Muggle Picks Saturday Round 4

in steemitwitchery •  7 years ago 

Muggle Picks Saturday.png

See round 1 for all the details on this project, why it exists, and the mind who gave me the idea to do it in the first place ^^

For this week, my roommate chose....


Chamomile, black peppercorns, birthday candles, gold bead necklaces, candle wicks, thread scraps, broken beads, white glitter and pink paint.

I only added in a bit of decoupage to go with the paint and a bay leaf. Because, honestly, as soon as I saw the powdered chamomile I knew I would be doing something related to sleep.

And so the final product became....


A nightmare prevention jar that not just keeps nightmares away but is also meant to usher in good dreams in their stead.

  • Chamomile - an herb commonly associated with sleep and good dreams to begin with, layered in powdered form across the bottom.

  • Black Peppercorn - helps banish negativity and keep those nightmares far, far away

  • Gold Beads - a bright color to help draw in positivity and good dreams.

  • Broken Beads - they got a bit lost in the gold beads, but they are there. Namely beads that are actually stuck together and that renders them useless for most normal uses and I chose the stuck together ones to symbolize how dreams and nightmares are related to one another as a reminder.

  • Birthday Candles - intact aside from the fact that I had to cut them in half to fit them in the jar, to symbolize light to keep the darkness of nightmares at bay.

  • Candle Wicks - I have burnt and unburnt ones, the unburnt ones typically from where I need to trim a wick before I burn a candle because they are way too long. Here they're meant relatively the same as the birthday candles, light from unburnt wicks to light the way for good dreams.

  • String - I took a bay leaf, wrote my wish to keep nightmares away on it, and wrapped it up in some blue string from the pictured jar. Bay leaves are known to help bring wishes into reality, with the blue string representing the blue sky and good dreams.

I painted the lid of the jar with the pink paint instead of sealing it in wax, added a light layer of decoupage and then some of the glitter before giving it the final seal. The glitter is hard to see, sadly, and it's sealed shut with some hot glue since I couldn't use wax.

The paint and glitter are also happy things, meant to evoke a sense of happiness and good dreams.

So yeah, a spell jar to help ward from bad nightmares and bring in the good dreams instead, and that's what came out of this week's picks by my roommate :D

Banner was made by me in Photoshop. All other pictures here were taken by me specifically for this post.

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