Steemmonsters Beta Packs: Beating The Odds!!! 😎

in steemmonsters β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

My decision to buy another 100 Steemmonsters beta packs paid off. 5 legendary summoners in no more than 52 packs... What are the odds??!!

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Source 1 - Source 2


No matter how aware I am of artificially created FOMO, I still fell victim. It had been creeping up on me since a week or two, up until yesterday, when I simply couldn't resist anymore. I finally gave in and purchased 100 Steemmonsters beta tokens on Steem-Engine.

I think the Legendary and Alchemy potion are way too expensive to use on reward cards, but I had seen their power before, and decided I would go that little extra mile and purchase the DEC I was short to buy them.

I actually managed to fool myself when I planned to no open all packs at once - maybe save some tokens for later - but the @steemmonsters / Splinterlands gods had other plans in store.

After opening the first 30 packs, I was completely lost. I hΓ‘d to know what the other packs would give me.


One Card To Rule Them All!!!!

First pack I opened had a Hydra in it. It must have been a sign. 😎
In the next 19 packs, I found some common gold foils, a gold foil Malric Inferno and Peaceful Giant and no less than 2 Death Legendary 'Lord Of Darkness'-cards. Good, but not great... yet.

When I opened pack 21, there he was.... my beloved Prince Rennyn. I love that card almost as much as I love Valnamor.

pack 21.jpg

I did buy myself a level 3 when it was still priced under 10 bucks, and over the months I treated myself to 2 level 1 cards, but maxing it was simply too expensive. So ever since card delegations were released, I've been leasing a level 4. Not cheap either... but I'm simply not good enough to do without him. Lol, I can't even get into top 50 wΓ­th the legendary summoners... let alone without them. πŸ˜‚

So... back to the pack opening... pack 21: Prince Rennyn. I was over the moon!

I guess I don't have to tell you how crazy things got when I opened pack 28 and found this:

pack 29.jpg

Another Prince Rennyn!

I jumped for joy and shared my excitement in our Team Possible Discord channel. All of a sudden, having my own maxed one came into the picture. I already had a level 3 and 2 singles. With the two I pulled, I was only 2 cards away...

team possible.jpg

Only 3 packs and 4 minutes later, the impossible happened....

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Pack 31:

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3 Prince Rennyns in 32 packs. It felt like I was dreaming and could wake up any time.

team possible 3.jpg

But - believe it or not - the party wasn't over yet...

I have no idea what I did to deserve such a truckload of luck. I must have been a saint in a previous life, I guess... πŸ˜‰

Pack 51:

pack 51.jpg

Yeah, baby!!!

There was number 4! No need to go out there and pay another $36 to have my owned maxed Prince Rennyn! I got it... I f***ing got it!!!!

What are the odds?

I remember buying 100 packs a couple of months ago, because I had seen a comment by @aggroed in the Mav's House Discord room in which he stated that you should get at least 1 legendary summoner in - ... I forgot the exact number - something like 75 packs.

Now I got 4 in only 51 packs!! WoOt WoOt!!!

And then...

...wait for it....

...wait for it....


The next pack (pack 52):

pack 52.jpg

A Plado Emberstorm as a cherry on the cake.

I could hardly believe it. 5 legendary summoners in just 52 packs. The Steemmonsters gods were really on my side...



Of course, nothing can beat the 5 legendary summoners - but next to those, I got some more swéét cards.

2 x LOD
2 x Hydra
3 Gold foil summoners, which I needed badly: Malric Inferno, Zintar Mortalis and Tyrus Palladium
2 x my favorite Neutral card, Magi Sphinx
Some cool Neutral (and other) gold foils

And maybe even more important: almost enough summoners, commons, rares and epics to set up the level 3/4 account I've been meaning to set up for a while, so it can be delegated to my fellow Team Possible members. However, I do need some more legendaries before I can make that happen.

Who knows... maybe in the next set of packs... πŸ˜‰
I do need to wait a bit, though - after this insane pull, my expectations are up way too high! I mean... I can't expect to pull 5 legendary summoners every 50 packs, right?!

Bottom line is that my investment paid off... big time!


Stay Tuned

I'm thinking about running another delegation contest so I can share a bit of my luck with others by offering some free delegations for the next season.

But before I do so, I need to handle a couple of things, like announce the winner for my garden contest, which is way overdue.

All I can say is: Stay Tuned!!!


Steemmonsters Tips & Info

[VIDEO] Steemmonsters 101
- A Steemmonsters introduction video with links to the best beginners' tutorials.

Steemmonsters - Sneak & Snipe 101
- A post that explains how the Sneak and Snipe-abilities work.

SteemMonsters Tip: Leveling Up With Cards In Cooldown
- A tutorial that shows you how to use the serial numbers of the Steemmonsters cards to make cards that are in cooldown playable again.

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OOOOOooooh, look who's the little monster who got addicted :D
I always knew you were a card lady Mike :p

Good luck. I got a red devil that floats and has a flaming bottom that people seem to think it's nice, but I only bought 1 pack - so maybe I was also lucky.


@spiritualmax??? It has been ages since I've seen you around. Good to hear from you again :0)

I got a red devil that floats and has a flaming bottom that people seem to think it's nice


I've been wondering for months: did you ever go through with that experiment creating an anonymous account???

I didn't.

And did you get married??

Yes, I did get married :D
I haven't left, I just was inactive due to always having stuff to do, I've been reading updates and seeing how things go - and investing my interest of course.

So basically, you turned into a lurker πŸ˜‚

Congrats on the marriage! I'm a bit late to the party, but I really thought you had left entirely.
Glad to hear I was wrong:0)

Nevah! I had to pay for the wedding remember? And God knows Steem wouldn't help, so I had to quit hanging around here and go for more teaching time.

But I did it, that's what counts.

But I did it, that's what counts.

You bet!!! :0)

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I’ve been staying away from opening up just the booster packs I never did have much luck. Orbs on the other hand I’m addicted to those! Gratz.

I try one every once in a while, but I'm so tired of seeing that same, utterly useless red melee card over and over again lol

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Wow it looks like you caught your lucky! Congratulations!

Posted using Partiko Android

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Oohh my back.. ooohh my back!
Now I don't think you need to go far away from home to enjoy the pool πŸ˜‚
I already imagine you in the inflamated pool playing the prince to the top 50 soon..

Lol. i don't think so, @cicisaja. i've been playing a level 4 for months... only made it into top 50 once. I simply lack the skills and insight.
But I do look the idea of pool-playing :0)

Nice, congrats on the hit.

I'm going to go buy 20 and see what lady luck can bring.

Congrats! But c'mon, for someone buying so many packs a bit of luck is certainly well deserved. Now I feel like getting back into the game. Still got my cards, but renting them out is proving to be quite profitable. Actually I'm thinking about spending the money earned on selective cards... to put them up for rent! But this way I won't get to play...

Posted using Partiko Android

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Lol, it shows you've been out for a while. 100 packs is like... peanuts these days. Some people are buying them with 1000s at a time. They even automated the pack opening - you can open 200 packs at once now.

I still need to enjoy the benefits of leasing out. I'm at $0.21 a day at the moment, lol. But then again, I do play my both accounts - I only rent out the Life splinters, because I don't play them anyway. I even restarted @itisjustme because I had so may gold foil cards that were gathering dust - up until yesterday only reward cards, though... renting them out is like carrying water to the sea :0)

I do see the price of rentals go up regularly, though. Renting a maxed legendary summoner had become really expensive.
I see people in SM Discord talk about their ROI from rentals... it's stunning what some of them make.

I haven't looked into it myself, but I did see some posts about it: if you have a full deck, it might be worth joining @herons-unlimited and let people play with your deck and split the rewards. It seems to be quite profitable. It's a service provided by @tcpolymath.

Peanuts? Good, because that's what I'm making from my rentals! However, it's ever increasing, making me feel excited. But now that you mentioned, I should check out buying starter packs, and maybe get to play again. Yeah, I can feel the FOMO creeping up!

Yeah, I can feel the FOMO creeping up!

I know all about it...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Wow! Congrats. I haven't seen such luck in like. . . ever. You rock!

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I have my suspicions that you are a card junkie, and maybe a part time hippie to boot... Am I wrong?

Spot on! :0D

Wow! This simply leaves me speechless. Congratulations @simplymike! What an awesome loot.

Amazing @simplymike I'm so happy for you. 😁

Posted using Partiko Android


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That is just amazing, I mean what are the odds.. Glad you have your maxed Renneyn now! You gave me FOMO opening these, I bought 15 packs that day as well but no legendary nothing.. all the luck was on your side hehe :)

I even got a level 3 for my alt too now πŸ˜‰

Everyone around is playing steemmonsters)) Where do you find time for it?

It takes up quite a lot of the time I used to spend on steemIt, to be honest. Last winter, I didn't engage and barely posted, because I was playing SM all the time. Then I realized how much I missed interacting on the platform, so I lowered the number of accounts i was playing. Now, I often play during 'lost' time, mostly on my phone... like when waiting for the bus, or when I'm early for an appointment, or before i go to sleep...
(No job, no kids... that definitely helps, lol)

Looks like Lady luck has a lot of time for you my friend.
Continue to break the barriers.

Thanks, @pappillioncharity. It was about time she made some time for me, to be honest ;0)

Congrats man that is awesome.

I keep buying packs, but have never hit a GF Legendary (packs or rewards) and only 1 Legendary summoner in 296 beta packs. I have a feeling after that pull, my chances are actually worse since you took them all. Guess that means a level 4 is about to open on the rental market huh?

Guess that means a level 4 is about to open on the rental market huh?

I won't cancel the one I'm leasing yet, since I'm delegating my level 3 to my alt. It'll be in cooldown for 7 days after I cancel the delegation. And like I said... I'm nowhere without him, lol.

296 packs and only 1? Ouch!!

Hey there happy to join your celebration though I have no steemmonsters involvement. It looks like you hit a jackpot.

Hey, I followed you, This was a really cool opening, Sounds like a lot of luck on your normal Gold summoners.