If you don`t Believe we are in the End of Days.

in steemitchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

I decided to write this as an argument to those people out there you don`t believe we are in the End of Days.

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You know the type of people that I mean, the ones who hide their heads in the sand, the ones who never really read the Holy Scriptures, the ones who dream that their lives will stay the same - which is rather dull.

They presume to think the Holy words of God who created man are rubbish. They presume in their own actions to think they are clever and better than God. They make wild claims that God dosen`t exist and they try to use science as an escape route.

They couldn`t be more wrong - science has even declared the existence of a Highly intelligent being whose mathematics is way beyond the scope of any mear human mind. And to such a perfect order.


So then let us just say for the sake of these peoples souls which are in a great risk of the Fire and wrath of God, that we break down the end of days with what we have already seen around the globe since 2011.

So where to start is actually easy - The Book of Revelations is the Key. But not just that but the other prophets also spoke of these very events- We must treat it as a fact-finding mission with the clues written out in black and white.

The Book of Revelations is not Chronological because if it were the case everyone would know well beforehand how everything was to unfold. They would ignore the signs until the first one was seen. There is a quote - It is a matter for kings to search out a matter. Even God made the Stars and the planets for signs to be given to us on any impending doom as a warning of what was to come. And that was written in the first few paragraphs of Genesis.

Now, we know that it is the seals being broken was the first signs of the beginning of the End of Days. We also know through Calendars of Jubilees of Jewish festivals and the genetic Family tree from Adam and the years that they lived.

God is a great Mathematician and numbers have a great meaning in everything with a precise accuracy and timing.

Gematria is a good example of this.
Torah codes that are the very hidden message from God that speak of places, events and they show people who are only born thousands of years after the Bible was given to Moses to write. God`s plan unfolding even through the text. I will put it in a simple manner for you to understand. If you were an author sitting writing a book from beginning to end then you give that book to a publisher who will make that book public. Now, You are the only one that knows everything - when people start to read that book they see the unfolding story - the Characters, the hidden meanings, the personal accounts of that person/Characters life. What they did and how they did it, their decisions, their children, their battles, their growth as the human race learns to become perfect.
You must understand that these people were not only chosen by God but they had a role to play out. It is not for the reader to assume why the author chose that person for the purpose. For it was written how the author wanted it to happen. You have heard the terminology of all the worlds a stage and each man must play his part. This is true.

zzzzzzzzzzzzSan Juan de Patmos, Evangelista.jpg

The thing is that every book must have an ending. FACT!.

Then a new book is made - a sequel if you like.

So the TRUTH is we are near the very end of that Book that was given by God.

We saw the Horsemen riding since 2011. The First Horseman being the Returned Christ.
We have seen Plagues grow with intensity each passing year of the 7 years of Tribulation.
I could give countless lists but my steemit would end up like a novel.

couple examples below of the horsemen.


ghost horse cairo 2011.jpg

Then, of course, we see mentioned about the martyrs from the fifth seal being broken. We see countless times Jews, Muslims and Christians being slain.

We see pestilence around the world increasing, Wars and rumours of Wars, We see earthquakes increase in number and intensity. Tsunamis, Blood red rivers everywhere and even in unusual places.


One huge give away that is spoken of by John in the Book of Revelations is the Drying up of the River Euphrates so the enemies of Israel will march across it.

Yes, we are seeing Turkey, Russia and Iran become allies. We have seen Damascus in ruins, We see that our Sun is dying and turning Black.
We have witnessed the Rev 12 prophecy of the Woman and the Dragon in the Heavens Which will NEVER happen again.

People across the globe are seeing the Lords armies (Angelics) which we in modern times referred to as UFOs.

But, there are other things too that people who are blind by their ignorence do not see or they try to give some stupid explanation for...

You know if you read your Bible that the seas boil - ie they dry up. You should also know that the mountains shall melt - these are the Volcanoes that have and will erupt globally. And are we not today seeing the RING of FIRE becoming more and more active, that Volcanoes that were dormant for thousands of years or hundreds of years are becoming active.

We have seen seas vanish, Lakes vanish overnight. Big Biblical storms ,And we now have the Fire from the sky. The Iceteriods and Meteors that are being seen and heard ie sonic booms. The Trumpets too have been heard since 2011.



This is not to mention the way people are - many people are anti-religion, anti the Christ because they can`t believe that God would send his Son. They are wicked, boastful, self-servicing, nasty, evil, cruel, mocking of those who do believe in the Christ, cruel to animals, murderous, vile, vindictive,self-praising, idol worshipping, greedy,


There are a few more prophecies that you will see.
One is coming very quickly and that is when you see Assads Palace burn to the ground. Israel is already pushing to attack Assad. You will also see America (Babylon Fall) ie a ICBM type nuke will nuke them back to the Dark ages, but not just that but they shall be rained on by the Fire and Brimstone. WW3 will be happening.

You WILL see the Enemies of Israel attack her and march into Jerusalem. You will see the New Jerusalem Land and more importantly YOU WILL see the Messiah Crowned and HE WILL JUDGE YOU.



Choose wisely and leave before it is too late...

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We are indeed in the end of the end of days already. Time is almost up. The Messiah has arrived now already. It is time to recognise and acknowledge Lord RayEl as the Messiah.

Amen brother, Time is up and those who are unrepentant will wish they had more time. Too late as The King must take the throne.

Very true, Sister. What must be done, must be done. The throne is for him to take and the time is now.

It truly is terrifying the time we are in. The number of souls that might not make it is saddening.

It is time for a change

2 Thessalonians 2:11

11Because of this, God sent them the activity of delusion that they would believe lies.

Hopefully, your message will reach many as they will come out of the delusion and find themselves true salvation!

We are truly at the very end of everything

The only hope in the world is the returned Messiah Lord RayEl.

To doubt the inevitability of change even when drastic differences present themselves is a powerful delusion.

Time to wake up!