[ENG] Introduce 'platform coin' which is undervalued, and location based SNS enlte

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)


Hello. I am a user 'sajin' who is working as enlte Admin.

I would like to help steemit users understand the enlte that promotes enlte and thinks it is personally undervalued through this article. This article may be strange because it is a translation of Korean into English by utilizing Google Translate. Please acknowledge this part. If so let's start with an explanation of enlte in earnest.

First, let's give a brief description of enlte.

1 Brief description of enlte.

Enlte is a service that combines block chain reward system with SNS framework based on location information. Users tag photos with GeoTagging on the Enlte app, tag them with specific names that they have experienced, and then evaluate whether their experience was positive or negative. And Enlte collects that information and makes it big data. At this time, user experience can be expressed by star rating and review.

First of all, be aware that a star rating is not a mere expression of mood, but an indication of whether the experience is positive or negative. For example, after going to a restaurant and eating a meal, it is not simply expressing my feelings of being good and bad, but showing me the experience of eating, and the overall experience of the meal, in five levels of stars (1 to 5 stars). If you think about Michelin stars, it will be easy to understand.


And if you have had a good experience, you can record in a review what it was good at and what was bad if it was bad.

Enlte also tries to bundle users into a huge community that transcends time and space. And we can get rewards by providing experience information to this service and contributing to the community. We are implementing this compensation system through support, like, and superlike that correspond to the 'likes' of existing sns services such as Instagram.

Users who have experienced a lesser star rating, that is, users who have experienced negative experiences, can help by solving real problems and difficulties that are happening in their surroundings by providing support through 'support'.

In addition, users with a high number of stars, that is, positive experiences, can share their positive experiences with other people through 'like, superlike'.

If you accumulate 'experience information' about experiences that occur at a specific location for such a long period of time and process it as big data, this information will have economic value itself. However, it is necessary to be 'real and reliable information'. In fact, the development team puts a lot of emphasis on this.

enlte wants to make money by providing these big data to companies. By selling business pages to companies, companies can learn about their vivid voices and experiences, so they can make customized marketing and contribute to their profits.

In addition, customers can express their dissatisfaction and discomfort frankly, and can directly inform companies of this. Companies can respond promptly to such complaints and inconveniences, and can easily perform discounts, rewards, refunds, etc. There will be.

Unlike existing SNS services, where there is no restriction on the subject or format of a picture, users can not get compensation and instead of monopolizing revenue by attracting advertisements, enlte becomes a producer of valuable information and rewards The biggest difference is that you have to get it. It is true that there is a burden on users in this regard. However, since it is a service that is easy to use as a whole and continues to evolve, it will be said that it will attract attention in the future.

2 Star Rating System

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As I mentioned before, it is important to keep in mind that the star rating of enlte is not a mere expression of feelings, but an intuitive representation and evaluation of whether your experience is positive or negative.

Terrible will be shown a rating of one red star after uploading a post, Bad will have two red stars, and stars one and two stars will be alerted to users who have a negative experience nearby, It goes. I have to pay attention to this.

And Okay is three black stars. Next, Great is four orange stars and Awesome is five orange stars. Two or fewer stars appear to be transformed into 'Support' as the concept of 'Like or Upvote' can help solve the real problem, with three stars like 'Like' and more than four stars as 'Superlike' You can share positive experiences.

3 Nearby Notification, Nearby feed, AR function


enlte has a feature called location based. This is a better concept than simply geotagging your location in an Instagram. In the Instagram, if you see a photo uploaded by another user, if you have geotagging, you can see where you took the photo and think it's over.

However, enlte is introducing a more advanced location-based service. It simply does not end with indicating where I've been or where I've been.

For example, in enlte, you can adjust the distance bar to narrow the range of the world wide, narrowly to the area where you live, and view posts from nearby users. Also, if a user around you posts a post about one or two negative experiences, it spreads quickly around you, avoiding danger, helping you, and getting rewards. And it has the characteristic that the location information is utilized in real time, such as using Google's location information technology to get recommendation of major places around it.

Also, it is AR function that I think is important function of enlte. If you think of 'Pokemon Go', I think you can easily understand what augmented reality function is. So you do not wonder how enlte implemented this AR feature?


The experience uploaded with specific location information, as shown in the picture above, will appear in the form of a post if the user activates the AR feature around that location. This may be less useful where you know it, but I think it will be useful in unfamiliar places and places you first visited.

For example, if you go on a business trip to an unfamiliar place for the first time and think that you have not been able to eat because of the deep night's work, you may not know where to open the door or where to sell delicious food. At this time, if there is a post by the local user in the area, you can easily find the information by using AR function.

4 Development and operation of unique blockchain system, mining

If you are not familiar with enlte, you can take a look at the white paper and feel sorry for the enlte service and coin. But I do not think that enlte is such a coin that it should be ignored or undervalued. This is because the coin that has been traded and traded since the ICO, while offering a plan and a road map that can not be realized even if it is decorated with only white paper,

The service has been in full operation since early March, but the development team has been planning and developing the enlte over the past few years, keeping the roadmap faithful to this service, pouring hard work and effort into it.

The result is an enlte app that is actually available in the Google Play Store and is available as soon as you download it. I think it is a web wallet and a unique block chain system.


enlte have been working on various difficulties in the development process, so can develop, build, own and operate enlte's own block chain. I think this is a special advantage to consider when evaluating the value or possibility of coin. In other words, it is not a service operated by dapp of another platform coin, but it has the capability of operating the service through its own block chain and capable of flexibly responding to changes in service environment in the future.

Let's talk about steemit for a while. Personally I think steemit is great. It is still strange how we could develop such a fast and reliable steem block chain. As many people expect SMT and development is underway, I think the steem block chain will continue to evolve as a platform coin.

When I come back, I think the enlte is the same. Because it owns a unique block chain, it has the advantage that it is easy to plan and carry out changes in mining methods, adjustment for paying compensation, and hard forks.

Next, let me briefly introduce the mining. enlte currently supports mining through mobile devices. Currently, there are differences in the amount of mining depending on the performance of the device that you own, but sometimes the mining is stopped to support launching of web version and iOS version and PC mining. In addition to compensation payments, it is a great advantage to support another compensation system called mining.


And now the white paper provided by enlte is very briefly available in version 0.2. However, I believe that there is a real app, and that there is an actual product, such as steemit, which is an actual entity. I hope you'll take a moment to think about the number of services that can not finish your app's beta service and disappear. Further details of the block chain and mining will be officially announced in a future version of the white paper. Let me update this article. I would like you to refer to it.

5 'Abuse' preventing measures

If you are an SNS service based on block chaining, you will inevitably encounter 'enemy'. If a user with boarding power resolves an attack via downvoting, enlte will try to solve this issue by leveraging its AI technology with current user reporting and evolving it. This is also related to Enlte's IR Score, which is probably a familiar concept for steemit users.

The IR Score indicates the 'internal reputation score' of the enlte user. If you receive reports from other users with 'non-enlte-related photos, fake photos, If the IR score is lowered, you will be suspended or restricted. However, even if the IR score is lowered, if you receive more than 20 'Like' per uploaded post, the IR will be increased by +1, so that you can stop the suspension or limit yourself with your own efforts.


The IR Score also affects post quality. And in case of malicious, nonsensical reporting, a person who reports will be disadvantaged, so you should be careful if you have a report.

6 Super Heros, Super Stars system based on location information


Currently, there are multiple superheroes and superstars for each city area in which the enlte users of the world live. In the case of the enlte superhero, the person who has most support the negative experience of others through the support, likes superstars, likes the most positive experiences with others through super likes.

Information about this item is currently under development for the actual implementation of the related system in your app, but it is likely to be completed soon. I think there will be an official announcement at that time. We will update this article after the official announcement for more detailed information.

7 Reward System

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As for the Reward system, I will explain the pictures together. In the photo above you will see a bar similar to the Steemit logo. On top of that, it will be called Overall Quality. Basically, the higher the post-quality total score, the more rewards you get.

The bottom of the post quality bar shows the elements involved in this score. First, 30% of KYC validated, second, 30% depending on whether photos were uploaded in real time or uploaded in the gallery. Third, whether the hashtag was used properly 20% Fourth, the user's IR score will be 20%.

Depending on these factors, users can still get coins from 0.7 to 3.x coins per "Support, Like, Superlike", and I think the rewards are pretty good now. However, this is only the current reward, and as the number of users increases, the rewards will be reduced.

8 enlte business profit model - business pages

enlte is not a charitable organization. It's a profit-seeking company. Therefore, there is no reason to coin free for users. I also know that the value of coins does not go up simply because there are a lot of users.

That's why enlte is trying to create a distribution and holding, supply and supply of coins by selling "business pages" to companies, organizations and institutions. If you ask me what this business page is, I want to help you understand by talking about other services you might be familiar with.

This business page would be nice to remind you of "Korea's portal site Naver Shopping's store farm, Naver modoo mini site, Facebook page".


An enlte page with similar functionality can be created from a single photo through the hashtags used by users, and photos using the same tag will appear in a single category on one page. For example, if I tagged #DDCChicken after eating a DDC chicken today, the photo would appear on the user's profile, but at the same time it would belong to a page called DDCChicken, and it would appear when I searched for a page with the same name.

So what do you think this page will do for you? Let's continue to use the chicken example in the example above. For example, suppose you purchased a page called DDC Chicken at the headquarters of DDC Chicken as an enlte coin. If so, the user will upload a picture of his chicken and simply try to upload a photo because he can get a coin.

If you are satisfied with the taste, delivery speed and service of DDC chicken, it will be effective to promote DDC chicken. But what would happen if the DDC chicken came up with a foreign object and brought this negative experience? These posts will automatically go to the pages of the DDC chicken and after checking the facts, you will be able to quickly get discounts, rewards, refunds, etc. for customer complaints through the enlte coin.

In addition, enlte has also briefly outlined plans for future use of NFC. My personal opinion is that NFC handsets are now in widespread use, so I expect to be able to use coins and coin transactions more easily.

9 enlte as a platform coin

You might have been wondering what it means when you say that enlte is a platform coin. Currently, enlte will concentrate its development capabilities on stabilizing Android app services and developing and launching web version and iOS version. However, we will support to develop various additional services by releasing its API for external developers in the future. For example, you might want to recall the social dating service through the location-based enlte, and the restaurant information service.

10 forward view of the enlte

Personally, I think this 'Enlte' is a new opportunity that came after the opportunity I missed. I could have been an early user of steemit, but I had to jump in late because I did not know the value of it. I found the possibility in enlte, We are creating early KR users and enlte KR community.

I am not a great investor or a person with special eyes. However, coins such as Mithril are also recognized in the market for the value of a dollar, and I think that the enlte will not be a coin with a lower value. It is a service that has technological power, clear purpose and value to pursue and develops more sincerely than anyone else. So I personally would like to evaluate the prospects of enlte positively.

11 Advantages and disadvantages of enlte

Finally, I will conclude the paper by summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the current enlte I think. I hope that the shortcomings written in this article will be fixed after a while.


10% of the total issuance of 10 billion is allocated to ICO volumes. And more than 300 million coins have been sold until today, stage 2 is underway. ICO is still in the process of success. So-called big-hand investors are investing in the possibility of Enlight. (ICO will be held until July 1st.)

There are actually developed apps available right now. If you are a person who has developed or worked on a product, you will know how important it is and how great it is.

We seek concrete, practical, and realistic things without pursuing abstract, idealistic, and ideal. It is a service that actually functions and helps users near the user in their life.

It owns a unique block chain and is undervalued and less well-known coin with platform coin capability.

We are really sincere in development. The enlte app needs better technology and development effort because it needs to handle much more information, such as location information, photos and text, videos, and block chains that change in real time compared to other apps. I have been working hard enough to think that users who have used enlte will not have any disagreement about the efforts and sincerity of the developers.

We are already experiencing various trial and error while operating the service, and we are building know-how to cope with the escalation while searching for countermeasures. In particular, I think that Enlight's AI will perform better as the experience accumulates and the data accumulates.

Compensation is relatively equally well distributed, so there are fewer conflicts among users.


The app still feels a little slower for enlte. As I said, I think it's going to be incredibly fast, though, because there's more data to be processed at one time and the traffic is big. The development team is well aware that this is a prerequisite for Enlte success.

Consuming goods and goods, evaluating and sharing various positive and negative experiences, and helping others to create a better world and society is a service with a clear value or purpose, so a little understanding of the service is needed. I think that Enlte will be able to strengthen the promotion of the service or solve it with the help of other users in the community.

That concludes the description of enlte. If you have any questions, please comment below. Thank you for reading the long story.

enlte sajin


enlte Official Website / ICO Participation: http://web.enlte.com

enlte YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/enlte

For enlte official telegram groups, please use profile-settings-Join Us and official chat in the app.

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