Education based on ethical and moral values.

in steemituducation •  6 years ago 

"Only an education that seeks to adapt to what the human being is in essence, can be truly educational".


To think in the Aristotelian way, and on the basis of the hilemórfica theory, according to which the man is body and soul is the form and the body the matter, giving place to a unique substance. In a variant of that idea, E. Mounier (1968), to explain the structures of the personal universe, said: "Man, just as it is spirit, it is also a body. Totally, body and totally, spirit". From this idea arose the conception of integral humanism that explains the multiplicity of expressions or human dimensions.

The human being is multidimensional. Education, therefore, must respond to the multiplicity of demands that result from nature and human lives and develops temporal spatial situations in each individual, group, culture or society. Therefore, the need to develop competencies that are compatible with these dimensions is essential. The concern for know-how and the advances of this dimension in the educational field are reflected in creative, competitive and cooperative activities by the students. Knowing how to live together is even more demanding and effective.


Integral education, based on man himself, allows us to discover that the subject in his own essence exists existentially in three shared relationships: man is a being of relationship-with-another, however, individuality of any subject with human beings who project into others something that also includes them. All these dimensions update human nature and are resolved through personal or community demands or responsibilities. Man is a personal and social being: therefore, his full realization can not occur in a purely individual way.

All responsibility, although individual, has a community sense. The relationship with others is so natural that man can better exercise his freedom in the presence of others than absolutely alone. Coexistence establishes relationships that lead to the growth of mutual freedoms and the acceptance of shared responsibilities.


The tasks developed by parents and teachers are based on the condition of being, by another. In general terms, parents, teachers, scientists and doctors are in a position to give, offer and enrich others with their various trades, professions and skills.


In the case of integral education, the condition of being for another is generated by an adequate construction of human competences that allow the student to strengthen their fundamental values for a better life: love, kindness, hope, tolerance, peace. , solidarity, justice. All these values induce to "teach loving or loving teaching" by fully updating the condition of giving in the educational dimension.

This reality reaffirms that education is an activity of practical modeling based on ethical behaviors and attitudes of educators in front of their students, in which what is morally correct and good is highlighted. At the same time, education is a theoretical activity that stimulates students' natural curiosity to learn in a specific educational context.


In this way, values play an important role in the education of the individual, however, this will depend on the way they are presented. Since these constitute the core of all educational process. They are the basis of integral education.

When teachers are aware that education should be based on ethical and moral pillars, it is possible to stimulate a positive attitude in the students that transforms the process, leading to a liberating and therefore creative education.


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Reading: purpose and types - with activities / 5th grade

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