一年中最好的切花之一,百日草綻放在各種各樣的顏色。 他們不介意炎熱和乾燥的條件,並將在夏季長時間地為您帶來鮮花。
One of the best cut flowers in the year, the hundred herbs bloom in a variety of colors. They do not mind the hot and dry conditions, and will bring you flowers for a long time in the summer.
一年中最好的切花之一,百日草綻放在各種各樣的顏色。 他們不介意炎熱和乾燥的條件,並將在夏季長時間地為您帶來鮮花。
One of the best cut flowers in the year, the hundred herbs bloom in a variety of colors. They do not mind the hot and dry conditions, and will bring you flowers for a long time in the summer.