I found this somewhere and it made me think,
I'm still learning...
WHEN TO BE SILENT. And the Bible says:
Be silent In the heat of
anger - (Prov 14:17)Be silent When you don't
have all the facts - (Prov
18:13)Be silent When you
haven't verified the story -
(Deut 17:6)Be silent If your words
will offend a weaker
person - (1 Cor 8:11)Be silent When it is time
to listen - (Prov 13:1)Be silent When you are
tempted to make light of
holy things - (Eccl 5:2)Be silent When you are
tempted to joke about
sin - (Prov 14:9)Be silent If you would be
ashamed of your words
later - (Prov 8:8)Be silent If your words
would convey the wrong
impression - (Prov 17:27)Be silent If the issue is
none of your business -
(Prov 14:10)Be silent When you are
tempted to tell an
outright lie - (Prov 4:24)Be silent If your words
will damage someone
else's reputation - (Pro
16:27)Be silent If your words
will damage a friendship- (Prov 16:28)
Be silent When you are
feeling critical - (James
3:9)Be silent If you can't say
it without screaming it -
(Prov 25:28)Be silent If your words
will be a poor reflection
of the Lord or your
friends and family - (1 Pt
2:21-23)Be silent If you may
have to eat your words
later - (Prov 18:21)Be silent If you have
already said it more
than one time - (Prov
19:13)Be silent When you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person - (Prov
24:24)Be silent When you are
supposed to be working
instead - (Prov 14:23)
Have a blessed day