12 Hour Twitter Ban--This is why I love steemit!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


I wrote this tweet in response to a story about a cop who accidentally shot himself while trying to shoot someone's dog for barking too loud. I absolutely stand by my sentiment, but Twitter feels that my honesty is dangerous to its users. How ludicrously pathetic is that?

Whether you agree or disagree with my sentiments towards the attempted dog-killer masquerading as a symbol of law and order, I hope that we can all agree that my opinion has every right to flourish and be heard, whether it offends some people or not. I certainly don't want Twitter deciding for me what I can and cannot hear. I can't imagine why anyone would trust Twitter with such an important task.

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Luckily, there's nothing preventing us from building a Twitter-like interface on the STEEM blockchain, which we already have with @Zappl (Although, you will still post every "Zap" to steemit, which is a bit annoying, but it won't stay like that forever).

So we'll probably start eating more and more into the apps that currently dominate the market (like d-tube will be eating into YouTube).

Anyways, that cop can seriously go fuck himself now that he has a new hole to use...

and as I recently discovered, 'dsound' in place of 'soundcloud' =D

What!?! You only discovered dsound lately? :o . But yeah, dlive in place of twitch, steepshop in placr of instagram, dmania in place of 9gag. We will spread further and further ;)

I think it's good u don't get people deleting shit they don't stand behind. Like people that pump shitcoins on YouTube then delete the videos


Can't change the blockchain and that's what I love about Steemit. People too often post dumb shit, and try to delete it after they get called out for being an idiot. I try not to hide from my mistakes. Hopefully people will think more carefully before they post.

Yes. It encourages people to post responsibly.

You have 7 days before you can edit the message. Other than that get ready for your shit to be blockhained lol

@theorangebandit I Iearned this lesson the hard way. Just look at my seasoned posts and you will see. I have a few embarsssing ones cluttering up my cool quotient. Oops. 😛

How embarrassing are they?

Well if you wanna call my bluff feel free to browse my past :)

Are you embarrassed about the click bait run naked through time square article? It's funny there are actually people who get naked in time square as a part of an art project. A body painting artist does naked body painting in time square. I've seen the articles on it.

Lol no that article is a favorite of mine. Love that one.

Well I didn't see anything I'd be embarrassed of.

@boozebullshit So, is it obnoxious that I feel super happy knowing you looked through my posts? I didn’t intend to trick you into checking me out, I consider many of my early posts to be...lame. Like the one with a one sentence terrible joke , the one with some stupid bad yoga attempts, and the kicker is the one where I explain how to add a photo... did you see my last picture in that post? 🙈🤭

the non delete stuff is eliminate most of the trolls out there and the rest of us are going to make some posts but we regret but we are the pioneers of the rest of them

Yes I agree @inventor16 that is such a chump move. Hi I am Lori By the way. 🦋

I guess it's only scary if you spell stuff wrong a lot

That can be a positive as well. Rather than seeing a screen cap of past twitter deletes you can go back and read it and its comments in full context. Celebs and officials have no place to hide here.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

-Trump Instigates a possible war with NK on tweeter: A-OK, tweet on!
-Being spiteful at someone for maliciously trying to hurt an animal: - you are harassing and intimidating the poor fella, you are a danger to society and your freedom of speech will be taken away.
Sounds like a pretty fair and balanced policy to me.

The turd is basically a walking AD for Twitter. "Feminists" are walking ADs for Twitter.
Twitter was always weird. Nowadays it is just heart breakingly stupid.

indeed! our priorities are so messed up on social media.

So Twitter is saying it's ok for the fuzz to harass us, but it's not ok for us to turn the table when a cop illegally discharges a fire arm in a residential neighborhood, attempting to illegally shoot someone else's dog, injuring himself in the process and endangering everyone around him. Ok, ..got it.

Today, I was able to write, "Fuck the po-lice," three times in a comedy skit where children are the ones saying it and I'm not worried about being placed on the no fly list for attempting to be funny.

I agree. Steemit is great. Though they did flag me to death for saying 'fuck' seventy-some times in one post, that was in the past. We've come a long way.

Welcome brother. Nice to see you have a rep of 58 already. I have been on here for months. How do you get that rep? Just curious. Also I have been flagged for using this tag more than once. Just a heads up.

Oh yeah that's right. You brought followers, I get it. Peace!

Twitter is censoring everything that might be offensive. The guidelines at this point are just fucked up

Thats ridiculous twitter should take context into account when making these decisions as it completely changes the meaning behind the message smh

It's a shame that Twitter has turned into a SJW platform that only allows certain viewpoints to flourish. That is why I've opened a Gab account. However, though I appreciate Steemit's platform that gives me free speech, it appears that some Steemit power players (the ones that have votes with clout) are Loree McBride Jesuits and have flagged and down voted my videos just because I dare to tell the TRUTH about Loree, who is a public menace and dropping bombs worldwide making everybody sick! Fortunately, I am not posting my videos and comments here for the money, but to get my very important story out there and to have a back up in case Loree takes down my YouTube account. But with Loree ruling the Internet, nothing is really just online, so I don't blame it on Steemit. It is really hard to work around all of Loree's Draconian control over the Internet!

respect ^^

Those are your feelings, and you have every right to them.

I hope steemit market volume will pass other available social medias.

should law enforcement be fair to everyone, should not be arbitrary, respect the rights of a person, as well as the freedom of a protected opinion.

Traslate by google

I support free speech, so yes. Fuck Twitter! Surprised you weren't purged at the end of last year.

Speaking of censorship, now Blizzard is joining in on the action. I wrote this post for anyone interested. The thought police should be opposed, no matter the form it takes!

By their own definition they're engaging in abusive behaviour, by attempting to silence someone's voice.

Freedom of speech is a concept everyone can get behind. It's the assholes who want to make exceptions which turns it into 'agree with me or be banned'. With great power comes great responsibility, Twitter, YouTube etc. Are afraid of losing it.

The SJW feminist leadership of the major social platforms is gonna tank them straight into the ground. They don't realize that they are killing themselves. Good stuff.

This is what lead me to steemit. I signed up for Facebook to test and launch a game, during the process of setting up the project my account was closed for suspicious activity. I had not done anything but registering, verifying and registered a project in dev central... Was asked to upload image of myself to unlock the account again, did that and got no more info. After a week account was closed fully for violating the terms. No info at all as to what specifically, only that I did and I could submit an appeal. Yeah right. Glad it happened, as it very clearly put focus on this problematic issue that seems to show up more and more.

This is exemplifies why decentralized platforms like steemit are the future (that I want to live in).

Wow and thanks to continued pressure by our politicians on social media sites things like this will become more prevalent. Its insane that the media doesn't question how PC/authoritarian these sites are becoming. Luckily, TJ you have Steemit to fall back onto. Keep pissing people off.

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the rest long ago sealed their fates with their political agendas, censorship and attempts at social engineering....

Decentralization has arrived and is growing and soon they will be relegated to the dusty bins...maybe MySpace will revamp itself and make a return!

Most people aren't down with Brucina.Brucina.Red.jpg.jpg

Twitter's garbage TJ! Fuckin' #Twatzies

Was that the old 2014 story? Sometimes officers make mistakes but sometimes humans make mistakes and have their baby's face chewed at and have to have their child stitched back up. Overall I think police as a whole do a pretty good job of keeping thugs alive so they can kill thousands of Americans every year.

The irony is that Twitter keep shooting themselves in the foot with crap like this which drives people away from their platform.

Unfortunately there's no proper way to manage such a large platform.
Taken out of context it does sound kind of bad...
But yeah, I'll have to agree that they shouldn't just be banning everyone at the first minor sign of a TOS violation. :/

your opinion will definitely be flourished. ..

My brother,people needs reorientation

I agree with that statement. The cop got what he deserved.

I hope that motherfucker dies too TJ, what a cunt. Also fuck Twitter, bunch of pussies.

The world has gone stupid, we live in a world where the killing of an animals for making the only sound nature can afford it to make is lawful and such a great idea when industries that pollutes our environment with toxic gases and noise pollution are encouraged, but a poor dog that makes the only sound in nature gives it is killed all for what? Most social media platforms are used by terrorist to incite violence but they arent stopping any of that. Most platforms are just tools to putting everyone in check their allegiance lies with the institution of oppression called government and they are paid billions to brain wash and misguide the people from the institutional rubbish that affect their lives

steemit is a better platform , is still in the beginning, but it certainly will grow 19c4f6f8-d017-49bb-998d-1dd7810bd331.jpg

No free speech on Twitter!!!! Did they even look into the context?

This is a good platform for getting your thoughts out for sure. I'm loving it here. :D I use this platform to post my photos though, it's been amazing 5 days so far for me.

Fuck that dog killing piece of shit.

That's so nice of Twitter to give users a reason to join Steemit, they're practically doing the advertising for us

i love to steemet

Does it surprise me? Not really... but at the same time this confirms that you made the right move...

In other words... fuck them...

Fuck that dog murder attempting bastard and fuck Twitter for censorship.

I was banned by Twitter a couple of times - gave up on it a year ago. Facebook is not much better ... so far, Steemit seems fair and open ... but I've only been here for a couple months ... (so we'll see)

Ah trivial shit did they can you for?

Having opinions that violate the "everything is awesome" narrative - and for being anti-war and pro-liberty ... and human dignity ... you're not supposed to support human dignity, these days ... Several other sundry crimes as well ...

How dare you support human dignity. You should support oppression of free speech!

It makes me a terrible person - better I should support tyrants, torturers, war mongers, and other scum ...

good now you're learning.

We are all the meat paste of history ...

Now for something completely different ...

Hey @tjkirk ! I want to say MASSIVE thank you to you, because through your videos I found this amazing platform. To be honest, I didn´t watch your videos for few months and so I decided to watch your newest video at that moment and than I heard you mentioning DTube and Steemit, these sites have such a huge huge potential and I can´t wait to start uploading my videos on DTube, I guess that you can say that I am a small DTuber and that I have a really small Dtube following lol.

some of them yes.

Free speech is dead and we have killed it

Yet it is okay to say and make hashtags such as kill all men and such other disgusting things.

Isn't it quite the same like when Twitter suspended accounts of some feminist cunts who twitted hashtag kill all men, or something like that? Basically they suspend you for "I hope he dies" part.
I get it, You and I, we wouldn't care less what people post if we were making Twitter rules, as long as it was legal.
Love, JP.

Honestly, that is kinda shitty to shoot someone's dog for being too loud. Either way, you should still have the ability to say what you think.

Thanks for telling me about Steemit and Dtube Tj. This site is awesome and I am sure you will do well here. Plus you can post pictures of butt holes here and that makes me happy.

The worst part it that their policy isn't even consistent.
For example, Twitter is extremely popular in Japan, but the "sensibilities" in Japan are different, so they have a different standard.
For example, in Japan it is completely OK to post blatant homophobic shit, and people will actually get banned for, for example, making fun of them.
I got one post deleted by twitter for "Copyright" because I took a homophobic comic in Japanese someone uploaded and changed the contents to show the stupidity of the comic.

Basically only the worst of the worst is valued by Twitter.

The idea that this is ban-worthy is amazing, this isn’t even targeted harassment!

Damn Twitter has become a double standard, hypoctitical, censoring pile of steaming shit.

I don't always agree with your opinion more so than not, but I still enjoy hearing your side. Thanks for introducing me to this platform. I feel that if I ever started a real personal channel on steemit it would do much better for me than anything else.

What's ruining Twitter is the inconsistency in how the rules are applied. I've seen similar posts to that get reported and they say no rule was violated. Vague rules and inconsistent policing are driving user away.

You dared to question the Twitter overlords of Free Speech and Celebrity ass-kissing?

Carry on!

Yes, this is the reason I love Steemit: They can downvote my, but they cannot remove my posts

I only use Twitter to post a steady stream of Steemit articles. Let the decentralization begin!

Hello there. I wrote my introduction. You can read it on the link below. I would really appreciate it if you upvote and leave the comment. I also upvote and reply to interesting and beautiful comets. ;)
