Masks don’t work. It risks lives because people cannot breathe. You get Apoxia. You cannot get oxygen. Stupid Science deniers! If you cannot breathe oxygen? What happens? Cloth mask wearers get rashes and bacteria and lipstick and food all over it for weeks sometimes. It is gross. Kids should not be forced to wear them. It is for strange fetishes to watch people gasp for air. Calm yourselves down, perverts. When Babies get their masks taken off, they all open their mouths to gasp for air. Now, this social media cartel is working together in lock step on how they take over all of us and turn us into China.
Rand Paul is a hero. Unfortunately, he just got banned on youtube for his comments that we should say no to masked kids. He spoke common sense, and the liberals can’t take it! They are so scared of him that they want to silence him by any means necessary. Sadly, this country has gotten to this point where we’re afraid of people with different opinions, but at least Rand isn’t backing down from what he believes in. If you want a great example of someone who truly stands up for their beliefs, please support Rand Paul wherever you can, whatever conversation.
He’s been banned from YouTube for telling kids not to wear masks and say no to drugs, like the untested Corona, not a place in Italy, but the Coronavirus and the QUACK-vaccines are. Medical Perverts! They want blood and body parts; they are drooling for it. They want to inject kids. They are mad. They want you to believe in their imaginary god. Noone can isolate it! There are ZERO samples of this unicorn flying bug. It’s only confirmed on TV!
We need more people like him in politics! He doesn’t care what the establishment thinks about him; he wants to do the right thing. I hope you’ll join me in supporting this true American patriot.
It’s time we had someone who speaks their mind without fear of being censored or attacked by the media. We need someone who can stand up for what they believe in, even if it means standing alone against everyone else. That person is Rand Paul.
Rand Paul is a conservative and was just put on time out from youtube. This censorship is not acceptable for the First Amendment of our Constitution to be infringed upon by anyone. So I’m getting creative in my way of protesting this ban. Maybe I will draw a political cartoon?
What are your thoughts on Youtube’s decision? You should say something on social media!
YouTube has been censoring conservatives for years now. They’ve done it in subtle ways, like demonetizing videos that don’t mesh with their plan or outright banning them without warning. For example, Rand Paul struck from YouTube after posting a video to his channel. He tells the CDC and Fauci they need to listen to science! He explains you cannot mandate masks and mandates on people. Especially kids in school.
This banning of Rand Paul is yet another example of an attack on our freedom of speech. This control of information is coming from those who want to silence us. Youtube banned me once for mentioning the words DAVID HOGG in my title. Of a video where I draw his portrait. I have never been able to live stream since.
The internet is a public forum and should be open to everyone’s opinions. The government has no place in censoring what people want to say, read or see. Whether you’re on the left or right of the political spectrum, free speech is a fundamental right, and what a monopoly business like Big Medical is should not take it away because someone disagrees with your opinion. You could be a drug pusher. In addition to being wrong morally, censorship also doesn’t work as it just creates more curiosity about what you are trying to hide from people. Why are they deleting adverse reactions from the internet, for example? How come every time we are talking about something, the headlines get washed away by some a.i. Machine? This censorship leads people into discovering information that they otherwise would have never found out about had you censored it in the first place!
Rand Paul has been a voice of reason and liberty for conservatives. He stood up to Obama’s NSA spying programs, advocated for the Second Amendment, and took on the IRS with his new tax plan. Rand Paul is fighting to bring America back from extensive “Big” government policies destroying our economy and infringing our civil liberties. We need more people like Rand in Washington who understand what it means to be conservative because he understands we can’t have freedom without economic opportunity or personal responsibility. Senator Rand Paul truly is a voice we all need. He speaks for many.
Congress watches as Senator Rand Paul gets banned and threatened permanently from Youtube unless he stops saying that Masks are worthless. The internet has been taking over and blocking even senators and governors from having speeches. They are next!