The 10 Ways I Got 300 Followers & Generated Over $500 In My First 2 Weeks On Steemit. You Can Too.

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

This blog is less about me and more about how you can replicate my success and learn how to make money on Steemit quick. I joined Steemit two weeks ago and since then, I've been able to build up a decent amount of awesome followers, generate over $500 from my activity and figured out how to really take the next step. 

This blog is less about me, and more about teaching you some tips about how to be successful. I hope you learn something from this. If you do, please resteem it and help other awesome Steemonians.

1. Find your voice

There are a lot of things that I like to talk about and things that I like to share. I'm interested in just about anything and wanted to share the world with Steemit when I got here. I quickly learned that the Steemit world didn't want to see that kind of stuff. lol.

It took me about 50 posts on my blog and almost two weeks before I figured out what worked for me. So far I have found that my humor and my desire to help people are the two things that resonate the best with my followers and fellow Steemonians. 

I wouldn't have known if I didn't test different ideas and put in the work to find out. Try different things when getting started and work to find your voice. When people start really commenting and voting on your post, then you know you have something. Find ways to expand on that.

2. Actually read blogs and reply

Of course you can fake it, and make someone think you read their stuff to get that follow, but you are really missing out. There is a lot of great content on here and people spend a lot of time on them. When you really take the time to read and engage, not only will you learn something probably, but you will pick up a higher quality follow. Somebody that will go to your page and return the favor.

Reading the blogs could also spark a conversation that could generate you some extra rewards.  Think about it, when you take the time to write something that is good, you want people to read it. Do the same and respond. Be gracious and thought provoking or witty in your comment and you could see several upvotes netting you a few bucks.

3.  Mindset

If you think pennies you get pennies. If you think dollars, you get STEEM dollars. Here's the deal. From the beginning, you have to start with the mindset that every vote, every reply and every follower is important and valuable. I make an honest effort to reply to every single comment on my posts. I don't do it to get more of the payout, but to interact with the people most likely to become fans of mine. 

For the first week almost 60% of my revenue came from comments. Why? It was my mindset. Treat every person like a whale and you will succeed. It reminds me of this clip from the movie Ray.

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Don't think pennies, think dollars. Treat every person like they are worth a million bucks. Reply to everyone, thank everyone and treat everyone like a whale. 

4. Go whale hunting

It is ok to search out some whales that post in your topics, but don't spend all your time doing it. You'll get a bad rep. I spend about 30% of my time looking for some of the big fish to follow and interact with. I only follow the ones that are posting content that I like, but it just happens their ratings are over 70. lol

Don't be annoying, just be yourself. If you are treating everyone like a million bucks like we discussed, just keep doing that and you will get some of them to notice you. Don't ask for anything. Just support their work. I promise, they'll notice and then one day you will check your blog post and it will go from $1.24 to $69.33 with one vote. 

5. Understanding Topics and Trending

If you only blog about one thing on Steemit, then you will want to limit the number of blogs you post in a day. You don't want to cut off the legs of a previous blog before it has the time to grow.  

But, if you target different topics and types of content, then you can post a lot more and not over saturate any single topic. For example: I like posting GIF blogs but I try to target different key words with some of them. By targeting different key words with different content you can be on the hot or trending list on multiple key words. It also allows each one to gain some steam and pick up traction. 

6. First line of your blog is key

The title is very important, but so is the first line of your blog. Make sure it is captivating and really expands on the title. Get readers hooked. Typically the first line of your blog appears in the preview and that is another opportunity to sell you content. 

Look for opportunities to grab the attention of readers. You only get so much space, use it wisely.

7. Picture is very important

I would say your title is most important, but the picture will often depend on if they will click. You want to have good pictures that cast a wide net. You want to attract as many people as possible to your post. Make the pictures eye catching, nostalgic or funny. 

If you can create your own custom images and place them first in your blog with a simple title on them, those are probably the best way. It is a step up of professionalism and if people see that, they generally will believe you spent more time on them. Prove them right! 

8. Put in the work

You have to put in the work if you want to succeed. I started with zero followers and the same Steem Power as everyone else. Every day I posted and commented and followed everyone that replied to me. I spent hours reading and viewing the content from so many awesome Steemonians. I spend hours making these blogs. You have to put in the work.

I've posted over 800 times in two weeks. Each one a thought out response, well maybe a few that were done quick, but you get the point. If you want to succeed at anything in life, you have to put in the work.

9. Understand the voting and timing

The voting and timing of votes and resteems is something that I am still getting used to, but basically the author of a post receives more of the rewards in the first 30 minutes a post. If you post real early, you could lose out on some of the rewards. 

This doesn't really matter too much when you are just getting started, but it is something that you want to keep in mind. You can find more details about this in the FAQ for Steemit. It really could mean the difference between several bucks when you grow your sp up.


10. Patience

First of all this site is still in beta, so we are really early. You have time to figure out what your voice is and then work on developing it. Take your time. Let things happen. A viral post will happen and it will happen when you least expect it. Trust your content and put it out there. Eventually it will pick up.

Believe in yourself, and others will start doing the same.

BONUS - If you are new to Steemit and would like to learn about some of the tools that I used to succeed, check out this blog post. Top 5 Steemit Tools -

BONUS BONUS - I earned a few extra bucks playing some games. Check them out here.

Thank you for reading and if found value in this post, I greatly appreciate every vote and resteem. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and I will respond. 

Steem on Steemonians


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I am here for like 2 weeks and i think that posting "how you reaction to everyday situation" with a gif is my way to go. At least i can offer someone my mem experience, not to mention that i also try to commence with meme what happened in last day on my country tag

Go for it! It is a lot of fun and I enjoy it. I like searching through them to find the exact one that hits on my point. I also appreciate that you keep coming back and checking them out! Thank you

@ walkingkeys thank you for taking the time uploading this engaging post. I started about 4 weeks ago and Im still trying to find my voice for this platform. Your list of tools I'm sure will be a big help. I haven't checked them yet because I wanted to get this comment out before it gets buried.

I will Resteem, upvote and follow.

Thanks again.

Thank you very much for the kind words. I would love to help in any way I can. Hit me up if you have any questions. I'm following you back. The tools that I mentioned helped me understand the importance of what I was doing and where to spend my time. Come up with a strategy and test different things. Your voice will come. I'm following you so I can be there when you find it. Good luck, man.

Wow, thats is so encouraging thanks alot . I need all the help I can get so I may take you up on that. I'm reading through your other post now. Good stuff.

No problem. Hit me up anytime. We all need some help from time to time. I really appreciate you taking the time to check out my stuff. I'll do the same for you.

of course bro your stuff is great.

Great tips and recap of the important points! A useful and friendly reminder. Thanks for posting!

Thank you very much. I started following you as a way to say thanks for checking out my stuff. I appreciate it.

Thank you, I appreciate it and followed you as well. Keep the good stuff coming!

nice post! Where do you get those gif images? Is it worth of following whales? Thanks..I'll follow you.

I get the gifs from - learn more here...

It is worth following whales because they teach a lot. If you follow and give good feedback without asking for anything, you will see a reward. True story, I followed this one poet I liked who's votes were worth like $1.50. I post on her poems and giving good feedback for a week strait and she only upvoted on of my comments. Then one day, she went to my page and voted on like five or six of my posts. It was awesome. It has to be authentic, but if you are real with them, they will help you out.
Hope that helps. I'll follow you too.

Great advice! I've found some of these out myself too, but having someone else agree with them makes me feel better lol. Nice job!

lol, it makes me feel better that they make you feel better. I am glad I could help. You picked up a new follower. Good luck!

ha! Thanks. Good luck to you as well.

Thanks man, it was hard getting started on here but there's so many people out here helping out! It's great! I'm gonna follow you

Thanks! I appreciate it, I really do. It is tough. I never said it was easy, but if you have a strategy and put in the work, it will pay off.
I'm following you too. I appreciate you stopping by.

Great post. Finding your voice is something that I think more users need to focus on. It's not about putting on some show and being something you're not, most of us are here for genuine interactions so just be you! :)

I agree 100%. That is why I put it as number one. It wasn't until I found my Steemit voice did the rewards really start. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.

I've had the same experience. People aren't here for cookie-cutter posts, we're looking for personality!

Yes!!! You have the right mindset. I couldn't agree more. I think there is some real talent on here. It's exciting to be here so early.

Thank you for the post, everything is beneficial!

You're welcome. I am very glad you found it helpful. Welcome to Steemit. There is a lot of opportunity out there, you just got to get it. Good luck.

Great article -- I'm a newbie here, so this helps! Thanks :)

Thank you very much. Today is my two week anniversary, so I'm new too! I really hope you find the success I'm finding here. Good luck on your journey and thank you for taking the time to read my post!

Great tips. You're going to do very well on Steemit with this approach and mindset. Steem on.

Awesome! Thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to read through. I love it on Steemit. It is a very real and authentic place. Something that no other social media can claim. Thanks for the support.

nice tips. you've really point out almost all the best strategy that could help every serious steemonian to succeed, do check out my blog @

great post - i am impressed and you do write well. I have been here 2 weeks today and haven't found my niche yet. I have posted my music and paintings but they don't really so much. I will read the tools you linked.

Hey man, I really appreciate the ongoing support. I posted a lot of my creative work early too, but I think if you let people see the man beyond the music, then they will connect with the music more. My suggestion is to use the passion for music and painting to find common threads that transcend the arts. Then tell about those experiences. That might be a good way to get people to connect. I hope that helps. Thank you again. I will go and check out some of your work too. I like to paint. Thanks!

thanks that does help and helps me find a way to keep posting - i will reveal a little more of me and stop hiding behind my art. Your a good writer and i enjoy your content -thanks for thinking about how i can improve here - i just had a look at and i see i am 50% from commenting and %50 from authoring.

The roof... the roof... the roof is ON FIRE!

well done impressive.jpg


Putin 1.jpg

We could go on for days. LOL

another helpful post for noobs like me, thank you!

You are welcome. Man, I really appreciate the support. Thank you!

Thank you so much for the advice! I needed to hear some of the things you said and hopefully I can follow suit. I'm still having a hard time building a "community" but hopefully with some persistence, and well thought out gifs, I can grow from a young minnow into a humble whale! Thanks again

lol @ well thought out gifs. HAHAHA. They do help, but I've been using GIFs forever. I think they are funny.

Just keep plugging away and you'll find your niche. Try new things and talk about different experiences you've had that are unique but relatable. You picked up a new follower and your profile says that you like 3-d Printing and design. Post stuff about that and future trends. Expand on you existing base of knowledge and you could really set yourself up for success on here and at other companies you may work for in the future. I am sure you will find what works for you. Good luck!

Hahah GIFs are among the best ways to communicate..
Thanks man, you earned a follow as well! Yea 3D printing is only scratching the surface of what I plan to do, but you know how it goes, one step at a time haha.. Do you think companies will begin to hop on steem? Like Nike, Ultimaker, or GM? It would be cool to try and work out some collaborations

Thank you for all the tips! They're really good, I've only been here 3 days and this is exactly what I needed to hear. I will keep all of these in mind ^_^

This is a key phrase in your post: "Treat every person like a whale". And that's all I have to say about that (in my Forrest Gump voice).

If there is only one thing I hope people get from this post, it is that line. Thank you for reading and replying. I really appreciate it.

Rock on! :) Enjoy STEEMIT!

Thanks! For checking out my post. I appreciate it.

Thanks! These are some great tips. And the first line was a particularly good suggestion for me.

And 11. Always add few memes I see. :D
Just joined SteemIt, so thanks for valuable advice!

Thanks alot because of these word.
It really retraced my steps

I hope it works out. Let me know if I can help in any way. I appreciate the support!!!

The comments are working people tends to follow back.

But is hard for people to upvote you

Aren't hunting whales banned? Hehe, seriously, you've good great ideas. I think I might just go harpoon one now.

Great post thanks for sharing your tips!

nice post!

Thanks! I really appreciate it. You picked up a new follower for taking the time to reply.

Helpful article, especially for a newbie here on Steemit like myself. Thank you!

Some good points to consider for sure. Following and I am also going to check out the other articles you mentioned later tonight. Thanks!

Thank you for this post!! Love the mindset :) and totally agree. Just like a good business, where satisfied customers and their needs are more important to the owner than making profit. Profit will come on its own when you have customers that love you. I feel the same way about blogging and posting a good content.

I'm currently reading The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk and in the book he talks about genuinely caring about the person your dealing with. You sort of touched on this by talking about making each person feel important. I have acted on this already by responding to the people who have commented on my posts. Thanks for the great advice here.

first, welcome to Steemit. You found a good home. 2nd, I love GaryVee! Great book!!! I believe in that philosophy 100%. The world will pay you back somehow. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment. It means a lot. Plus since you are a Gary vee fan, I have to follow you. lol. I try to put out at least one advice, guide blog each day. Check back often.

Theses are all really good tips walking keys, thanks for the info!! :)

Hey, thanks for taking the time to share your tips! As a new steemonian I am a bit clueless but these tips really fixed my mindset :)

Thank you for taking the time to post these tips for the community to use.

I agree with everything that you wrote. Like others have said I am still trying to find my voice here.

One thing that I am running into is writer's block. I know you said to follow certain trends, but do you have any other advice on how to overcome writer's block?

The best way to overcome writers block is to write as strange as it sounds. I have typically two hour segments I use for Steemit. One ends in 9 minutes. lol. During that time I try to post a blog and reply to other people. I make myself write. I have a couple of blogs that I have started and got stuck, but switched to other ones. This was actually one of those, until I modified it to fit today. If you are blocked, go find cool people to follow, read there stuff and spend some time writing to it. Get comfortable writing. It will take some time to find your voice, and I found it fast, but I experimented a lot. Just keep trying new things. People will catch on. Good luck and I hope that helps. Let me know if I can ever help.

Thanks for the reply.

The writing tip sounds like a good one that I'll have to try out next time I get stuck on a post.

Yeah, just keep writing. Whenever you get stuck, write something else. You do that and you will find that writers block happens less and less. Also, don't try to write a blog that will go viral each time, try writing a blog that you would find interesting. Like this blog. I would have found this very interesting last week. So I know there is a market for it.