Me having conversation with Fyrstikken (video)

in steemitlive •  9 years ago 

I had been trying to set up google hangout for 3 days without success! Maybe more!

I finally succeed, then wanted to tried it out with someone, so I headed to the Slack Steem Channel and ask if there was anybody there that would be my guest just to try it, nothing official or that was suppose to end up here.

So this guy Fyrstikken propose himself. I was enthuse to say the least, having been a longtime fan of Fyrstikken hilarious song about Shitcoin!

The shitcoin song is proof of Fyrstikken's comical genius and in every comical genius, well there's a genius, and if you don't know Fyrstikken yet, well you'll soon realize, he's no exception to that rule!

After hesitating a bit because I didn’t plan on posting this here at first, here it is, me and Fyrstikken having a nice conversation about Steemit and everything.


50% of the Steem Dollars are going to @Fyrstikken!

Don’t forget to check @Fyrstikken radio here!

Also anyone can join it here!


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great video! @fyrstikken is hilarious! I'm glad you finally posted this! :)

I'm glad you convince me to do so!

@stellabelle was the first to see the video before I posted it here and she like it and told/convince me to post it.

She only had to tell me I should post it! I didn't needed more from her! Thank you again and thank you to @fyrstikken

I have been through the perfection mindset and know how much it can stifle your creativity! I enjoyed it so I knew others would find it amusing as well.

It was a pretty good call!

fyrstikken has a frik* vision!

cool video
nice @teamsteem good job

I'm glad you like it! It's really good to read! Thank you for your comment!

@ teamsteem This accent hmmmm you must be french more precisely a Quebecer! lol Im i right?

En effet! Je suis Québecois!

Enchanter l'ami!

@teamsteem you should request a song of steemit in this video ... We want moreeeee song

You're so right about that! I will next time!

How it feel to be whales ? Posting any post you get huge upvote back by others folphin and whales . do you have any spot left for me to go in to your guys comunity? ;p

The truth is, I'm not a legend/whale, I'm not event a super-hero/dolphin, I'm just a simple hero and I freaking work hard on all of my post and been learn about Bitcoin for years now and I'm still learning everyday!

I've spent more than a thousand hours learning about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I'm glad to be here on Steemit and I enjoy it! I don't know for certain what will come of it but as long as I enjoyed it, I'll be here and trying to make it a better as in everything I do!

I love crypto but hmmm i dont know anything about crypto .. That sad :/

Awesome video.

Awesome comment! I really appreciate those!

Nice video.

I'm glad you like it! This is awesome!

Wow this guy is huge I can't believe you got this together! Very good take all my upvotes :P

Sometimes you just have to be at the right time, at the right place and ask the right thing and that's what happen!

Yeah I love @fyrstikken ! He's awesome!

not bad at all, UP!

Hahaha! Thanks!

Second. Not sure if that means anything. Look forward to future work with the teamster and fyrstikken!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

great chat guys!

Thank you @rolandp !

nice video..

Hey Guillaume, j'essaie de me connecter sur le Slack depuis quelques semaines. Sais tu comment je peux faire? Le lien semble être brisé . Je sais pas vraiment qui contacter et tu mentionne Slack, donc j'en comprends que le site est toujours accessible. Merci d'avance!

Ce n'est plus possible de te connecter sur Slack. Il sera fermé. Le nouveau chat est ici:

quality interview :)

It's funny to see the faces after you've been seeing the posts for so long. Fyrstikken's posts usually make me laugh! Great conversation, I'd definitely freak out if Steem coins went that high

Your comment is awesome! I'm glad you like my posts! I'm glad you like that conversation! Let's see what happen with Steem in the future!

First !

Interesting I'm going to look into this for sure.....

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment