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American Freedom 2020

by Freedom Movement of the United States of America (Since 1776)


American Freedom 2020 takes a critical look at the core mission of freedom in America in 11 self-evident truths. Learn what we need to do to secure freedom in 2020 as the Civilian Authority of We the People, who established the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as the supreme law of the land and ourselves as the supreme governmental and constitutional authority in the United States, under God!


American Freedom 2020 is a 1st Amendment petition, civilian review, state of the union report and call to action that addresses the present challenges to the sovereignty and freedom of We the People and the long history of usurpations of our governmental power through unconstitutional government laws, enforcement actions and judicial rulings.

This campaign of economic enslavement of the American people was set in motion over a century ago by an oligarchy of wealthy robber barons and bankers who have gamed our system through systematic bribery, blackmail, extortion, racketeering and democide creating a grievous loss of freedom and imbalance of power in America's carefully crafted governing system of constitutional checks and balances.

For nearly a century hostile actors have been systematically undermining freedom in America through an extensive ongoing mass propaganda, mass surveillance and legislative campaign of lobbying our prostitutes in Congress and puppets in the White House to pass treasonous tyrannical laws to incrementally disarm and rule over us.

The Freedom Movement is specifically focused on exposing, isolating and defeating this documented illegitimate oligarchy of foreign and domestic state and non state actors (AKA the "Deep State") that have embedded themselves and consolidated vast amounts of power deep inside the public and private sectors in the US and abroad.

As such, this is a call to action to the Civilian Authority of We the People to immediately circle the wagons and set up Constitutional Safe Zones in every US county of the republic to defend freedom as a duty in service to God on a NAP non-aggression principle basis.

Truth #1: Freedom is An Individual God Given Right

Freedom from slavery, of speech, the free press, freedom to assemble, freedom of religion, and freedom to petition, alter and abolish despotic tyrannical governments that seek to confine or enslave us are some of freedoms enjoyed by Americans.

Freedom was not established in America by vox populi through a democratic process of a popular vote. Nearly 70% of colonists wanted to remain debt slaves under the King of England. Had the Founding Fathers subjected the decision to declare independence from Great Britain to a vote, it would have lost.

Rather, freedom was forced upon an unwilling super majority by a 3% minority of armed freedom loving patriots. The reason they didn't put it up for a vote is simply because they had no moral obligation to do so.

Every individual has the God given right to live free and independent, even to the point that if 99.99% of the people vote to be slaves, it would be the right of the .01% to resist slavery by bravely imposing freedom on the majority against their will.

Land of the free and the home of the brave!

Truth #2: People's Sovereignty is Key to Freedom

In political theory, sovereignty is supreme authority with legitimate power over some polity with the ability to direct and project force through armed forces across space and time against all potential adversaries to an overwhelming degree with impunity.

In American politics, We the People assumed the position of sovereignty or supreme authority in 1776 through our Declaration of Independence where it states, "In the name and on the authority of the good people of these colonies...".

We later affirmed our sovereignty in the preamble of the US Constitution where it says, "We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect ordain and establish this constitution..".

Finally, in order to maintain freedom, our rights, sovereignty and constitutional rule of law in the United States as a legitimate power, we ratified the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment that states, "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Those three governmental acts form the legal basis of We the People's sovereignty as the supreme authority of the United States government - on paper.

Truth #3: Political Will+Action is Key to Sovereignty

Merely having rights and enumerating them on paper in legal documents is not enough to be counted as a sovereign legitimate force - we need to exercise our right to keep, bear and deploy arms in overwhelming numbers (ie. crowd defense) by marching or using non aggressive force (NAP) on a defensive basis against treasonous tyrannical rogue government forces who levy or conspire to levy war against We the People.

Truth #4: Bearing Arms & Using Them Against Tyrants Are Essential God Given Rights of Natural Law

Snakes without fangs die out in the wild and God's Natural Law arrangement for humans to defend themselves is through the use of weapons. The right to self defense for self preservation and self determination is given to us by God.

Removing that right is a death sentence for any human being and the human history of democide (murder by government), documented by the University of Hawaii, is the most powerful unarguable testimony to this fact.

Even if tyrants overtake our government and eventually repeal the 2nd Amendment, We the People must keep exercising our rights.

Truth #5: Exercise of Civilian Power is Not Domestic Terrorism

Freedom is not secured by simply owning or carrying arms. Freedom was secured in 1776 by deploying arms against rogue aggressor tyrants, in defense, who attacked and threatened our freedom by trying to confiscate our arms.

The idea of We the People defending ourselves from tyrants is no doubt a terrifying thought for any tyrant. Nevertheless, it is not domestic terrorism because tyrants are not legitimate government agents and confiscating our guns is not legitimate government policy - it is levying war against We the People and a punishable act of treason.

The exercise of power by the Civilian Authority of We the People to check tyranny following due process of law via civilian grand jury indictment, conviction by a jury, and capital punishment is not the "use of unwarranted violence to influence government policy" (AKA domestic terrorism).

Legit government policy is defined as policy executed within constitutional boundaries, and as of my last reading of the Constitution, tyranny and treason are well outside those bounds and punishable by death (18 U.S.C. § 2381).

Truth #6: War on 2nd Amendment is Treason

We need to cut through the bullcrap and fake news and not be under the spell of any illusions by stating the plain facts. The War on the Second Amendment is not about mass shootings, gun homicides, bump stocks, pistol grips or so-called assault weapons.

The 100 year legislative war against the Second Amendment that started in 1927, is really a coup against We the People by an illegitimate oligarchy of deep state globalists who are in an arms race with us seeking to disarm and destroy our sovereignty as the supreme governing authority in the United States of America.

Presidents Eisenhower and JFK both saw the threat of deep state shadow governments, foreign insurgency and their secret societies and publicly warned the American people to remain vigilant against it. The existence of the oligarchy was recently documented by Princeton University who concluded that America is no longer a democracy and has become an oligarchy.

The tyrants always want sovereignty over the people, but to secure freedom in the state, the American people must always defend their position as the sovereign power and civilian authority in the United States by keeping and bearing arms.

Truth #7: US Definition of Treason

Treason is the highest crime in the United States and the only crime defined in the US Constitution and is punishable by imprisonment and death, and every participant is considered a principal.

According to Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Crime of Treason Requires the Existence of Two Elements:

  1. Owe allegiance to the government. The allegiance owed to the sovereign first branch of government (AKA We the People) by treasonous rogue government actors is established when they take their oath of office to uphold and defend the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the Republic (under God) issued by We the People (the sovereign first branch of government).

  2. Intentionally betrays their oath of office (allegiance to We the People) by levying war against the government (We the People) by any forcible opposition to the execution of a public law (ie. US Constitution and Bill of Rights) the use of force (with or without weapons) by multiple people (ie. National Guard) with the common purpose of preventing some law (ie. Second Amendment) from being executed (ie. disarming people and infringing the right to keep and bear arms).

As such, disarming We the People would constitute the highest act of treason by rogue government forces.

Truth #8: Consequences for Treason are Needed

Background checks, gun permits, gun registration, serial numbering, gun regulations, gun laws, buy backs, confiscation, databases are all one and the same thing....treasonous violations of the #2A that are chopping away at the trunk of our Liberty Tree and once the tree of freedom falls dead we are in a full blown state of slavery and absolute despotism.

For over 100 years there have been practically no consequences for acts of tyranny and treason committed by rogue government servants in contempt of the Civilian Authority of We the People, the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

History has proven that no tyrant is going to enforce the Constitution or defend the Bill of Rights...their only demonstrated aim is to dominate us by disarming us.

There needs to be consequences for acts and conspiracy to commit treason and tyranny and the punishment for treason is death. One tyrant brought to swift justice will prevent 1000s more acts of tyranny.

Truth #9: We Have the Power, Right and Duty to Block Every Treasonous Step Tyrants Take

It takes up to 16 steps for a tyrant to commit an act of treason. Study the steps and exercise your God given rights and power to block these scumbags at every step! Get innovative! #RESISTTYRANNY!

  1. Formulation of the agenda for tyranny (AFT) by wannabe tyrants to violate our rights to life, liberty and property by extrajudicial democide, unwarranted incarceration, unconstitutional taxation or usurpation of our property.

  2. Legal SWOT Analysis is conducted of their agenda for tyranny.

  3. Lawyers identify one or more of our Constitutional God given rights as a threat/obstacle to their agenda for tyranny (ie. #2A).

  4. Tyrants begin propaganda campaign demonization our rights (ie. guns are evil and kill babies).

  5. Tyrants orchestrate false flag black bag operations designed to turn public opinion against our rights by having state actors abuse the rights targeting innocent civilians in acts of terrorism (ie. mass school shootings).

  6. State controlled MSM (ie. Operation Mockingbird) distorts the public's perceived value of our rights by spotlighting and exaggerating the costs of those rights (ie. mass shootings, gun accidents) while ignoring the greater benefits of having guns (preventing democide, reducing violent crime and checking tyrants).

  7. Tyrants measure polls privately and then distort public perception of public opinion by propaganda of fake or skewed public opinion polls targeting our rights (ie. CNN polls)

  8. Tyrants commit open conspiracy to levy war and treason by proposing tyrannical legislation to abridge, infringe or transgress our rights (ie. gun legislation) in open rebellion and contempt of the Constitution and the Civilian Authority of We the People who establish and enforce it.

  9. Tyrannical lobbyists draft bills.

  10. Tyrannical legislators propose, vote on and pass bills.

  11. Tyrannical heads of states sign bills into laws (ie. Patriot Act, NFA, Red Flag Laws, etc)

  12. Tyrannical LEOs enforce tyrannical unconstitutional laws.

  13. Tyrannical DAs and AGs prosecute innocent people using tyrannical laws.

  14. Tyrannical judges uphold tyrannical laws as valid and sentence defendants.

  15. Ignorant juries convict their innocent peers instead of nullifying unconstitutional laws by voting not to convict.

  16. Innocent people lose their lives, liberty and property at the hands of all the above tyrants and their treasonous enablers.

The Civilian Authority of We the People need to come together to enforce and defend the constitution against all documented conspiracies to commit treason by levying war against We the People in step 8 above, consistently, everytime, everywhere and nip it in the bud at the earliest possible stage. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Truth #10: Safely Ignore All Tyrant Scare Tactics

We need not fear our government. We the People have sufficient power. Tyrants fear We the People and our 400 million+ guns.

The only legit weapon the tyrants have that can check the power of We the People is mind control tactics to keep people in the dark, divided, and fearful.

There is no power greater than the power of the people and nothing to fear but fear itself. #FEARNOGOVT

Civil War 2.0 is a Psychological Warfare Scare Tactic

There will not be a civil war of left vs right because the left doesn't like guns and does not own guns. That type of civil war could start after lunch and would end before dinner time! Watch...

Civil War 2.0 Who Would Win?

Patriot Act Domestic Terrorism: Pyschological Warfare Scare Tactic

The Patriot Act was not an act of patriotism but a direct attack against patriots by our prostitutes in Congress who sold us out on the Bill of Rights.

The truth is that the Patriot Act actually becomes a moot point after patriots rise up in sufficient numbers to fully drain the swamp. Who will be left to enforce it? Only the cockroaches. #FEARNOGOVT

UN Invasion: Psychological Warfare Scare Tactic

The UN has 90k peacekeepers and a documented agenda to disarm American citizens. The good news is that Virginia alone has 3 million gun owners and could handle the entire UN force.

Truth #11: Call-to-Action to Circle the Wagons

In 2019 every presidential candidate openly admitted they are coming for your guns except one and she promotes the assault weapons ban on her website. Even Trump talked about taking away guns without due process. There is a legislative feeding frenzy that is being driven by state sponsored gun violence that will not go away until We the People drain the swamp.

It is time to dig in and circle the wagons in every US county in preparation for the worst case scenario. The 2020s are going to be roaring as the decade we either won or lost the war on the 2nd Amendment.

Now get briefed on proven strategies of how we are going to win:

1776 Thomas Jefferson said it best, "The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots."

Join USCF Counter-Tyranny Intel ops at [email protected]

1946 History of Battle of Athens TN

Learn how Americans successfully exercised the #2A power of the Civilian Authority of We the People against tyrants with impunity in Athens Tennessee in 1946…we did it before, and we can do it again! Watch the epic historic battle

July 2015 USCF Civil Defense Grid HQ Launched!

Counter-Tyranny, Counter-Terrorism and Natural Disaster Response operations began with our crowdsourced asymmetrical civil defense platform made of 8 integrated teams.


We have responded boots online and boots on the ground to every hurricane and tropical storm that hit US landfall since 2015 saving 1000s of lives. Join the USCF Civil Defense Grid as [email protected] today and help save American Freedom!


April 2018 - Constitutional Safe Zone Initiative

CSZ Constitutional Safe Zones were declared for all 3140+ US counties at the NC Patriot Summit. Learn the 12 Steps to Freedom - Get briefed here...


June 2018 - Defend American Gun Rights Ops Launched - Rules of Engagement for Civilian Forces Issued

"Any state or non-state actors, foreign or domestic, who seek to disarm a constitutionally carrying US citizen, is deemed an enemy combatant of the Civilian Authority of We the People and may be resisted by use of any and all necessary force in self defense under the rights guaranteed in the 2nd amendment to secure freedom in the republic."


July 2019 - Open Letter to All Law Enforcement Officers Launched on Blockchain and delivered to 1000s of patriots and bikers around the country! #STANDUP1A2A #GOUSA!

September 2019 - Operation Rogue Leo Launched

Operational Objectives:

Take the CSZ 1st Step and put your local LEOs on notice with a #2A march on your county sheriff's office with 100s and 1000s of #2A legally armed men and women, to shake hands, give a copy of this letter to all deputies, read them the letter, discuss it, ask for their compliance and go home in peace.

December 2019 Virginia Sanctuary Counties Intel

Join USCFHQ the Civilian Authority of We the People at [email protected] for Virginia Sanctuary Counties Intel ops. You will receive intel assignments and intel channel links after emailing us and getting vetted.


January 2020 American Freedom 2020 Launched! How to support Operation AMERICAN FREEDOM 2020

Operational Objectives

  1. Get the MUST HAVE American Freedom PDF Action Plan and Primer written for every US citizen that values Freedom by SMS "FreedomPDF" to +1202-798-2179 on Whatsapp or Signal App or Email [email protected] and
  2. Send it to everyone via Whatsapp, Email, Signal, Telegram, Google docs, Bittorrent etc!
  3. Alternative method: Copy Paste & Share the link to this article everywhere!

How to Help Promote American Freedom 2020

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This is a 1st Amendment exercise of civilian power to check tyrannical and treasonous rogue legislation and rogue enforcement of unconstitutional laws by tyrants!

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American Freedom 2020 Briefing #1 - How to defeat the Deep State Oligarchy and Win the War on the 2nd Amendment