
in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

just do it.

engage others in meaningful connection, upvote your work, then upvote the works of others you appreciate! one day you'll be one of those beach whales who you can thrive off a fraction of one vote per year. Also, put your oxygen mask on first before helping a baby out! Digesting and building data takes a lot of time and energy , and you must at minimum value your own before expecting other authors to value yours. There's too much unvoted commentary, advertisings, and begging! Do you really think @ned left the selfvote button on by accident?

. - _ - .

when I started this blog six months ago, the value of steem was a third of what it is now, so breath, respect the process, realize the gift this electronic steem engine is, and let's use it to turn this negative world into a positive one.

. "--" .

ok enough of this

back to work

Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 10.52.24 AM.png
Here's a doodle I made for my user's profile.

and here to verify that I have a hand.

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I'm a little torn about self voting. I've basically never self voted once. I never do on any social media platform. I dunno. I feel tacky doing it. Everything I put up is quality, but I don't like patting myself on the back about it. As my SP continues to grow, and my votes are actually worth something, ive been considering it though.

I've worked hard to earn what I have, after all! I also like using my SP/VP upvoting others posts and comments. When I see a post with 40 upvotes and it's worth $.01 or some small amount, and I go vote them with my dime, I know they'll feel it and will probably go check out my blog. Trying to decide the most effective way to use my power.

I like your insight, @tetsuo. I didn't really think about it like that. I'm not sure how bad no upvoted comments hurts ones rep, I'll def be researching more. My rep hasn't gone anywhere but up, but that's mostly thanks to dsound giving me fat votes on all my music anyways.

I was also bummed to hear you're not posting more of your comic progress :'( I really enjoyed those, but understand your sentiment. Honestly I think not enough people are aware of you and your excellent work :)

I'm always talking about you, for what it's worth. Always telling people about the awesome animator/illustrator I met on Steemit. Been making sure I have some liquid SBD for that commissioned piece, as well.

I hope you have been well, @tetsuo. P.S.- I'm going to upvote this comment ;)


I do upvote my posts, after 25-30 minutes but I don't do it with my comments. Coz either way the author has probably seen your comment and will still ignore it depending on his/her views/mood. Proof I've seen people upvote their comments, get no reaction while I got it and vice versa. And also that plan of upvoting all comments wouldn't make sense if you have a 0.01$ worth vote, it would drain all your vp and make your votes worthless in no time. I should know since I'm mostly running on delegation and it's fairly recent :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

that 0.01 is what my voting power was when I started out. If you are running on leased delegation, or leasing steempower you'd need to upvote yourself around 10 times a day to make a small profit, it will grow over time. reading and commenting takes time, you gotta show me that you value your own time. upvote yourself to get an upvote from me. ^____^' I don't know, that's just what I believe.

I read that the currency is in a constant state of depreciation to encourage growth.
I'd wait until the fifth or sixth day to upvote yourself to retain your vote's value.

Yeah im on delegated sp, should end tomorrow but I might lease some after. But the one I have is free and I'm wondering whether or not it's profitable to buy it because I've heard some people say its not. If I do tho I might try your strategy and see how it works out and if I don't...then I'll remember to upvote my comments when I visit your posts :)

Thanks for the tip. I always self-vote my posts, but didn't think about self voting my comments. It seems this looks greedy.

Instead, I've set up my semi automated electronic music curation account @ultrablackhole to auto-vote my comments instantly.

Let's see if it works with this comment.



of course it's not working, duh!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

it worked!
how do you do this?

Hi @tetsuo thanks for your reply
One of the options of @Steemauto is the ability to auto-vote another account's comments. I'm not sure if you can set it up to auto-vote your own account though.

Hope this is helpful!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It does! I like having different blogs for different categories! #ocd haha


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

that would save a lot of time and energy,
thanks @greencross!

Oh and by the way @tetsuo, I set up my "semi automated bot" in this way: I configured GINA bot to notify me each time someone makes a post with the "techno" tag or "electronicmusic" tag.

Then I manually review the post and see if it's worth a vote from @ultrablackhole. It keeps the process human, since the ultimate decision to upvote remains on me.

When some author has proven to put out 100% quality after a period of time, then I set up the @ultrablackhole account to auto vote that author's posts. But only after there's a proven output of quality from said author.

This is the way I'm curating electronic music posts on Steemit :)

Hope that made sense.



  ·  6 years ago (edited)

oh this is awesome!!! it's going to save me so energy time managing blogs so I can have more for work! I like your semi automatic set up, I think it's very balanced and poised for long term growth! thank you hero!

thank you @tetsuo for encouraging me to autovote!. I will soon be able to pay rent with steem like you!.

Let me know if you need help setting up the autovote and the steemauto thing.

My discord handle is greencross#2884 if you need anything.



Yes indeed!, when it works of course! hehehe.
So far I don't know but my other account is not auto voting my comments. Must be some configuration glitch. I'll figure this out soon hopefully



Upvoting your comment is not that bad from from my perspective.
But your comment have to worth been voted for, I.e I don't UPVOTE until maybe I have others UPVOTING it then I know and i am satisfied that it was able to solve the people needs.

Your comment should add value to the community not posting a shit and UPVOTING it, why? Because you are greedy.
I just wished everyone can think from this perspective, I feel for us babies who take time out to comment only for the content creator to ignore and upvote his own comment.
I think its time we encourage the babies who take time out to add useful comment to our post. The activities of Steemit is reducing day by day because once people come they are showed 0% support and most tends to drop along the way...

Let this message go far to the whales and everyone with a reasonable Steem power.
Thanks @tetsuo for bringing this issue up

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

you're welcome,
I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and to comment thoughtfully, I agree with you, I do not think greed is a good quality for a good life. 👍🏻

However, I don't think we have to wait for someone else to value our work before we value it ourselves. I try to follow this recipe: make the comments you want to see in the world, upvote yourself, then go out and upvote others with the rest of your voting power for the day. as of now, we get 24 a day. That makes it easier and quicker for me.
again, there are no rules, it's a free system, so test out everything for yourself first.
we're all babies! learning new things each day. 🤗

Sadly my vote is little more than a token of my appreciation of a cool post right now. But I choose to believe the right people will appreciate it as just that.

I like your attitude a lot and respect the engagement comments you made at the beginning of the post. People bitch about the platform everyday, this is bad, that is bad, everyone is out for themselves...

I choose to see it differently and do you know something else? I don't think it is all that bad. Everyday I meet fab new people whom I respect, enjoy their writing and who believe in community. It takes some searching but ultimately it is so damn worth it!

Thankyou for setting out your thoughts (self voting is a controversial topic isn't it?) I enjoy your simple and sincere vision. I must be honest and tell you the truth about something though...I almost didn't upvote as I was a little worried you may not have a hand. My worries were re-assured perfectly after I checked out your last picture, the verification put my troubled mind at ease and now I feel so much better!

Enjoy the journey Tets (I couldn't resist. Haha) ;)

some people won't even consider voting for someone without seeing a right hand. :p
I think this struggle of keeping this community, or any, will never end and we always have to be paving the way or setting examples for newer generations - or the older ones if they ever learn to respect the youth. btw, thanks for calling me tets, one of my friends on here suggested :] catch you later star!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

and do not get swept up into the self voting controversy, because if we don't do it, some dweebs who just turned three will be all over it soon, and let's hope they're not nasty orc spawns. for rooooooohan!

Honestly saying i have upvoted my comment one time, When i started steemit .I was curious to know about everything. So i upvoted everyone till my voting was disabled for recharging.But now i see steemit seriously

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

did you feel dirty afterwards? it recharges so it's not we're ever going to run out of steem, the problem now is that there is too much steem!

Yes thats right

Your doodle is very nice looking.

thanks man, I appreciate that.

I don't know. I do upvote my posts and when I do, only after 30 minutes. But I never upvote my comments because I don't feel my comment is worth to be above others just because I have more SP.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

they ARE worth it! that's the point, you're just thinking too much. if you honestly think your comments are worthless, which I don't think they are, you have to stop making them. i read that unvoted comments hurt your reputation score. Also, it's insane to set the expectation that each post and comment have to be widely accepted or earth shattering, that's what fiat economies are based on. this is a micro-transaction platform, which can reward us for genuine connections, and honest unedited content. It's not fucking vegas!

you should wait until the 5th date to up-vote yourself,
as the currency depreciates, and it gives other users a shot at earning curation rewards for appreciating your work.

I am sorry for cursing and rambling, I just get so mad sometimes.