Title: Dating steemians (Project announcement)

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Online dating has recently become huge, there are numerous amounts of dating sites. Is this a bad thing? Well no, seeing as it is now become such a common way to start a relationship. It is still not ranked the number 1 way to start a relationship, meeting through friends is, it is still ranked at number 2.

Love is found everywhere, like that slice of cake! Jokes aside the are thousands or romantic stories linked to couples meeting up online. Whether is was on a dating site or social media, they found their match, the one they have been waiting for.

Steemians have that craze about them that addicts them to steemit, now you not going out with your friends. But there is no harm in that, online dating provides you with the opportunity to meet someone while you are going crazy over steemit.

"Love is a doing word. The more you do for a person or thing, the more your love grows towards that person or thing. Want to love more...? Then DO more!" (By @dragonslayer109)

"There is only one way to heaven on the earth , and he is called love !"(By @patelincho)

This Project

After a long discussion and brainstorm, with millions of ideas, we decided to bring to you this new project.

We have thousands of steemians on the platform, some single, some married or in a relationship and some even confused. For many of us it is hard to communicate with the opposite sex or to take that step in meeting up with the person we like. This project is designed to help you out in these areas.

The idea is to help steemians meet up with other steemians who share the same interests. How this works is you(the steemian) can have a look at the posts we put up about other steemians. Select one of them you like and then join us on discord to meet up with the person you have chosen.

The posts will be about a steemian, some information about them. The information that is given is there to help you (the views) to decide if you want to meet up with them. Only people who have submitted this information to either @dragonslayer109 or @patelincho, will have their information posted up for others to use.

If you don't want to share your name, you can still participate as an anonymous steemian. If you don't want to share any information, that is okay you can still check out all the posts and join us on discord to find your match.

As this project is just kicking off we would really enjoy your comments and feedback on what to improve and what to change. We have many ideas for the future of this project and we are really excited.

There is also some talk about a few dating games we can host, so leave a comment below on anything you would like to see happen.

Steemian love story

Here is a quick story of two fellow steemians that have met up on steemit.(by @patelincho and @jphenderson)

Press on the image to go to the post.


"I love you because I've waited a long time someone like you to enter my life without changing anything from me, just to give me new horizons to draw in my mind. You are strong when I am weak and you know that I will not betray you, even when I am about to surrender myself."


"They say it is darkest just before the dawn, and just when it seemed there was nothing but darkness you came and brightened my life with your smile. That smile is the most precious thing to me and I would do anything to make sure it never goes away. Though we are separated (for now) by many miles I have never felt closer to anyone. I am as dedicated to you as you are to me and, though I may not be the best at saying it sometimes, you mean everything to me. Soon we will be together and then it will be forever. You make me happier than I ever knew possible and I can tell by your smile that I do the same for you. Together we will build the happy life we both deserve. No matter where we go or what we do just being together and seeing you smile will make every day the happiest day of my life. Forever you are on my mind and in my heart."

If you would love to know more about their story contact them.

How To Enter

There are a few ways you can join us:

  • The simple way
    Just connect to our open and free for all text and voice channels. Here you can text or chat to anyone there and get to know them

  • The better way
    You can check out the posts we put up about the other steemians, then join us on discord and direct message them or find them in the channel.

  • The best way
    Join us on discord and submit a profile to us. Women submit yours to @patelincho, men submit yours to @dragonslayer109. From here we will match you up and let you chat to each other. We will also be creating a random channel and stick you in it to chat. You can also tell us who you would like to chat to and we will connect you up with them, if they also want to chat to you.

The profile: This is just a few simple questions you can fill out to help you match up with someone, or help them pick you.

I am:
About me (short):
Physical data(hair, eye, shape, weight, figure):
I'm looking for:

This will be posted up for you on @singles for everyone to come and have a look. Do feel free to answer any comments on the post about you.

Discord Whaleshares: https://discord.gg/RRDzn6c
Discord text channel: https://discord.gg/PUHMzfW
Discord voice channel: https://discord.gg/Uv4Rc3U

For any future events and information, please feel free to join us on discord so we can keep you up to date

Your Hosts:

@dragonslayer109 | @patelincho

Images done by:



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Does this mean I can date you now? :P

I think its clear in this post whom i am daiting with :) Be carfull His Highness is a Wizard !

LOL I'm just kidding haha

I see this as being a great creative use of Steemit. I look forward to checking it out when it gets rolling. I'm 68 and while you probably want to involve all ages, it is probably not the best to have an old fogey as the window dressing on your project at first.

You can join any time you want to :)

YES! singles unite!

Yess :)

Steemit never ceases to surprise me. All the best for this initiative :D

I just hope people can get happines also , sometimse lonlines is really scary :)

Loneliness can be scary, but not if you love yourself the most.

You always have first to love yourself if you dont how you will be able to love other people ?

Love everyone, stay happy and you are helping to spread love, so you are doing a great job.

Thank you :)

people certainly deserve happiness, especially those who try to bring it to others! great of you to help steemians :)

Hope i will be able to do :)

ah you guys made a nice post <".."> <3

Thank you very much :)

I am looking forward to this project :)

Cool :)

It was the only thing I needed on steemit, been single for a long time....

Feel free to submit an aplication : I know you are in Discord so see you there :)


I am available for anyone with 1 million steem power.

Wow haha !

your steemit name has my first name in it :p

In case you might want to join @dreamiely. :)

Hahaha thanks @luvabi! :)

Figured it was only a matter of time till something like this come about. Like the idea, hopefully it creates some connections. Gonzo and Cathi-xx met through steemit as well.

Congratulations for taking the social networking to next level ...dating!

It would be even better if you can make it more inclusive by expanding it to include all lesbian, gay, trans-gender & bisexual community too.
Good efforts nevertheless!

Pretty cool idea. Nice :) let's hear some new love stories?

This is pretty awesome!