Daily Flag Report 11.17.2017

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

It seems the major issue people have had with my flagging is the lack of explanation.  With that being said, I will do my best to provide a daily update of the accounts or posts I have flagged and the reasoning for doing so.  

I don't care if you like the reasons or not, this is not a debate, rather a little more transparency.

Voting power reduce from 100% to ~60%.

@funny-gifs - using delegated power for #rewardpoolrape

@askquestion - using delegated power for #rewardpoolrape

@elizabeth302 - using delegated power for #rewardpoolrape

@earthnation - using bots to upvote posts to $1+/view and reports of scammy behavior by community

https://steemit.com/steemit/@techslut/why-i-am-quitting-steemit-and-you-should-to#@lexiconical/re-poet-re-techslut-why-i-am-quitting-steemit-and-you-should-to-20171115t104146202z - ridiculous comment reward

All of these with $20+ comment rewards, generally voted by @pula78:

Posters who will be regularly flagged:

@techslut - constant comments about me and generally being pathetic/begging for sympathy Not worth my time, too pathetic.

@noganoo - need I say more?

So, you go around flagging posts yet upvote yourself on this post.  What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you @berniesanders?

There is absolutely NO monetary incentive to flagging posts, like there is upvoting.  I could increase the Steemit circle jerk like many you see me flagging, or, I can take care of business and reward myself on this post.  

Feel free to flag if you disagree with this approach and I will reconsider based on the response.

P.S. - Vote for my witness @nextgencrypto, thanks!

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It seems like I cannot even talk on the platform these days.I also support actions against spammers and scammers.
If my comment contray someone else's view, there's 90% chance of getting flagged.It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. The only thing matters is who is bigger than whom.
Is this how the platform should be working anyway?

Crispy sounds silly but it sort of reminds me of the early days of World of Warcraft, when you would go to the outlands and try to do either one of the flags or if you happen to get yourself kicked into PVE mode and some higher guy would come and just tear you up over and over again, and then stand on your dead corpse what we did for your ghost to come back. Once you would revive your body they would just kill you again. If you didn't know anybody that was a big fish this could mean that either you'd be stuck trying to get away from this person and waste some precious game time playing or you could choose their little Rez here, I don't remember what it was called but there was a deficit with it and you have to go fix your items and it was stupid. I haven't personally had any bad experiences on here this far and I've only run into one person that I ended up just blocking. I didn't even run into them on Steam though, I actually ran into them on Discord but I'd seen their stuff on Steam. I've actually liked a few things of theirs on Steam since then, I just don't want to talk to them because they were at last time and I don't know him well enough to confront them and I don't really care much about an apology. I prefer to make friends on here but sometimes, energies just don't mix.

I definitely think that the spammers should get their day, but I'm not sure how I feel about censorship and or flagging, unless there's some sort of recourse and boundaries that are clearly defined before the flagging begins. It's like you don't just go and yell at somebody if they have absolutely no idea that they did something and it wasn't their intent to do so.

Most of our laws are based on intent, the intent to steal something the intent to cause bodily harm the intent to commit fraud. Those are just some examples. They are also good examples of things that can happen simply because people don't know any better or because they had a bad day and they said something that they shouldn't have and it came across differently than it might have otherwise.

I've heard it said a lot of ways and the only one I have been able to Source personally is Aleister Crowley, but the essence of the quote is you can't properly break the rules without knowing them in entirety. I think this goes for not only the people that might potentially break them, but it requires there to be another side of that where somebody actually knows the rules and then both sides need to express them to each other.

If rules are posted or easy to find they're not going to be followed. It's that simple. That's why we have big huge flashing lights when we drive our cars and double yellow lines. I don't know about all of you but I'm not even 40 and I'm sick of all this fighting and Bullshit. It's true what they say that youth is wasted on the young. I'm not directing that anyone here specifically because I'm having a really hard time not saying both sides of the fence.

I can understand how small fish, new individuals, the less than popular crowd which by no means makes them less interesting or important, those that don't know technology, those that don't have time to read a white paper that's the equivalent to the book because they have children and debt and they didn't come to these realizations in their twenties and their stuck... the list goes on and on about what the disenfranchised in the disadvantaged would benefit from. Then there are those that have perhaps impressive social skills, maybe they were born with a high Charisma stat, maybe they put all of their points into some obscure Humanity feat that allows them to do in manifest exactly what they want and all they want as a social structure and popularity. I don't know. I don't even care. Even with all this bickering and fighting I still like the site, I come back even though I can't be consistent and because I can't be consistent I don't make as much I'm here as I probably could have if I really hustled. I'm a freelance writer, I have been for over 12 years. And before that I was a part-time for you that's writer so, if you put all the time that I worked from home to gather you get around 17 18 years experience. Somehow I've managed to pay my bills and make the world work even though I've stepped outside of the social Norm. How you want to live is up to you it just depends on what you're willing to do to get it. We are not everything else is just a huge debate that nobody is prepared for, which you can tell by the swearing and borderline name-calling.

no matter which side you're on if you're going to set and bitched about how things need to change or how you like the way that they are or how you appreciate the transparency, things aren't going to change until all of us on both sides can learn to talk and work together. I don't think it's that hard. I mean granted this is tldr so I might as well just go out there balls deep and say what I want to say. But you don't put it into a steem post. for now I just want to know what reward pool rape is LOL I would also like to not get flagged, that'd be cool. With that I want and in the factory saying, I just realized there was a little bit of, not a lot but a twinge, I fear. So I guess if ruling by tyranny is your goal... well, more power to you.

No seriously

Csn someone tell me what the hashtag for rewardpoolrape is?

Ty loving light & you all meet in the middle

I really appreciate your effort and time for writing such a long comment. @rumdancer

This is how it works, Whether it should or it shouldn't.... Sadly


I made this comment on a different post and it is very much relevant here so I make it again

Flagging won't solve the issue...we achieve more if you try to interact with those users and get a better feel of their expectation...
Flagging is creating a hostile environment and empowering those with a negative tone to be emperors to those who cannot defend themselves...
People are being flagged on their first post and the trend of those barely making 1USD but being flag by those making 400+ continue.....
Its looking like a fantasy project if this trend continue because on one hand we epitomized it as the ultimate blogging platform where everyone can earn but its the total opposite....
This project is very much embryonic, let it bud, we are trying to get the world on board, we have to deal with what it brings, engaging those bad apples is more important because the action of some thinking that they are protecting the reward pool is actually turning people away...
I have over 400 dead followers..... foster an environment of cultivation and growth, build a foundation before trying to take it apart...

Thanks for telling it like it is. This site is broken, flawed and is not even close to what it was promised to be. Other projects will soon overtake this. Not worth the effort to post here.

Which other projects, specifically?

You're doing the community a favor with most of these (so far!). Love the transparency of the report.

Yes Transparency reports are the first

Mine included?

Thanks for taking care of business man. This is needed 100%.

@nextgencrypto for witness!

So true!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please don't spam comments @palash01, it will probably get you flagged! ;)

There are still a few comments from funny-gifs with ~$15 payouts. About 4 days back.


I think you’re off to a good start though. Nothing wrong with transparency. I’m sure that will help with the complaints. You’ll probably never get one again!

I flagged all 3 of those posts in your link they moved a bit. If everybody can pitch in with some flags quickly so they can disappear it would be great!

They'll be gone shortly.

I will help smash those 4 down right now

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Please don't spam comments @palash01, it will probably get you flagged! ;)

ok i got this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There is absolutely NO monetary incentive to flagging posts, like there is upvoting.

The incentive is in your investment. If you truly believe that what you're doing is good for the steem community then you must also believe that your steem would gradually become more valuable.

With 1 million steem that means $10'000 every time the price of steem increases by 1c.

Absolutely true. I think a number 1 priority right now should be to stress this fact over and over again and build a culture where people and whales are more mimdful of this. We are all co-owners and co-creators of Steem, better act like it too

Flagging is not the only solution. Maybe suggest paying around 0.01SBD before commenting. I think it can reduce spammers.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @berniesanders, you are doing a great service to the community! Going forward I hope you focus on the individuals that are obviously abusing and spamming!

Looking forward to see the abusive behaviour being put to a halt for good! :)


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Please don't spam comments @palash01, it will probably get you flagged! ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for both the actions and the transparency! I strongly believe this is a good thing for the platform.

Thx for the transparency. I think this is a way of explaining Why. You get more understanding.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please don't spam comments @palash01, it will probably get you flagged! ;)

Hi @yougotflagged,

I have heard many different views about of @berniesanders but I had no idea he was a witness @nextgencrypto as well and he is supposedly fighting the crime!

Similar to Robin Hood I guess?! A hero and a villain at the same time ;)

Posting on the flagged posts is a very nice step towards transparency and trust.

Thank you!

I followed him after this - god I hate the name though lol

Off to a great start @berniesanders ! Appreciate the transparency and explanation for all to see ! following the new @yougotflagged Tag now !! Keep up the great work 💕😀👍


This is fantastic news. Fucking jerk offs. You guys can all go fuck yourselves with your circle jerk bought delegation bullshit. Thank you for flagging all these accounts @berniesanders

Thanks for letting us know!

I'm a fan of the transparency.

These are the kind of information newbies like us need to stay within limits on this platform. I just followed you and will be looking forward to learning more from your posts.

really good information for us thanks for the post
This post help to decrease

If only I had the vaguest idea what you were talking about. 😜

Do the work and pay your self.
Nothing wrong with that.


you can 1 vote for baby..

very nice post

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

arent yhu down enough?

:))))) faith restored.

we should keep steemit clean and fresh we will work together

Hi, newbies here. Where can you find info on what flagging is and why it happens and how to avoid it?

just be yourself and follow the rules. dont beg for votes and dont spam and i think yhu are good

Flagging is like a downvote, if there is more SP downvoting a post than upvoting it, the post will lose its pending rewards and be greyed out. Flagging also effects your reputation, if it gets low enough you will no longer be able to post images and once your rep gets to 0 everything you post will be greyed out instantly.

It happens for any number of reasons, people plagiarizing material, spam, a disagreement over rewards, just out of spite. While its recommended that people only use it for clear cases of abuse, people are free to vote their stake however they like.

The best way to avoid it is to post original content, like @ewuoso mentioned, dont spam or beg for votes, try to avoid being an asshat to people and you should be fine.

If you are unsure how to tell if your post has been flagged, you can check out this post

Thank you! This was useful. I think we should be fine as none of the things you mentioned are of any interest for us! Fair game, fair gain works just fine! :)

Just be careful when flagging someone. Even if you have a valid reason (like they are clearly plagiarizing a post) the flagged person tends to lash out and revenge flag your posts.

If you are worried about something like that, you can bring the offending post to the attention of @steemcleaners and they will take care of it so you don't have to risk any retaliation on your end.


So you are pro plagiarism on Steemit?

I'm anti snitch.

Who am I going to snitch to? Myself?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The only people who were complaining before were the scandalous ones. But this new method will give more credibility to what you do, and have been doing. People do not appreciate that you do not use your SP to make a crap load of curation, circle jerk or even self vote. But instead you sacrifice to protect all of the hard working peoples investments in steem. Keep it up, hopefully more will understand your motivations now.

Glad to see this happening. It will help to restore faith in Steemit. Thank you for the daily report @yougotflagged.

Do you will have a page where people can report abuses to you like steemcleaner?

It's obvious English is not your first language, what is your first language and why don't you use it to post on Steemit?

It is french and german and I don't use it because would I write here my comment in french noone or nearly noone would understand it.

Sadly it's only a small dent in the abuse but it is a start. I know alot of users will think about their actions now atleast..i hope? I haven't been partaking in any unscrupulous behavior and I was still worried I'd catch a flag! lol So the threat is real, or maybe I'm just a lil bitch? 😛 One person who is happy today is @techslut! Dont know her but I'm glad you gave her a second chance, I saw the post she said she was gonna quit and u smashed on her. I want ppl to be happy, looks like you showed a little compassion Bernie 👏 I hope everyone has a great weekend 😎💗420


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Good to see people with power dealing with the abuse of the platform that does it no favours at all. I want to see the rewards going to those who deserve it. That way we can attract more cool people who will help Steem to grow.

You realise we just lost a novel writer because of this?

So I heard. That's a real shame. There are people who really deserve some rewards, but there are others who get more than their share through self voting and/or favouritism of some whales. We have to find the right balance and I hope the whales don't abuse their power. I'm going to post some thoughts on this

You hope they don't abuse their power? What do you call this post on the trending page?

Just a regular day at Steemit Towers. The trending page is dominated by posts that earn more than they really deserve. Same old names.

And just who is to be the one to determine WHO deserves what? LMAO

Well we get to choose who we support in this.

Congratulations @yougotflagged, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 219 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3004.57. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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I have no idea about this

Thanks for taking care of business man.

you just got a witness vote from me :) god job @yougotflagged @nextgencrypto

Im sorry that i dont understand what flagging means, I am new to steemit and still learning all of this... Although it seems that what you flag are I think poser...I'm learning and thank you for posting information like this.. It helps people new to this community to be aware of this type of post...

It means removing rewards and damaging reputation.

I'm confused, I flagged this post in support of flagging post.

lol! :-)

Alright you got my vote for witness.

such a great post.good to know all.Thanks for share with us.it is true information.Keep it up

very nice

very informative post

nice post.
followme and up vote
Thank you very much @yougotflagged

😍A very informative post. Great job. Keep it up! 😍
OpenMusic Steemit Kiss.gif

very informative report

Congratulations @yougotflagged!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 99 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 215,4

This is exactly what i need, been scared about the whole flagging idea, this days one cant just go to a comment and talk his mind out, i am new on the platform not up to 2months and i try as much as possible to learn the rules,but the idea of flagging got a shive down my spine, i thought to my self what about if some one flagged you for just non cause,before i do love commenting on all post i love, but now this days i just pass and smile at post,Everyone is scared, but anyways we shouldn't be i came to learn and understand that, if your post and comment is genuine, the man above is your guide and your power is Strong.
@yougotflagged keep up this good work, we the steamians appreciate this a lot. Grow stronger.

Great Post..

Me @kdjakirtgl

I am actually glad to see you're putting some of that voting power to good use and not wasting it on little ol me. Finally! That good side of bernie people keep saying exists!

I know you just LOVE my moronic questions, so I'll ask another one: why don't you just join forces with steemcleaners?


I suggest you stay out of my threads.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Bernie has been nothing but good to the steemcleaners. He doesn't need to officially join to help in the fight against spam/abuse :)

I dunno, just seems like it would be more efficient to join (or create) a community effort to fix things rather than be a sole crusader. :shrug:

Sounds communist, I'm all for individual liberty.

Didn't you just abandon Steem @techslut? ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was going to. And then a mass of people applied some serious peer pressure on me via discord and steemit chat. Besides, as an Internet culture researcher? This is some fascinating stuff I will be writing a long (and well paid) article about in some publication. Totally worth sticking around for. I am running out of popcorn.

Hugs and love! <3

And then a mass of people applied some serious peer pressure on me via discord and steemit chat. seriously? i wish i was there.. maybe next time it will happen for real^


shit @techslut total credibility lost. Your public meltdown and then you suck up to, then instigate, the 'monster'. Come on. Get some integrity. Freedom of speech yes but you really make yourself look foolish. Good that you stayed. Idiotic what you are doing here though.

Suck up to? There was no sucking up to, I assure you. Just trying to be objective.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Does Lindsey know you speak to women like that? Someone should really send the women in your family a screenshot of the above comment. Would you like me to or do they already know about your hateful nature?


My whole family calls a spade a spade, you're going to have a bad time LMAO.

And your coworkers, friends, neighbours... Okay. You got it dude! Just keep flagging me randomly so I don't forget, cause schooling you is hardly on top of my tasklist.


I'm a retired debt slave, all my friends will tell you to fuck off like the social justice warrior you are. This is going to be fun!

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
banner.gifThis COMMENT has been DOWNVOTED by @miti for its content. I'm not a BOT and my aim is to clear posts by trolls and spammers. Want to support me? Upvote this comment, delegate SP to me or make a donation. I need more Steem Power to clean as many posts as possible. Thanks!

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banner.gifThis COMMENT has been DOWNVOTED by @miti for its content. I'm not a BOT and my aim is to clear posts by trolls and spammers. Want to support me? Upvote this comment, delegate SP to me or make a donation. I need more Steem Power to clean as many posts as possible. Thanks!

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