Development Update on the Steem Poker League Idea

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I've been thinking really hard all week on how to create such a great idea and bring it into reality and I believe I have found a way!



My first plan of action is to discuss all of my ideas with as many people as possible. Not only will I be posting updates on my idea for a freeroll poker site for the Steem Community, but I plan on talking to a lot of other people in the space about it as well for a long period of time.


We will discuss how such a great idea can be accomplished, we will assemble a team of top Discussioners (I invented this word just now, this is how innovative I am!) to really dig down into the grit of the problem we're trying to solve.


Oh yeah, there will be podcasts! I plan on talking and talking and talking for months and months (hopefully years!) about this project I hope to get off of the ground one day in the future. After all that talking we should finally have a workable idea from our great panel of Discussioners.


After our panel of Discussioners have finished all of their talks and podcasts, it's time to debate on all of the cool topics and ideas everyone came up with to see which ideas stick and which suck.

The Process

This is a long and tiresome process that will require a lot of funding. During this time we will show screenshots of mock ups which can be easily produced in PhotoShop in minutes, detailing our every step in the discussions. Charts will be made outlining possibilities with numbers and percentage signs, for those who like that kind of stuff. It will really make this look more official than other "ideas" out there.


So please support this idea for a Freeroll Steem Poker League with your upvotes and donations! One day soon, after many many discussions, brainstorming sessions, podcasts, meetups and debates we hope to produce a fully functional website that offers freeroll poker tournaments to the Steem Community!


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Great thought. It would be ideal if you get this going... before long. I'm certain it will get awesome acknowledgment from the Steemit Community. I mean it needs to right? This is what truly matters to Steemit, constructing vast incorporated systems for many individuals from Steemit. Somebody ought to have done this months back. Good fortunes, the help will overpower.

One day!

You know what you should do? Have a committee to discuss who the Discussioners should be! That way everyone can have input on the discussions!

Upvoted, resteemed, followed. Follow back! Welcome to Steemit!!Good content! Keep the dream alive forever and ever, amen.

Ewww yes, we need to vote to decide who will participate in the discussions. That could take weeks, thanks B!


I'd like to donate 0.342 sbd. How do I do so???

Our Dev account is @spl, thanks!

Please make this dream alive tuck great work!

You had a dream today.....I dream that someday steemians will not be known by the color of their flushes but by their considerable poker skills. Make this steem dream a reality. Talk about it today! Then, and only then, can we discuss it again.

Great idea! Let's talk about it!

We need to talk about it first, get all the details lined out before we do anything. But soooon! And by soon I mean years.

As long as you have will, anything can be possible. The problem with steemit is that like most of people, they associate poker with gambling so we should have to sell poker in steemit not like a gambling practice because in the end we are playing with and for free steem, patronized by you at first, but like a place where friends from all over the world come to have a great time, and also get the chance to win some steem using their poker skills.

Great points! Let's discuss them in length for many months!

I'm going to do this before you, Tuck. I have at my disposal a vast team of discussionists and other such people. We are going to MPGA (make poker great again...)

I will discuss and strategize years longer than you before this is done, which will make us the victors!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wonderful idea. Please make this happen... soon. I'm sure it will get great recognition from the Steemit Community. I mean it has to right? This is what Steemit is all about, building large integrated networks for hundreds of members of Steemit. Someone should have done this months ago. Good luck, the support will be overwhelming.

It will take a lot of talking and podcasting, but one day, after many many donations, maybe we can actually put out a working project and people can play some freeroll poker!

Hey, how about sponsors pay payouts to various games. Maybe you could put that idea together. I am just thinking give them a place to show their name for the payout cost for the tournament. Thanks for all the hard work.

Wow genius! Let's discuss this idea further over the next few years. Thanks!

How about I beat your ass at the table Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!! I win I get Unicorn Fairies (ferry's) everywhere.

One day, I hope to have a site with tables where you can beat my ass at! But it will take many years of discussion and lots and lots of funding. Please, be patient.

Here are some lyrics I lifted to get you by.

Gotta hold on
Livin life day by day
Gotta hold on
Put your focus on that one day

All my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more
They'll be no more wars
And our children will play
One day (one day), One day (one day)
One day (one day), One day (one day)
One day (one day), One day (one day)

Read more: Matisyahu - One Day Lyrics | MetroLyrics

I am donating 0.0000000000001 steem to this project. I think it is amazing and feel that if i donate this amount of money you could make it happen.

We will talk about this and get back with you, thank you for your donation!

Upload podcasts to DSound to get steemit

We will do podcasts on every platform that exist to make sure we can fill all the time we'll need, thanks!

I just read your first blog entry about the poker site too and I love the idea! :-)
This would be amazing, keep on working on it!

It will be ... one day!

I will! One day, soon, hopefully, with enough funding and discussing we can actually build it!

I have really enjoyed the site so far, and enjoyed many quality poker games with fellow steemsters and think my game has improved a bit.
Thanks for all your efforts so far & here's to a happy future @spl

Life is Good @

We're still in the idea phase, one day we will have an actual poker site up, but we need to talk for a long time first. :D

Make sure you create many posts highlighting your ideas and plans and, of course, presenting every new beta version of this site which I'm sure will take months if not years to create and work out.

If you are going to build a site, then you will need stats, leaderboards, and badges, lets discuss for the next couple years which stats and badges players should win. That would truly make it great.