RE: A Rocking Night With Steem Monsters

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A Rocking Night With Steem Monsters

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago 

Great to see you having so much fun with it, sis! Warms my heart to no end :D

Even greater to see you made it that far! That's such an amazing feat! What's the advantage of converting Alpha cards to Beta? How does it affect their price?

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Aw, wish you were in the trenches with me! But I totally get why you're not, I wouldn't be if it was my first year of marriage either ;)

Okay so converting alphas- well the more people do that, the more rare the alphas become so in the long run it should make alphas go up in price. Right now alphas are pretty cheap and it takes less of them to level up- but when they start doing Official tournaments, sponsored ones, they are doing alpha only so for people who want to play it's wise to have alphas, and alphas will shoot up in price dramatically when that happens.

I have two decks now because Howie got into it for a bit, though now I'm mostly playing both accounts lol, his is alpha mine is beta, so we're set either way :)