[Translation] Enough is enough - A Korean Curator, for Whom and for What?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)
the original : https://steemit.com/kr/@atomrigs/6pqpm6#@slay/re-atomrigs-2017626t12230586z

Looking at KR contents, I come to realize there are many writings written by curators.
Almost half of all the pages account for Trending section.

A few accounts whom we can easily recognize take up all the Trending pages. I think it's almost automatic, regardless of the content. Let's assume that they started to steemit earlier, contributed a lot in KR community and invested a lot of money and there are a lot of people who acknowledge that it's the result of long time contributions.

But What really makes me feel annoyed is that it's obvious that the main image of posts is too often visible.

Everytime I see the image, it is disgusting rather than proud.

I don't want to point out a particular person, but I just want to point him out.

There are four or five posts coming out a day. It seems like he's got more imcome after HF19. Where is the difference between "KR community participating in Curating" and "A good article of KR community that a curator just chose"? How is it different? Moreover, What the hack with finding a new author? Wasn't it supposed to recommend for a good article that is less visible? I think it's too much to earn much money every day by writing seemingly the same articles.

In addition, there are very few people who enter the article and read the actual recommendation. There are a lot more votes of the curator than votes of actual recommended posts. and they who know each other exchange votes. I think it's a shallow trick to earn his own personal income.

If it is not for his personal income, and for promoting new members and for promoting community development, it is true that the entire steem and steem power should be given to the recommended articles.

Earning money while writing someone else's contents is not ethical.

Somebody might argue, saying like "with my money, I'll do whatever I want. Who cares? Mind your own business. My power is entitled to use my power, and if you are not entitled to it, you can put it in your pocket, and you can find yourself putting up the money, and you might find other whales to cross the cross."

But the reason that this claim is insufficient is that the compensation of steem is not absolute assessment, but rather a relative evaluation. If someone takes more, someone gets as little as that. When the whole thing is done, someone else does something, and it hurts someone else who doesn't do it.

It might be proud of itself under capitalism to have plenty of Steem Power, followers and private groups. Maybe it's even more straightforward to say that money is equal to an ability as Jeong said it.

But let's stop packing for such excuses and pride as pretending to do acts of patriotism. Enough is enough.

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I thought the Korean comments were gibberish but they are actually meaningful comments! If people are forming groups to upvote each other, there is nothing illegal in it but it defeats the purpose of SteemIt as a blogging platform and bringing valuable information out.

Thanks up voted

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죄송하지만 이 글은 요청이 있었기에 올리는 글입니다.
그리고 개인적으로도 kr커뮤니티의 문제점이 kr에만 국한되어 있다고 보지 않습니다. 굳이 알려야 할 필요가 없다는 말은 손바닥으로 하늘가리기지요.

이런글을 올리고 안올리고는 글쓴이의 의도가 더 중요하다고 생각합니다.. 굳이 옳다그르다를 거론한다는것 자체가 의미 없어보이네요.. 글이란건 글쓴이가 나름 자기만의 생각이 있어서 쓰는거라 생각합니다. 편을 드는건 아니지만 안좋은 사실을 알리는데 그게 무슨 문제가 있나 싶습니다. 안좋은건 안좋은거니깐요... kr좋지 않은 시선은 문제가 있으니 좋지 않게 보는것이겠죠. 그건 우리가 고쳐야 하는거지 피하고 숨긴다고 해서 되는건 아니라고 봅니다.

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허락하신다면 제가 다시 올리겠습니다.

네 다시 올려주세요~
원문 느낌 그대로 영어로 글 썼습니다.
문단 띄어쓰기도 똑같이요.


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Thats why we can flag the posts

start flagging. ;)