Kitchen Witch Sunday - Make Your Own Hot Chocolate

in steemkitchen •  6 years ago 

Kitchen Witch Sunday.png

My great-grandmother and grandmother were always fans of why buy the store bought edition if you can make it yourself. The potential ingredients have obviously changed since my great-grandmother's time, but the idea remains the same. One of my grandmother's favorites was a hot chocolate mix, and I learned this one directly from her.

I actually put this in my coffee along side some creamer for flavor, because I hate the taste of straight black coffee and this actually makes it tastes a little bit like hot chocolate which is always a good thing!


You'll Need The Following;

  • Powdered Sugar
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Powdered Pudding Mix
  • Powdered Milk

Why are there no measurements, you ask? Because this recipe is to taste! No, seriously. My grandmother never measured anything for this particular recipe she just added stuff together until it tasted right.

Now I chose chocolate pudding mix, but you can really use any flavor and that's what gives the mix it's flavors as well. If you're lactose intolerant or vegan there are non-dairy versions of powdered milk you can find but you will want it or something similar for this recipe trust me.


Toss everything together and you are a-go.

I basically used the whole 8oz of cocoa powder, mixed in an equal amount of powdered sugar, and dumped in all the pudding mix and milk and mixed until it was well put together.

Now yes, you could go ahead and put it in fancy containers. In fact if you're gifting this to people I'd suggest it - back home in Michigan when I could see most of my friends in person on a regular basis in the winters it was one of my most sought-after gifts and I'd give it to people in mason jars at NaNo parties and for the holidays and such and they were always appreciated.

But for my own home brew stuff that only myself and maybe my roommate will use it's just fine in a big old plastic Tupperware thing XD

Banner was made by me in Photoshop. All other pictures here were taken by me specifically for this post. I have been a home cook for over a decade, and any questions or comments about this recipe are encouraged!

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