MY VERY FIRST TRIP TO SWITZERLAND - one of the most crypto and blockchain friendly place on the planet earthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in steemleo •  5 years ago  (edited)
I believe I owe a STRONG apology to all of you, dear readers, who have been trying to contact me lately ...


... via email, steemit or chatting apps and did not managed to receive a reply. I'm already aware that some of you felt ignored, which was absolutely not my intention.

Many of you are aware of my recent involvement in the development of @project.hope and also about my recent trip to Switzerland. This particular trip was one of the most important events in my current career and it required weeks of solid preparations. That unfortunately caused unwanted result: I didn't have enough time to carry on with my daily routine on Steemit for the past few weeks.

Today, I would like to share the results of my efforts and ask a few questions, hoping to get some valuable advice from you and others.



It had been my very first time to Switzerland ....

... and it's quite obvious from the very beginning how crypto and blockchain friendly is this country.

The main reason behind this trip has been to introduce STEEM blockchain, and the concept behind SMTs to a CEO of an existing SWISS company. I've also managed to mention a few words about @project.hope.

I spoke for a number of hours with this company's CEO (When the time comes, I will let you know the name of the company) . Luckily, I went through similar conversations quite a few times in the past and I felt quite well prepared. However, I still found it very challenging to explain the idea behind POWERING UP, delegations, upvotes and curation rewards.



Perhaps it's the best time to ask you, dear reader, to drop a comment ....

and share with me how YOU would explain the idea behind upvotes, rewards and delegations? Imagine that you're talking to person with basic knowledge of blockchain and strong crypto believer, however it's also a person with experience mostly in traditional financial markets.

Powering up

I attempted to clarify how it all works by comparing POWERing UP to purchasing and holding some shares on traditional stock market and receiving "dividents". And those "dividents" depends on our contribution to STEEM blockchain as a curator.

Meaning: if we support quality content with our limited upvotes than a STEEM token holder, then we are able to increase received dividents (curation rewards).

Does it make sense?


I've kind of struggled when I've tried to explain the idea behind delegating STEEM POWER to other users. It raised several questions about real ownership of delegated SP, reasons why investors would like to proceed with delegations, benefits for users receiving delegations etc.



Perhaps someone here would have any idea how to put in a few words on what delegations are about? Or maybe you came up with a better way of explaining the idea of powering up, upvotes and rewards?



At this stage I'm not going to reveal the name of this company I visited, since there are still few things to discuss between me and their management. However, I would love to share with you all some great news, that came as a result of this particular trip.

I managed to get them interested with @project.hope and the goals our small community is trying to achieve. As a result, this project will receive financial support for the upcoming half year, which will allow us to continue our growth and should be enough to cover some basic expenses (mostly financial support to a few Venezuelans supported by this project).

I also managed to discuss more important issues: being hired as a project manager and being part of the team responsible for launching a fully legal STO and tokenizing this company's assets.


I've mentioned a number of times that i see Steemit as a place where one is able to get to know valuable people from the tech industry and create amazing business opportunities :) However, since this post is already very long – I will share more info in my next post (tomorrow!). So stay tuned ! :)
Do not miss it :)



Drop me a comment below and share your thoughts with me. I read all comments and I will upvote most valuable ones with @project.hope account (over 200k SP) to show my appreciation.

I would also appreciate every resteem. Please help me reach wider audience.
Cheers, Piotr


Check out my latest posts:

PROJECT HOPE in SWITZERLAND ?!? THAT'S RIGHT! Allow me to share SOME GREAT NEWS with you all! :)
Finally it's time to INTRODUCE myself and share my VISION AND GOALS
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I set out to read all the comments before commenting myself, but today I am limited in time and your post has generated many comments, so forgive me if my own comment mirrors another.

I think your comparison to stocks is useful to experienced investors with a grasp of how blockchains work.

However, I think it best to start at the beginning of what Steem is, and how it's functions stem from that, as that establishes a logical basis for understanding each.

First, there is a pool of Steem: the money supply. All Steem is owned by legal entities, or what is conceptually comparable to legal persons. Our wallets are actually held pseudonymously, but the individuals holding the keys can be considered the owners of the Steem.

The code inflates the pool of Steem at rates specified by devs, which creates a pool of new Steem that is not owned by anyone yet. This new Steem creates the Rewards Pool that is distributed as rewards to folks that create or curate content with upvotes. One publishes content on Steem apps such as Steemit, Dtube, and other platforms, and vested Steem holders upvote it which produces author rewards for the publisher account. Those that upvote content also receive curation rewards, and in this way the entire pool of inflation is distributed to the market.

In order to cast an upvote on Steem, one must have vested their Steem. Steem is fully liquid, as the market bears. However, vesting one's Steem, called powering up, changes it to Steem Power, abbreviated SP. You cannot sell your powered up Steem before powering it down, which requires 13 weeks to fully revert to liquid Steem. Depending on how much SP you have, or Steem you have powered up, the value of your upvote to creators is larger or smaller, and the curation rewards you receive for upvoting are also. How much reward your upvote provides depends on the percentage of extant Steem Power you possess. 100% of inflation, the Rewards Pool, is distributed daily by the upvotes of SP holders.

Delegations are simply enabling others to vote your SP as proxies, for which they receive the curation rewards. Delegations can be withdrawn at will by the delegator, but take one week to be fully restored to utility to the delegator. Delegates have increased SP to upvote content with, which increases their influence on content creation, and also increases their ability to generate curation rewards for upvoting content. Delegates do not own the delegation, and cannot transfer it, sell it, or otherwise dilute equity of the delegator in any way.

Experienced investors should understand the concept of vesting, which is simply sacrificing liquidity of an asset in exchange for certain benefits. While distributing inflation from a pool of new tokens as rewards via upvotes is novel, the generation of the pool via inflation should be trivially understood by investors.

There are other features that are necessary to a complete understanding of Steem, such as the variables affecting curation rewards, downvotes, payout, resource credits, SBD, votebots, and so forth, but the above is the basis which will provide a baseline of understanding the mechanism of Steem.

For an accurate and refined grasp of those latter aspects of Steem, there are old posts that witnesses and devs have undertaken to explain them in detail, which you should undertake to search out and understand completely before trying to explain them to investors seeking more than an executive summary. I'd recommend providing the executive summary and then taking questions, as necessary to explain downvotes, SBD, and the like.

Hope this was useful. Congrats on securing funding for @project.hope.


Amazing comment @valued-customer.
Solid upvote (270k) on the way :) Thank you for your input.

Thanks Piotr for the invite you gave to me in a comment on a recent @happyvoter article, to comment on this post.

I applaud your courage. To talk Steem to owners of businesses with such aplomb, that deserves my standing ovation! I am used to talking to business owners and I know how to quickly impress on them their need to talk with me.

Firstly, understand your clients. Get to know who does what, where and when, and so on. The research takes time, maybe 20 minutes on Dr Google and elsewhere. Also, always remember to do that one last important search: add "scam" after their business name, and you'll be surprised what pops up!

Next, when making first contact, always assume the person you are speaking with is the primary decision maker. Often, and especially is SMEs, that decision maker is the gatekeeper: the receptionist or similar position. Telemarketing skills are awesome here, if you've ever had the pleasure of spending a few years telemarketing. I tell you, that experience is just so beneficial for generating ice-breaking moments, and the gatekeeper changes from fiend to friend. What helps here is a smile, always telecommunicate with a smile and that happy face often gets magically teleported on to the listener!

Now, you have arrived at the hand or ear of the chief, the owner or owner's representative. Time is critical, so keep greetings short and relevant. If meeting in the chief's office, then a quick look around will tell you the type of person you're dealing with: family photos indicate family values, expensive artwork perhaps a collector and wealthy investor, laptop rather than a PC a person on the go, and so on. Just 2-3 seconds as you're sitting down and getting settled, then quickly shape your thoughts to reflect the priorities of the chief, mirror actions and thoughts, nodding your head, retain eye contact as much as possible. All these actions indicate to the chief that you're a good listener, perhaps someone to be trusted.

Close the deal at the first opportunity. Again, telemarketing skills are useful here. As soon as the chief sounds interested, close. This is when you have the Steem representative's diary handy, so you can refer the chief to a senior official Steem rep. Remember, do not waste the owner's time, your part in this process is as an affiliate or intermediary because that is how you will be paid. Close the deal, say your farewells, then move on to the next one. Oh, and please do remember to talk to the gatekeeper and be real friendly; these people will recommend you to the clients they love dealing with so they change from gatekeeper to door-opener.

I hope these few ideas help you Piotr, in your endeavours to make Steem great (again?).

Thank you for this amazing comment @ianballantine.
Strong upvote on the way :)


Thanks for reaching out. Great to hear that you are promoting the Steem blockchain and crypto in general to businesses.

Here are my quick thoughts on explaining Steem Power and delegation (in layman terms) to people that know little about Steem.

Steem Power - is a way for long term Steem holders to (1) receive interest on their Steem (2) have influence (voting power) on the platform. The trade off is that they need to 'lock up' their Steem for a period of time.

Delegation - is a mechanism of donating Steem Power to another person or company. You don't lose control of your Steem, you merely transfer the influence (and interest) to someone else.

Delegation opens up new opportunities for Steem investors to spread their influence and fund projects whilst retaining their principal capital.

For example, delegating Steem could be an alternative way of Crowdfunding that gives a greater level of control to the donator.

E.g. instead of pledging $1,000 to a project as you would on say Kickstarter, I could delegate 10,000 Steem. The project can use the additional influence (and interest) to help it grow. I can make my delegation contingent on the project hitting its milestones and adjust the level of my delegation accordingly. After six months, a year, two years (whatever period I like) I can withdraw the delegation, keep the Steem Power myself or delegate else way.

All the best!

Thank you for this amazing comment @nanzo-scoop
Strong upvote on the way :)

Good morning @nanzo-scoop

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr


Hello @crypto.piotr there's a contest called elevator pitch in which steemians represent the idea of steem in less/not more than one minute. Given the facts you're searching for legit and yet simple to understand explanations it might serve you well.

On the other hand, explaining delegation shouldn't be that hard.

It's like lending someone "money" without a risk of getting "robbed" or being theft victim. If ones notices that his/her stake is being misused, he can easily withdraw his delegation and in matter of 5 days he's stake will be return.

Imagine investors being able to lend money without being concerned about their stake. Furthermore, it's easy and very fast process where you can actually lend huge amounts of money without a need for third person and once you decided to do so, within 3 seconds the transaction will be verified.

Powering up should be looked at like a security measures in case your account get's hacked, because witnesses and programmers might be able to help recover it before it's to late. On the other hand, powering up literally means one has the faith in the project and is looking at it from long run perspective.
It actually means a lot in terms of sentiment and market pressure.

Upvotes - that should be easy, part of the inflation is redirected to those who're contributing towards overall economy, thus raising the awareness... Facebook wouldn't be so god damn big if there wasn't for people bringing the value...

I tried to keep it simple, hope it'll help... Cheers and good luck!!

Amazing comment @ocupation
Solid upvote on the way :) Thank you for your input.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hey @crypto.piotr, awesome work there and congratulations! It is certainly a remarkable feat to get external investors to support a project running on Steem. Most projects here are just able to get support internally within the Steem community.

Regarding the explanation of SP delegation, I think it will be better if we can explain the concept of SP first. SP is actually an abstraction of VESTS. When you power up your liquid STEEM, you basically convert your STEEM to VESTS. As the name suggests, having VESTS means you have a vested interest on this platform. VESTS can be thought as stakes on this platform. In traditional finance terms, you can view it as shares of a company.

Why do I say SP is an abstraction of VESTS? It is because there is a STEEM per VEST rate that is inflating over time. You can view the current conversion rate here (the S/V parameter). I think the reason for coining the term SP is to provide familiarity. Many of us do not know (and probably don't care) about VESTS, hence having SP, short for STEEM Power, makes it easier for users to relate to it.

With this understanding, let's move on to the benefit of holding VESTS (again remembering that SP is just an abstraction of VESTS). By holding VESTS, I see 3 key benefits. First, you get to earn from the ongoing inflation. The longer you hold VESTS, the more STEEM you get when you power down. You can view it as a passive income. The inflation rate is around 8.33% per annum right now and will reduce gradually. You can check it here.

Next, holding VESTS allow you to vote. By voting content, you get to earn curation rewards. I consider this active income as you need to make an effort to cast your vote on the content you fancy. Of course, you can do auto-voting, but I do not want to complicate things by discussing auto-voting here. With the recent HF (hard fork), you now also get to vote on proposals. Proposals are submitted by Steemians for projects that they want to start on Steem and require funds. Successful proposals will get funding from the blockchain. All these are done in a decentralized and automated manner. Last but not least, having VESTS allow you to vote for witnesses. The concept of witnesses can be one full article on its own, so I won't touch on that too much. Just remember that witnesses helps to validate transactions on this blockchain.

Finally, holding VESTS also provide you with Resource Credits (RC). Any activity you perform on the blockchain will consume some RC. Your RC will regenerate over time, however, the maximum RC you have is influenced by the amount of VESTS you own. Hence, holding VESTS in turn gives you the right to use the blockchain.

To summarize, VESTS (remember that SP is an abstraction of VESTS) allow you to:

  1. Earn passive income from STEEM inflation
  2. Vote on content, proposals and witnesses
  3. Acquire resource credits that are required to transact on the Steem blockchain

With all these understood, let's talk about delegation and the differences of delegation in traditional companies' shares and Steem VESTS. First, let's explore what ownership of companies' shares give you. Owning shares of companies largely brings 2 benefits. First, the rights to receive dividends, in other words, to share profits of the company. Next, owning shares also allows the individual to vote for resolutions during the companies' general meetings.

For companies shares, you can delegate your voting rights to someone else and have that person represent you in a general meeting. The person can then vote on your behalf. However, when there is a dividend announced, you are still the ultimate beneficiary of the payout.

VESTS on Steem works in a similar way. By delegating VESTS, you allow someone else to use your VESTS to vote on your behalf. However, unlike companies shares (since there is no concept of curation rewards by holding companies shares), the person who helps you to vote gets the curation rewards. The person also gains the RC provided by the delegated VESTS. In other words, the recipient of delegation gains benefits (2) and (3) as mentioned above. However, since the VESTS still belongs to you, you can undelegate anytime and power down to gain the extra STEEM from inflation. So, by delegating VESTS, you won't lose out your benefit (1).

This is quite a long reply, hope it helps :)

Dear @culgin

Thank you buddy for such an awesome and mindblowing feedback.

Most projects here are just able to get support internally within the Steem community

I've noticed and I've been also seeking mostly support within steem community. However I know that money are elsewhere. I've learned already that most succesful social media marketers end up sooner or later running their own business and teaming up with valuable contacts that they managed to build during their marketing career.

That's also my plan goal and I'm glad that my efforts (supported by efforts so many others) are paying back. My ambition is to build team of people working together and @project.hope is kind of a "recruiting ground" for me. I'm learning to work with so many content creators, developers, investors, marketers etc.

I just need to find a way to monetize my growing network of connections within this industry and many of those who work with me closely will also benefit.

In traditional finance terms, you can view it as shares of a company

Yep. That's how I see it too. I'm just not sure if bringing up another unknown (VESTS) during similar meating would make it easier or even more complicated to understand ....

One more time: thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Appreciate it a lot.

Comment already upvoted with some decent upvote strentgh :)
Truly yours, Piotr

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You are welcome and thanks!

It's more for your understanding and hopefully with a better understanding you can translate these concepts to something which laymen can understand. Which will then help in your meetings 😁

Thx again. And I just noticed that you posted another publication . This time something about CryptoTwitter ....

going to read it tomorrow morning (with fresh brain) :)

night night buddy

@culgin Thank you, it has helped me understand vesting and delegation a little better.

You are welcome! Glad it helps!

I agree almost completely with your explication of how SP, and curation rewards, work. However, I note your discussion doesn't much touch on the rewards pool, and I have understood that vesting does not inflate one's HODLings, but actually and contrarily, reduces their value over time. There is a separate savings mechanism that can provide interest, but SP is not that particular mechanism.

"To summarize, VESTS (remember that SP is an abstraction of VESTS) allow you to:"

"Earn passive income from STEEM inflation"
"Vote on content, proposals and witnesses"
"Acquire resource credits that are required to transact on the Steem blockchain"

So, in the above quote, the passive income isn't actually coming from SP itself, as the inflation of Steem is actually decreasing the relative value of SP, but is potential from the savings mechanism.

Active income is available both from curation and author rewards.

Otherwise, you have well elucidated my understanding.


You've been missing here at Steemit these days. But we know of your high-level commitments. It is great news that you bring and I congratulate you for that.

On the other hand, explain the whole system and what Steem means with its concepts of power up, delegations, among others. This is a complicated task.

Powering up

Can be understood as the investment you make, so dividends depend. If the investment is considerable, the yield in currencies (steem) will be considerable, besides boosting, we add value to the steem that we will obtain.


It is a part of the power that is given to strengthen projects that are considered to be giving value to the blockchain. In other words, it would be a way to strengthen the ecosystem. It is like requesting help from other users to achieve a common objective.

That support can generate a direct return if it is demanded to the one that receives the support and an indirect one that is the strengthening of the same platform.

I hope my lines help.

He sent you a fraternal greeting of congratulations.

Thank you for this amazing comment.
Strong upvote on the way :)

Hi @crypto.piotr,

What you wrote is very interesting stuff. I'm happy to read your trip was a success. Congrats on getting funding for your project and the added job you acquired.

As for how I would explain Steem vs. Steem Power / Curation and delegations to someone who knows very little of such things I would put it as follows.

  • Steem equals the currency used within the Steem blockchain community. It can be sold and traded for many different things including Fiat.

  • Steem Power is what gives a person or persons sway within the community. The more you own the more influence one has. You can turn your Steem into Steem Power (This is known as powering up).

  • Delegation is just another way of saying lending to someone but the great thing about our Delegation system is that the lender (owner) of the Steem Power delegated gets to choose when they take it back. Lending with the use of Delegation comes with 0 risk of losing ones Steem Power.

  • As for Curation ... this comes back full circle to Steem Power. Curation is something we do when we see value in another persons content on the Steem blockchain. Basically its an upvote we apply to said content which holds real money value paid out in STEEM/Steem Power and SBD (another currency used on the Steem Blockchain).

  • Upvoting/Curating other members content does not take away our own Steem Power/Rewards it only adds to the content creators that we upvote. As a curator you will earn a share of the rewards the content you just upvoted/curated attains and so will everyone else who decides to curate that same topic.

Dear @rentmoney

I very much appreciate your valuble feedback and your time. Definetly one of the most interesting comments I've read in that topic. Thank you.

The way you explained delegation - you just nailed it.

Enjoy your weekend :)
Yours, Piotr

How interesting it is to talk about these terms that most of us have to handle. But when we face this situation, we see how complicated it can be.

I think anyone who has never heard of blockchain can understand its definitions.

Its certainly interesting ... many people like the comfort of the familiar so getting them to take that first step in learning about crypto or blockchains seems to be always the most difficult as they have so many other options to choose from.

Absolutely amazing comment. Upvoted with 200k SP as a way of showing my appreciation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Thank you for the invite, although I still don't get it fully myself, so I probably can't be a lot of help. However, as a creative, this is how I understand it, and you may draw some useful points from it.

  1. Steem is created -- mined -- by the publication of creative work; that is, people come and bring their writing, their music, their art, and in return, value is created on the blockchain. It is the nearest thing to the "Art Exchange" no less a person than Beethoven said needed to exist 200 years ago that has ever existed, with the caveat that of course, the value getting back to the artist is not exactly guaranteed. The artist does need some human curation -- appreciation -- for their work, which brings us to...

  2. Steem Power, the form of Steem whereby a creative goes from merely bringing their work to the blockchain but also adding value to the work of others through an increasingly powerful upvote, and receiving a dividend for doing so. Through the accumulation of Steem Power -- or by converting Steem to Steem Power in a powerup -- creatives bringing their work to Steem change their position from one form of interacting and adding value to the blockchain to a second form: multiplying the value add by supporting the work of others. Which brings us to ...

  3. Delegation: the act of temporarily sharing Steem Power with someone else in order to enhance their ability to EITHER bring more value to the chain by being able to post more often (that was my story at first), OR to enhance their ability to give support to other's work and reap a dividend, OR BOTH.

Dear @deeanndmathews

Absolutely amazing comment. Upvoted with 200k SP as a way of showing my appreciation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Thank you so much! I was startled by it, it was so huge, but it is gratefully received!

Dear @deeanndmathews

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time?

Together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :) Hopefully 2020 won't be as scary as many expert are predicting.


Sure -- I'll check it out now.

Dear @deeanndmathews

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Your feedback is always appreciated ;)
Yours, Piotr

You're welcome!


Switzerland is really crypto friendly and I'm proud of it. When sitting in the McDonalds in Zürich at the Bahnhofstrasse with you we saw a tramway that was completely recovered in a banner of "Bitcoin Switzerland" ;-).

I think that you choose well to try to explain the steem blockchain with terms that people can understand.

My attempt to give some definitions

  • Steem Power = Shares of the blockchain that can bring you interests when you like stuff
  • Delegations = shares that are lend to a user by another user free of interests. The recipient of the delegation can generat interests by liking stuff.
  • Upvotes = giving likes to content. The more Steem Power you own the more valuable your upvotes become.
  • Rewards = According to the quantity and the quality of upvotes, a post gets a certain value. 7 days after publication this value will be distributed between the author and the people who gave upvotes.

I realize it's not that easy to define this stuff ;-)

Best regards,

I like this example!

Will adopt it to my explanation

do you have simple one for „where does the money come from?“

Hi @detlev

Yeah, it's easy to say "from the thin air, just like money" but people don't seem to like this answer :P

Dear @achim03

we saw a tramway that was completely recovered in a banner of "Bitcoin Switzerland"

yeah, seeing all those advertisements around us (even at the airport) promoting bitcoin/crypto ... it simply blew my mind.

Delegations = shares that are lend to a user by another user free of interests. The recipient of the delegation can generat interests by liking stuff.

"lend" is not the best word here. I tried to explain it this way and I found myself in dead alley - I was asked what would stop anyone from "dissapearing" with rented SP. It's a bit tricky to explain idea of ownership in that case. And also to explain benefits for those who are "renting" steem power from delegators.

Thank you for your valuable comment. I appreciate it a lot.
Yours, Piotr

If using "rent" or "lend" can be confusing, maybe you could use "commission."

I consider that the expression "delegate" is the most appropriate, but perhaps exemplify saying that the delegator only makes a "concession with a reservation of ownership", where the actions never change of owner, can generate more confidence.

This refers to the fact that the actions (SP) will always remain of the "delegator" and that he can recover them at the time he wishes, with only a 7-day waiting margin.

Yeah, I agree @crypto.piotr that "lend" is the wrong word, as that implies a contractual arrangement when none exists.

When I first joined this awesome Steem community, I had 15 Steem Power delegated to me. Took me a while to realise what that was, and the impact having SP had on my activities here on Steem.

Instead of "lend" let's use this word: "favour". Think of favour as being a conditional pay-it-forward in the sense that, you agree to comply with the rules of common sense and responsible community standards - as in your own local community after all this is a decentralized platform - otherwise that delegation will be relinquished back to the owner. I use the term pay-it-forward as generally you get to keep using that delegation almost as though you own that SP.

In New Zealand, we have a strong "favour" culture through the Polynesian customs we have here. In Maori, we say "tatou tatou" which - when considering the spiritual context as well which is often what we are required to do when translating Maori to another language - loosely translates into English as this: "I scratch your back, you scratch my back".

In line with Polynesian custom, perhaps we should add a spiritual context to that word "delegation", so the meaning could now be this: "a scratch of a favour, more or less".

Thank you for this amazing comment.
Strong upvote on the way :)

Hi Piotr my friend,

to be honest I believe you should keep the explanation as simple as possible.
1.) As we are in the crypto world, everything has to be crypto.. hence we have steem and not dollars... and that's our currency.
2.) If someone wants to invest into the ecosystem he has to power up and that's equal to take your dollars and buy some shares on the stock market. Instead of a dividend each year he gets one each day, but only if he earns it by voting.
3.) At the same time he can provide services to the platform, e.g. blogging and can be rewarded by other voters in liquid steem and staked steem...
4.) the password to his steem bank account and steem investments are the crypto keys.

That should be enough for the beginning.. vests and all this other things are ways to complicated for a start... IMHO..

Amazing comment @solarwarrior
Solid upvote on the way :) Thank you for your input.

I'll try putting it as simply as I can, the way I understand those terms.

— Powering Up (A.K.A. Staking) gives you as a curator the power to highlight any chosen content. That power is equal to your share of all the potential attention that content can get. That way, the curator is also acknowledged as an influencer, alongside the author. Like in traditional media — influencers actually reach a new audience thanks to the audience they already have. But here, stake matters instead of the sheer number of votes.

— Delegating is like entrusting your funds to somebody who actively moves them around for you. Or for themselves... That depends on your arrangement. Some people delegate in order to reward, i.e. empower, somebody else. To let them make the influencing choices. Anyway, all kinds of reasons here but that's the result of it.

Amazing comment @manoldonchev
Solid upvote on the way :) Thank you for your input.

Thanks for your support :)

Dear @manoldonchev

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time?

Together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :) Hopefully 2020 won't be as scary as many expert are predicting.


I just had a chance to re-read your previous comment. Wanted to say 'thank you' for being so responsive.

Yours, Piotr

Delegations to me are a revolutionary blockchain feature that makes possible P2P digital asset leasing services such as In essence, the Steem blockchain is one of the few financial instruments that allow you to temporarily lease the utility of holding a token to another party, while retaining ownership of the asset at all times and having the ability to revoke the lease at any time by notifying the blockchain.

Think of it as being a car owner and with an automatic remote controlled eject seat and homing technology, when you no longer want the other party to have the utility of driving your car which you own, simply activate the eject seat which shoots the driver out of the car and the homing beacon brings the car back to you. Delegation of Steem Power is even better because it is a digital asset which is not subject to wear and tear and depreciation.

Amazing comment @thecryptodrive
Solid upvote on the way :) Thank you for your input.

Thanks so much!

Dear @thecryptodrive

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time?

Together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :) Hopefully 2020 won't be as scary as many expert are predicting.


There are already lots of great explanations here. I think your comparison to SP with shares is a pretty good one. Holding SP without using it will increase with inflation, but very slowly. Using it to upvote others earns much more, quicker, but you have to either do this manually or set up an autovote for authors you wish to support.

My view on delegation is that it's a way to support someone without any risk, because you can retrieve it easily at any point. In this way it can be used charitably with no feeling of loss to you if they turn out to be scamming or they misuse it. Then, of course, some people hire SP out for an income, so by delegating you can easily get it back if they stop paying. Again, no real loss to you.

Thank you for comment @minismallholding
Solid upvote on the way :) Thank you for your input.

Good morning @minismallholding

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Excellent as always, @crypto.piotr I sense the proverbial "winds of change" happening on the STEEM blockchain. It has survived so much and in many ways it's still going strong. The STEEM cryptocurrency is extremely undervalued and I believe investors who jump on now will be very happy with their purchase long term, especially if they power up and make their investment (and influence) grow.

I think "influence" is the missing ingredient for people to understand the Steem blockchain. It's not about getting large numbers of "thumbs ups", but about who is giving that support.

Imagine if someone extremely famous were on Steemit (or other sites) and had the SP to back their societal status. There would be outright competitions to see who among the social elite aught to have the greatest influence. Enough people dropping a few $100K on STEEM each would have a very positive effect on STEEM value.

IF we had an easy way to convert USD (or other currencies) directly into STEEM right on the various front-ends, we'd see marvelous things.

Dear @ironshield

Absolutely amazing comment. Upvoted with 100k SP as a way of showing my appreciation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Dear @ironshield

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

I actually had a chance to see your latest post (contest) and watch this video. I absolutely appreciate your feedback.

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Greetings @crypto.piotr!
I congratulate you on your successful trip. I'm glad you got some support for @project.hope, that will mean a lot of help to many people ...

These topics:

"Being hired as a project manager and being part of the team responsible for launching a completely legal STO and tokenizing the assets of this company."

It's amazing news. I think they could allow you to get involved with the company and undertake large initiatives, such as:

  • Organize a Writing Contest
  • Promote the new token of the company
  • Make a marketing campaign
  • Publish the products offered by the company

Regarding the topic of debate related to:

Power Up and Delegations.

Among the most important points I can contribute, I think they would be; Through the Delagaciones you can fortify the influence of a community or user, which could generate a certain profit margin, to both parties involved in the delegation.

And the Power Up, basically is the similar way to strengthen the investment and the level of influences of an account within the platform. But it would consist of adding SP to the user so that his account takes on more value, as an own investment without the need to get involved with third parties ...

Well, my great friend! I hope I contributed in some way.
For now I say goodbye wishing you, good luck!


Dear @nachomolina

Absolutely amazing comment. Upvoted with 100k SP as a way of showing my appreciation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Thx guy!

Dear @nachomolina

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Through the Delagaciones you can fortify the influence of a community or user

I absolutely like the way you put it in words buddy. You nailed it.

ps. your english has been so good this time around. and you wrote full sentences (instead of usual short ones). did you use translator or perhaps your english is improving? :)

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Thx Piotr...

Friend @crypto.piotr

It is often very difficult to explain in writing, but I particularly use a method of comparison.
One of my goals for 2020 is to get more people interested in steem.

Now my field of action is the university where I give classes, so I use examples that these young people can know and understand more easily.

The examples I use are analogies with video games since many video games implicitly have the characteristics of Steem.

In that sense they understand it very easily because they identify the games and it is easier for me to explain the workings and characteristics of Steem.

With respect to Switzerland.
I congratulate you for the great opportunity you have to make Steem known to new investors, but best of all, you will be working with them as Project Director. A question now from Poland should you move to Switzerland?

Greetings friend sent you a very strong fraternal embrace from Venezuela.

Dear @lanzjoseg

Thank you for your kind comment buddy.

One of my goals for 2020 is to get more people interested in steem.

It simply means that you're on steem for a long run :) I'm glad to hear that.

The examples I use are analogies with video games since many video games implicitly have the characteristics of Steem.

Interesting concept. Would you be able to share with me some examples?

I'm not yet completely sure if I will secure that position. Right now things are going right direction, however I'm still afraid that it may take a very long time before regulatory framework will be ready and launching mentioned STO will be possible.

Many things can change in meantime (life is unpredictable). And indeed option of me moving to Switzerland is already on the table.

Cheers, Piotr

Dear @Crypto.Piotr,

That are really good news, it makes me happy that You're progressing in Your life while helping others, add to that the fact that it has the STEEM blockchain involved in it to be amazing!!
And I would love to say Portugal is a good place for crypto/business, but only for the non-taxation of crypto-currency, beside that, this is a trash country unfortunately..

Wish I could be of more use but I'm trying to deal with the suicide of a family member (last Sunday), and still trying to figure out my 'own' life..

Would love to give You awesome answers/suggestions to Your questions, I think @Achim03 did a pretty decent job, and (forgive me Achim03) I make his, my words about the definitions..

Ok, maybe I'll add that You might pass the idea of blockchain and crypto currency, tokens, etc.. being a transition "thing" from FIAT to a new "money" paradigm, so in the end no more 'money is needed =× (lots of trust needed..)..

I see where it gets difficult to explain some of the stuff.. Anyway, I'll keep hoping and wishing You and Yours all the best.

Thank You for inviting, and all the amazing work You have been doing, You deserve all the best!


Upvoted to reduce previous unexplained downvote

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Dear @cyberspacegod

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time?

Together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


HAPPY NEW YEAR :) Hopefully 2020 won't be as scary as many expert are predicting.


Dear Piotr,

I definitely don't mind at all ;) there are 1440 minutes in a whole day so, a few of them spent contributing to a good cause can't do harm =)

From what I remember I liked it, but will re-read it and see if there is something I can let as feedback on the post comments section..

And let me say that You for sure are legit, You had an idea, prepared it, started, and all You said/say have been done in one or other way..

Have a great 2020, You, Yours, and actually I hope for it to everyone, even with how the "world" is turning, not leading to a better place, I still wish the best for all..

Let me read the post and see if I have something that might have some value to say about it =)

All the best,

Dear @cyberspacegod

Thank you for your kind and encouragin comment buddy.

And I would love to say Portugal is a good place for crypto/business, but only for the non-taxation of crypto-currency, beside that, this is a trash country unfortunately..

Is it really that crypto unfriendly there? Or perhaps noone cares about blockchain?

I'm so very sorry to hear about your tragedy. So so sad :(

I've noticed that you've been downvoted by one particular user. Any idea what is the cause of those flags?

if you have a moment then please check out also my latest post related to this trip and share your feedback:

Yours, Piotr

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Hey it has been a while!

I too am an advocate of business on the blockchain and have even brought one of my ventures @town-crier here. This one is a digital marketing company building up steem and the benefits of social blockchain here are obvious.

I would say simply that every company big or small needs to be a digital marketing company of sorts. A digital marketing strategy is made up of many parts and steem is one. Advantages are linkbacks for SEO, income diversification, direct access to experts, and the dedicated community that is about to explode.

You have always been such an advocate and evangelist. Great work Piotr!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @zekepickleman

Thank you for your amazing reply. Somehow I didn't notice your comment and I only read it a moment ago.

You have always been such an advocate and evangelist. Great work Piotr!

Thank you for your kind words buddy.
Perhaps I could ask you to visit my recent project.hope publication, where I'm trying to explain our project economy. It would mean a lot to me if you could check it out and share your own feedback (i read them all).

I would also love to hear mroe about your business. Your website is quite limited with informations.

ps. Do I remember well - do you practice BJJ? Part of me have some memories you saying that you do. And I was wondering if I mixed up some 2 different people and 2 different stories? :)

Yours, Piotr

The real question is, what does this company do that requires a blockchain?

Is the company planning on being a content creator? Or are they going to use the blockchain as a database like Splinterlands?

If their idea is to use reward pool as a source of revenue, then it might be better for them to not be here at all. Any "business" that relies on the reward pool is not a business. At least, not one that brings value into the ecosystem.

Some of the most important features they need to know are that transactions on the chain are free, and they can buy as much STEEM as they need RC. Anything else is extra.

Dear @enforcer48

Very valid questions. Your comment encouraged me to write a bit longer explanation and I would like you to check it out here:

I really hope you will check out this link and share your thoughts. I've learned already to value your opinion and your feedback.

You wrote: Some of the most important features they need to know are that transactions on the chain are free

And I was just wondering (not for the first time) - are transactions on chain really free? Or perhaps we're all being taxed with inflation?
After al entire infrastructure (nodes etc) is costly. It cost real (fiat) money and those costs are being covered by selling STEEM being "printed" out of thin air. At least that's how it does look like.

Am I wrong? I would really prefer if each transaction would have super small fee that need to be covered by sender.

Cheers, Piotr

And I was just wondering (not for the first time) - are transactions on chain really free? Or perhaps we're all being taxed with inflation?

A more precise way to describe it is that transactions do not have direct costs for the users, and their RC would limit how much they need to transact.

But yes, I will have to get back to you once I read your other post.

I will be definetly looking forward to read your feedback @enforcer48 since I've learned to value your words.


Hi @crypto.piotr, so I went ahead and made a post as my reply to you. You can find it here.

One more time I would like to thank you, dear @midlet for this publication.

Appreciate your effort,

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hello dear @crypto.piotr, thanks for sharing.

It is certainly making a great effort for steem blockchain, and project hope something that we should value in this platform.

It's great news that you brought to Switzerland and I think you can count on this community to support your effort to promote this platform and @project.hope.

We will be on the lookout for reading more about the subject.

Thank you leader, go ahead!

Thx for your kind comment @fucho80 :)

Did you just update your profile picture?

Check out also my latest post if you have few min:

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

You've basically done great with well having the idea alone to build something with steemit and well I know bringing real time companies to a venture as steem and steemit will be difficult that's why I believe you wrote this Post really and well I think you should get a featured publication to the whole of Steem and currently I've resteemed and I'll Share to Twitter to. Okay to to the business.
As for delegation I usually explain it as having capital asset which people could borrow in real time and however automatically pays dividends for borrowing it and the most interesting thing is that it's safe to lend this capital asset which you've purchase with money because the blockchain handles the transaction with transparent.

Then upvoting is also using this capital asset to reward let's say consumers of a particular brand on the Steem blockchain, it'll be more like having another online opportunity to have more customers, sell their products and well they can tip these people who will patronise and reward their business with capital asset which they have purchased.

It's well challenging but I think this way isn't so bad, I'm not really a professional though so I hope it will make sense. I'm sorry I got the memo late.

Dear @spirajn

Absolutely amazing comment. Upvoted with 200k SP as a way of showing my appreciation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Thank you @josediccus for this amazing feedback. Also I appreciate resteeming this post.

As for delegation I usually explain it as having capital asset which people could borrow in real time and however automatically pays dividends for borrowing it and the most interesting thing is that it's safe to lend this capital asset which you've purchase with money because the blockchain handles the transaction with transparent.

That sound a bit complicated :) But I guess there is really no easy way to explain it.

Please check out also my latest post if you have few min:

Yours, Piotr

Memo: Dear @cryptopiotr. Let me start by asking you to read this memo as I have read yours:

I hope you don't mind my little memo in your comments instead of in your coin transfers. I don't promote my content in this weird fashion. I find it intrusive and spammish. I find it reaallly annoying that you continue to send these memos to me.

Today I would like to STEAL a few minutes of your time to tell you to PLEASE STOP. You are not only annoying me, but dozens of other people, with these dumb gimmicks. It's like getting a call from a telemarketer; you just want to tell them to eff off, because they KNOW you don't want their call, but they do it anyway, on the off chance someone is either too naive or too polite to say what I am going to say now.

Please pay attention!. I will be polite, which is more than a telemarketer would garner. I am saying DO NOT SEND ME THESE MEMOS IN MY COIN TRANSFERS, OR IN ANY OTHER FASHION. EVER!! I do not consent to receiving your memos. If I am interested in your content I will look for it.

I hope you appreciate my feedback and take it into consideration..

Dear @torico

I appreciate the fact that you've been very polite and I value your feedback.

Obviously I'm fully aware that some % of steemit users do not approve sending memos as a way of communication on this platform and knowing that you do not like receiving them means a lot to me. I will surely do my best not to ever bother you again.


Hi @crypto.piotr
Thank you for the invitation to your post.
Congratulations for a great and great job.

I tell you my personal vision.
I see STEEM and all its platforms as the only one, and a real way to save, without devaluing my money.

Enter with a delegation that makes you Steemit of 16 STEEM.

Thanks to the ** DELEGATION ** that made me 2 amazing Steemians I was able to maintain a better pace of work in healing.

I hope to increase my SP to have a vote with greater weight.

If I had a company I would support Steem and its platforms.
To interact and encourage savings among staff.
I would also use it as a way to award prizes, set goals, etc.
Stay great!

Dear @mariita52

I appreciate your time and supportive comment. Love it :)

Thanks to the ** DELEGATION ** that made me 2 amazing Steemians I was able to maintain a better pace of work in healing.

I'm not sure if I understand what do you mean.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

Delegating SP look like delegating Special power for particular case. In my country they ofter used special power when they want someone to do on behalf of them for particular case. But I don't know about other country. Eg If you hire a lawer you need to sign a special power to allow him to defend for you.

Delegating Steem Power is the same thing I think. You can delegate SP for limited purpose. You can delegate your SP to bidbot expecting return from bidbots or You can delegate you SP to a community that helps other steemians. You can withdraw any time whenever the community or bidbots don't follow the rules and regulations. Eg Some case like bidbots is participating in a downvote war so that you can get money back as you expected.

Other example is like a community is using your SP to use for his own good and not supporting other steemians as you expected before.

In korean movies, The shareholders need to sign a special power to allow their shares to use for other. In this way they can get money from the candidate who need their shares. It is legal and candidate needs to show this signed Speial power document to the board of chairman.

The advantage of Steem Power is you can still choose witness as you like even if you delegate Steem Power to others.

Dear @mmunited

Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment.

In my country they ofter used special power when they want someone to do on behalf of them for particular case.

Would you mind sharing with me where're you from? Just curious.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

I am from Myanmar.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Actually I live in Switzerland🇨🇭 and I'm very much looking forward the to the company “face reveal”.


A lot of share holder have delegated their voting rights to the bank which manages their share holder accounts.

Steem delegation is similar but better as you are in control of delegation. It's not automaticaly going to your bank.

Unless you keep your Steem on an exchange. But that's a different story.

We know that you're a busy man, Piotr, and most of us realize that you are also a very AMBITIOUS man. So, of course, we forgive you if you happen to be out of touch every now and then.

It seems like your trip to Switzerland was promising, maybe even fruitful.

As for explaining STEEM POWER (SP) and the concept of POWERING UP, not to mention the DELEGATION of SP, that might be a bit difficult at times. Even after I joined Steemit, it took me several months before I understood those various points.

So, I'd say that, whenever you have to explain them to a newbie, the best one can do is to make some simple analogies to clarify them in user-friendly terms, and to add that the newbies will come to understand more once they join the platform.

Hi @majes.tytyty

Appreciate your supportive comment :)

most of us realize that you are also a very AMBITIOUS man

Interesting that you see it this way. I don't really have huge ambitions. I just simply love what I'm doing here and initiatives like @project.hope give me sens of belonging. Sense of purpose. Anyway thank you for your forgiveness ;)

And indeed, this trip is very promissing. However I'm not yet completely sure if I will secure that position. Right now things are going right direction, however I'm still afraid that it may take a very long time before regulatory framework will be ready and launching mentioned STO will be possible.

Many things can change in meantime (life is unpredictable). I'm also a bit concerned that I may have to move to Switzerland at some point (it's bloody expensive out there).

Yours, Piotr

Well, among my people there is a phrase that is used to indicate having "a healthy ambition", which implies that the person is doing things that are good for their development and that also provide benefits for other people who need this person.

Thus, who has that kind of ambition, does not seek achievements or results for strictly personal reasons, but for motivations that are very mixed with the altruistic sense that encourages them to act.

Thanks, @pedrobrito2004. Your definition clarifies exactly what I meant when I said that Piotr is "ambitious."

From now on, I'll think of him as "healthily ambitious." ☺

You're Welcome @majes.tytyty !


Hi, @crypto.piotr. I can't help out with explanation of all these terms, but I think you did it well explaning the concept of powering up.

I did a crypto post recently -

and tried to make @ph-fund a beneficiary in Steem-Leo but it did not happen, so could not make @crypto-hope a beneficiery, as it was not taking.

It's very exciting to know your involved in a promoting a blockchain related stuff with STO, though I don't know about STO, I reckon, its security token offering, where your tokenizing the asset of the company's security, maybe share or something, heard about it somewhere.

Good to know, you found support for @project.hope , its wonderful, you are helping out some Venezuleans.

Dear @mintymile

Thank you for taking the time to share this amazing feedback with me.

I will check out your post right away. Thx for sharing that link.

tried to make @ph-fund a beneficiary in Steem-Leo but it did not happen, so could not make @crypto-hope a beneficiery, as it was not taking.

That's very kind of you.

How come you had a problem? You couldn't set up a beneficiary neither to @ph-fund or @project.hope? Could you please let me know?

Check out also my latest post if you have few min:

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Delegation is the perfect loan.

You give the money to whoever you want and you can take it back whenever you want. 0% risk.

It's a phenomenal feature.

Also, have them read "The Bucket Head Talent Show" short story.

It's a quick and easy metaphor for how steem works.

Thanks for dropping by @logiczombie and your valuable comment.

I also appreciate you sharing this link with me. Will check it out tomorrow morning (with fresh brain :)


Dear @crypto.piotr, you are doing a great service to this blockchain. I hope you'll be successful in your mission. Steem is one of the blockchain which has a great potential to become the top cryptocurrency. But, unfortunately there are not so many people who are so dedicated as you are. Steem cannot progress without the active participation of millions of people who would like to join this platform. As a promoter one needs to know that there is no progress without people. That must be the top thing.

Dear @akdx

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

I also hope I will be succeful with my little "mission" ;)

As a promoter one needs to know that there is no progress without people.

Agree with you. And it saddens me to see how many users gaved up on Steemit lately. Many of them because of downvote abuse (very common thing current days).

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post.
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
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Spy Techplus

Thanks for sharing your knowledge...

I appreciate your kind words @spytechplus

Also I'm wondering - are you new to steemit?


I am extremely impressed with your effort in promoting steemit. I am not sure if you're putting more effort than official steemit workers responsible for it. Good job for convincing enterprises to power you up with the institutional money. I am going to follow your posts more carefully in the future, to observe how you will expand your business ;-)

Dear @cubapl

Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments. I'm sure guys from Steemit are working hard, however they don't seem to care much about PR and building strong communication channels with their community. Which is sad.

ps. Are you from Wroclaw by any chance? That's where I'm based currently and I assume that you're also Polish.


Liked Voted and Resteemed.

I hope and pray that your visit was very successful. It matters to all here- We rise with Steem. But potential support for @project.hope is the better news. I am curious to know what the company is and what are you working on.

Dear @sarez

Appreciate your supportive comment and resteem.

I am curious to know what the company is and what are you working on.

I'm glad to raise that curiousity :)

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

"Imagine that you're talking to person with basic knowledge of blockchain...." Here I stopped thinking about the answer :P

But let's say you can present delegators as small investors. But with small daily payouts (depending on the volume of delegated money) without an ending date and with their right to withdraw money whenever they wish to.

reasons why investors would like to proceed with delegations? I delegate. Reason: Mostly because I am not so active on Steemit so that I could use up all SP.....oh damn... I can not tell this to new guy, sorry :P

Dear @worldfinances

Here I stopped thinking about the answer :P

Lol. I'm not sure if asking you "why" does make sense? :)

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I've noticed that you posted few interesting articles lately. Gonna check them out right away :)

I delegate. Reason: Mostly because I am not so active on Steemit so that I could use up all SP

I've noticed that you're delegating your SP to @tipu. Does this project do anything interesting? Just curious.

Perhaps you would be interested in checking out "project hope" delegation program:
(it's a bit more profitable comparing to tipu and you would be supporting people you know :P)

Yours, Piotr

Hello. Sorry for being late. Thing is that I needed like...4-5 months to understand financial system behind Steem completely (into details). That's why it's pretty hard to explain that to a newbie. But on the other side, that's why it's so much more interesting. And yes, I delegate to @tipu, and I'm a delegator because I wouldn't be able to use all my steem power -with time I have. And I was small delegator to that bot on the start. And now for few weeks I'm also a curator to tipu (looking for good posts, upvoting them in the name of tipu, and getting small %). I will check your project too.

Good morning @worldfinances

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Wao... friend @crypto.piotr

This is a delivery to the platform, to steem to the block chain.
I think it's great what you do, and behind it all there's a huge willingness to help others selflessly.

For the average citizen, sometimes understanding what Blockchain and crypto currencies mean is difficult.
But for those who already handle this issue of finance could be easier to understand. Although for many they also see the crypto world with some mistrust.

Your work seems to me to be very commendable inside and outside the platform. What you are proposing here is a way to bring to the world something of how much we can do from this platform.

Whenever I try to explain to someone about steem and steemit I start from what they already know, which are the traditional social networks (facebook, instagram, etc.) and from there I'm correlating the operation of steemit and how you can benefit someone with a vote while we also benefit from the return by curatorship. So it has become easy for me to make him understand who knows nothing about crypto coins.

I hope that what I mentioned earlier will help.

My support.

Dear @josevas217

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

I've noticed that you moved the country recently? Hope you're doing fine and life isn't very difficult for you.

and behind it all there's a huge willingness to help others selflessly.

I think some people see me to much of a "santa claus". Nothing is selfless. Im investing my time and energy to build community, which will serve some purposes. It will be "recruiting ground" for me.

I'm some people to grow here and learning to work with them. I've goals that will allow me to earn solid $$$ (sometime in the future). Instead of being single-and-alone influencer - I will represent and manage solid team of marketers and influencers. But it's still going to take time to build this team , since it's kind of a part-time job.

Thank you for your latest comment. Please check out also my recent post if you have few min (also related to my trip to Switzerland, just from more personal point of view):

Your feedback is always appreciated ;)
Yours, Piotr

Interesting! So you are a steemit evangelist now.
Go on, steem on, mate.

Thank you @freiheit50 for dropping by and your supportive comment.

I've noticed that you didn't post in quite a while. Over 3 weeks already. Did you give up on steemit ? :( Hope not.

Yours, Piotr

No, I will never give up steeming until the blockchain is shut down.

It's a matter of time and inspiration whether to write or not. But commenting I do mostly every day. And I accumulate all rewards.

Good morning @freiheit50

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr


Dear friend, that's great news. I'm glad you had a great trip.

About your question I still didn't know how rewards, votes, and delegations work, you know? with all of those forks and stuff. Btw, I will write some of my lates experience on rewards I've been having lately on Steemit; they're quite unsatisfactory :/

I've got a question, buddy: What language you spoke in Switzerland? English? German? French?

It's good to know you're ok

Stay in touch... Don't be a stranger :D

Hi. The question is not directly with me but it happens that by chance I know the answer. The official languages are 4:

  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Romanche (Variety of western Romanesque, part of the family of "Romance dialects")

Four languages!!!????

I once knew a French-speaking man who spoke Spanish. It was very hard to understand his Spanish. You know, by the French form and accents. I can't imagine how disastrous it must be to try to understand German from a native French or Italian. But I suppose with time they have adapted.

Thanks for answering 😊

You're Welcome!

I know @jadams2k18. This stuff is quite confusing ... :/

What language you spoke in Switzerland? English? German? French?

Luckily everyone in Switzerland seem to speak fluent english :) Lucky me :)

Cheers, Piotr

That's great to know 😄

Hi. @crypto.piotr

I am glad to hear from you, that you are well and that you were occupied by a trip that enables new business proposals

I appreciate the constant support you have for the @ project.hope and I like that you could talk about it during your business presentations.

My handling of what corresponds to the terms and benefits of the STEEM network are not as good as I would like, but while I see the answers of @achim03, @yonnathang and @rentmoney I find that they have said everything I could have said and they have done much better than I would have said.

Dear @pedrobrito2004

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. It's a pleasure to work together with people like yourself.

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Big congrats to you, @crypto.piotr. My advice is to call us STEEM since steemit is only one of the dApps; and about the worst one for new people to start with to boot.

I have all kinds of information in the mega-minnow tips post. Delegating SP and the other topics you mention having trouble with are explained in some of the many links.

You CAN Succeed on STEEM

Hi @fitinfun

Thank you for warn and encouraging words :)

I just read that you have some problem with your health. I'm so bloody sorry to hear that. Hope you will do fine. Your life full of adventures is still ahead of you (hopefully :)\

ps. thx for sharing link to your publication. Will check it out right away.
Yours, Piotr

You gave me STEEM so I give your post a look.

are you confused?

That's kind of cute @fernandosoder :) Thx for your time

Resteemed, keep up the great work!!

Thank you @gank for your supportive comment and resteem.

Cheers, Piotr

Good morning @gank

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Please remove me from whatever script or bot you use to spam me with your post links. Thanks.

Dear @clayboyn

Thank you for your polite comment.
I'm sorry if I made you upset. Obviously I will do my best never to bother you again in the future.


deranged You just received DERANGED @crypto.piotr Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @crypto.piotr, here is a little bit of BEER from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

love project.hope!

Thank you @kingsmind for your supportive comment.

Cheers, Piotr

Good morning @kingsmind

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Thanks for letting me know the latest post @cripto.piotr

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @f21steem for your short but supportive comment.

Cheers, Piotr

As I have been saying before, I am just too excited! When do we get more updates?

Dear @nurseanne84

I love how supportive and encouraging you are Anna.

Thank you :) Piotr

I don’t have much to add to the great comments already presented. However, I will say that this is the kind of dialogue we need to help us learn to articulate the value of the community we are a part of. Good work!

Dear @jdkennedy

I'm glad you appreciate my work. And I'm glad to see that you're still around (didn't see you posting in quite a while).

ps. I've noticed that you're not really using your upvotes (probably because of your absence on Steemit). Perhaps I could "lease" those 2k SP from you? I would pay you 20 steem montly (which is definetly a little bit more than any bots / delegating programs can offer).

And I promise to use that extra SP to make good things happen :)

Yours, Piotr

Great to hear from you again man :-)

Highly rEsteemed!


Speaking of CEOs using SteemIt... The CEO of SteemIt should be using SteemIt... IMO.

Thanks for that photo @frankbacon and for dropping by

I must admit that initially I thought that your post is some sort of automatic-marketing-spam :)

Where could I see this photo in better quality? Can you share link?


Gracious @crypto.poitr

I'm am one of the few who STILL manual Curates ; )

Take a gander over here...

Good morning @frankbacon

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Oh, we're on it Bruv ; )

Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 12.20.41 PM.png

Wow. And you're quite responsive @frankbacon

Thank you for sharing this link with me.


; )


Fingers crossed for you my friend, hope it all works out well.

P.S. no apologies required, busy is busy end of.

Dear @shepz1

Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment buddy. Are you still in Poland?

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

Cheers and yes, 30km outside Lublin on a farm. :-)

Perhaps after winter will be over. Or maybe you could visit Wroclaw @shepz1 :)

Great post @crypto.piotr! Love the way you present your thoughts and the formatting. Cheers!

P.S. It is great to see more businesses getting behind the social projects on Steem. Also, Steem may be getting a heck of a lot more traffic and capital inflows due to the RUMORS that Justin Sun (Tron founder) is potentially interested in acquiring Source:

Dear @ebargains

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

ps. I'm so curious if those rumors matter any more. Market surely took them into consideration already and I didn't notice any unusual price movement or growing demand.

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Good morning @ebargains

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

I imagine you must have made a titanic effort to explain all the terms and procedures related to Steemit, and not because people do not have the knowledge to understand them, but because their minds are focused on traditional financial investments.

I wish you the greatest success in your new responsibilities.


Good morning @manuelgil64

would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Dear @manuelgil64

Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment buddy.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

A delegation, to me anyway, is like a short-term, interest-free loan. I don't know a lot about how delegation works, really, but that may be a useful analogy. The recipient will, likely, be grateful and vote on your content so there is a possibility of a return on the investment that way.

It's hard not to agree with you @fotosdenada. And it's indeed very solid analogy

Thanks for dropping by and reading,
Yours, Piotr

Good morning @fotosdenada

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Hello friend, you are a great financial enthusiast, we all have security and we have your success in steemit, in an easy way to explain and cover the whole issue, it is to explain that these communities such as one of the strong ones are steemit, they work with content didactic, in which the user publishes and at the same time interacts with other people, summarizing everything is like "FACEBOOCK" but the profits for your content, benefit you economically, bone, you do not waste your time looking at Stupid, or garbage material, the platforms Of contents such as steemit, they educate you and integrate you into the new world of blockchain, this is my point to explain this movement, greetings friend.

Dear @betzaelcorvo

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Enjoy your weekend,
Cheers, Piotr

Very positive approach

Appreciate your kind and encouraging words @flysky

Yours, Piotr

Always supportive to positive steps that make sense
This is good step forward

Hope the trip pay's off for everyone.

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed @j85063. Fingers crossed :)

Your post has been manually curated by BDupvoter. You can earn steem by delegating SP to @bdupvoter

@bdupovter pays 100% of daily earning to the delegators

Thank You

Hi @bdupvoter

No offence, but from what I've noticed @bdupvoter has pretty much close to ZERO voting power :)

Thx anyway,

Hi @crypto.piotr ,I wish you an excellent day.
Blessings for you and yours

Thank you @martha75 for your short but supportive comment.

Cheers, Piotr

Good morning @martha75

would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Hello Piotr,

nice post! Very interesting! I'll be thinking about an answer to the questions you've raised!

For now you've got my 100% upvote, a resteem and and share to twitter with the tags #steem #posh #project.hope


I'm absolutely grateful for your support and kind words @doifeellucky

And big thx for resteeming my publication.
Yours, Piotr

Absolutely my pleasure Piotr! I'm really happy that we are interacting on a regular basis! You showed me a great group of people all in/around @project.hope!

So much WOW! I love it!


Pasando a dejar apoyo con resteem Greetings @crypto.piotr

Thanks @sacra97 :)

I'm glad you had a successful trip to Switzerland.

The powering up explained make sense especially in the area of holding more share on steemit after you powered up.

For delegation, I think it's a kind of leasing your shares to someone else due to one or two reasons; like to support the person to grow.

Thank you @maxwellmarcusart for taking the time to read this publication and share your thoughts with me.

Appreciate it a lot.
Cheers, Piotr

Hi, I just want to thank you for your unconditional support. You are at the right time and if this joins with the right place you will be very successful. You are ready and that's what's important. If this suits you will be for you. Well I will continue waiting to read those plans, suggestions and contribute what is within my reach. Everyone will be attentive to serve you as you do with us. A hug and thank you.

Translated with (free version)

Thank you for your kind comment @lisfabian and for your encouraging words


Good morning @lisfabian

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

"In a classic system ( euro, $) the money is created each month and distribute to banks. In Steem the money is distributed to people who are participating but the friends of investors are earning much more than unknown participants."
It is a good exercice to explain Steem to new people :).

Thank you @askanything.
Not only for your kind comment but also for resteeming my publication on your profile. Appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

It's me again @askanything

would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

Thanks, I really appreciate your updates and I wouldn't be able to explainthe delegation part unless to say that I trust another person who has more experience and time

Congratulations @crypto.piotr! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You distributed more than 27000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 28000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thanks a great deal for what you are doing for the community :)
I think your explanation for SP is spot on for non-technical people. I think of delegation as Airbnb or car rentals. You have full ownership of your assets. You let someone use it as they please and you can get paid for it or you can delegate for free.

I hope the trip will be enjoyable and beneficial at the same time, and that the benefit will be mutual. Congratulations to you, dear @crypto.piotr

I wouldn’t know how to sell this to a company as well, heck it’s hard to explain to friends. However , the guys over at @reggaesteem are doing a decent job in getting some companies in Jamaica to be crypto friendly and accept Jahm so you could possible get some ideas from them. Peace

Good morning @missaj

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

So glad your back on Steemit @crypto.piotr.

That's great, I also feel Steemit adds value to all social media users. Can be difficult to explain the rules. Most people are used to interacting for free. Crypto still a mystery to them. We'll see what the future holds.

Best regards...

Good morning @cyemela

I just realized that I never thanked you for your previous comment. BIG THX! :)

Also - would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

@tipu curate

Posted using Partiko Android

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/20 - need recharge?)

Dear Piotr, thanks to invite me to read your post, i am really happy you are going to develop your business to Switzerland, this is a very small country but full of working well companies, so i will be very curious to see the updates of your project about Steem, because i do not see very much improvement right now for this coin...:(((

You are hard working person. I think you change your whatsapp dp with lots of different location.

Has delegation ever been compared to a sort of temporary dividend or maybe a rented franchise.

I think your explanation for SP is great, as for delegation can think of it as a safe way for you to allow your SP to be managed on your behalf to support a project or for automation purposes

How I explain delegating:
Delegation of steem power is simply allocating the resources that you own on the steem blockchain to someone else. A larger delegation would entitle you to vote more frequently, and also a larger vote. It would also entitle you to perform more transactions on the blockchain such as posting. The delegator retains the steem power, but the benefits of holding it are gained by the account receiving the delegation.

Good morning @joshman

Late thank you for your input.

Would you mind if I take few minutes of your time? (I hope I'm not asking this question to often ;)

Anyway .... together with few core members of project.hope team - we'te trying to promote our recent publication: an article explaining economy behind our non-profit community project build on STEEM blockchain.

Perhaps I could ask you to spare few minutes and check it out and share your feedback with me.

I would absolutely appreciate it a lot. I read all comments and I drop solid upvote on each valuable one.


Yours, Piotr

@crypto.piotr I see the messages you leave in my wallet but I do not know how the reply. Thank you for the 3 steem, but to answer your question I do not understand how the communities work and I have never heard of Hives. I do not understand how to delegate to someone but someone did this for me and it helped with my posting, without it I did not have enough resource credits to do what I wanted to do. Now that my reputation has grown I have plenty of RC. But now I am being downvoted just about every day so as I understand it I will lose my reputation and most likely run out of RC again. Anyway, I believe in crypto and will not let these people scare me away. I hope you have good luck with your project. I hope replying to you wallet comments is ok to do here.

Hi @myjob! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:
I want to delegate X sp to @user
Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:
I want to delegate 100 sp to @crypto.piotr
@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

Thank you for always being so responsive @myjob

But now I am being downvoted just about every day so as I understand it I will lose my reputation and most likely run out of RC again

Are you still being downvoted? Any idea why are you being targeted?

@crypto.piotr I know you are a busy man and you have a lot of replies to answer so don't fret over a response to me. I just wanted to say thank you for the steem and apologize, I do not know how you got unfollowed by me but I fixed it.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Businesses shouldn't be relying on the reward pool in the first place.

Take your ignorance elsewhere.

Keep playing the victim because downvotes only come because you insist on upvoting your comments with a trail while publishing libel.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

having big stakes increasing the reward pool

Yeah, you obviously don't run a business.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Dear @dynamicrypto

I've noticed that your publications have been heavily downvoted. What had happened? Any idea why are you flagged?

Yours, Piotr

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment