In the days of this material matter, a woman is much seduced by the baubles of material life, because many people now live without purpose. If the purpose of a wife's life is to receive the pleasure of Allah and to reach His heaven, she will never turn to the world jewelry sundries. This is because he believes that the world is worth nothing, even the equivalent of a single wing of mosquitoes in God's eyes.
The Prophet asserted that the dependence of a woman's heart with the finite world jewelry causes her destruction in the world and the hereafter. As for his kebinasaanya in the world, as narrated from Abu Sa'id, the Prophet of God has long sermon and mention about the world and the Hereafter. He asserts that the cause of the destruction of the Children of Israel is because many wives of poor men demand from their husbands clothing or jewelry such as the guidance of the wife of a rich man to her husband. (1) A woman's busyness and attention to silk and gold in the world can turn her away from her obedience to her God, and can prevent her from climbing into the highest heaven in the hereafter. Narrated from Abu Hurayrah, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "Woe to women for two things red: gold and clothing dressed za'faran." Although allowing gold and silk for women, he forbade his wives to wear the two things. He said, "If you want the jewels of heaven and his sister, do not you wear them in the world." (2). Perhaps this prohibition is specific to his wives so that they are more pursuing the afterlife than the world.