RE: Would you please join me in being open & honest? #SteemitFam #NoVictims #HealingEnergy #StrongSupport

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Would you please join me in being open & honest? #SteemitFam #NoVictims #HealingEnergy #StrongSupport

in steemitfam •  6 years ago 

Thing is we are all mad crazy in one way or another. So grateful you shared this and reaching out to you. Have you ventured down the cannabinoids route? Kick start your body's natural endocannabinoids so it can self repair? The "erb" is probably the best medicine around, but not a panacea by any means. Diet, rest, exercise... yadda... I am boring myself too as I am sure you've had this echoed time and time again. Do you ever think that you don't need someone else to tell you what it is really? Hugs and don't ever worry about labels, unless they are those annoying labels that you get on gifts that when you pull off leave a big rippy bit that looks sh*t. They're the labels that stick for longer, nothing else!! <3<3 Doctors aren't taught everything are they? So pigeon-holed that the bigger picture never taken in. Our ancestors knew how to see things as a whole and the natural plants and geopharmaceuticals they used like ayahuasca (mental health and well being) and lapis lazuli for inflammation and pain etc tore strips of today's knowledge. Sending love.

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I've tried all the natural remedies that apply, and cannabis isn't one of them. I know all about it, it just isn't an option for me (and it's legal here, so that's not why). I've done all the diets and exercise - even got certified as a personal trainer at one point. Getting off allergens helped with some things, but not others.
I have some theories about what it is, but no confirmations. A big suspicion is that it's autoimmune. All my allergies kicked in in adulthood, and the vitiligo that I've had one tiny patch of all my life only started spreading in my 30s, and that's your immune system attacking the melanin in your skin, the way it attacks allergens - a thing that normally wouldn't do you any harm until your immune system decided it was The Enemy.
It's not about a label, it's about figuring out what it is so I can figure out how to fix it. Because life isn't worth living like this.

Tell me why the number one cure-all cannabis is not for you? NTK. I always think there is a reason why our bodies do this. Stress and trauma quite often. It is you, it's not a separate thing and so you can tell you. Do you think that's why they are asking you to meditate? <3

I don't have the spoons to give a medical and family history to everyone on the internet - if I did, I would still have the spoons to try and make a doctor listen. They are telling me to meditate because they are condescending and treat me like I'm a hypochondriac, not because they think my body will intuitively tell me the answer which they will then listen to. They don't listen to me to begin with - they're not going to listen to my intuition.

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They don't need to listen to your intuition. You are busy doing that yourself, they are no good by the sounds... You can maybe do it without them.