
in steemit •  7 years ago 

Good evening everybody, please allow me to introduce myself. Hi… my name is Muhammad Al Azhari. You can call me Al. I was born in kuantan on 7th March 1997. Now, I live in Lhokseumawe,Here, I stayed at my grandma house in Tp.teungoh, Lhokseumawe.

My hobbies are watching Action movie, reading, and swimming. But, I have one of my favorite things to do.

I am the oldest in my family. I have two brother, zikri and riski. I love my family so much! So, I hope with me joining in steemit may add to the science and my income
Well that’s all my introduction. Nice to meet you all. Thank you very much.

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Bereeeeeh hai Kana patah d steemit😂🙏

Hahaha, salam steemian, Nyoe pemula bg 😂

Kajeut gantoe nyan julukan "pemula" jd "seumula"
Maxudnya tanam dolar$ semangat

Aman nyan bang, tapula Blang Nyang jeut pade, tapula gle Nyang jeut lada 🤣

Selamat bergabung di steemit, mari saling support dan silaturrahmi, smoga kita bisa sukses berjamaah

Amiin, semoga sukses terus bg

Salam steemian. Jangan lupa follow dan berbagi vote

Siap boskuu, mohon bimbingannya

Salam steemian Al. Jangan lupa berbagi upvote dan follow yaaa

Siap, terimakasih Rizky, mohon support nya

BEKtuwo neu vote n follback rakan steemit

Selamat bergabung my friend, saling pastisipasi okay👌