in steemit •  7 years ago 

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I consider myself a child of destiny because i know myself that am destine for greatness. This is as result of the problem have gone and have overcome them.

It all started when I was in my secondary school and my parent seems to have nothing to feed me and my family, so my mum decided to borrow little money just to start a little business in order to feed me and my family.
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Then I started to hawking in order to help my mother to fulfill her plan in feeding the family and sending me to school, so it all continue for about 3years till my mother was able to get a shop and she stop me from hawking because have now turn to the topic of the street, then after a year I was able to finish my secondary school which gave me enough time to help her in her new shop.

One faithful day my rich brother showed up and decided to take me to his place, so he told my mum that he will help me to gain admission into the an higher institution, then i was so happy with this, I quickly pack all my things waiting for the next morning to surface, so that i can know my cousin and my new family.
On the first day I got to my brother's place i was so happy, he entertained me with many thing have not eating or seen for years. He took me to different places in his car and it all looks like a dream and I never want the day to end because of what I was enjoying.
That same night before i go to sleep, he approach me and told me that tomorrow morning, I should wake up early to watch his car. This was how it all started, which I keep on waking up and watching his car for more than 4years and he kept on lying to our dad that i was the one misbehaving, that i didn't make the right papers.

Then when my mum told me what he has been telling my dad, so I decided to leave his house and find where I belong, then he called me and said I have spoiled the plan he had for me, but i believe that Gods plan is more than that of men, so i didnt allow anything he said he said to get to me.
I was alone for about three months living in my friends place and feeding became so difficult, I was only eating once per day, but I kept on praying to God to help me achieve my goal, then one day i met a man help in my former area, so he decided to put me in his company and make the assistance manager without any qualification. Then i started my admission process that year and the faithful God grant my admission that same year.

Right now am now a great geologist and he has empower to be a living testimony in my family.
I achieve this with the help of God and not by man power.

So people please dont put your trust in man they can fail us, its only God that can never fail

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i really feel your pain bro and i pray you forever remain happy