The Parents Who lost The Trust of Their Children

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

Children do not believe in their parents because of promises that have never been fulfilled or threats that have never been implemented. Finally, the child to do obedience pretend while the father is unaware of their mandate to treat children well.

What is causing the parents lost the trust of their children?

Including the cause that dispels mutual trust is the attitude of parents who assume that the children did not know and did not care about any actions of his father. So, today he promised, the next day the promise was not kept. Tomorrow promises again, then with confidence the boy still trust his father, but once again the promise no longer fulfilled. If hope has been lost then the trust is also lost. Then the child was doing a fake obedience.

Another cause is if the parents make threats of punishment for a child's fault. If he did this then this punishment, but parents do not carry it out when the child is found guilty of such mistakes. Or the threat of excessive and will not be implemented. Such as "if you do not make homework you will be driven from home" or other utterances such as that just scare it. So then the children will understand that the threat is just to scare it so that the command and prohibition of the parents do not become authoritative in the presence of children.

Another cause is that the parent does not set an example for the child in carrying out what he or she is commanded and abandon what he forbids. This kind of action obviously undermines the child's belief in the noble values implanted by the parents' utterance. The mother laboriously forbids children from smoking for reasons that can damage health and waste of property.

Advice that just delivered the mother immediately collapsed just because to see the father went home while smoking a cigarette though only once. Thus the tremendous influence of role models in the education of children can build and can also undermine the good values that have been planted.

This is my post for today. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope my article is received as useful to you all.
Best regards @fataelrumy!


Orang Tua Kehilangan Kepercayaan Anak

Anak tidak percaya orang tua karena janji tidak pernah ditepati atau ancaman tidak pernah dilaksanakan. Akhirnya anak melakukan kepatuhan semu sedangkan si bapak lalai dari amanahnya untuk memperlakukan anak dengan baik.

Apa yang menyebabkan orangtua kehilangan kepercayaan anak?

Termasuk yang menghilangkan rasa saling percaya ialah sikap orang tua yang beranggapan anak-anak itu tidak tahu dan tidak mempedulikan apapun tindakan ayahnya. Sehingga hari ini dia berjanji, besoknya tidak menepati. Esok berjanji lagi, dengan penuh keyakinan sang anak tetap mempercayai ayahnya, tapi sekali lagi janji tidak ditepati lagi. Bila harapan hilang maka hilamg pula rasa percaya. Lalu sang anak pun melakukan ketaatan yang pura-pura.

Penyebab lainnya ialah, bila orang tua melakukan ancaman hukuman untuk suatu kesalahan anak, bila ia berbuat begini maka hukumannya ini, tapi kemudian ternyata orang tua tidak melaksanakannya ketika anak terbukti melakukan kesalahan tersebut. Atau ancamannya terlalu berlebihan dan tidak akan mungkin dilaksanakan seperti "bila kamu tidak buat PR kamu akan diusir dari rumah" atau ucapan-ucapan lain yang semisal yang sifatnya hanya menakut-nakuti saja. Maka dengan begitu anak-anak akan paham bahwa ancaman itu untuk menakut-nakuti saja sehingga perintah dan larangan orang tua tidak menjadi berwibawa dihadapan anak-anak.

Penyebab lainnya adalah orang tua tidak menjadi teladan bagi anak dalam melaksanakan apa yang dia diperintahkan dan meninggalkan apa yang dia larang. Tindakan semacam ini jelas meruntuhkan kepercayaan anak terhadap nilai-nilai luhur yang ditanamkan lewat ucapan orang tua. Sang ibu dengan susah payah melarang anak merokok karena alasan dapat merusak kesehatan dan pemborosan harta. Nasehat yang baru saja disampaikan sang ibu langsung runtuh begitu saja dengan sebab melihat sang ayah pulang masuk rumah sambil menghisapan rokok walaupun sekali hisapan saja. Demikianlah dahsyatnya pengaruh teladan dalam pemdidikan anak, bisa membangun dan bisa pula meruntuhkan nilai-nilai baik yang sudah ditanam.


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Basically parents are very dear to their children but they are very concerned with the material compared to the love given.
So that children receive less attention because parents are busy working so they do not believe in their parents

Thank you