got ask well, where do people that enjoy crypto hang out? Well, A lot of people go literally on cement to look at like all the news about cryptocurrency and whatnot on steemit to find out exactly more information about certain topics. Right, like as you can see right here, there's all these people that are upvoting it. You can see all these things talking about certain posts and defy and whatnot. And all these people are literally where this is where they're hanging out. So the second step that I need to do is like okay, well, how can I get these people off that platform onto my own platform? Because One Of The biggest assessments that I learned is you don't want to build other people's platform. You want to get people to your own platform. That's why I built my own website, which essentially takes like less than five minutes to go ahead and get all of this up and running. We have a free five-day boo camp in the link below teaching exactly how I do this. And yeah, this ugly website literally generates me more than six figures a year. Right? Because The Reason Why Is Because I grab their email addresses and when I grab their email adjusters, that's when it's literally my own platform I own all the communication I own, all the connection with these people. So now we're getting 100 to 300 emails a day. I can essentially ask them what products and offers and services that you want. And then at the back end partner with the right people that can go ahead and deliver that service. Well, I'm just building kind of like the network. And the craziest thing is the more I do that the more money that I end up making on all various streams. And then of course, with the content that goes really popular. Like for example, in some platforms, we just then repurpose it on other platforms. Like for example, YouTube and the thing about YouTube, it's really good because there's even more visitors on where the the advertisers are willing to pay. You money to literally run ads on your videos. And that's why you can see why in the past like, you know, 365 days, we went from 7.73 a day, which is literally less than minimum wage right to 300 a day within six months. And at that point I was like, oh, my god, this is crazy. This is nuts is insane. I didn't think this was actually possible. Right, but then you could see it hit 500. And I was like, are you serious? I did not know that this was actually possible either. But then when I started really taking it seriously, and I saw the potential of, oh, I really just got to find my audience create content and then get them off of other platforms like steemit. It started now averaging about like eleven hundred dollars, a day to fourteen hundred dollars, a day on the front end. Right. And the craziest thing is, I'm not the smartest person in the world. If a complete idiot like me, can do this. Then why can't you guys? So Hopefully This helps if you wanna faster and easier and make money online sign up for this week's free workshop where we have a 62 year old, woman go from zero to 160 000 profit in 90 days sign up for this week. Now, as well as check out my podcast of all these multi-millionaires that literally live here in bail where I'm based at, like this 11- year old girl that turned on 30 million dollars and this guy that makes a million dollars from profit. Hopefully, this helps I love you guys see you guys later you.
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