hello friend steemania wherever you are so on this occasion I will post about people who have unusual strength or better known as indigo,
Phenomenon" Indigo "this is certainly not be separated from the role of the brain as a mediator translators between components physical body and spirit in the body we. A Indigo need a great energy to be able to activate ke-" Indigo "-annya and use the strength. That energy consists of the energy of physical and spiritual energy. Energy in may of the food is not enough if you want to be used to improve the performance" brain waves "above average. For that is needed energy sources can supply for it. Well the ability of what is possible owned by the people who classified Indigo, here I rangkumkan for you:
# 1.Yelepathy > 
the ability to see the incidence of ongoing elsewhere. Just like the thoughts and feelings that emits wave every of events in nature also emit wave. Wave the transmitted by every creature involved in the event that, even inanimate objects though emits a wave of motion electrons to Atom and vibration molecules. Capabilities include also ability view objects hidden or are in a place closed.
it is Associated with the ability to predict and make the event will happen. Predict the events that describes an event will happen, while making the events that is set the event will happen in the future. Ability to set a events in the future including the ability difficult rare owned by the Indigo in general. Prediction obtained with 2 way, that is looking directly events ongoing in the future or read and concluded the data that is in the present and concluded a most likely will happen in the future. The first way done Jalan wandering in time dimension. Secret is located on the peculiarities of the nature of the time dimension. The time dimension not shaped linear like dimensional space, but berbentukl spiral the direction of rotation into-dimensional space. You imagine stairs spinning involute in a building. Due to the direction round spiral, time dimension leads into dimensional space, then the radiant wave emitted a events in the past or the future not from outside the body, but from within the body. Although the arrival of the wave of the body is required business harder capture wave is because the nature of the time dimension can wide and narrowed unlimited (not finite). This is called the wandering in time dimension. But in the time dimension there is a shortcut, namely the strings cosmic located cut spiral time. You imagine a lift the cut perpendicular to the direction round spiral staircase earlier. Trip by using the elevator definitely faster than the down the run dates spinning. In practice, wandering in time dimension for a Indigo enough with concentration and imagine a time (years, the moon, date, or hours) particular, the picture is could be a calendar and a hours, and see what happens at that time. Would be easier if there are people / witness known involved in the event.
the Indigo have the ability to use his spirit and spirit people or other creatures as a medium. The Indigo able to communicate with the spirit to dig information. Spirit is blob energy life structured (body, the head and limbs spirit). Spirit save memories as well as the human body with his brain. Memories recorded by the spirit derived from the knowledge base is idealistic and preexisting, and experience is realistic results journey to live with the body. See creatures and communicate with other creatures that is not visible but is in the dimensions we included in this capability.
Meaningful the ability to dig information and communicate with the object anything. It is possible because every object consists of the composition of atoms that make up molecules. Molecules on solid, gas or fluid vibrate and vibration produce wave. Molecules and atomic it can also save record an event. Recording this can be extracted and reads.
Intelligence (IQs) the Indigo average above 120. the advantages of the common man is the ability data analysis quickly, spacious and continuous. Data spread and random will be collected and each other linked to quickly. A conclusion or answers to a questions or problems can be obtained by a Indigo in just a few seconds, especially related to the analysis of the incidence of nature. This possibility related with capacity and the ability of the process in the brain is greater than the public.
telekinetik means moving objects remotely. Generally relates strong with the ability telepathy like suggestion hypnosis. Change the behavior of others by changing the genetic makeup on the spiral DNA and move the cell, nodes or organ system metabolism. The ability to move the objects with a large mass not common owned by the people Indigo.
so many of me may be useful for all of us. greetings, greetings for steemit users and the whole community @ksi and community @world, greetings from me @tijal