World War 3 IS HERE!steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  last year 


Yeah I know, wait, what. Did I miss the memo? Well, let me explain!

What is the easiest way to conquer the world, without destroying it in the process?

Economics - he who controls the money controls the people! Let's examine this for a minute!

As of 2023, China owns 90% of the Debt owed by Nations worldwide. Add to that that China owns 20-30% of the Land and Businesses in most first and second-world countries on Earth.

So what you might think. Well if you consider that and the fact that they are Funding and providing weapons and resources to countries like Russia and Somalia it gets more interesting.

Not only do they control the money, but they are also actively taking steps to destabilize Economies by sponsoring Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Civil War in Somalia. They have enormous trade deficits with most first and second-world countries which further destabilizes those countries' economies as well as their currency!

The fact that they have trade deficits with countries that owe them billions or trillions of dollars would seem counterintuitive; at least from a business perspective! However, if you consider that by having those trade deficits it devalues the currency which leads to recessions and inflation which increases the demand for cheap Chinese goods which thus increases the trade deficit. It is a vicious cycle that will ultimately topple countries like The United States of America without a single shot being fired. Then there is another aspect to this. China owns almost every port in the United States where goods are shipped into and out of this country. They own a large portion of our tech and manufacturing industries. They own a large portion of our farmlands, businesses, and processing facilities. So when our economy collapses they can take over the country with ease and we won't be able to stop them as all they have to do is starve us out.

Furthermore, if you look at their activities outside the United States they are taking similar approaches in other countries like the United Kingdom as well as most of Europe. They are instigating, and funding wars in the Baltic States and African Countries. They are viciously protecting and attempting to expand their territories in Asia having taken Hong Kong back and attempting to take other countries in the South Pacific.

But what if it is worse than that?

What if there is even more going on than we know? What if Russia and Ukraine are actually working together? Yes, I said it. What if Zelensky is actually a Russian Agent? Imagine, for a minute, Russia and Ukraine concocting a fake war to get the world to send massive amounts of weapons and armaments to Ukraine. Ukraine then continuously claims they were destroyed by Russia and got even more weapons and armaments sent to them. The whole time they are stockpiling weapons and armaments. After every major nation on Earth has supplied Ukraine with a large portion of their military might Russia and Ukraine join forces with China and literally conquer the vast majority of the planet in a matter of weeks! The world's economies will be too crappy to build enough weapons quickly enough to stop it, especially with China owning the vast majority of our Steel Plants, Manufacturing Facilities, etc. The combined China/Russia/Ukraine militaries would be so massive, especially after the world armed them with their own weapons, to be stopped!

I know you are thinking there is no way that could happen. Oh but it can and it will because the Filthy Rich who run every government on Earth want a One World Government and every effort to create one has failed. So now they are going to do it through a combination of Economic and Physical War and make the entire planet ruled by a Communist Country. Mark My Words the day is coming so you better start learning Mandarin now!

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Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.