Why I Think More People (Especially Women) Need to Tune into the Crypto Convo

in steemit •  6 years ago 

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Matthew, @liveyourdream made a comment on my first post welcoming me & stating how I should check out Jane, @paolajane ’s feed because he thought even more girlpower on crypto in Steemit would be nice. Her profile is amazing, but it also got me thinking:

How can we encourage more people to join Steemit and the crypto world, especially females?

When I am in public and talking about cryptocurrency (often it is at the gym), a stranger will chime in and say, “You follow cryptocurrency? Me too!” I love that feeling because it’s an instant bond with someone I have honestly just met seconds prior.

There is a lot of buzz around crypto, I don’t believe that the hype is undeserved. I personally think that blockchain technology is here to stay & can’t be ignored. The tech behind it is revolutionary & can steer us into an even better world.

It’s not all sunshine and butterflies and lambos though with cryptocurrencies as it is still extremely volatile (and has been the past 2 months and multiple times in the past).

For example, Bitcoin had reached almost $20,000 mid-December and hit a low of around $7,700 at the beginning of Feb. Additionally, many alt coins were taking steep plunges.

However, if you find a coin that you truly believe in (I’m talking the mission, what it serves to accomplish, etc.), you can handle the roller coaster because you see the bigger, long-term picture.

Despite the risk from the volatility, there are opportunities especially financially for new people to get involved, specifically women.

Only 5-7% of Cryptocurrency Users are Women

This statistic came from Forbes.

As a woman who is interested in blockchain technology, I found that statistic alarming and think that there are a few problems with it:

1.) The success of cryptocurrencies does depend partly on mainstream acceptance of blockchain technology. The more people that don’t see it as a threat or a bubble, like many articles claim, will only help see its adoption in our everyday life that much sooner. If we are missing a majority of a gender in this category, then I see that as an issue. I think that as time passes, people will have to adapt to this new technology no matter what, but I would like to see more women at the forefront taking advantage of all the opportunity just as males are.

2.) The gender gap additionally shows that women aren’t perhaps receiving all information about crypto. The good thing about the media is that it can help share big partnerships with corporations and blockchain and further the excitement about this new future. However, the bad thing about the media is that it also skews people’s perspective of crypto to where they don’t even want to learn more because they think they have heard enough about how it is a scam, a bubble, not going to last, and a million other reasons. Essentially, we are seeing a lot of the “centralized” world spread FUD about the “decentralized” world … because I think they are yet to fully understand it. Being that a majority of people consume their media from these large platforms though, that is why I think they aren’t getting all of the right information.

3.) More and more jobs are/will be opening up for people who have blockchain expertise or knowledge and it would be great to get some women filling these jobs. It’s a new enough field to where women can join and grow with the industry as it evolves. Women often advocate for equality in the workforce and giving them the resources/having them take the time to understand it will help us diversify this industry even more. :)

The Opportunity

Where I see an opportunity, is to make it a point to further educate women on this changing technology world around us. To share with them the basics of blockchain/crypto, the positive impact that it could have on the world, and how to navigate this space that seems like is already too far advanced for new people to join in.

It can be intimidating to learn a whole new industry, but with a good amount of research under someone’s belt, it makes everything exciting & they can take part in this next stage of the future! Not going to lie, in the beginning of my journey I was very intimidated by this topic and didn’t understand because I couldn’t properly conceptualize it in my head – “money that is a means of exchange but is digital and can fluctuate in a matter of hours (who am I kidding, I mean MINUTES… or seconds)?” However, I researched, I learned, & I got pretty freaking excited about it all haha. What we’re seeing are real solutions to real problems.

Of course, there are women in the space and influential ones at that, but there’s room for growth in the sector & I would like to do my part in encouraging that.

Crypto isn’t all about investing your debt and making enough money to buy a lambo. It’s about changing many broken & outdated systems out there and making them more secure, safe, and efficient.

So, coming from a woman, I encourage you to support those close to you and the women in your life to join the crypto conversation!

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Haha it'll just take some time, but keep chatting with those girls about it! I find that when I bring up companies that people are familiar with and how those companies are investing in blockchain tech, it makes people change their demeanor a little & they are a little more open to hearing more.

i doubt most woman would care about crypto untill it becomes mainstream. They are not even interested in technology. You know how many women do stem. Not many. We should get woman to at least understand what a cpu stands for before we try to get them to understand cyrptocurrency.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

@theaudgirl, thanks for putting this post out there. it means so much to me.

I had the desire not only to see women talk about crypto but for them to be actively engage in crypto until they have their names on one of the highest earner of crypto.

I had to start with my immediate environment which was why i had to talk to my wife to check and read up on crypto and she is so super excited about it.

She has started with steemit now, at least its a good place to start.

Thanks once again @theaudgirl dear

I think Steemit is a great place to start for women to get excited about crypto and even better, make them want to learn more! What is her handle?

Thanks for the comment btw. I am grateful for such supportive comments.

Hey, thanks for your response. Her handle is @phinaloly.

If people are not interested, just ignore, it will be there loss, we need them to feed the fomo later anyway. People generally think things are stupid because they think they know what is "cool", but they really don't know. I increased my portfolio by 10 times by the end of the year, that is cool, and interestingly that is when the women around me decided to listen. I have told people about steemit and they are like meh... You can generate more crypto on steemit then small scale mining.

On women, they need to understand the risks, therefore I disagree with the second point. On information, women need to adjust where they are getting information from, western mainstream media is very negative on the crypto, by the time this changes all the enormous gains will be gone and we will be in bubble territory. When the risk is gone so is the return unfortunately. But ask a Japanese woman about it and it will be a slightly different story, the Japanese are quite positive on the use of cryptos, despite the recent hacks even.

Maybe the Japanese have a higher IQ from all the fish they're consuming. I mean there has to be a reason although people from Asia do seem to save much more it seems and thus crypto is a logical investment if you see all the weak currencies like the yen and CNY.

I believe the Japanese government is not opposed to crypto, I am not sure if they save more (with near 0% or sometimes negative interest rates) but it does make a logical investment because of the volatility compared to traditional hegemonic financial system.

I've been trying to get my girlfriend into it, but I think she's seen too much spammy stuff surrounding it so she isn't willing to look into it.

That's the issue that I find with speaking to others about it.. they are already closed off to the idea before really listening to what I have to say. Just keep working at it and highlight how this new future would specifically even change her day-to-day life and job since I think crypto is set up to change almost every industry.

Yes, I need more friends

hi need some followers

wer braucht die nicht?

Meinungen sind Unterschidlich

I know some women that are heavy into crypto in a big way, but many more think its a bit crazy. I agree with you though that we need to support the better part of the population getting into crypto.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

That sounds good. I only wonder if it is really true. I guess one will also see a whole lot of spammers and scammers when there are a lot of rewards for them to try to get their hands on

Its wise to be cautious about cutting and pasting the same comment as replies to people. This is considered comment spam and may be subject to flags from the community.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I really believe that steemit is a sleeping giant in cryptoworld! It offers a very unique platform wherein we can share ideas, opinions and interact each other. Most of the ico's nowadays were lending and staking platform and sad to say that many of our fellow cryptonians were feed-up and frustrated with this kind of platform due mainly the tragic end of BCC and dav.

It is not that hard to encourage people to join steemit since it is the social media in cryptoworld. Just share, greet and interact with our fellow steemians and soon $$$ will just knock in our doorstep. Just keep on steeming! 😊

I completely agree with all of that & I do think that new people will be open to trying steemit since as you stated, it's the social media of the crypto world! It's something that people will be familiar with since social media is already such a large part of society right now.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment & I can't wait for more people in the world/cryptoworld to see how steemit is here to stay & such a valuable asset for information & its community of positive people.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

90% of all crypto currency investors are Asia or Caucasian men.....

Putting aside gender completely, based on innovation and adoption (mining, business, legalities), the majority of cryptocurrency adopters are Asians (I'm including Russians as Asians since most of Russia is in Asia).

In fact, Singapore even went further than Switzerland in terms of the law regarding cryptocurrencies. So Asia will continue to grow in this area.

yes boss agree ...chaina japan korea has 70-80 percent holding in crypto .....n its not a womanic job ......thts why woman dont come ....

So, you're saying we can't blame it on white men this time?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Prolly women dun like the long public and private key numbers plus math is one of the subjects that are not a favorite one specially crypto can be confusing to understand

It can be confusing and intimidating to join at first, but I think if we encourage and support more women to get involved it would benefit crypto! Of course, if only they have genuine interest in the topic though. Don't want to force anything. :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Lots of women will soon join the crypto world because it will replace fiat money :)) hehe...so everyone is gonna be forced to get involved in one way or another...that would be great because it will grow faster :)

Agreed. Most ppl think its gambling and prefer to stay on the same side though :(

women especially housewifes can encash their freetime in doing research in crypto and start investing in it for long term benefits

Yes, I've been trying to get my sister to join instead of blogging. So much better here!

Yes, exactly. :) & i do think that once women see the positive impact of crypto & dive into researching, they will see that we can have an even better world with what these coins and technology aim to solve!

Wait until all those "mom bloggers" find out about Steemit. Crypto explosion.

Women empowerment everywhere..👍 if they think like a man then they will sure start to talk about crpyto because it's about the circle of people where you are living. If that circle talk about crypto, man or woman no matter what gender they are will sure talk about crypto.

This comment has received a 2.85 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @xerox-bru.

everybody needs to get in blockchain will change the world

YES. no longer can be ignored.


If those Forbes numbers are true (I didn't realize or expect the gap would be that wide), there are some definite gains to be made for the crypto space just by breaking through that crypto gender-barrier.

I heard that Ellen recently (within the last few days) did a segment encouraging people to buy bitcoin. That should be a good start!

I think it's a result of the complexity of the crypto process. So ladies don't take the initiative to make it a point to learn how it works and it's profitability as a whole.

I went looking into what the stat was for women and was totally surprised when I saw that the gap was so big, so it prompted me even more so to make this post! & I saw that she did!!! I was pumped because it's even more people getting exposed to crypto (& in a positive, educational way).

Thanks for the comment. :)

I was watching some videos on youtube today about crypto and across a channel run my BTCGIRL and I have to say she has great content in her videos.. So yes we need more ladies in the space for sure.

Love hearing about women in the space killing it & like that they are spreading the word about crypto! I will have to check that channel out. It was an intimidating topic for me to speak about at first so I love seeing how others approach it. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

If more women were in crypto, maybe the market wouldn't be so volatile. Lol.. As the question goes, "Who is more important, The guy that is making the money by trading cryptocurrency or the woman managing the guy that is making the money?"

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Haha I think that having more women involved would help for many reasons & maybe you're right, it's what we have been needing to help with volatility. :) I think that having such a large gender gap is definitely a red flag & shows there's opportunity to continue to educate people about crypto & what blockchain aims to solve.

That quote too... hahaha That's awesome! Thanks for the resteem, upvote, follow, and just even supporting this article. It means a lot!

also i don't think you need to worry about females adapting cryptocurrency for it to become mainstream. Look at video games. It is really mainstream even though mostly males play it.

That is true -- my point with that was just to state that it is going to become mainstream anyway and it would be nice to have more people & women in it before it does. That was all. :)

maybe although it doesn't really bother me. Either way who cares. I don't even think crypto will replace fiat and it may be an investment vehicle or a store of wealth. Only time will tell. Also it is kind of mainstream already. Look at youtube. You have the most subscribed on youtuber talk about bitconnect.

Yeah. Thanks for appreciating. We really need to put more effort in helping others know and find out about the whole crypto process.

Earlier tonight I was watching a livestream of a YouTuber that does crypto TA and said he needs to stop saying “guys” when he addresses us as they have a few girls and said it was 6%, almost exactly the amount you showed is in crypto. I think the biggest issue is we are still in a speculative type market where the main use is the purchase and sale of a commodity. This platform is probably the biggest step forward into making crypto something more than an investment. Right now, the only applications are Steemit Cryptokitties, and a few gambling platform. Once we get a lot more applications running on crypto like the new video game coming out that rewards BTC, then I think we will see a higher female participation. Steemit is one of the biggest proofs of that, compared to that 5%-7% demographic in crypto, I would guess steemit is probably 1/3 female.

I call I women guys and dudes.

I agree that as we get more applications out there running on crypto, more people will want to learn more & we would definitely see a higher female participation. Good comment and very true. :) I could guess Steemit is probably 1/3 female as you said!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I LOVE this post! There’s nothing like girl power especially in a male dominated industry. I strongly believe the opportunities for women have opened exponentially. As a realtor, there are more women in real estate than men (weird right?) BUT crypto is becoming highly appealing for sellers and buyers so this is a great opportunity for women to learn about cryptocurrency and really educate their clients. Also as a freight broker, the logistic and transportation industry is extremely dominated by men, so it’s tough as a woman sometimes, but to have knowledge in crypto and blockchain technology which is going to change the way the industry is going to be conducted, it makes me more valuable as a broker.
I 💯 agree that women need to encourage and support each other, especially in cryptocurrency. The more educated we are in the subject, the more opportunities we have, the more love and passion we feel and the closer the crypto community gets ❤️

Totally, there are more opportunities for women than ever before! & Crypto will only provide more. :) I can only imagine how beneficial your clients must think you are since you have knowledge about this industry. When the world changes because blockchain tech is implemented in so many industries, you'll be a step ahead. :) Thanks for your comment and together, we can get even more women on board. We have to stick together! ❤️

I love the Power Puff Girls and the Spice Girls. Hehe.

your thinking is good but I think they shouldn't because crypto means a tension about your investment and women take that very far I guess.

It's weird but it's very difficult to get women involved with crypto. It's too volatile and risky for the ones that I know. I was able to get my ex-girlfriend into it, but she cashed it all out at the first sign of panic. Most women that I tell about it couldn't be any less interested in it.

I experience that same hesitation with my friends and trust me, they all look at me like I am a little crazy since in their minds it's too volatile. haha Which it is... but one of the angles I try to take, is mentioning things that they are familiar with, like large corporations that are getting in on crypto. In their minds, that at least helps to bring some legitimacy to it all. It's hard to stomach the roller coaster, but encourage them to only ever invest in coins that they are behind 100%. I had someone invest $100 and it was when Litecoin was skyrocketing, so it got them pretty excited & they ended up learning more about crypto in general! So, that was a case of my mission being accomplished lol Keep working on the girls in your life though, I would love for more females to get on board!

Just a great post to forward the journey of crypto, a long road ahead of us upvoted!

Thank you! :)

How you do that? You've been with Steeemit since February and have such a great success? I'm also new in Steemit and love writing. Sometimes an article brings almost nothing and then I think that people may not be interested. But I stay tuned and do not give up :-). Sunny greetings from Bali

I honestly am not entirely sure but I am forever grateful and appreciative for people who take even a second to read what I write, including you -- so thank you! I definitely put in a lot of time (hours haha) in writing, editing, and then recording so it takes me probably way longer than it should but I am very new to content creating! I think just make sure that you post in ways that are authentic to you and your voice. I try to show my personality which is why I do videos, so I highly encourage you post on dtube. :) Please don't stop posting, people are interested including me. Random but I am trying to go to Bali one day!

I was so happy about your answer. Thank you also for the tips. I don't know DTube so well, but I will inform myself and maybe soon post something. We have a small diving school and so far I have only posted articles with pictures and videos in YouTube. I would be very happy to welcome you in Bali :-). Just let me know if you need any information, I'm happy to help. Sunny greetings

Dtube helps a bit. Also, a great name, username, and avatar helps. And branding, interaction, and consistent posting and commenting helps. Some of it involves luck and tags. Dtube might be the biggest factor. Some people may be more likable too. But you can always try to post different kinds of things to see which things might go more viral or not. It can be kind of hit and miss in what works and what does not. Be patient and focus on what you love to post and share and be true to yourself first. Quality over quantity. I'm Oatmeal Joey, hehe.

Screenshot at 2018-02-26 13:51:21.png

Thanks @joeyarnoldvn :-). I'll stay tuned for sure. I've always loved writing and will surely check also DTube in the future. Sunny greetings

Hi @theaudgirl! You have received 0.6 SBD @tipU upvote . @tipU!- upvotes with with 2.5 x profit :)

(This is an occasional tipuvote! advertisment comment so your upvote profit was set to x 3 :)

First off- I need to let my wife read this.

Second off- my wife should read this.

Third. Yeah my wife- she should read this

Fourth umm- this is a pretty awesome post. Crypto is like learning a language and then speaking in the native country. But it’s also like crack- impossible to stop with running out of money. Even then- you’ll sell your stuff to buy more.

Thanks bro for taking that step forward in helping your dearest lady get to know about the crypto process.

Amen - she’s pretty stubborn though and thinks it’s fake money lol

Hahaha YES spread the word & have her read this. Some people look at me like I'm crazy still, but the more people who speak about it around them, helps them to realize that this is not something to be ignored. :) And it took me a little bit to understand this crypto language & I am still learning more and more everyday.

Just make sure to highlight the good that crypto can bring & it's positive impact on a lot of outdated and broken systems. Seeing how amazing the technology is and what it could solve... it got me addicted lol

Women don't trust crypto, because it's hard to see, touch and smell, very often they think, it's too complicated to use it. Women do prefer gold and diamonds :D

It's hard to understand at first because to your point, it isn't tangible. They may prefer gold and diamonds right now, but how sweet of an anniversary gift would it be if you gave a woman some crypto for the same price as that gold and diamonds.... they would thank you later! LOL

Mum actually dislikes cryptocurrencies. Dad likes them. Imagine my surprise.

Your first argument is somewhat valid.
Your second argument isnt even an argument, its an explanation.
Your third argument is "We need more diversity because diversity".

Diverity is not inherently good. Its something unimportant and arbitrary like skin color.
Not realy a good video in my opinion.

If someone had a modicum of intelligence they would have already found a method to enter crypto with elimination of risk or with reducing the amount of risk down to an acceptable level (even I feel I did this late). This doesn't matter if you are black, white, asian or brown or otherkin for that matter. The first point seems to elude to an information gap, which is demonstrably false as all same the information is available to anybody willing to look regardless of race or sex. If people were honest they would have identified an understanding gap, where individuals have to understand the available content to be able to determine if the risk is worth it.

I have a friend who is extremly risk adverse, he and people like that will fomo in to crypto and make me rich.

"Essentially, we are seeing a lot of the “centralized” world spread FUD about the “decentralized” world … because I think they are yet to fully understand it. Being that a majority of people consume their media from these large platforms though, that is why I think they aren’t getting all of the right information."

Firstly, if we are talking about women in the above quote, to change this would be to radically change most women's world view in terms of understanding how decetralisation is a good thing, given that the majority of women would prefer centralisation, as demonstrated in how they lean politically and the kind of services they wish for from the government (all centralised). Secondly, FUD is spread by the centralised hegemonic power because they absolutely do understand crypto currency without doubt. Thirdly the people that do not pull themselves away from mainstream media to listen to a different perspective due to fear of having their understanding changed, will inevitably miss out.

I am lucky to be surrounded by intelligent women, they are in crypto, they speculate the future and willing to take risks, I have friends from poor parts of Venezuela to Nigeria who have created holdings in crypto on steemit. The gap can stay as it is, it is not a gender gap, it is an intelligence gap. Someone needs to feed the fomo train.

Definitely a few female friends of mine are pretty interested but they seem to reconsider the leap^^ hope they come in the crypto space tho :D

nice post , for crpyto to be accepted more women have to come in.

empowering women in any aspect of modern life, that can be part of any new business idea or technology like blockchain

good point

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

In bd many girls are want to be freelancer but in crypto, they may not know well about it . but i hope within 1 or 2 years it will change because our girls grow up rapidly in many ways.

I think we need to empower women by removing the whole "girls can't do tech" stigma altogether. I've met a lot of girls who are really passionate about the cryptocurrency field, and I guess the challenge here is to get more girls to believe that they too can be part of this up and coming field as well!

YES! Couldn't have said that better. That is definitely our challenge, and you and I can do our part to let women know that they can/should be a part of this field! You seem to already have some awesome girls in your life though that are involved. :)

More recently, I've been having many more substantive conversations with a number of women (both at the workplace and beyond) about crypto. I think it is pretty clear that with all the media coverage of late and the rocketing prices in NOV/DEC (following by the big dip in Jan) many more people are aware of and curious about crypto. When I engage in conversations, I try to keep it as simple as possible, basically to whet people's appetites and get them curious to learn more about it. I try to focus more on the power shifting that comes from decentralization rather than launch into a discussion about economics or technology. For most people (men and women both) economics and technology are not a huge part of their everyday lives. They (people in general!) are teachers, office workers, civil servants, professionals and non-professionals of a million different flavors. Just because I spend lots of my time learning about tech and economics doesn't mean they do! However, everybody has been screwed by big banks (fees, ripoff rates, etc). Everyone knows all the headlines about abusive corporations behaving badly whether it's paying their executives 400x the avg employee salary, fixing prices for their products, or laying off vast numbers of workers due to "improved operational efficiencies". I tell a brief a brief story (and try to make it as personal to the person I'm speaking with) about how the whole bitcoin thing is much bigger than just money. As Andreas Antonopolous famously says "money is just the first application of DLT". I tell them how this new technology is about reshaping the global power paradigm, taking power away from large entities and putting it back into the hands of the average person. I tell them how this technology has the ability to improve the wealth and income gaps between the rich and the poor and that, like so many technologies before it, it is an enabling tool that is going to reshape how people interact with one another in the world. Crypto currency is not about money, it is more about creating a new paradigm for human communication, essentially taking the Internet from its early, infant stage into its more grown up, more DECENTRALIZED, more empowering phase. Keep sharing knowledge people, the future can and will be much more egalitarian :)

WOW. Yes. To all of this. You hit on everything and those who speak with you are lucky to have you explain crypto to them as I can tell that you genuinely take the time to assess what will stick with them and potentially light a fire under them. I think that your angle or focusing on what people will care about will help people realize how the world in pretty much every industry (especially their own occupation I am sure) will be changed, and for the better.

It is bigger than the money & I love your point about reshaping how people interact with one another in the world. I mean look at even this platform... probably the most positive social media platform out there & connects so many different people from various parts of the world that may not have met without this connection. THIS is what social media was meant to look like... not the aesthetics of someone's life.

Every sentence you wrote was well-worded and I only acknowledged some points, but dang, couldn't have said any of that better. Keep doing you. :)

@theaudgirl your post gives me a lot of encouragement. A female acquaintance of mine gave me a brief review of crypto and encouraged me to join steemit. I only started a couple of days ago, but still feel like I know nothing at all. It would be great if you shared more encouraging and informative posts like these.

cheers :)

ps. following you :)

Welcome to Steemit! I'm still new here too so we can help each other learn the ropes. :) & I am going to write a post about things I wish I knew when I first started investing in crypto so keep an eye out for that!

we definitely should. Eagerly waiting for your next post :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think more people need to join the crypto conversation. Men.. Women.. anybody..

I do appreciate your article..... but to say that "Especially Women" need to join the conversation is or fill these block chain jobs is bull...

If you were to look at the dev teams for almost any coin... their are plenty of women on the teams.

I like how you used Forbes... which is an American business magazine.. crypto is worldwide as you know... and the bulk of the research and development is done outside of the USA... where did they even get data on this..

Is it american dev teams??? is it american investors?? is it just Americans that know about blockchain?? Is their sample size even big enough to comment on this??

Everyone does their own research and pursue their own dreams and ambitions.

To single out a specific group.... gender... or race is bull crap... we as crypto enthusiasts should educate anyone willing to listen about our passions.

You want more awareness about steemit or crypto that is great... fully encourage it..

But if you want to push that 3rd wave feminism agenda into a undiscriminating platform... shame on you.

Being American, I'm actually quite aware and frustrated, at how undeveloped the blockchain momentum is here for a number of variables. I don't like one bit that one the leaders foisted by American Media, even American crypto media, is Blythe Masters, one of the people directly responsible for the Credit Default Swaps, the underpinning scheme which annihilated the markets in 2008.

I've been reading much of this thread, and will never understand the language used that seems to be an attitude that there is some phantom obstacle keeping women away from learning about this space. I go to meetups and local conferences and mixers all the time about this stuff. I'm writing a textbook on crypto and share it with people as I go along. Most people aren't interested in what makes blockchain blockchain, they are interested in get-rich-quick schemes.

The empirical evidence is few women come to any of these events, in proportion to men, which has nothing to do with any barrier from keeping them out. It's not our problem if they don't want to sit around and talk Bayesian executions in EVM, testnets, tensor implementation, IPFS, or problem-solving how to store smart contract hashes in Mongo DB environment and being able to retrieve them successfully from clusters. Most people don't want to talk about that stuff period, but that is the interest level now in the industry; building a stable backbone to this thing. I keep hearing that this approach is not approachable for ladies; if that's true, then all I can do is point to evolutionary biology as exhibit A. Generally, men are interested in things/ideas, women are interested in people. Blockchain development is in the things/ideas phase.

I definitely can see your point and value your opinion. I agree that primarily just anyone should join the crypto conversation. My emphasis on women was not to be one of feminism, it was to shed a light on the gender gap & promote discussion on why that is. I don't wish to have women join crypto just to join, but I simply thought that there could be ways that we could encourage more women to be passionate about the industry & what blockchain tech aims to solve. Additionally, you make a valid point about crypto being worldwide and I can make sure to pull a few statistics and cite where the numbers come from so people are aware of the sample size. Thank you for your comment though as it showed me I could have worded some things better.

clap clap clap Well said, @theaudgirl ! I remember in your first post you said you were the geek at home on Friday night, waiting for a good buy in - LOL - and I was so glad I wasn't the only one. That is exactly what I do on Friday nights.

This is golden: However, I researched, I learned, & I got pretty freaking excited about it all haha. What we’re seeing are real solutions to real problems.

Me too! You aren't alone out there, and women are increasingly coming into the world of crypto. We know a good thing when we see one! I'll happily think of you this coming Friday, while I'm waiting for a spot to buy. Or sell. Or flip. lol...

THANK YOU! :) & yes, that is me, & I am too happy to know that I am not the only one! lol

I couldn't agree more that more and more women are joining the space & we have amazing, knowledgeable women already in it! I think we can all do our part to close the gender gap and encourage even more to come. I'll also think of you this Friday while I am watching the computer haha Good luck to you :P

Also, followed you, LOVE your content and your post about Jimmy. The world needs more people like you!

this is so true, and not a conversation that's had enough in the blockchain space, let alone all of tech. im a designer and have been working a few projects in the blockchain space (mostly around designing and developing user friendly platforms since im a UX/UI designer), but also in understanding the landscape of tech thats out there and where it can go from next. I was at London Blockchain Week a few weeks back and very few female representation there, especially in the panels and presentations. My panel was on Blockchain Beyond Finance, a topic I'm super passionate about - and was fortunate to have 2/5 of us be female. But those percentages are rare. Happy to connect with you @theaudgirl and talk crypto anytime :) Let me know if youre planning to attend any international events - I travel frequently for them and would love to connect IRL too!

It's women like you that are those already badass women in this space. :) Also, I would love to sit in on a panel discussion like that. One commentor said that in LA there was a conference for Women in Crypto, you should look into that, especially if you like to travel! I am definitely going to look into attending some in Cali since that is close to me or even go to an international event... it's a perfect excuse to book a trip. :P Thank you for your comment and now following you!

There are definitely a few badass women on Steemit and I LOVE it! Just became friends with the physicist working at CERN on here - love her ultimate nerd posts and reminds me of my days at MIT surrounded by nerds galore;p And it's so important for women empowerment to just talk about it - like "hey girls - how cool is blockchain tech? dapps? did you see litecoin jump yesterday!?" because once its a normal and blasé as that people start to see it as this scary, high-tech thing, and just an everyday topic and conversation that anyone can join. i like talking to kids about it - kids are never skeptical or weary. Anyway I'll look into the Women in Crypto event - I don't usually do the west coast events as we have another team lead out that way who usually does but I'm the only female lead haha so might look into it. Also need an excuse to get to LA and visit the Ames Center - I have a friend out there who's actually the most badass female ever - shes a NASA astronaut training for Mars - nuts right?! I need to get her on Steemit!:D Anyway thanks for the thoughtful reply and I look forward to seeing more from you:)

I'm really trying to get into crypto! End of the day, I finally started writing a blog thanks to Steemit x

i agree with you, but i get just a litte bite. how to icrease

Encouraging women to get into technology and STEM is always a great idea. I love the work https://www.thechicgeek.ca/ does in my home town of Calgary. They help women learn and grow in technology and entrepreneurship. We need all the women we can get on the problem having a centralized currency system. Building real business' around cryptocurrency is one of the best ways to make that happen.

Oh wow, thanks for that suggestion. I just skimmed their topics and they cover everything. I have them bookmarked now, so I can keep up with what they write! Love everything they stand for & I appreciate you pointing them out to me.

Maybe because they are not aware of what is happening right now...

That's why we have to make sure that they are aware! I think that we all just have to keep educating & encouraging people to join the space. I think bitcoin has received so much attention this year, but I would love to shine a light on the crypto world beyond bitcoin. There are such great projects for almost every industry out there, which is why I think everyone can find something that they can get behind. :)

@theaudgirl trully summarised the cryptoworld in best way.i recently came across a girl ....in India, she is quite enthusiatic on gaining crypto update however bit dicey about the future prospect. My only way to convince her was to... Live the moment......👍

buen amigo, te invito a ver mi blog

Most girls I have heard of (or seen in chat rooms) who talk about crypto are only doing so to impress some newly wealthy men who made money from trading it. They flirt and post nude pics while doing so in a "casual" way, and hope for the best. So no, it's not about "changing outdated systems". It's really about satisfying our most ancient instinct: find a true provider and copulate with him. I'm not saying that women are dumber, but coming from a science and technology fan, please trust my claim that nobody really cares about new technologies, either men or women. Most people get in it for the trading and investment gains. And you know it when you realize that none of these new technologies has actually been implemented yet, but prices still go up and down like crazy.

Men want to make money so that they can acquire power and status symbols such as lambos and sleep with several women. They explicitly say so as far as I've seen. Women want men who make a lot of money so that they can get themselves a provider as nature dictated so, and if anything goes wrong they can always divorce him, take half of his money and live happily ever after.

Saying that, we must note than the nature of men makes them much more likely to engage in risky activities than women, which is why you observe many more men doing high-risk investments. It is also why most women would rather find a man who does it rather than do it themselves. And cryptocurrencies are so volatile right now, that they are nothing else than risky investments in potential technologies.

I appreciate that the point across your entire argument is laced with evolutionary biology tenants. I would disagree that blockchain hasn't been implemented yet. All of d.tube is running on IPFS, and most of the steemit ecosystem is running on node networks. The adoption of this may actually take longer but with more innovation, because the barrier for adoption will most likely look entirely different than getting people in 1999 to join the world wide web, being that so much of this, if done right, won't have central authorities. I personally don't buy into this modern attitude of gender race to the top, where all areas and industries that men dominate, need to be recalibrated to near equilibrium with women. I will also be interested in the careful application of empathy, in that, having so many people all over the world on here, with entirely different cultural attitudes, and how they will interact with one another and choose the 'authorities' of the community.

Nice post. I think the news of bitcoin's reaching $20000 was a big issue to public. There still exists volatility, but more and more ppl are realizing what blockchain is. Hmm, I hope steemit keeps trying to make it better as profitable blog.

Totally, I agree! I feel like sometimes, people who aren't familiar with crypto, also don't entirely realize that there is more beyond even just bitcoin. Especially since that is what dominated in the media for so long, especially around the big rise!

Hey @theudgirl , this is great article, u contributed to this community.
I would like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform;

Why You Should Upvote Comments!!!!
I've noticed alot of people doesnt reward their followers, and their commenters on here.
It's a shame.
When someone takes the time to not only read your post but to leave a comment. Even throwing your small vote their way does a lot of great things...
They are More Likely To Follow You
I'm not saying you should upvote every single comment you get. I try and look for those that I feel provide value to the post. When they see that you upvoted their comment and they will be rewarded as a result. This encourages them to follow you; Then you'll have a regular on your post!
You can grow your followers so that they can grow you;
If they choose to keep their Steem in their account, They may power it up. If you continuously are upvoting their great comments, then they will steadily grow overtime. Their vote will be worth even more, and they'll be able to upvote you, The upvotes you gave them helps them grow, so they have more power on the platform.

I agree with this & thank you for sharing! Definitely grateful for every comment on here so I try to take the time to engage & upvote some. :)

Why do you guys in the US separate your thinking into man vs woman, black vs white? Isn't that like a red herring type of thinking coming from #fakenews media?

Congrats to you for following your dreams no matter what! This platform is indeed a fantastic instrument to help you achieve your financial independence and other goals. Glad that you see Steem for what it is.

I remember going into my local business association, and asking about business that accepted bitcoin? I just turned around, and headed for the door, after looking at all the glazed eyes.

your post is very good
I really like it

Nice article
check out my article and upvote plz :)

Yes, I will check it out! Thank you for the comment. :)

Such great stuff in this video, so informative & natural. I couldn't agree with you more on this topic. I cant wait to see what you bring to the platform.
One thing that I want to start doing is expanding my reach, so youtube, instagram, facebook. Steemit is a great start and its so supportive but it's still a small community :) Lets do this!

Thank you, miss!!! I am happy you watched/read this & I appreciate your kind words. Also, I agree about expanding to other platforms too -- gotta spread the word in every way possible! You definitelyyyyyy should put your content on YouTube!

Let's get it, girl. :)


nice post but

wow. simply lovely. I really love it when i see women into crypto. And more so when i see the interest and passion there. Because i hate to think that something as useful and profitable as bitcoin will be noticed, appreciated and utilized by just men. I think all the ladies in the crypto world and in steemit should come together and help each other. it will be awesome...

thats right....women dont really like taking risk. i guess we like our life stressfree

I feel like because it is a risk like the stock market, women don't want to take the risk and men are more apt to take risks. How many women are in the stock market compared to the crypto game?? My guess would be similar stats

Don't stop till the 50% of the people in crypto are women!

I want to make a collection for children with cancer in my country. Does someone help me?

wow she is cute :) and into crypto _

Well, there are some definite differences in interest trends that play out across the male and female demographics, such that (generally speaking, obviously there are plenty of cases where this does not occur, women are more interested in people, and men are more interested in things)

I'd say that the platform we're currently communicating on is a GREAT entry point into the field of crypto-currency and blockchain technology. Especially for people who are primarily interested in people. It's one of my favorite implementations of crypto tech, and I'm very excited about the implications of a cultural shift back from centralized social networks.

Yes women need to join crypto world to earn and invest . It may not be easy to convince them but more talks can change their mind to join crypto.

I agree -- it takes just some patience and the more and more they hear about it, the more it will spark their interest. :)

@theaudgirl,You have judged it right that the gender gap additionally shows that women aren’t perhaps receiving all information about crypto. There is definitely an information deficit. And whatever information is available, that is not easily comorehensible for yhe majority of the women folk. There is an increased need to make the information available to them in such a manner that they can understand the problems and prospects of crypto well. The more information about the crypto reaches the female folk, the greater would be gheir participation. Media can be of immense help to disseminate the information, however the problem with the media is that every good news is a bad news and vice-versa. Yes, if some big media giant enters into a partnership, than can truly do wonders, for media is still responsible for moulding the public opinion. @emmgeeahmad

Yes, every point you made is valid & definitely furthers the conversation from my post -- so thank you for that! I think that putting this information in an easily digestible way will only make them more inclined to get involved or at least want to learn more! I also think that Steemit is a great introductory step. :)


follow me and upvote me plz

It is probably because they only recieve 77% of every SBD a man does............. I am just kidding. I am glad there are more women getting into crypto, it is better for everyone. To be honest with you i don't know if 99% of steemians are men or women, I guess i just always assume they are men unless they have their picture up or some overtly feminine cover photo.

Yes true. Ladies should join the crypto movement because most are not well versed with the crypto process of exchange.

Thanks for this post. I am a 61 year old woman and new on Steemit. I wonder what the percentage would be for older women? I am here to learn, engage and ask questions so that I can see the opportunities for applications in the future. I work in the field of longevity and coaching mature adults to look for different earning opportunities beyond their formal career.

Most girls I know of are only interested in making cum shots—este, cam shots—whenever they see a mirror as if it was their first time to have seen the reflection of their own vagina.

The female brain is hardwired to do such kind of narcissistic fantasy in order to demonstrate the illusion of value by which the inexperienced men will succumb to—till death.

Sooner or later this stupid thing popularly known as Steemit trending page, will be saturated with left and right advocacy of that cliche ideology called feminism.

Upvoted for visibility and self-aggrandizement, also for Streisand and Butterfly effect.

These people are just attention-whoring to get free cryptos!!! Has everyone forgot Stephanie Murphy, the early bitcoin adopter??? She's awesome and had awesome ideas, but never expected anything free 'cuz she was a girl. Let's get people in our communities who produce good ideas, like the Stephanies, Neds and Andreas of our communities!!!

In switzerland one of the biggest crypto valley advocate is a women. I have been working in Finance for long enough to recognize that there women are no less than guys. Problem is, women have other passions and interest than guys. I do not think that is bad or has to change.
Girls will go more to Laws than to study Engineering or IT, etc.

hahhahhaha I lol'ed so hard at this. Well, true is that just for being a pretty woman and show your face, plus also say something smart, your post, here, in Instagram, youtube or wherever, would get you hundreds of upvotes. So, yes, they should do it.
But then, they call us guys names, but at the same time use this on their favor, but we are misogynists at nature (apparently).

I think my next project would be to stop wasting time researching, get a nice looking friend and give her a script in front of the camera. Indiscretion here, one friend of mine tried to put her smoking hot girlfriend to talk about Bitcoins on Steemit, she could not take it.

Nothing against the author of the post, just thinking out loud what I see everywhere.

I think my next project would be to stop wasting time researching, get a nice looking friend and give her a script in front of the camera. Indiscretion here, one friend of mine tried to put her smoking hot girlfriend to talk about Bitcoins on Steemit, she could not take it.

Believe it or not but, OMG! Such a golden idea you have. Shall I say Golden or SBDen idea? Pun intended. The thing is, I don't have the fancy camcorder for this feat. Maybe it's about time for my rarely used 13 megapixels camera phone will be put to test. Already tested the audio functionality a couple of times--and it sounds legit.

I need to contact my ex-girlfriend and have her signup for a Steem account ASAP--for this special business partnership--as she has the physical qualities (facial actually) to mesmerize a group of unwitting beholders. Although she has a boyfriend now but who knows this might be the chance paving the way for another chapter. :p

@introvertspeaks @santana33 This post was made to primarily shed light on the gender gap in cryptocurrency (as most were not aware of how large it was) and encourage those around us to properly inform more females (and to be honest, just more people in general) about crypto and the benefits of what blockchain technology can bring. It was my opinion on why I believe it necessary to get more women and people joining the cryptocurrency conversations. If there is not a genuine interest from the women once hearing all the information, then they do not have to join in. I'm not trying to force women to join just to join, just thought that crypto receives a lot of misrepresentation from the media and would love to at least open their minds to learning more.

I did not expect this post to go to trending & I understand your thoughts about the page as I read your article you linked to! I can respect you for your opinion. I do want to note that I do not expect any special treatment because I am a girl if that was implied. I made the post since this platform is an avenue where I can share my thoughts & I hoped to provide value to others. I encourage you both to get your friends that are girls into it but not just to use them as a face. :P

Sorry if I am reading into this haha but just wanted to clarify that my intentions were to simply encourage others to start discussing crypto with more people and to get even more women in the space that are passionate about what blockchain tech can solve (once they receive more information than just what the news provides). :)

@theaudgirl just ignore trolls like introvertspeaks, because generally, Steemit is gender inclusive and your message is important.
Not all men act like boys, and you should never reply to them to keep their ego warm.
Feel free to downvote trolls like this in future and if needed ask for support from the more established women in the community like @stellebelle @surfermarly.

Bigot—"a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."

According to Google's default dictionary. It sounds like it best describes you! Do you read me? It's you! Your bigotry is confirmed!

What other characteristics do you possess aside from being a bigot?

This comment has received a 0.93 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @introvertspeaks.

Love the comment maybe if we stopped using the word feminism people would start to work on human rights. Rights humans when did this happen??


Why specifically women?

as a STEM female, we're out there, but unfortunately with a similar representation found across the entire tech ecosystem. it's too bad as younger girls are exposed to the tech at an early age (vs. boomers, for example) so i would think they'd be more apt to participate.

That's a good step, there are challenges and obstacles, but I'm sure if done seriously and continuously it will produce good results.

So keep interacting with more women to share ideas and knowledge on this platform.

Yes I plan to! I am still a little new but I see a lot of great women on here that I can share ideas with. :) Thank you for your comment!!

Congratulations @theaudgirl, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Newbie account holder (accounts that hold between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by newbie account holders during this period was 4481 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $5022.80. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Great post. Definitely agree that more woman need to get involved with cryptos. I've been telling my sisters wife and mother, but they mostly do it to humour me at this point. Steemit does wonders for gaining their interest.

Steemit is such a great introduction to crypto. I love that you have been consistently chatting with your family about it -- don't stop :)

Totally agree. DTube too. Shows people that the things they already use and love can benefit from cryptos ... not just the libertarians looking for a safe place to park their cash.


This is so true! more female's need to join for sure.. I just joined steemit lastnight as enjoy learning and investing into crypto and it would be great if there were more females on the platform :) Great post!

  • Miss Chipmunk Diva Xx

Welcome to Steemit!! & I love the pic. :)

Very interesting. Never heard that statistic before.

Good job, and good luck.

It shocked me a bit to see that the percentage was so low, but that's why I was motivated to make this post! Gotta spread the word in every way possible. :) Hope that statistic changes in the near future.

Thank you for the comment!

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kindly follow back and upvote my posts please.....

We 100% need more females to get on board with the whole cryptocurrency space. The crypto market is certainly growing but when we look at the stock market crypto has miles to go to catch up. In reality the space is still very much in its infancy and will certainly only expand in the years ahead. Thanks for sharing, I think its a very relevant topic.

Thank you, @cryptogalactic! I think that it is still in it's infancy as well despite that some people think that it is too late to get involved (which I think is really not true in the slightest). I appreciate your comment!

Your welcome, Keep up the good work.......;-)

Outstanding post, and everything you said is correct. I just never really thought or broke it down the way you did. But, i do believe that more and more people including women are getting involved with crypto's. Maybe not so much in the blockchain part of it now, but I believe that in the near future they might be. This is still a very new space, and people will start to wake up and listen , because the crypto's are here to stay... We are all lucky to be in on it early on. Anyway, thanks for sharing this great stuff.. I am following and I will resteem

Thank you, @pickyvicki! & I agree, more females are joining every day and I am excited to see the future of crypto with more females in the mix. Crypto and the tech shouldn't be ignored anymore & I agree, we are lucky to be involved so early! I just want more people to be also. :) Thank you for comment!!

You bet..

Great post it was very helpful and to those woman around the community. keep it up and \i really amazed to those women who desire to be part of this steemit platform and also thank you for your lovely encouragement to all women @theaudgirl

Such a kind comment. Thank you so much, jie28. :)

You are very well welcome @theaudgirl wishing you all the best here.


I've talked to my girlfriend about crypto numerous times and she could not be less interested. Like you said, in general men are more interested in finance and tech than women are, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


A woman called Kim Kiyosaki wrote a book called "It's Rising Time!" which proves that women are actually more productive than men. I really see that there is a huge opportunity for women to get involved in distribution and even dominate the market through their natural abilities. Shoutout for this cool post @theaudgirl. You rock lady!!!

In what way did she prove it?

In the book she goes through many psychoanalytical studies and found that women are generally more effective at managing their time..

That may well be true, but are time management and productivity the same thing?

No but having the ability to apply one's time effectively makes room to incorporate and assign more people for particular tasks.

In the book she illustrates how the value of the maternal nature in women gives them more motivation to get things done sooner rather than later.

I don't a agree with the entire book, but the concepts that Kim uses to uplift women and propel them into the world of finance is very useful to me as a man. I believe that I am going to use them to build confidence in my sales team and even my lady one day..

women actually needs to be inducted into this crypto business because they will benefit a lot.educating a woman is boosting the nation.this piece has strengthen me and I think I'll give up the thought of selling off my account.
Well done ma'am

have found out it's difficult and convincing people who are not in the crypto, that it's not a scam I've talked a lot with a friend of mine about how now is the time to get in to crypto.
introverted she will talk about how little money she has and that the interest rate in the bank is low and. she thinks it's too hard I think but its not. am going to send her this article maby she is listen to me then.

I would be honored if you shared this with her! It's hard to get people to move past their negative thoughts about crypto but with time, they will warm up to it. We just have to personalize it to them and share how it could impact their day to day life for the better.

Great vlog!

You presented the subject and yourself really well and I think you be a great asset for women, and men in this space, well done!

Thank you sir! I do not take that comment lightly. I appreciate it :)

Almost all girls think crypto is fake and stupid....

Which is why men will always be head in cash and kind. women do not take opportunities seriously. what stops them from just looking into in.? even if it is out of curiosity. when most of them will eventually wake it will be late because the men would have filled up most places. but them it is not a competition.

Agreed.....the description sounds good

thanks.. it sure does

Mention not....

Fellow woman taking it seriously... I think your logic is flawed. :)

how do you mean....flawed in what way?. pls enlighten me

If you look over the world maximum number of women they're not doing job they are free at home and many of them are educated they can Tune into the Crypto Convo.
I will make my wife busy by set an account after My marriage, ye... my wedding are too close 😀
Thanks for sharing this post...

Congrats on your wedding being so close! Definitely share some pictures on here when you get married. :) Everyone loves to see others in love. And for sure get her to set up an account :P

I agree with you, and at the same time I see you are not only posting about Crypto, and I love it!
But it's quite a struggle, I usually get about 10 views on my videos Oo
And it's a little bit discouraging but, I guess everything worthy takes time and effort =)

Don't be discouraged!!! Keep going and kicking butt. If you show your passion, others will take note. :)

Honestly we just need more exposure. Everyone knows what crypto is but not a lot of people Know beyond bitcoins, or even what to do with crypto. It's not the conventional way of money. What we need to do is constantly have conversations about crypto and explain it in a way everyone can understand and at the same point we need to make sure we convey that crypto is not only about bitcoins or investing. Wonderfully explained post.

More exposure but in a positive way (people have enough negative to say and think about crypto already)! You nailed it all -- it is all about consistent conversations.. heck, it did take me a hot second to get into it at first because I hadn't realized that it wasn't just about bitcoin or investing. Why I think everyone needs to take the time to research is because it showed me all the holes in crypto that I was missing... and how it is much more than money -- it is a step towards a better future with revolutionary tech! Thank you for your compliment and taking the time to comment. :)

I totally agree and with more people means more success for everyone!

I managed to get my girlfriend on board @kelsnm by joining Steemit pretty early and she was blogging well in the beginning but has fallen off! She could use a big upvote to encourage her to get back into it.. she has been slacking of late. Kind of a shoddy solicitation so ignore it if you like.

But think of this opportunity like a butterfly effect, and a snowball effect.

If you support her with one big upvote, and get her gears turning to get back into crypto, I bet she would show all her other female friends the success and would bring even more women, into at least the Steemit community. That's a great place to start I think.

Sorry if this was a naggy comment. But thanks for reading it nonetheless. Granted this may not even be close to the point of getting women "jobs" in crypto, but it could sure help one beautiful woman in @kelsnm, and who will likely tell her friends to get on board too, thus accomplishing part of your plan. Haha!

Great post!

You definitely win some good boyfriend points for that comment! I am following her now and looked at her stuff... I love it! I can't wait to see what else she posts. My upvotes aren't worth too much right now but I will be sure to keep an eye out for her content and make sure to encourage her.

Also, that was not a naggy comment and don't even apologize! You want to keep her motivated and I will do my best to help you out with that. :)

God post,

tipuvote! 0.2 :)

Women power!

YES! haha #womenincrypto

@Theaudgirl Men are jealous because women are more successful;)

I agree with your ideas! No one should be left out in this new technology era even women. It just a matter of understanding and exposure! Im still learning and hope to pick up soon. Cheers

Yes, exactly!! & good luck on your crypto journey. :)

Sir my bitcoin rises and I am a newbie in the field of digital currencies. advise me what to do, you're an expert in this area

I was at a blockchain talk yesterday. While 2 of the 3 speakers were women, I only counted 10 women total in a room of around 80-90 people.

In my experience though, events related to Steem tend to be about a third women, which is much much better than the wider crypto space.

Yes I think that Steemit has a larger population of women which is great!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I agree, I think that steemit is a nice transition for people to get involved.

This is a very good one. Noted, i wish every woman can read this 👍

@theaudgirl I really appreciate this post and couldn't agree more about more women being involved in the crypto space. I tell my fiancée all the time about great potential of of it as I've been studying up myself and like most people here can't seem to get enough always wanting to learn more. You've added to my knowledge, I'm grateful to be apart of the Steemit community. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, @goodguyty. :) Your fiancee is lucky that you are so involved & are educating her about it! I appreciate your thoughtful comment and I am happy you just joined Steemit! Welcome. Great first post

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Fluctuation in the Bitcoin price may fluctuate the heart beat of women quickly than men. I would advise women to think before they go for the bitcoin or any crypto. Crypto needs more patience and I have observed women most of the time impatience all over psychologically....... No offense WOMEN.....

Definitely more patience is needed with crypto and I think that is why people should not invest emotionally (or with money that they aren't willing to lose)!

Totally cool perspective :) what’s so cool is that I got my mom and sister and wife into crypto. Took a while but once they found out about it, they got super excited about the entire concept. My sister now has steemit accounts too! Welcome to the @dtube and @steemit !!! This place is awesomeness 💯 upvoted you with some love! Enjoy!

Thank you sir! & heck yes!!! That is awesome and see, sometimes it just takes a little patience & slowly people get on board. :) Love that you got them excited about the entire concept! I appreciate the support & the welcome!!