Round Two: Blogging Again for my Mental Health

in steemph •  4 years ago 

My last post was two years ago... And that you was not even a write-up but rather a dlike post.

I haven't written since then. So you can figure out how rusted I am when it comes to writing.


But I am taking my chance here again. A shout for ROUND TWO. It is primarily to keep my mind busy and keep it working.

I admit that in this time where the social media is very much able to take one's time, I am guilty that sometimes (uhm okay), usually I find myself lounging on a chair for hours, eyes glued to thw social media. Time flies whenever I get hold of my mobile phone and before I knew it, it is night time already.

What do I get after? Well browsing the latest post of my batch mates and schoolmates just makes me feel jealous sometimes. That "sana all" sigh.

So right now, I decided to stop spending my days browsing their profiles, but instead spend my time doing my first love --- writing.

I loved writing. I hope I am able to rekindle that love here in this platform.

I will be writing my heart, because writing used to be my stress-reliever. And during this time of pandemic where stress is just about everywhere, I can definitely turn to this hobby for a much-needed break.

Apart from planning to keep my mind active by reading and writing, I also plan to make myself better.


See you around!

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