Health Focus: Walking Barefoot

in steemiteducation •  6 years ago 

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Health Focus: Walking Barefoot

I love walking barefoot, especially after a long day having to put on shoes and feeling restrained. But why does it always feel good to walk barefoot?

I have been thinking long and hard about this. The main reason for contemplating this is that my four year old and 2 year old refuses to wear shoes. It is a huge fight to even put on socks during the cold months, never mind shoes. So basically they each have two sets of shoes in their cupboards: One for church and one set of gumboots to wear to those places on the farm where they cannot walk barefoot. Not that, that bothers them much.

What are the benefits for children to walk barefoot.

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Walking barefoot helps to develop proprioception

Proprioception is the ability to be aware where your body is in space. It is also known as body awareness.

Our feet are full of nerve endings which helps our whole body to be aware where we are. In the bottom diagram you can also see that almost your whole body can be treated by the nerve endings in your feet.

By walking barefoot children develop a natural and healthy gait.

If children walk barefoot their feet are granted the appropriate time to develop to it's natural form. But we force there feet into shoes so the result is that their feet conform to the shape of the shoes they wear. The bones of children are cartilage and they only fully ossifies when they are in there late teenage years, then the 28 bones are fully ossified.

It strengthens their feet and their bodies.

When walking barefoot our feet muscles are strengthen and in return our body posture is improved and strenghtened.

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It improves safety

When we walk barefoot we tend to step lightly and will in return be aware when something isn't right, when you can hurt yourself (step in a piece of glass). In return they can then react a lot quicker to the situation. It has also been shown that children who walk barefoot are less clumsy and less likely to trip.

It provides a direct connection to our environment

We all tend to feel better when we take a walk in nature and that is the same for barefoot walking children. When running around and walking outside they gain an energy, an extra breath of life if you want to put it like that. They feel they are free; that they are wrong.

Naked shoes

Some companies has gone so far to develop shoes that will let you feel as if you are walking barefoot.

Create a texture path

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You will need the following

  1. Cutting boards
  2. Sponges
  3. Rocks
  4. Little pompoms
  5. Dish washing cloth
  6. Marbles
  7. Any other types of products that can be used as textures.


  1. Put the cutting boards next to each other.
  2. Paste the different textures on separate boards.
  3. Wait for the glue to dry.
  4. Put them next to each other and start having fun!!


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I will always say YAY to not wearing shoes. Hope you will to.

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The idea of naked shoes sounds tempting! I wonder what they feel like. I know of a kid who walked around without shoes in college in the middle of winter... when it was snowing.

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ich liebe das laufen mit nackten füssen. dann muss der boden auf dem ich laufe aber auch nackt sein!!!

my 5 year old daughter loves walking this way. Sometimes it gets in my nerves, because her feet are always dirty... but I know it's good for her, so I let her.

If that has a thing that I love is to walk barefoot in earth.
In my hometown on countryside of State of Sao Paulo, my parents have a ranch in their, and I love to feel the earth on my foot.
Thanks for sharing.

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