What does the community expect from the teacher?

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

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The above question had been asked by my colleague, Pak Iskandar (Mr. Iskandar). To answer that question, then we must understand that the teacher is also a human being. As a human being, nothing is perfect in this life.

But, teachers are human beings who must have responsibility for education. Good and bad education is also strongly influenced by the quality of a teacher. So it is not wrong if the state and society have a very big expectation to the teacher.

The community has given trust to educational institutions by entrusting their children. This trust must be maintained by teachers and educational institutions. As long as children are studying in school, teachers are required to guide, supervise, and educate the children. So also educational institutions that must provide adequate facilities for the convenience of teaching and learning process.

To satisfy the expectations of the community, teachers must work optimally. However, the level of community satisfaction is different. This is where teachers sometimes feel cornered because people tend to expect perfect results regardless of the facilities available.

In our country, the average school does not have adequate teaching and learning support facilities. For example, there are schools that do not have computer rooms, science laboratories, language labs, multimedia rooms, hygiene facilities, or other facilities.

But that should not be the main problem faced by a teacher. In my opinion, the teacher must be able to face all the obstacles he faces when dealing with students.

The way is to create a comfortable learning environment for students, using various methods to motivate students' learning interests, using a variety of simple learning media (either self-made or natural media use), and teachers should also be guides and colleagues for their students.

Teachers also are role models for children in real life. Therefore, a teacher must have prestige and a commendable attitude, both in the school environment and in the community. This is what schools should consider when recruiting prospective teachers. Prospective teachers should be socially acceptable, not a person involved in crime.

Society has regarded teachers as exemplary figures for their children. Can we keep that attitude?

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I would have been disappointed if you did not mention that teachers should be role models. Teaching fascilities are necessary but teachers should creat a conducive enviroment for learning. Maybe I should also ask, " Is teaching a calling or a profession".

Teaching is a calling of the soul. Teacher is a profession, a calling of soul. This also should be the mindset for teachers.

Sadly there are many teachers who just push government propaganda. Obviously a teacher can be anyone she teach is great things. But the old standard of teachers had fallen hard sadly

Yes, sometimes teachers are also trapped in the existing educational system.

Parents expect their kids are taught by professional teachers, the ones who are knowledgeable and have positive attitude. Meanwhile, they forget to teach their kids how to behave at home. They rely too much on the teachers to teach them everything. And as a matter of fact students recently do not have any respect to teachers or so much less respect compared to the students in the past.

Your statement is also true. A dilemma.

guru adalah sebaik baik makhluk. terimakasih pak @teukumukhlis telah mengingatkan kembali kepada kami (guru) harus lebih kreatif dalam mengajar

Sama-sama, saya juga sedang dalam proses belajar. Banyak hal yang belum saya ketahui sebagai seorang guru.

Back to the child's character, the main guide is our own parents, we can not hand over to 100 percent teachers in guiding each student.

Thank you, Abdullah!

Quality posts are very useful, successful for you

Mantap broo

greatt,, ka lon follow droenuh bang @teukumukhlis semoga mendaptkan banyak pencerhan dari droneuh

Terima kasih

Apakabar senior steemit, mohon tips and trik untuk saya @teukumukhlis

Kapan kita ngopi? Hehe

Itulah kendala pendidikan kita bang @teukumukhlis. Siswa dan guru dituntut untuk memiliki standar nasional namun fasilitas yang tersedia belum membuat sebagian siswa dan guru mampu bersaing secara nasional. Karena pada kenyataannya fasilitas pendidikan di daerah pedalaman memang masih minim teknologi. Mirisnya ruang sekolah saja masih ada yang terbuat dari papan, ada juga saat musim hujan datang guru dan siswa harus berlindung di suatu sudut karena atapnya bocor. Itulah pendidikan kita setelah 72 Tahun merdeka.

Sebuah realitas yang harus kita hadapi dengan sabar. Semoga sistem pendidikan kita menjadi lebih baik.

Iya bang. Semoga ada solusinya kedepan.

Saya sungguh terkesan dengan semua guru-guru saya, khususnya guru SD (karena jumlahnya sedikit jadi mudah diingat), mereka bukan hanya mengajar calistung, tapi juga guru kehidupan, di mana para orang tua kami juga menaruk respect yang luar biasa kepada mereka. Salam takzim untuk para guru.

Ah, ada guru-guru yang sampai sekarang masih kita kenang jasa-jasanya. Saya tidak akan bisa seperti sekarang tanpa bantuan mereka. Terima kasih atas komentarnya.

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