The Steemit Crypto Challenge #18 - Winner Announcement

in steemitcryptochallenge •  8 years ago 

The 18th Steemit Crypto Challenge is over and we are happy to announce the winner:

Congratulations @pilcrow!

You followed your intuition and stayed on the right track. Solving the puzzle you saved your reward, 50 Steem goes to you.


Here is a breakthrough, showing step by step what you had to do in order to solve the crypto-puzzle.
The two given hints were:


EnCt228255f7ecac734a4aa6e455ae7992d7480fda17428255f7ecac734a4aa6e455aBQBTBmG3IQE o3wrCcFkchovKNHvJDDbN6IO+ux8iwSwblQ5riGLV1R9jBRg8lzAKvPq3CooNFVA8p2nfMfrD+KN/G8U Wa5qe5SHCdOyf+ruXtjy/+iIY1Axnb5+kRB7TBc6yS/Fx6NunWaArmru8HdM//lA+R+OCf+VoHfobRwO A86wOMiJAVqHxIN9zkSwKTW8WqWvettnEAJTQLT2gNbaGSW/KRQ5kRnwTZ4JSiFw=IwEmS Decrypt it at

Some Steemians said this challenge was harder than the other challenges before, make your own picture with the following solution. In order to access the encrypted message on you had to find the right password. "???" was a hint that the password consists of three parts. In the title image you will find one "?" and in the first hint image two "?".

@jfollas was able to crack the code again this time. However he used a bruteforce method which is legit. Without bruteforcing this would be the way to handle the situation:

The letters in the title image are runes which also represent numbers. The first rune represents the number 1, the second rune 3, R is for 5. Following this pattern the first number we are looking for is 13.

Having a look at the first hint image you might recognize a Fibonacci tree.

The two branches represent the numbers 13 and 5. The password for the encrypted message is therefor 13135.

Decrypting the message you will receive the following new message:

Hnemoesaft pcleheaeibhi unoaey ww .ou o.awothat sy lgTn ww tflloYch rs he5ol.n8 c tl kriroan ts l aoi ckunrthDG kn6idle tsohcthe.exnrleenst.u coaeitM dca 9

@pilcrow found a matching encryption method (Columnar Transposition) and was able to crack the code. The deciphered message is:

Hi and welcome to the last task for this crypto challenge. The next answer will be the final solution. You ca check your answer with the MD5. Good luck. anno 68.9

The answer was Uran.

Great work and congratulations to the winner and all who participated. @jfollas you get 10 Steem for the first hint! Don't miss the next Steemit Crypto Challenge and be prepared.
Tim Said
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Thanks a lot for hosting these challenges, it was a pleasure playing and an unexpected surprise to win. Looking forward to the next challenge already!

Impressed - congratulations =)

@timsaid you are great and you are giving motivation to steemits user
Congratulations to @pilcrow **Hats Off to your great work and great wow!!
Keep it up your work you will definitely get success. @timsaid you are so influencial
Thank you @timsaid.

WOW, you took solving puzzles into another level... nice work man!

Really awesome post !!

Too complicated for me :(

Congrats to the winner!!
Well done!!
To me this is like reading a foreign language.....

Congrats @pilcrow

I thought there would be an easy solution to it and I was VERY wrong. Even now after seeing the solution I don't get the logic of it all xD

Well done, @jfollas! And thanks, Timsaid for holding this contest! :)

Congratulation the winners thats mentioned by @timsaid.
Good luck @pilcrow and @jfollas. Nice to meet you dear senior.

Congratulation foor the winner of the contest. I am happy become a part of this community to know there are many challanges launched to motivate alk steemiters. Even I didn't get anything related to the issues I've read. Thanks for sharing with us.

Regard from Indonesia.

What was rune F for then? Distraction?
Looking forward for the next challenge.

This is great!!


Good job! Congratulations! ;)

Congrats to winners.

Congratulations to the winners, you are working very well, everything you do well, the result would be good, so congratulations from me @muhammadikbal, thank you.

Felicidades al ganador, buen trabajo !
Muy bien hecho!!
Para mí esto es como leer un idioma extranjero jejejejeje exitos!

nice post
big like

Wow... That's amazing


Congratulations to the winners

good postt

LOL, no challenges for pea brains like me!!!

Truly Great...congrats to the winners.
Well deserved !!! Just amazing !

Congratulations to the winners.It was an difficult one.

Sangat bagus

Wow nice bro

amazing and smart challenge , just jenius people can understand that :)

The best part is - we all found Uran within minutes but not following the path you wanted us to. LOL

yeah lol


Ok!? Not my cup of tea, and that's an understatement! Lol
Congrats to @pilcro

Congratulation @pilcro @timsaid and @jfollas you guys are great in putting in your knowledge, efforts and coming out with a gflying colour. I will make sure i participate in next run.

Great results! Thanks for sharing

Is anyone on this thread following/competing in the Worlds Greatest Treasure Hunt?

With the amassed brain power, some folks from steemit should be able to solve a chapter or two.

Man this challenge made me seriously think about studying crypto on a deeper level.. All the best of luck to everyone and thanks @timsaid for taking the time to help the community be more active and engaged :)

All the best

great post @timsaid

Buena motivación
mis mas sinceras felicitaciones :)

A very interesting post and made my heart interested when I saw the greeting from me
Nice @abupasi.alachy

This was one of the tougher ones with no hints - there were just too many possibilities for how the runes and fibtree could be used (even after I brute forced the password, I came up with a different way to derive 13-13-5 than what you officially posted above!).

Your challenges are fun to work on... in the most masochistic sense of the word "fun". :-)

Doh! I missed it! I'll keep my eye out for the next one!

Congrats to the all winner!

I already upvote, follow and reestem your post.
please do the same with me... (follow me, upvote me and reestem me please)

Well congrats on thix victory..
hope you will get success... : ) :)

Hello. good post. To motivate the challenging audience. Greeting

dunno nothing about cryptography but if U like some renders/visuals check my blog)

this is the first and the last time I'm spamming in Ur blog)

good luck mate))

Congratulations @timsaid!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 366,2

Congrats @pilcrow !..amazing feat

Great !
Congratulation all winners !!!

it's complicated for me....

These challenges are so harddd.
Congrats to @pilcrow!

Ha ha This is fantastic

Will be pending to participate in a next. Congratulations to the winners.

u r great

Wow .... maybe i am slow in knowing this challenge @ teamsaid you are the one who always share and congratulations for you hope with sharing you get what you hope .. congratulations on your kindness @timsaid.

When is the next challenge going to be.

Awesome post! FOLLOW for follow?

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Thank You! ⚜

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Congratulation for the winner @pilcrow! Keep spirit and we are happy to be on steemit with you. Regard from Indonesia.


Like to learn More about Steemit. The best part is, its Pay for your valuable Time.

Many thanks for sharing this article!

Great job @timsaid! I wish you a great holiday!

<<-- Literally nose bleeding.


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