Stop Bullying in The School, How?

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 


Bullying is an unpleasant act that a person or group of people have towards others continuously both verbally and physically. bullying can happen anywhere even in a school environment though. to overcome this then there are several ways to do include: the teacher should be concerned with the problems faced by students is by establishing good emotional relationships with students, understanding the needs of students and provide guidance to overcome or provide solutions to the problems faced by students. Most of the bullying that occurs in schools due to problems brought from home by students can be caused by the lack of harmony with the parent relationship, so the role of parents is also expected to work with the school to solve this bullying problem. If attention has been given to the students, it is expected that they will be more open to convey the problem to the right person, the parents and the teacher.

Perundungan adalah suatu tindakan yang tidak menyenangkan yang dilakukan seseorang atau keompok orang terhadap orang lain secara terus menerus baik secara verbal amaupun fisik. Perundungan dapat terjadi dimana saja bahkan di lingkungan sekolah sekalipun. untuk mengatasi hal ini maka ada beberapa cara yang harus dilakukan diantaranya: guru harus peduli dengan masalah yang dihadapi siswa yaitu dengan menjalin hubungan emosional yang baik dengan siswa, memahami kebutuhan siswa dan memberikan bimbingan untuk mengatasi atau memberi solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh siswa. Kebanyakan Perundungan yang terjadi di sekolah disebabkan permasalahan yang dibawa dari rumah oleh siswa bisa disebabkan kurang harmonisnya hubungan dengan orang tua, sehingga peran orang tua juga sangat diharapkan kerjasamanya dengan pihak sekolah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan Perundungan ini. Jika perhatian sudah diberikan kepada siswa diharapkan mereka akan lebih terbuka menyampaikan permasasalah kepada orang yang tepat yaitu orang tua dan gurunya.

Baca juga:
Menaklukkan Perundungan di Sekolah
Bagaimana Mengajarkan Anak Mengatasi Bullying di Sekolah?
5 cara mengajarkan anak menghadapi bullying di sekolah
Bullying di sekolah penanganan dan pencegahan

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Wow nice post, good job 👍👏
I upvote you🙂, also follow you 🙄
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i really appreciate this post. this topic needs to be addressed more often. i was bullied in school really bad. its really sad for anyone to go through. i have 5 small children and would be devastated if they ever were bullied. things need to be done in order to prevent this!

it really @kenzi-paq, needs cooperation between all parties in prevent and overcome the bullying problem in school especially cooperation between parents and teachers in school. @syafiqali

Good post... Semoga para guru sadar bahwa mengajar itu tidak hanya berhubungan dengan pelajaran saja, akan tetapi menjalin hubungan emosional yang erat antara guru dan murit dalam konteks pendidikan sangat penting dalam perkembagan mental dan daya pikir mereka....