@tipu Profitability Check - 09.07.2018

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi guys, it's time to do a quick check of profit that comes from delegating STEEM POWER to @tipU and how it compares to other steem services.

For the comparison I'm using https://www.steemdesk.com and certain users that delegated the same amount of SP to different services. The most important value is APR - the higher the better. Let's go!

18 days period:

36 days period:

6 days period (for different user):

10 days period (for different user):

And by request, comparison with oceanwhale (another user):

You can check longer time periods too, but I think it's safe to say that @tipU is one of the top services in terms of profitability for SP delegators / investors. Thanks!

@tipU distributes daily 100% of profit + extra 60% curation rewards to all investors / STEEM POWER delegators. If you would like to know more, please click this link or make a comment with command: @tipu help
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Neck and neck between jerry and tipu. Still undecided if I want to delegate.

@tipu profit for 12,005.938 SP

Yesterday 12005.938 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
7.112 SBD + 1.027 STEEM (9.98 USD), APR: 21.54% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 12005.938 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

I have a request for @tipu


i love @tipu
i always delegates all sp to @tipu from the 1st time.
I am very poor on this platfrom try to make batter.Now i want to request to @tipu if he follow my profile then it will be great for me coz now a days i got from vot from busy.pay... and rules are if high profile tipu follow me then i will getting % vot from busy pay.please sir request to

@tipu status

Hi @elixer! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 532.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.13 SBD + 0.022 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 6 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 600190 | Your share: 0.0886% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 3 hours
  • Profitability: 0.5 SBD + 0.091 STEEM (0.7 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 19.32% (data from yesterday)

Good informatic post
upvote for upvote @tipu

@tipu the King, long live the King

nice tipu

but, 1 thing. Why did you not put the account of @oceanwhale.

I think that this oceanwhale have more profit than you and another accounts. Am i correct?

I can't put accounts here :) It depends to who those users delegated their SP. But since you're asking...



If I vote in my own posts and comments, earn more or earn more delegating sp:?

technically self voting is more profitable but you can get flagged bc of bad behavior. Once in awhile aka posts and some comment self upvotes ok but for everyone single one to make a profit? Um....expect flags. Hence why big holders use bots to earn.

ok sames, thank you man. Do you know how much more will be profitable using self vote? its aboult 20% more than delegate sp?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ok so you have 12,005.938 Steempower.
Assuming you do a 100% upvotes and keep you steempower above 80% you can do 20 full 100% upvotes.
Using https://steemnow.com/upvotecalc.html
you have $ 1.04-100% upvotes.
However this $ is not really USD. It has nothing to do with it. It's also not a SBD.
It "Steem Token Unit", or STU.
So using this tool: http://steem.supply/rewards
Assuming prices for steem is $1.3 and sbd is $1.11
You shall make about 7.80 SBD and 6.00 Steem Power.
Total USD: 16.46 USD

If steem were to fall below $1 then you shall receive way more steem. Steem is the more important thing though...
Anyway with 12,005.938 Steempowe fyou shall make about:
7.112 SBD + 1.027 STEEM (9.98 USD) with tipu

*However I suggest you to keep about 500-1000 for you own use :)

Thank you very much man. It helped Me a lot to take my doubt!!!!

Just 1 thing man. I can do 10 full upvotes, not 20 complete upvotes correct?? Each time i make 1 upvote i loss 2%.
So, 1.04x10= 10,4

With tipu, i winn 9.98 usd

I will win just a little more with upvote on myself, correct?

10,4-9,98 = 0,42 USD

is it correct?

Yep :)

Wopps yep that right..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'll give you the math in a sec. Just give me a full upvote k? JK 😛

Thank you for this summary. Nice performance!

How do I invest in @tipu besides delegating SP?

You can send SBD/STEEM with memo: invest
by currently @tipU used all it's STEEM POWER on current investments so new investments are rejected. Should be enabled in few days :)

Awesome. Got it. Thanks for the prompt answer:)

If I invest and then decide to withdraw my investment - am I allowed to do so?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@tipu status

Hi @chunseungho! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 4000.069 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.466 SBD + 0.043 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 10 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 478667 | Your share: 0.8354% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.586 SBD + 0.049 STEEM (0.81 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 19.17% (data from yesterday)

@tipu status

Hi @woosungchoi! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 5.399 SBD
  • delegation status: 14720.172 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 692.079 STEEM POWER invested: 72.242 STEEM and 783.986 SBD
  • pending payout: 1.904 SBD + 0.0 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 19 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 485021 | Your share: 3.1774% | Your reinvest ratio: 100%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.586 SBD + 0.049 STEEM (0.82 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 19.29% (data from yesterday)

@tipu status please

Hi @davidke20! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.356 SBD
  • delegation status: 20.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0.088 STEEM POWER invested: 0.014 STEEM and 0.096 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.007 SBD + 0.001 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 16 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 485388 | Your share: 0.0041% | Your reinvest ratio: 100%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.586 SBD + 0.049 STEEM (0.81 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 19.21% (data from yesterday)

Really Good...

@tipu profit for 100000 SP

Yesterday 100000.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
64.061 SBD + 6.739 STEEM (89.88 USD), APR: 21.17% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 100000.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu profit for 2300 SP

Yesterday 2300.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
1.348 SBD + 0.113 STEEM (1.91 USD), APR: 19.8% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 2300.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu status

Hi @paramon! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.0 SBD
  • delegation status: 30.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.014 SBD + 0.003 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 3 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 486146 | Your share: 0.0062% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.592 SBD + 0.086 STEEM (0.91 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 21.59% (data from yesterday)

This post received 16.14 SBD upvote from @tipU funded by @cardboard | @tipu now has a chance to win free @steembasicincome share :) | Voting service | For investors.

  ·  7 years ago 

@tipu profit for 100 sp

Yesterday 100.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.059 SBD + 0.009 STEEM (0.09 USD), APR: 21.4% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 100.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu profit for 200 SP

Yesterday 200.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.118 SBD + 0.017 STEEM (0.18 USD), APR: 21.31% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 200.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu upvote %

@tipu please what is the current % upvote now with tipu?

  ·  7 years ago 


reciba un saludo desde venezuela,estoy visitando y siguiendo a personas que me brinden apoyo y aporte ya que la situacion de mi pais esta mal mal y esto es para mi una manera de generar dinero para subsistir,espero visite mi blog y contar con su ayuda,ya que necesito para ayudar a mi hijo a terminar estudios,saludos y gracias de antemano

Yo @tipu can I have a refund? The node probably stopped working and that why i did not get a vote/refund...

It for this post:https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@sames/powx-trying-to-create-an-antimonopoly-algorithm
anyway thanks :)

Yep, there was a problem for a short time:

WARNING:root:Retry in 1s -- ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.steemit.com', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR:steembase.http_client:Unexpected exception! Please report at https://github.com/steemit/steem-python/issues -- RPCError: transaction_expiration_exception from api.steemit.com (transaction expiration exception:) in broadcast_transaction

Just send 0.001 SBD to @tipU with memo: withdraw
(every payment is treated as a deposit, that is used at the time of vote)

Cool :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Awesome! I hope I can avail of this service too once I have enough sbd to spend

@tipu status

Hi @treasurepark! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 200.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.094 SBD + 0 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 5 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 491275 | Your share: 0.0407% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 1 hour
  • Profitability: 0.592 SBD + 0.086 STEEM (0.81 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 21.38% (data from yesterday)

hallo @tipu
i am delegate 500 sp you . my perday earning ?

@tipu profit for 500 sp

Yesterday 500.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.32 SBD + 0.034 STEEM (0.46 USD), APR: 21.41% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 500.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

Hi @cardboard , If I delegate SP for 36 days and after 10 days if I want to undelegate, can I do that?
[I don't know what's the answer is but it should be 'No', else gamers will choose longer period to avail higher apr rate.]

I think you misunderstood some parts of the delegation system. The differences between the different days shown above are because of the steem price which is going up and down. If it rises the % will rise and if the steem prize goes down it will go down a bit.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for trying to help, but that explanation doesn't make sense. I believe the reason is something different.

Ok how can I explain it hmmm
Let me explain it with an example. Tipu gives out 100% of the sbd it gets for the upvotes. Lets asume there is only one who delegates and that tipu upvotes for 200% of the sended sbd:
Poeple are buying upvotes for 100sbd for that day and tipu upvotes for 200$ until it reaches the vote% limit and cant upvote anymore.The delegator gets 100% of the sbd so he gets 100sbd.
If the steem prize rises so does the vote amount do, so that tipu can upvote more until it reaches the vote% limit and cant upvote anymore. The more tipu can vote the more sbd will be earned.

You dont get a fixed apr for a delegation time, it just depends on the steem prize and the amount tipu upvotes for.

Posted using Partiko Android

Okay here is the problem. We certainly were not on the same page. I though delegation comes like a package, like an 18 days package or 36 days package etc, which seems like it's not. And no one can actually say how much APR they're going to give. The rate shown here is essentially the avg of ''Last'' 6, 10, 18 and 36 days. tipU can't say how much APR they'll be able to give for ''next'' 36 days as the price fluctuates.

So clearly, you misunderstood my problem and what made me ask that question. And I definitely misunderstood the system a bit and maybe still need to learn more. Thanks for your time anyway.

Confirming that you can delegate as long as you want, but note that recalling a delegation takes 7 days although the account you sent it to will lose it immediately. During this time the delegated amount is in a holding limbo where no one gets to play with it.
Also be sure to not delegate so much that you can't perform actions like undelegating.
The APR and times are strictly for performance review. An x and y axis.

Anyway, you can delegate for as long as you want and the payouts will be made as long as delegation is active :)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the APR is based on SBD/Steem price either. Wouldn't it be based on how much people used the bots and then the bots disbursement rate of that received amount? Price fluctuations would indeed change the voting value of the bots, but afaik affect all bots proportionally to their SP.
So say if people decided to boycott one of the voting bots and their activity dropped to 0 then the APR would also drop to 0.
Likewise it's true that it's not predictable, only helpful as a benchmark of past results. With delegation you're picking your pony and so far tipu has been a steady bet.

@tipu I know it's my own fault because I tried to upvote a post older than 2 days, but I never received a refund for this transaction.
Thanks in advance for your time.

No problem. Please try to send 0.001 SBD to @tipu with memo: withdraw

Awesome. I will try that. Ty

That was ridiculously easy. What a cool feature. I'm a little blown away.

@tipu status

Hi @wonsama! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.844 SBD
  • delegation status: 2300.001 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 11.054 STEEM POWER invested: 1.676 STEEM and 11.562 SBD
  • pending payout: 1.012 SBD + 0.08 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 7 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 527027 | Your share: 0.4385% | Your reinvest ratio: 100%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 1 hour
  • Profitability: 0.546 SBD + 0.07 STEEM (0.7 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 19.28% (data from yesterday)

@tipu/ @cardboard quick question on a bid I sent you

Can the below 9.686 SBD be refunded if it can't be voted on.
I tried sending a 4.854 SBD first and it was refunded and was told to try again in 5 minutes which I did and then didn't get the votes

Will check it.

ok thanks, let me know what the story is with it when you know, as in will I be getting a refund or not


OK, got it - please send 0.001 SBD to @tipu with memo: withdraw

Thanks, got the SBD back

@tipu status

Hi @zoef! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.0 SBD
  • delegation status: 1950.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 78.4 STEEM POWER invested: 78.4 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.827 SBD + 0.052 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 9 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 527526 | Your share: 0.3845% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.516 SBD + 0.059 STEEM (0.65 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 17.93% (data from yesterday)

Profit for 0 sp

@tipu profit for 0 SP

Yesterday 1000 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.516 SBD + 0.059 STEEM (0.65 USD), APR: 17.87% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 1000 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

I want to undelegate to @tipU

Hi @zularizal. The sad kitty has made this undelegate link or you:
steemconnect undelegate link..

@tipu status

Hi @khimgoh! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.0 SBD
  • delegation status: 800.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.0 SBD + 0.029 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 21 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 524749 | Your share: 0.1525% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 1 hour
  • Profitability: 0.516 SBD + 0.059 STEEM (0.65 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 17.83% (data from yesterday)

@tipu profit for 100000 SP

Yesterday 100000.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
51.636 SBD + 5.926 STEEM (64.11 USD), APR: 17.69% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 100000.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu profit for 5539 sp

Yesterday 5539.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
2.756 SBD + 0.34 STEEM (3.48 USD), APR: 17.38% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 5539.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu profit for 50 sp

Yesterday 50.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.025 SBD + 0.003 STEEM (0.03 USD), APR: 17.58% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 50.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu status

Hi @zielonepogotowie! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0.5 SBD
  • delegation status: 20.0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.004 SBD + 0.001 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 12 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 604974 | Your share: 0.0033% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: active, profit will be increased with each vote :)
  • Profitability: 0.519 SBD + 0.064 STEEM (0.65 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 18.23% (data from yesterday)

I want to delegate 30 SP to @tipu

Hi @zielonepogotowie! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 30.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

@tipu profit for 60 SP

Yesterday 60.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.038 SBD + 0.004 STEEM (0.05 USD), APR: 21.41% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 60.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu profit for 6000 sp

Yesterday 6000.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
3.114 SBD + 0.382 STEEM (3.93 USD), APR: 18.18% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 6000.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu status

Hi @jjerryhan! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 0 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 481.707 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 553.0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0.0 SBD + 0.0 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 24 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 595912 | Your share: 0.0808% | Your reinvest ratio: 100%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 2 hours
  • Profitability: 0.49 SBD + 0.07 STEEM (0.64 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 17.69% (data from yesterday)

@tipu profit 2611.400 SP

Yesterday 2611.4 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
1.281 SBD + 0.183 STEEM (1.68 USD), APR: 17.69% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 2611.4 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

Can @tipu also enter into http://isteemd.com/ ?

@tipu profit for 500 sp

Yesterday 500.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.245 SBD + 0.035 STEEM (0.32 USD), APR: 17.68% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 500.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

I am delegate @tipu 240 SP

  ·  7 years ago 

@tipu profit for 15 SP

Yesterday 15.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.009 SBD + 0.001 STEEM (0.01 USD), APR: 19.21% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 15.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

  ·  7 years ago 

@tipu profit for 1000 SP

Yesterday 1000.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
0.586 SBD + 0.049 STEEM (0.81 USD), APR: 19.21% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 1000.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu help

@tipu profit for 10000 SP

Yesterday 10000.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
4.976 SBD + 0.64 STEEM (6.94 USD), APR: 17.67% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 10000.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.

@tipu status

Hi @sailingtohappy! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 10000.002 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 0 SBD + 0 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 24 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 628158 | Your share: 1.592% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 3 hours
  • Profitability: 0.498 SBD + 0.064 STEEM (0.69 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 17.71% (data from yesterday)

@tipu status

Hi @sailingtohappy! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 0 SBD
  • delegation status: 10000.002 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 0 STEEM POWER invested: 0 STEEM and 0 SBD
  • pending payout: 5.115 SBD + 0 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 1 hour
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 630699 | Your share: 1.5855% | Your reinvest ratio: 0%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 2 hours
  • Profitability: 0.565 SBD + 0.08 STEEM (0.86 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 20.34% (data from yesterday)

@tipu status

Hi @woosungchoi! Here is your @tipU service user data:

  • deposit for sending tips and @tipU upvotes: 5.399 SBD
  • delegation status: 14720.172 STEEM POWER delegated
  • investment status: 716.82 STEEM POWER invested: 75.602 STEEM and 809.163 SBD
  • pending payout: 4.582 SBD + 0.533 STEEM, next scheduled payout in: 7 hours
  • total @tipU STEEM POWER: 628158 | Your share: 2.4575% | Your reinvest ratio: 100%
  • voting status: recovering voting power, voting will start in 3 hours
  • Profitability: 0.498 SBD + 0.064 STEEM (0.69 USD) per 1k SP delegated or invested, APR: 17.71% (data from yesterday)

@tipu profit for 9315 sp

Yesterday 9315.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
5.265 SBD + 0.748 STEEM (7.94 USD), APR: 20.34% .

Delegation link: steemconnect 9315.0 SP delegation to @tipu.

Please note the profit depends on STEEM price. The higher the STEEM price, the more SBD profit is being generated.