Steemiversary- 1 Year, 3691 posts/comments, $30k, 4500 followers, a 5,000 person community, a witness campaign, and a digital Home.

in steemiversary •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've been on Steemit 1 year. It's nearly incomprehensible how much I've personally gained from this place or how many hours I've poured into it. I want to take you on a little trip.

I've been a political activist since 2002. I've been protesting war since then. I marched in Crawford in front of Bush's Ranch demanding an end to the war that's still ongoing. While on facebook I used a number of aliases, aggroed, aggroed anonymous, aggroed enonymous, aggroed occupy, aggroed lighthacker. I've gone through those iterations because every time I got up to ~2,000 followers on facebook they would expel my account. They would put me through some identity test making me identify my friend's faces, but of course all these anon folks don't use their face and so it's an impossible task. By the combination of yet another account block when I posted on the Russian Skyscraper Fire, an anger towards using USDs in my transactions, and a censorship resistant blogchain (seewutididthur?) I decided to come to Steemit.

Getting started... the hard way

I made a shitty introduction post stating my name, using the wrong tag, and not including an image. I then posted on Seth Rich having been murdered as I knew then as I know now that his murder is a glaring example of a nearly endless list of crimes by government, especially Clinton family, officials.

When I came I did all the shitty things I tell people not to do. I spammed posts in general, I tried follow for follow, upvote for upvote, and was generally snarky about how my posts didn't get immediate acclaim, I teased other members of the community ie while I was making 7 cents a post Charlie Shrem dropped a post about how to live off of Steem alone so I wrote a response about how to starve to death while living solely off of Steem.

I posted a variety of in your face truth style articles, which were largely to elbow my way into forcing people's awareness to change about events such as 9/11, satanism in government, and rampant sexual abuse sanctioned by the state. While Steemit's audience is generally awake the tone didn't really match. And then came inflation...

Steemit decided to crank up the inflation through the roof. As a consequence the price of steem plummeted. While the value in your account really didnt' change much the post rewards suddenly became unbearable. I literally made 7 cents on posts that would take an hour, but I didn't abandon the platform. I knew that lurking inside of this thing was a bastion of free speech and free trade, but it was broken at the time. I made a few posts that were pretty negative that caught some attention, but if I had to qualify myself on here in my first stage I would use the term "mostly useless asshat."

2 resteems

While I was trying to grow muh account on here I ended up doing two things that forever changed my vector. I started hanging out in SteemSpeak and I started reading @kaylinart's posts. SteamSpeak and @fyrstikken in particular introduced me to a totally new understanding of crypto, what Steemit is actually capable of, a long term trajectory of this place, and I better understood the value of an off chain community. @kaylinart showed me through her own work how to write a good post. I wrote a guide to post writing inspired by @kaylinart and asked her and @fystikken to resteem it. They did!

Holy Fuckballs! I've been on a crazy trajectory since. A few things happened simultaneously. I started picking up a truckton of followers. I basically doubled within a week. That lead to a more sustainable income from posting. I also started having a real sense of kinship to this place and deep gratitude towards the folks that gave me a chance. I suddenly saw how this place could foster wealth, community, help eachother, and do so without personal cost and simply clicks. It all clicked, and I've since devoted nearly every free hour to helping this place.

My immediate response was to use my new follower base to start helping other people achieve the same thing. I created the weekly resteem contest as a way to give back and give others the exact same opportunity that skyrocketed me, but it started taking up too much of my personal wall. So, around the same time I started a witness campaign and thought I should put this resteem project onto a separate account dedicated to it.

As I got into the Witnesses I met @theprophet0. Kid's 15 years old and running a witness and working for steemsports. He's really got his shit together, but he couldn't afford to get to Steemfest. I thought I'm going to change this and help this kid out. I raised funds through a series of posts to fly him and his Dad to Lisbon!!! That felt amazing, but it wasn't enough. So, I created STEEMFEST MINNOW as a project to get the Minnow Support Project off the ground and help a minnow go to STEEMFEST. Over a series of rounds we raised enough money to fly @siersod to STEEMFEST and give exposure to a ton of great Minnows.

MSP really gets going

Along the way I made fast friends with @teamsteem, @ausbitbank, and @canadian-coconut. We shared a general mission of wanting the world to change for the better, and we all had general agreement that War, Poverty, and Chains of the State were to blame for the general rough shape of the world. So, I created the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Discord Channel and brought them in there. It's our plan to change the world for the better by interacting on Steemit and in our community.

As I was talking about the plan Whaleshares was announced and I spoke with @officialfuzzy a bunch and I watched how @banjo could be used to vote from inside of Discord from a community account. So, from Fuzzy and Whaleshares I learned the power of a community bot and from @inertia and SteamSpeak I realized I had the tool I needed. So, we made a simplified clone of @banjo linked that baby to @minnowsupport and then we had a way to let the community in there power the account... but it was broke.

Loanshark and benefactors!

That when I made a deal with @neoxian. He lent me 20k SP and I placed it on the community bot to give every person that came through PALnet a chance to use the bot. We tested the model and it worked, and when I put out a funding call @benjojo answered in spades. We added 90,000SP to the account!!!!

Now we started metioric growth. Some of our earliest and most active members became mods and @swelker101, @gmuxx, and @sammosk have been there nearly since the begginning helping to manage this baby as the Minnow Pond has been growing. As we grew we added channels, voice channels, and brought in extremely skilled people and new projects to help folks out. Many of us started creating additional bots to help power curation, training, creativity, or just upvoting folks that dedicate time and produce resources in there.

We needed help managing and maximizing the bots

I knew that Minnowsupport could be doing more, but I didn't have a way without giving lots of people the keys, which had a danger. Fortunately @netuoso came along and built us MSP3k, a voting program allowing individuals to have a password, which would grant them access to the community account. Now all the mods have the power to curate with the team of bots under the MSP banner. He won the first Medal of Honor for this!.

We needed a website

Steemit has a way of burying posts. So, we couldn't use the wall to share what we needed. While we have a general charter on the block it got lost too easily. What we needed was a website to help us. @followbtcnews and @crimsonclad came out in spades to help us. If you want to know what a gorgeous website looks like then look no further than @minnowsupport. That baby is exceptional. They both earned the Medal of Honor for that, and now we have a way to communicate the projects we're working on and the general guidelines for success in there.

We needed a bigger voice off the block

So, now we built a radio station. You can listen to over 18M songs on We have 20 DJs 15 shows and a background music bot too. We're playing tunes, forming communities, facilitating discussion, and helping folks learn to Steemit and headbang to ACDC while they do it. @sircork, @r0nd0n, and @ma1neevent all won a Medal of Honor for that.

Now we have new minnows who are entering the top 50 witnesses

I don't think it's by accident that @netuoso just hit the top 50 witnesses. The guy can program like crazy and has a community behind him. We're helping elevate witnesses to the top 50 list, minnows to the trending page, and we're really starting to see community members go from Minnow to Dolphin in 2 months months. It took me EIGHT MONTHS!!!! So, this project is literally shaving 75% off the incubation time for minnows!!!!

Steemit has changed my mindset

When I started MSP I had no idea how quickly it would grow or how successful it would be. I was stoked when we had 100 people. I was excited when we had a 1,000. I basically shit my pants when we hit 4k. It was unexpected and with it we've had some encounters. We've been exceptionally lucky to run into only a handful of scammers, trolls, and geniuses hell bent on flag wars. While I've been talking about Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, it's been personally challeneging and rewarding to figure out to execute on those values. We have a simple mantra in the group. "Deescalate." And now I use that approach, which I largely learned through trial and error here to help heal communities, calm Steemit elders, and even in my real life encounters.

So, I devout a ton of time and resources to my mission

I have only made 3 promises as a witness. My comedic one to be better than a dead witness, and my true missions of helping draw new users to Steemit and helping Minnows grow. Minnow growth has taken the majority of my time, but I'm happy to report now that I'm traveling to University Campuses again for work I do sneak in some visits to Communication and Journalism departments to talk about our Lord and Savior Block Chain technology. Hopefully you're going to see a few professors and graduate students joining the platform and I'm stoked to see what that brings with it.

What do I get out of this?

Well, I mostly feel like me and my family have enough. I'm in the top 80-90% income earners in the world. We have a nice family, nice house, nice cars, nice schools, nice fence, and that whole deal. That's why almost all of my SP remains delegated to projects to help others. We're ok, but other people aren't. I have the sense that all our souls are linked on this planet, and I'm using my time, energy, and resources to help others. That can be incredibly rewarding. I helped a mom and her kid eat. I kept another similar pair from getting evicted. I've taught peace over and over to those that display violence. I feel like I'm changing the world one person at a time.

All of which is for me personally to answer the question I fear my kids will one day ask "Dad, you knew about how fucked up the world is? What did you do about it?" I'm terrified my answer and the world I leave behind for them won't be good enough compared to how much I love them and how much they deserve a better place than this. So, I'm here. I've staked my claim on some digital real estate. I'm in there daily trying to make change.

When Trump won and some dems were crying havoc I saw a great little cartoon.

Dem- This world is so fucked now? What do you think will happen?
Gardener- There will be flowers.
Dem- How can you say that? This world is so terrible, there are so many problems, and everything is going CRAZY!!!!
Gardener- Because i'm planting them.

This is the option, and this is where I stake my claim

Steemit creates abundance at a click. It provides an avenue for uninhibited trade and nearly censorship free communication. It teaches peace on a daily basis. So, here I've staked a digital claim. Here is where I'll call home. Here is where I'll help grow and help people learn.

Thank you to those that support me. Thank you to 850+ Steemians that vote for me. Thank you for those that contribute to the Minnow Support Project. Thank you to those that contribute to the Minnow Support Project. Thank you to those that help make this a better world for all of us.

I'm intensely grateful. I started off on the wrong foot, but I've learned a ton since then. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to serve this community. It's one of the highest honors I've found.

Namaste and with Love,


If you would like to help

Please delegate steem power to @minnowsupport.
Please upvote witnesses from the Minnow Support Project.
Please upvote and resteem minnows. If you want to see excellent articles make sure you're doing your part to be the curation you want to see in the world.

There are close to 400 people delegating to this project through a variety of ways. Many thanks to them and we need you to help us too.

Part Milestone, part lovefest, part manifesto part, part witness update, and all gratitude! Thanks for a wonderfully amazing year

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"Well, I mostly feel like me and my family have enough. I'm in the top 80-90% income earners in the world. We have a nice family, nice house, nice cars, nice schools, nice fence, and that whole deal. That's why almost all of my SP remains delegated to projects to help others. We're ok, but other people aren't. I have the sense that all our souls are linked on this planet, and I'm using my time, energy, and resources to help others. That can be incredibly rewarding. I helped a mom and her kid eat. I kept another similar pair from getting evicted. I've taught peace over and over to those that display violence. I feel like I'm changing the world one person at a time.

All of which is for me personally to answer the question I fear my kids will one day ask "Dad, you knew about how fucked up the world is? What did you do about it?" I'm terrified my answer and the world I leave behind for them won't be good enough compared to how much I love them and how much they deserve a better place than this. So, I'm here. I've staked my claim on some digital real estate. I'm in there daily trying to make change."

I'm on vacation yet I took some time to read your post as I knew it has some value and that was filled with words I could learn from.
This part gave me goosebumps. I called my girlfriend and read it to her again.
I'm still a young guy, trying to build up for my future family. I'm scared of raising a child. I'm scared of my girl giving birth to him/her. I sometimes think it is fucking egoistic to give birth to a child in this fucked up world. Yet there's a chance for a healty, free and happy life and that also depends on us. Life is the rarest thing a person can achieve. I will have a child, maybe more than one and will do my best to answer proudly the question: "Dad, you knew how fucked up the world is. What did you do about it?"

Thanks for writing this post @aggroed.
Wishing you the best of luck and many more awesome years on steemit.


Great edit.

Great post thanks ....(You may interested in my post ...[Surrender-To-The-Existence])

what a great post on so many levels @aggroed, makes me even more proud that I was able to contribute in some small way with my little WhaleBoT.

I hope it can also serve as a reminder to some of those on the platform who may have temporarily lost sight of the "bigger picture". The sooner people wake up, "deescalate", and realize we're all more or less looking for the same things, perhaps the faster we can all get back on track to making this great vision a reality.

We all go to the same moon. Stoked to see how whale it can help us.

Congratulations for your first Steemversary. Your post is very much motivating in keeping minnows moving and ypur MSP project is altogether a driving force of minnow community here. Thanks for Everything you done and are doing foe us.
While reading your post, i was lost in my struggle of Steemit. Making a dollar sbd of a post while seeing thousands and hundreds of sbd of others (dolphins and whales) makes you wanna think When is it gonna happen and Also if at all it is gonna happen? Sometimes even some thoughts of stepping back, but something inside keeps us moving on here even with smallest payouts...maybe hope that oneday we are also gonna be there and helping the community.
P.S. Eagerly Waiting for that Time...Hope to be So Soon...

@aggroed HAPPY 1st Steemit Birthday !
May you have more to come :)
Thank you for all that you are doing for the platform !

Congratulations on all the accomplishments you have made sir and thank you for letting me be a part of contributing to the future ones. Let's go to the Moon baby and remember, you promised me a free Lambo!

Just your first year here? Feels like you were already here for ages. Especially when you sum up what rollercoaster of developments has been run, it's really hard to believe this all happened within 12 months.

Where you stake your digital claim, I stake mine. I do not follow you because you follow me (I don't think you do, but that's fine), I follow because of the principles you represent.

Steem on. The entire community salutes you.

As a minnow I maybe shouldn't speak for the entire community, but since really EVERYONE madly respects you, this is kind of a safe bet.

hahaha you are awesome! I think it's so cool that you learned from your mistakes... that's the only way to do it! Now you can warn people on what not to do... I'm sure your posts in the past influenced how I am now. :)

I agree, @kaylinart is one of my favorite authors on this platform. Her writing inspired me to also want to write valuable content.

I felt the same when @kaylinart and you both resteemed my stuff! I was jumping up and down! It's so cool to see how we can all lift each other up. :)

As for helping out @theprophet0 and his dad... that's a really cool thing you did. That's why people love you, because you help others out, and it is so genuine. I can tell just by all the posts that I have read from you. You truely are trying to head Steemit in the right direction.

The more I'm on this platform, the more invested I am. I give so much time everyday to explore Steemit and learn more. :) Anyways thanks for the awesome read.

Congratulations on this great achievement!

back to the champagne of it all, my friend... let's see just how far this whole crazy ride goes.

Champagne for real friends and real pain for sham friends!

Here's wishing you many more wonderful years on Steemit! image

Like a shepherd caring for his herd :) no matter how much it grows you never forget about those that stray away. Thank you for all the random acts of kinds. Some intentional while some are just random. ❤️ ya!

Great post man, I did not know about half of the other stuff about you, prior to Steemit and meeting you here.

My 1 year Steemiversary post went up 2 days ago and I reflected a lot also on the days leading up it.

I continue to be happy I voted for your witness man.

I am proud of you dude.

Thanks Barry😃

Thank you!
You have help me a lot!
You have kept me from making bigger mistakes,and been a good example of how to do things.
I am trying hard to be a better person,and help build a better world.
Thank you again and Happy steem birthday!

Happy Steemit anniversary, @aggroed!!! Lots of visible achievement in just one year. Wishing you the very best in the year ahead. Congratulations and see you at the top!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

🍻 @aggroed
Here's hoping your digital stake continues to grow and flourish!!
We moved this past year, and I was thrilled to see some nice wildflowers coming up on the side yard. Flowers add color and life(...think bees).

I hope I can plant some digital flowers and grow some nice abundance and beauty as well!!

Keep up all that you are doing!
@em3 and the Healthy Family Variety Channel(YouTube) approve and support you!!

8/9/17 is a good number
A lucky day for an anniversary!!

Cheers to a great year! Many more to come! Thanks for all of the work you do to help out the fellow minnows on this site. Very much appreciated!

Your Steemit journey is an inspiration. I'm just nearing my two month Steemiversary, and I am already involved with the MSP and SFT.

I'm at a point where my and my children's lives and immediate future is wrapped in turmoil, and I must admit I almost threw in the towel. But reading about your journey has renewed the hope I came here with.

Thank you for sharing. And thank you for being you. You are truly a treasure for the Steemit community :)


Amazing Post! I am proud to be both a member and contributor to Pal and Minnowsupport. Your efforts and support have helped me grow and become a better Steemit community member and I look forward to your continued success!

You Sir are a Legend! I couldn't imagine you of all people doing the follow for follow spam ish haha You are definitely one author I look up to a lot and I loved reading your story. Well I only got through half of it, but I plan to finish when I get another break haha.

MSP has been monumental to my growth as a minnow, so I appreciate you and everyone else who developed it! Congrats on 1 year aggroed!

Hey @aggroed, quite a long list of accomplishments for the year. Congrats on all the milestones. It's interesting to me to read and learn about how steemit all came together from different points of view by people who have been here since the early days. Puts things in perspective. I'm one of the little guys down at the bottom of the "Who votes for aggroed" list. :-) Thanks for everything you do.

Congratulations, @aggroed! I enjoy what you do and follow you closely

You have been a great asset this this community and have started from ground zero to work your way up , and you deserve it all , being a witness , leader and adviser for us all. Congrats on being here for one year , you had great success and wish you much more @aggroed

Pretty cool what you've achieved on Steemit in a year.
An inspiration to starters like me and minnows everywhere you are!

Congratulations @aggroed! You have achieved so much in such a short time. Thanks for all the support you have always extended. Loved that gardener cartoon.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What a milestone of achievements,a big congrats to you @aggroed as a matter of fact am a big fan of yours,Sincerely looking forward achieving milestones like this too and even surpass,by GODS Grace,post upvoted,resteemed... @detycoon

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Congrats fellow steemian! :) great achievement, very nice post, you really are a legend + you deserve a cookie sir!
Did Steemit change in 1 year? whats you're thoughts? I'm new here for 1 month and i must say I'm lovin it :) thanks for sharing #keepsteemin

@aggroed, I appreciate all of the work that you have done.

And thanks for letting us know that you started with humber beginnings. Sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when you are so deep in the tunnel.

I look forward to catching up more on PALNet.

amazing contribution to the community. we definitely need more visionaries like you!

Awesome story, thanks for sharing and thank you for all the work you're putting in!

Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your story. It's encouraging to know that people like you were once minnows too. No one can really imagine the process that got you to where you are now but I'm sure the road was long and hard. Most will be tempted to shortcut the process. My take-away from your post.. stick to the platform, believe, it pays to get to know others and share interests and passions. Thanks for MSP, it is a real blessing. Mabuhay!

Happy Steemiversary! My 1 year is coming up in the next couple of weeks. Looking forward to the future!

"9/11, satanism in government, and rampant sexual abuse sanctioned by the state."

So, in other words, just a little light reading.

"Kid's 15 years old and running a witness and working for steemsports."

I gotta meet this kid, he reminds me of my 14-year-old Ultima Online gold mining Ebay botnet self, only I suspect his investment is going to turn out a lot more profitable in the long term.

The above snark is all I can add besides a happy "rebirthday"!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

snark in all forms is accepted as aggroed tender

Thanks for doing all this and helping the community. J

Congratulations on ur steemversiry. Learned a lot from ur post it's very motivating , have to say we both made the same mistake :'( . I put the wrong tag too on my introduce-urself post. Keep up the good work on steemit!

I'm deeply encouraged by this @aggroed. You have no idea how motivated I am right now after reading your post. As a minnow, i have also did some mess in my one month here, but getting to know it's not too late to fix things,from your experience is great gain to me and every minnow here. Your golden words are more than gold to me. From today I choose to be in your team. Thanks a billion!

Very inspiring. Congratulations on your economical and personal success. And thank you for all you do for me and the rest.

Wow that's truly amazing. Congrats on your success and I hope it keeps coming 🤙🏻

Whew - that was some read and a lot to digest @aggroed

Who is your favorite attack on titan character?

Wow congrats!! Such a journey so far. I completely admire your yearly journey. Most people on Steem that I've seen make it past a week on here

Woah, this is big news. Crazy in here. I have been associated with the community and it is good. What a year for you.

Thanks for writing this up in this way- when I first started actually posting several months after I joined (for a radically different reason than most, I'm sure, it was just to catch the juicy stuff on @mfmp in a more real-time basis, although I seldom took advantage of that immediacy), it was in desperation that I was going to let this opportunity to participate in what really COULD (warts and all) transform the conventional commercial model of selective predation that's pretty much subsumed modern technology (not necessarily surprising, but certainly distressing) slip away from me due to laziness and loss of focus (there's a host of reasons for that).
Lately it's gotten even more difficult to keep activity up, as I keep getting waylaid by others' posts and contributions (dear Lord KRSNA, what an ocean to fall into, and we don't even have a million members yet) and lose focus on adding content myself- because I'm not a terribly visually -oriented person, the graphics, vids, etc. are VERY time-consuming for me, and I'm trying to co-admin accounts with bands I'm in, etc.
What to do? I'm already on MSP, but you just mentioned several things I hadn't even run into due to previously mentioned difficulties...maybe I can get more productive with those tools you mentioned, I know I find Esteem.Life, and chainbb a lot more effective most of the time.

Namaste @aggroed. This is really inspiring. Looking at your success, I can set my personal milestone on Steemit.

Congrats! Share us some love

Congratulations on your one year, successful anniversary. I have only been on steemit for two weeks and still learning my way around it. One of the things that I find hard to grasp is all the bots that are running around asking for this or for that, and no easy way to find information about them. You helped a lot in regards to finding information about them. I did not realize that there was a web page for MSP. Most of the times, (when I had a need to), when I clicked on the page link just before someones joined on date, it just re-loaded their blog page. So I stopped looking at them. Now I need to pay more attention to them. Thank you for leading me to that.

Continue on and enjoy life, because it can be very short at times, like people's memories, and tempers.

Happy 1 year anniversary here at Steemit!

Also thanks for sharing your experiences you've had here at Steemit and also a little history about yourself.



This is really impressive and it motivates me to also become as successful in a year's time. Well done and may there be many years to come

Congratulations on 1 year! You are one of the major inspirations on here who makes me feel like Steemit has a future.

While I don't agree with bots promoting minnows (because I don't agree that bots belong promoting anyone), I will say that minnowsupport appears to be a truly well-intentioned project.

Thanks for your continued support in the community!

Really enjoyed this post. I've been working hard on my account this past 10 days on Steemit. I know that seems like such a short time but I really want to progress. I appreciate reading articles where Steemit made such a difference in their lives.

Congratulations on your steemiversary!

congratulation of your anniversary and achievements. After reading your most thorough post, i see you set the bar of what can be done on the Steemit platform. It is amazing what can be done when you care and put your mind to it. Thanks for setting the example and sharing the post my friend. - Troy

Congratulations! Enjoy the cake!

@aggroed, you are a proper star, and a great example of the altruistic nature of Steemit. I've loved being on this site in the last few months since I joined, and I'm starting to see it pay off, slowly, but surely.

It's as a result of the work done by superb people like yourself, and many others here that have encouraged me to get more involved, and I'm pleased to be able to sport my super cool steemit tee-shirt and hand out flyers as part of the #uk-promo team.

I'm also keen to talk to you about maybe doing a bit of a show on MSPWaves. Perhaps we could have a chat sometime about this?

Congratulations on your anniversary. Here's to the next peaceful abundant and liberty-filled year.....

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! Along with your achievements! When my 1 year comes up I hope I can be at least 1/4 of what your are now!

Wow! Respect for the progress, the commitment and the time you spent on this.. It obviously pays off! A good example for newbies like me!

Congratulations man. You're an inspiration to us all with your positive mental attitude. It's a testament that that success always starts with the mind. Peace, Abundance and Liberty to you and to all :) - A grateful minnow.

@aggroed - Congrats, what a journey you have. You beautifully explained your journey in great details. Thanks for sharing useful information. You are always an inspiration for us!

Steem ON!

It's inspiring to know that you achieved so much success on this platform. And that you are so much into building and supporting the community. I just wish the big bad daddies on steemit also learn something from your efforts. And invest in community rather than just themselves.

Amazing .. hope you are always happy and find endless success :-)

Happy one year. So glad you created the minnow support, it's a been a huge plus for me as a steemit user! Congrats again!

Much love to the @minnowsupport and for all they do for us little folk :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Congratulations @aggroed .., your trip in steemit for one year is amazing .., i @ibel20 new arrivals in steemit .., i want to follow your journey which is very useful .., i wait for your next post.

nice post...amazing contribution to the community. we definitely need more visionaries like you!

I started steemit about a week ago. I hope i grow as big as you one day. Nice work 💪

oye que buen contenido, me gustaría que me ayudaras a entender mejor steem soy nuevo y lo que hago es votar y responder gracias por tu post

Very good and more you soon grow :) 2 year and you be Even bigger :)

It is a wonderful thing to. See someone work so hard to achieve success then. To keep on going to help others . In this world today there is so much negativity,hurt,anger & ppl just complain & do nothing to make any changes ,you can start with small changes & move up from there ,surprisingly not alone.
I am new here & Like you i have tried things that do not work ,my posts seem to disappear into post-/heaven & lost among the other millions ...
But I will keep trying ....i have a diverse back ground worked for thr State in family court helping ppl get off of assistance by finding the fatherss/mothers obtaining a paternity order if needed then getting a child support order & then enforcing order,i then moved and in every thing i have ever donr I have helped single parents & their children out & it feels so good to have the ability to do so, then i got remarried ...things didnt go well ...and I became the person on the other side...I always had a car a nice home good income boys went from upper middle class to being lost homeless & it took me a few yrs to get back & thst is not a journey u want to ever take but I truly believe it was for a reason both my boys want a change ...they r unlike many of these brainwashed kids from the teachers in school.
I want to.beome a part of Stermit. For. Many reasons & I will keep going til I get there helping others and the positive energy that comes from the ppl.

put a candle on that made it to 1

Congratulations for your success and hope you succeed always.

This post has been resteemed by @msp-lovebot courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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This post has been resteemed by @msp-waves courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Congratulations on this great achievement

This post has been resteemed by @msp-nomad courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Happy Steem-Year man! Seems people love you in here... congrats!

DJ Skanky J!! Thanks so much for what you have done for Steemit so far. I'm sure I only know a smidge of the things you've actually done for us here, but I do know you have done a tremendous amount. From others and you just confirmed it all :D I aim my sights to accomplish some of the feats you have, and hopefully one day maybe I can... one or two of them..
Do you have that cartoon you mentioned, like the pic?? that would make for an awesome picture!!
Cheers and see ya around!

Congratulations my friend :D


Congrats @aggroed !
It's day 365 for me tomorrow too!
Looks like you beat me by one day.


My calendar reminder was set hours ago Linda


Congratulations!! You are a great example to follow!

Thank you for this time-line kind of walk through of your first year on Steemit! From where I am in my journey, it sounds like @kaylinart and @fyrstikken were instrumental in helping you build quality posts and get you noticed, so I should at least visit their blogs more often and learn some stuff from them.

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!

Congratulations @aggroed on all the accomplishments you have made sir . i learn so much with you. :)

It's amazing that you achieved all of that in 1 year. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Yes, that's why I am talking to you right now.

This post has been resteemed by @msp-shanehug courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Many many Congratulations on your Steemiversary! It was an interesting read to know about your journey here from the beginning and the struggle it was!

I haven't yet analysed for whom to vote as a witness. I had just chosen a few randomly thinking that I'd change my vote when I feel otherwise. I haven't done anything to learn more on that yet. But this post gives me all the good vibes and I will choose you as my gardener to plan flowers for me. I'm voting you for witness. Am following you to make my place in your digital home.

Will check your MSP project later this weekend.
Thanks for all you do here!

Nice post. From me upvote.

This post has been resteemed by @lovejuice courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Woohoo! Nice brother. Happy Steemit Birthday :D

This post has been resteemed by @nettybot courtesy of @aggroed from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Be sure to go to, scroll to the bottom of the page, and vote for @netuoso.

Very interesting great greetings from venezuela here I will leave a link for those who can help me thanks!

WOW Congratz! Thanks for sharing your goals, it makes me keep going. I uselly dont get no views but thats is not going to stop me! I will continue to see better days! Great post amigo cheers from Mexico!

your story doesn't end and is always inspiring. I love that you never shy away from the failures that got you started. As my friend always says, patience in progress without expecting perfection

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Hii @aggroed successful greetings
Nice to meet you

#introduce my name @ firzee0717,
I come from #aceh Sumatra.
Welcome to #steemit for those of you who want to succeed here, I also want the same thing.
I'm also new here #Steem is still a lot to learn from seniors.

Nice to meet you all !!
Please help to promote me
And Please for others follow and Upvote My account @ firzee0717

Happy Steemit anniversary, @aggroed
Wishing you the best of luck and many more awesome years on steemit.

Congratulations on all the accomplishments

Great Post!
Congratulation - Happy Steemday so to say.
I discovered the Minnow Support Project today and put my name with, and streemian. Still do not have 1 STEEM so I could not delegate to a bot. But will save and do so.
Hope I figure this out soon.
Thanks for setting up the project.
Best of Luck!!

Thank for sharing

i really love this post im new in steemit and is good to see the hardwork give you fruits continue whit your work