I'm back, but definitely not better than ever!

in steemitmamas •  6 years ago 

It's been three months since my last post. I had a baby! We started a kitchen renovation. Our baby is a gorgeous, sweet, great sleeper of a little girl we call Azélie Florine and everyone who meets her falls instantly in love with her, even though she barfs on a great number of her admirers. Construction is slow and mind-blowingly frustrating. Alas, such is life and we are thankful we can finally do something about the kitchen.

Azélie screaming at birth.JPG

It was not my intention to be gone so long...or at all really... The birth did not go down the way we planned it, but I was happy in the end because I had a fantastic team of midwives, nurses, and our doula who really did empower us/me to make the tough choices about the next best thing to do when the plan didn't work out.

Then we discovered baby had a lip and tongue tie at three weeks old. Weeks of almost daily appointments with a variety of health and wellness professionals ensued. She got back on track and then fell off the track a little bit again and now, maybe, just maybe we know what we're up against. It will change again in a few days, but right at this moment, I feel pretty confident that we are doing what needs to be done.

My mind on the other hand, is wrecked. A barren wasteland of disorganization and forgotten reasons for walking into rooms. I had a really great idea about how I was going to write this post, but since I didn't note it down immediately when it came to me, I'm lucky I remembered the subject of what I wanted to write, let alone the angle I wanted to take.

I can't remember shit. I can't do words. I know there are words for things I want to talk about, but they do not come to me. I did some silly things that baffled me with my first baby, like pour boiling water on my cereal instead of my tea bag, but this is several levels up, or perhaps down the ladder of cognition.

In the time it takes me to place my finger on the biometric thingy that opens up my phone, I almost always forget why I am doing it. After gazing at the screen absentmindedly for a moment, it comes to me: "Ah, yes! my calendar! What is on my calendar for today?"

I have already looked at my calendar twice, but no matter! For the next five minutes, I know what I have to do today. Checking the weather is a whole other exercise in mental focus.

Indeed, I may be losing it, maybe I've already lost it. But I'm happy. Our baby is healthy and thriving. We all love her and our new little family unit to the moon.

I've got it all. What do I need with a functioning brain?

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Oh my gosh! She's so adorable! Congrats. Be patient with yourself, we all go through this phase after having our little ones. Hope Azélie overcomes that tie, we'll be praying for her.

The hormones are out of whack and our bodies are still trying to keep up with the changes.

Just take it easy. We need to be relaxed most of the time to function well. Mama happy then we can take care of our family.

Awww...such an adorable baby! Good to see you back here and at the same time, hugs to the many things you had gone through and are going through. You have what it takes, @orangina, take care and be taken care of too! God's grace on you


Thank you! I appreciate the well wishes! I'll be more consistent now that she's almost 3 months and maybe kinda sorta gonna get on a nap schedule in the next month or so...maybe?

What a sweetheart - I’d love to be one of her puke-victims.

Good luck with your kitchen and other projects and well wishes to your little Flowers health, may her tongue/mouth heal quickly.

Love and hugs, especially to the big brother.

Thanks for stopping by! Good to hear from you...hope you are well too. Big bro is doing great - he loves her so much it's wild.

She is such a darling, @orangina. The initial months are always challenging. Hope things will settle down soon.
And welcome to the placenta brain club. Mine was at it’s peak when the bub was around 3-4 months old. :) one day i forgot to bring my laptop to work. Took me 1.5 hours to go back home and drove back to office. And i told my boss i left the keys instead 😬.
Haha i think you will have a good list to write a good post. Hugs!

I like "placenta brain"! I've been calling in mommy dementia...
Life is complicated! Forgetting a laptop could happen to anyone ;-)
Take care

Hey @orangina so good to be able to hear from you! We were all wondering at #steemitmamas how you are doing. Hey newborns are no joke! You just some time! Drop in and say hi once in a while ya! Keep steeming!

Thanks! I've been thinking about you all too...Things have changed a bit on Steemit since I've been gone...

Hey there! What a beautiful little angel you have there!!
Welcome to motherhood. This scatterbrained craziness will never truly go away, but rest assured, as your baby gets older, you figure out how to keep it together.
Congratulations, and we are all glad to see you back! ♥

My brain was already partially gone from the first one - buy yeah, I'm done for now. I hope I'll get a little better as she gets older...

I have three and Im pretty sure Im never getting my marbles back..
Im the oldest of 5, so I feel for my poor mother, can you imagine having 5 to deal with? ;)

Congratulations to your family on your new adorable addition! What a beautiful name she has. You’re not alone my darling. Can you imagine how many brain cells I have lost with 5 kids lol!! Oh goodness I don’t know if I’m coming or going half the time and if I don’t write stuff down I forget. Pretty soon I’ll have to write down that I have to use the restroom or I’ll forget to. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I hope the lip and tongue tie clears up for good. I’m just glad to hear she is a healthy baby and overall you and her are doing well. It’s so good hearing from you! We miss you~ 😘. Rest up well Mama!


Awww, thanks! I may have lost some brain power, but we are happy. She's a real sweetie. I was just thinking about you this morning...how do you do anything (like keep up with Steemit) with 5 kids? You must write a lot of things down in order to manage all that. I also have to write absolutely everything down. It is incredible to me the things that are completely wiped from my memory in a matter of seconds.
How is your new little one doing? I think you were only about 3 or 4 weeks ahead of me...

I always say my kids are worth every lost brain cell! 😅

Oh cool I guess we thought up each other.

Oh my gosh it’s gotten more challenging. It’s funny you ask that because I have had to take a big step back from posting and being on Discord. It’s something how adding one more child can totally change the dynamics of things. I hardly have time for anything any more and I’m so sleep deprived and overwhelmed a lot of times. Trying to keep up with homeschooling and daily chores is taking up most of my time which is expected. I’ve decided to take a break from social media and focus more on what’s right in front of me at home. When I can find the time to get on I do but mostly what I do now is for the @needleworkmonday community.

She’s doing great! Yes she’s 3 months now! 😃🤗

You are a total super woman - ONLY doing home schooling and needlework monday and home management...
Take care :-)

Thanks!! You take care too and rest Mama!!

Congratulations @orangina. Hope you are resting well. Caring for newborns are a handful and I wish both of you lots of love and care

Thank you! She's a good sleeper so I do get probably more than my fair share of sleep.

She's adorable
And I love her name
I know what you mean about forgetting things... don't "they" say babies take some of your brain cells, making you forgetful.... haha
Take good care of you too

Thank you! Yes, brain cells are at an all time low here!

Lol aww mama you're rocking it! Azélie is beautiful! 😍 my boy is 7 months young now, where did all that time go?! Sending you lots of hugs and kisses to the little lady! Xx

Thanks! I know it's totally cliché but the grow sooooo fast! I was just thinking she's approaching 3 months, before I know it she'll be getting teeth and eating solids! slow down...

Ahhhhh what a soll. Take good care off your body mind and soul Being a mum is hard, but we are here for ya 😉

Thanks :-)

First of all Congratulations! She is beautiful! We had not met before since I have just recently joined, all the #steemitmamas are wonderful and have been helping along. I wish the best for you and your family and hope to get to know more of you too!

Nice to meet you! I'm sure there are so many people I am not acquainted with yet. I've missed the mamas even though I'm not that great at chat rooms, everyone is so supportive. Cheers.

congratulations @orangina on the arrival of your beautiful baby she is gorgeous, remember to be gentle with yourself and take it slowly, it is so important to take all the time you need after the birth. Much love and light xxxx