SteemPress vision, 2018 roadmap, going full-time and launching witness @steempress

in steempress •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today we are excited to share with you the vision and mission statement of SteemPress, introduce and explain our 2018 roadmap and also announce the launch of our witness @steempress and the shift of our activities from @steempress-io to this account.

Many of you are already familiar with us and also with SteemPress, however, this summer marks the beginning of a new period for us. Starting on the 10th of August, the two of us (@fredrikaa and @howo) will be working on SteemPress and the Steem blockchain full time. To accompany our new commitment to Steem and increased dependence on the success of the blockchain, we see it fitting to also run our own witness. In this post, we hope to detail what major contributions we will aim to make in the short to medium term with SteemPress and hope that you the community will see value in what we bring to the table and thus consider voting for our witness @steempress.

Who we are

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The SteemPress co-founders @howo (left) @fredrikaa (right)

First of all, let us introduce ourselves to those of you who might not know us yet. Martin Lees (@howo) is the lead developer of SteemPress and responsible for all technical development and updates to our plug-in. He holds a master's degree in computer science and currently works as a software engineer at Orange. Fredrik Aarrestad (@fredrikaa) is the lead business developer of SteemPress and responsible for market development, partnerships, and communications and marketing. He holds a bachelor's degree in Business and Administration and a master's degree in Economics and currently works at the European Space Agency.

Between the two of us, we believe we possess a diverse and complementary set of skills that can add value to the blockchain. From developing and operating applications and making contributions to blockchain development, to promoting Steem and adding to the conversation of how we can grow its value. With SteemPress initially being only one of many ideas we’ve had for things we would want to build on Steem over the year we've been active here, we hope this new commitment is only the beginning.

But first, what do we hope to build with SteemPress, and how do we think it will add value to STEEM?

The SteemPress Vison

Simply put, our long-term vision is to see all bloggers be empowered by the Steem blockchain to monetize content and reach new audiences.

Steem and Steemit already provide a revolutionary tool for creators and contributors to monetize content and engagement online and for communities and entrepreneurs to co-create and collaborate. However, in a time where tens of millions are flocking to the web to create and share content, we’re still very far away from having the mainstream adopt and benefit from these tools. Equally so, we are also far from making the most use of the potential that Steem as a technology has to offer. With SteemPress, we hope to both expose new creators and consumers to the Steem blockchain while also taking its features to websites where it can help tokenize the web at scale.

In short, our goal is to see the best of WordPress content on Steem, and the best Steem features on WordPress blogs everywhere.

To realise that that vision, we are building tools to allow anyone with a WordPress website to publish directly to the Steem blockchain, while working to allow Steem features to be integrated with existing blogs.

SteemPress will take the content of any WordPress blog to the blockchain to help creators monetize and reach new audiences

This brings us to the 2018 roadmap we have defined for the development of SteemPress.

2018 Roadmap

We see this as a 3 step effort towards a final product:

  • Step 1: Deliver a convenient tool for automatic posting from WordPress to STEEM and work with our early users to add features they demand.
  • Step 2: Provide a platform to help different communities discover and curate SteemPress content so we can use the wisdom of the crowd to trail them.
  • Step 3: Providing full-integration of STEEM comments, upvotes, account login and wallet on a WordPress-blog using SteemPress.

At this point, we consider step 1 to be more or less complete thanks in part to the great feedback and help we have received from our early testers and active Discord community. Although there will always be improvements that can be made, we are happy to see how the current version of SteemPress is already providing value to more than a thousand Steemians every week.

The second stage is nearing its completion. Aside from allowing WordPress blogs to post to the Steem blockchain, we also want to help outside creators who use SteemPress to connect with relevant Steem communities and discover relevant Steem-based DApps that can help them leverage their content. For this, we have built our own custom front-end to discover content posted with SteemPress. So far, we have been able to use this tool to more efficiently review the content of new creators who publish to Steem using SteemPress, as well as allowing curators to find new Steemians who post with tags relevant to their niche. We look forward to releasing the beta version of the website which will also allow all Steem posts to be browsed in a new way where curators can also log in with SteemConnect and build their own whitelists, blacklists and save posts for later review.

However, the end objective is to have a full two-way integration between WordPress blogs and the Steem blockchain. This would include bringing the upvote button, expected post-payout, comments, wallet and other familiar features of Steem directly to SteemPress-based blogs.

What we want the final version to look like

Imagine visiting your favourite blog or website anywhere on the web. Like most, the website consists of a core of content, as well as a set of options to like, share and comment on the post. However, unlike most websites you see that the creator, together with the most constructive people in the comments, is earning something for their contributions. Like on steemit. At the end of the article, where the comment section starts, there is a button saying “log in with Steem”. As a consumer of content, would you prefer spending your time engaging with the content here, or on a website producing similar types of content without the same incentive?

The objective is to have a full two-way integration between the SteemPress-based website and the Steem blockchain. Where comments and upvotes made directly on the blog by people who are signed in with their Steem account is synchronized with the engagement happening on other front-ends that display content stored on Steem such as or

Suddenly, people will no longer have to go to a dedicated front-end for the Steem blockchain to consume content. Instead, consumers can do that directly on the blog itself like they normally would. Furthermore, consumers engaging with content on the SteemPress-based blog will connect directly with those browsing the same post on any Steem-based front-end. Thus amplifying the engagement on both websites as they both connect through the same core infrastructure: Steem. With hard fork 20, we hope that new people can create their own Steem account quickly and effortlessly directly on the blog.

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SteemPress will allow any content creator to connect to several new audiences through different DApps and front-ends via the Steem blockchain

As a result of our efforts and those of many other Steem DApps, we hope that Steem will become the blockchain consumers and contributors expect to connect via to engage online. We want visitors of websites everywhere to demand the opportunity to log in with their Steem account to curate and engage with content in order to earn their share of the value they bring through engagement. Then, similar to how Disqus is commonly found as a log-in feature on many comment sections at different newspapers and blogs, Steem should be what people expect to find on websites they visit.

Benefits to Steem

We believe SteemPress will be making direct contributions to the value of STEEM and the success of Steem-based DApps and communities for many reasons. Some of them include:

On-boarding new users from WordPress at scale

The first goal of SteemPress is to onboard as many WordPress users as possible. WordPress currently powers 30% of the web or 70 million blogs. With ~50k users interacting with Steem every week according to SteemReports, this means that if we capture 0.1% of the WordPress bloggers, we’ll already more than double the activity on the blockchain. That’s only taking into account the content bloggers themselves, and not the thousands of consumers who will learn and participate in the Steem ecosystem.

Lowering the barriers of entry for creators and consumers

For most people, mastering how to make effective use of, let alone understanding the fundamentals of Steem, has a steep learning curve. With SteemPress, creators can make use of the blockchain from the comfort of their own websites, while consumers can now continue to engage with the content the way they are used to and enter Steem with simply one click.

Connecting users with STEEM Communities

SteemPress is already working closely with communities and curation groups on Steem. This includes providing a convenient way for them to browse and discover content related to their niche that is posted with SteemPress, as well as trailing their votes. This is done to help the communities on Steem grow as we attract new creators and consumers of content with an interest in the topics relevant to the community.

Marketing STEEM externally

All marketing of SteemPress will also include marketing Steem, as the benefits to bloggers of using SteemPress are the same as the benefits of Steem generally. Furthermore, the simple integration of Steem features with SteemPress will expose the audiences of our users to Steem and the idea behind it.

Allowing people to make tailor-made front ends for different types of content

The UI of and popular DApps seems to be where most Steemians see room for improvement. However, it is difficult to satisfy everyone at the same time as different types of content may benefit from different forms of display. SteemPress will allow any user interested in trying a new way of displaying their content to make their own website for themselves or their community.

Synergies with SMTs

Since the beginning of SteemPress, we’ve seen multiple use-cases where a group of writers, film reviewers or artists collectively run a website that they want to connect with the Steem blockchain. We see these users as perfect examples of websites and communities who can benefit from Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and we hope to be able to provide SMT consulting, setup and integration as a Pro-version for communities.

Perceived value of the token

As consumers of content observe how the bloggers they already trust, and the community in the comments they have interests in common with, both look to STEEM to monetize content and engagement, they also see value in the token. We hope this can create a cycle where consumers demand the opportunity to log-in with Steem from the creators, which again exposes more consumers to Steem, etc.

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SteemPress has previously presented at the London Crypto Currency Show. Going forward, we plan to attend WordPress and blogging specific workshops and events to present SteemPress to new users.

Our witness

The decision to leave lucrative jobs in order to work full time with Steem-based projects has already tied us more closely to the blockchain and made us dependant on its success and the value of STEEM. It therefore makes sense for us to want to have our own witness both to contribute to the development and security of the blockchain, as well as to have greater influence in its future direction. While the development of SteemPress is our main priority, the two of us have been and continue to be engaged in numerous Steem communities and projects. This is something we want to do more of going forward.

Hopefully, this post has given you a good idea of our commitment to the Steem blockchain and of our desire to get increasingly involved with its development. We hope that on this basis you will consider voting for our witness and wish for our success the way that we also want to help see other DApps and communities built on Steem grow and succeed.

Note: As mentioned, SteemPress is moving its activities from the @steempress-io account to the @steempress account. Upon our founding at the start of the year, the @steempress account was already taken. However, thanks to @jesta who has been kind enough to give us the account following his initial plans to create a WordPress-related service of his own, we now possess this account and will aim to use it going forward.

If you have any questions, visit us on our discord channel!

To download SteemPress, find our plug-in at

To vote for our witness, either use SteemConnect following this link, or find us on

Thank you for reading this far and for being interested in SteemPress!

@Fredrikaa and @Howo

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Good to see this guys, especially on the external marketing front which many projects on the platform seem to be lacking. Will get my witness vote up later if I haven’t done it already.

Btw, are other integrations in line? One I have in mind is for the likes of Squarespace blogs which many youtubers are promoting, and it’s one I like to use as well instead of WP. All the best!

Thank you! Your support really means a lot. I hope that by complementing existing sites rather than claiming to be "the next X, Y, Z", we can indeed reach a lot of users out there. It is something that I look forward to.

There is no reason why we can't expand into other websites once the main product for WordPress is finished. However, from a StartUp's perspective it is always dangerous to try too many things too early, so I don't expect us to widen our focus beyond WordPress this year. But it is certainly in our minds long term.

Again thank you for wanting to vote for our witness! And I look forward to engaging more with you on how we can add value to STEEM.

@fredrikaa I like your approach and as someone who spent several years on WP blogs I think you guys have a solid product in the making. You get my witness vote! Keep up the good work!

Hey Fredrikaa!

Thank for sharing with us this amazing vision & mission that you have. It really makes us feel like we are part of this adventure!

Just want to share with you something that really benefited me and maybe might help many others as well!

Personally, i do not have a paid wordpress account. I assumed that I wouldn't be able to use Steempress. However , I chanced upon this hosting service called Vornix.

It allowed me to have a fully featured wordpress account that can sync with Steempress plug-in.
Maybe you can share this service so that more people can gain value from it!

Cheers Buddy!

Appreciate it.

Heya! Thanks for the positive words. I am very happy to see all of the complementing projects being build, including @vornix, that are benefiting our users.

Happy to have heard your story too!

Appreciate your mention very much!

You have my witness upvote, of course.

I am fortunate enough to talk with you from time to time on discord. You have all my respect and admiration.

I am very proud of the job you are doing, one of the finest and most interesting projects in Steem right now.

All the best!

good work :D i will vote for you guys

Congratulations @howo and @fredrikaa on this big move! Leaving your meatspace jobs to build on Steem full-time is a huge risk, and you're taking it because you believe in this community and our future. That is precisely the kind of attitude a witness should have, and therefore I've approved your witness.

I have been following SteemPress for a while now and have been using it myself on, as well as hosting a couple of blogs for other people who are building their own web presences. I believe we should all be grateful for what Steemit has done for Steem, but I have believed for a while now that it is not the best way to interact with the platform.

The problem with Steemit as a "main" frontend is that even though I honestly kinda like the design (especially that night mode, mmmm), I have to admit that I have objectively terrible taste. That aside, Steemit has limitations. You just can't do the things you want to do with formatting much of the time, and it's really just a hassle to try to add any individuality.

SteemPress changes that in a big way. You can add themes and more formatting (though I still find myself having to edit on the blockchain, I think this is more of a weakness for Steemit than SteemPress), and just feel a lot more like you "own" the place.

Congratulations again on this step, kudos to @jesta for relinquishing that account name for you guys. I wish you many years of success on Steem, and I can't wait to see what you guys build in the coming months.

this is fantastic. I have heard a lot of people talking about steem press but I never really knew what it was till now

Do you have WordPress blog? if you have, you can integrate steempress

I feel this is a great project and have today voted for your witness.

During the past year I've spoken to a number of people regarding Steem, and mostly received a rather gazing look. Going into the topics of blogs I've found a few that have knowledge of wordpress and so steempress has the potential to gather those unaware of blockchain/crypto into the space.

Great work guys!

Thank you both for the positive comment and of course for the witness vote!

I think and hope that you're right. The idea from the beginning is to lower the barriers of entry for normal content creators and also showcase how Steem can be an empowering tool for all types of blogs!:)

See you around man, take care!

Sounds good to me, best of luck!

NICE! Great way to bridge Wordpress writers over to Steem! Earned my follow. Love following great Steem projects!

Are you from famous youtube channel?

Do you normally leave a comment like this just to upvote yourself without giving a vote to the author or project you claim to support?

It doesn't look very good.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I actually thought I auto-upvoted. Fixed.

Cheers, glad you like what we do.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I love this article. What I love even more about this article is that somebody showed it to me asking if I knew about it. You can imagine the tremendous sense of pride I had when I answered, "Why yes. In fact, The Writers' Block has been supporting this project in every way we can for weeks now, and we fully endorse it."

These are the building blocks on which new foundations are laid. I'm so pleased the project is going so well for you guys, and on behalf of TWB, thank you for all the time, energy, and effort you guys are putting in.

Awesome guys! Steempress is by far, and I mean by a large margin, the most useful and practical DAPP on the Steem Blockchain! I left some suggestions on Github for some minor requests but never a deal breaker. Voted for you guys as witness. Keep up the awesome work!

you guys got my witness upvote!



+1 This is great to hear! It's pretty cool that I can now vote for a witness I know personally :)

Good to see that things have gone so well for you @fredrikaa and @howo since your presentation London Crypto Currency Show.

I think it's great that you're now going to be doing this full time and will attend WordPress and blogging specific workshops and events to present SteemPress to new users.

I did think about resurrecting my old blog but it feels a bit of a backward step since Steemit has been my main publishing platform this past seven months.

Great news that you're going to be a witness. I'm liking the new community focused witnesses that are now joining the old guard. The more of you the better as far as I'm concerned. 😁

Always supporting you guys 💙

This is a great witness post. Congrats! Looking forward to see more steempress features and hopefully see that 0.1% of wp users onboard onto steem!

Congratulations @fredrikaa and @howo on going all in on Steem! I'm pretty sure you'll be rewarded for taking the risk and for adding so much value to the Steem blockchain. Also many will be able to identify with your vision - both on and off the blockchain. Very well done!

I've just voted for your witness.
All the best!

This is a fantastic initiative and since I've, with the help of @vornix, been able t make use of the plug-in, it's made my @steemit life a whole lot more pleasant. I have a Premium subscription to WordPress which means that I don't have a self-hosted site that uses This, in turn, means that I cannot use the @steempress plug-in on that site. It's meant importing everything onto the "new, vornix" platform. Am I understanding you to be saying that ultimately the plugin would work for all WordPress blogs?

If so, that would be fantastic, but I'd have to re-think my strategy because I'll have material spread all over the show and I'd prefer to consolidate on one platform - a bit of a time-waster, never mind remembering not (or what is) to duplicate. For me, one of the major disadvantages of the @steemit platform for me is the inability to organise my posts, store the media in a gallery for future use and also have a backend for drafting, storing and referral back to what one has done. So, in essence your vision is music to my ears.

All the best to you both, @howo and @fredrikaa!

PS you have my witness vote!

Never knew how many current bloggers are out there on wordpress. Certainly creative to soft merge steemit into the already existing blog platforms that hopefully can make steemit blockchain grow and thrive. Thanks for your work and you have my witness vote.

Aight good luck, brothers. It is a big decision, and I am on a similar path right now.

Looking forward on this journey!

You wanna become a full-time Steemian man? I hope you're going to pull it off; it's both a rewarding and a challenging lifestyle but, it is worth it. Good luck. :)

Thanks bro :)

Thank you for the great announcement. I have reused SteemPress since 7 days ago and has several questions. But those question have already answer in the discord by fellow members.
I really appreciate your transparency approach to outline your strategies in this project and as long as your mission to help the steemit communities I will support whenever I can as I am a WordPress fan since 2006.
I have also voted the witness ( pls verify if it has done successfully )
All the best


Thank you for the great feedback and I am happy to hear that you are using SteemPress! I can see that your vote was cast successfully, a big thanks for the support!

First of all, thanks for the up vote of my comment.
I am pleased to vote for the witness for a common cause i.e. to help the steemit communities especially those struggle to meet their member's needs due to limited resources.
Project like yours can seriously boost the opportunity for those who deserves it especial your curation for quality content and rewarded with a generous up vote.
Unfortunately, this up vote was misunderstood by some members that it is an automatic up vote for using the plugin ( of course, I know for sure it is not auto ).
However, I know most members who joined a discord expects an auto up vote from the discord group. I guess yur challenge is to strike a balance between the objective of the discord and member's expectation.
What do you think ?

this is fantastic. I have heard a lot of people talking about steem press but I never really knew what it was till now. What a fantastic addition to the blockchain.

Great updates, glad to see you guys are starting witness. My list is atm full but I'll fit you guys when I review my witness list soon. I like the idea of adding whole function of Steem on your roadmap. Looking forward to all that!

This post is featured on today's Joy News Show (in Chinese :D)

Wow! I am also glad to be with the team! Personally I am proud to know the both of them, Cheers and have a great day! @howo @fredrikaa.

Fantastic news and well deserved! I'm sure you have made the right decision as it's always more rewarding to run something that is yours rather than working for someone else even if it i harder!!

Good luck for the future and I look forward to seeing more Wordpress users flock to Steemit thanks to your efforts!

You already have my support! Go guys go!! :D

Awesomeee! All the very best @fredrikaa and @howo. Just voted for your witness! I hope you get invites of several events all over the world where you can talk about Steempress and Steem :-)

Thanks :)

Great post, and good to hear.

I have a number of friends that I'm trying to drag kicking and screaming to Steemit, but enabling them to interact via WordPress will make it that much easier, and allow them to see the value before making the jump.

Looking forward to further updates!

Steempress is going to be amazing, I'm sure of it after reading the roadmap. This is exactly the type of development that we've all been longing for. Steempress will help show the world Steems potential by incentivising many current content creators to join the platform.

I have voted you guys as witness because you deserve recognition for all of your hard work and dedication. Thank You!

Im huge fun of Steempress. The fact that you dedicated yourself to go into full Steem mode is inspiring aswell. You guys pls continue doing the awesome work you are doing, I will continue with my effort of producing the best quality content im capable of through steempress and before i is my witness vote :)

Thanks ! :D

Caught this from @acidyo’s resteem, and after reading of your plans, you have my vote. I’ve not got around to rebuilding my wordpress blog, but this will help motivate me! ❤️

Also, @jesta has my vote too, for the spirit of cooperation in handing over the @steempress account. How nice! :)

That's awesome! Goes to show that the site works well with regards to sharing news^^
Happy to hear that you will be trying out SteemPress! Hope it can bring value to you and don't hesitate to come by our discord and ask for help if there is anything you need :)

Yes. I’ll be dropping in on the server the moment I remember the login to my Wordpress and hack away the cobwebs, it’s been so long. XD I’m a little tired of jumping indecisively between steemit and busy tbh. Take care and good luck to your team on what will hopefully be an accelerated trip up the witness ladder. I’ve heard only positive things about steempress so far. ☘️

Muy buen trabajo el que están realizando en steemit, les deseamos lo mejor y los apoyamos, aquí nuestro voto de tesigo. Éxitos 🎇😍

Very good work they are doing in steemit, we wish them the best and we support them, here our vote of tesigo. Successes 🎇😍

Opera Instantá

Contenido de calidad
Votado por el trail Team-México @team-mexico
Canal Discord ¡Te esperamos!

This is a great project long overdue. The moment I first saw Steemit I remember thinking that integrating it with WordPress was the way to go and having a Disqus-like comment section would really make it fly.

Step 1: Deliver a convenient tool for automatic posting from WordPress to STEEM and work with our early users to add features they demand.

One feature I would love to see is the ability to pull specific content based on the first tag. I write about many topics but would love to be able to create multiple blogs around specific topics and have SteemPress cross-post between the blog and my Steemit account, but only selectable posts for relevant topics for each blog. It could be based on the first tag or a select button to choose which posts to include on the blog.

Hey man! Thanks for the kind words and nice feedback. We have features for that :)

I do hope to join one day. I am saving up the money to start an account so that I can start using the steem press plugin. As of now, it is not free to use. Isn't it?

SteemPress is free to use. You might need to pay for hosting though if you want a good looking website (you can find some alternatives for that on our Discord server where other Steemians have set up their own services for hosting).

hahah but hey man in all seriousness, @fredrikaa GOOD work man! i reemmebr the post by @fyrtsikken outlining this idea!

Fuck sake XD


Exactly my thoughts when I first saw these pics. hahahaha

thanks for the info. I will look it up

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The work they are doing is very good ... I really believe that they will not only increase the price of the coin but also bring steemit quality, which is something that is missing...A little more than a year ago I am in steemit and lately I did not see any future ... I started to see it again...
wordpress is new for me since I had never used it, but I am learning to improve my blog more and more ... as I learn it I will improve it

I am developing a wordpress blog. I want to take advantage of Steempress. cheers!!

  ·  6 years ago 

Thanks for this nice project. I remember there is a wordpress plugin to automatically show/sync the comments from steemit.

Regards @steempress

I didn't knew how to get in touch with you. I've contacted @howo but after we've spoked about my issue it dissapeared. I cannot post annymore thru my wordpress webpage to appear my posts on steemit. I've tried many times ... nothing. What shall i do to fix this issue. Thanks. Regards

With the implementation of the third objective, wouldn't it lower the activity rate within the steemit domain? Also with the removal of this traffic from the Steemit domain it will hinder the Alexa rankings that so many seem to give vfalue to?

Vote+FOLLOW and I Will Vote+FOLLOW U back ;) + for resteem send 0.1 SBD + topic link in memo

Maybe this is the plugin that blogger is waiting for. If bloggers already know this plugin, they will definitely use it, because besides being able to protect copyright, the steempress plugin can also increase revenue for bloggers from the writing work they make.

A little advice, if possible you can add features to edit posts before 7 days directly from wordpress and connect to steemit, because I was wrong in tagging, when I edit tags / posts on wordpress, the writing on the steemit blog did not change and forced me to edit it directly from steemit.

Sorry my English is bad.

id quit my job if i had a 1 million sp delegation too... How exactly will you guys spread you upvote amongst steempress users? Will your upvote follow a curation trail that likely misses 90% of the masses for a select few circlejerks?

I am just wondering how yall plan to bolster the community with you huge endowment and how those of us who use your product may even get a small trickle.

I asked this once befor and recieved no answer. hopefully i am posing this question in the right space now...

Congrats on creating such a great tool btw, it has worked flawlessly for me since June!

Do you support other languages rather than english language.

Love projects like this and just voted for your witness...
Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 10.17.55 PM.png

Great news, we as a project within steemit good we offer that support.

They come at a good time to give more value to the blockchain.

@fredrikaa, @fyrtsikken, @Howo, @steempress I Love this project... Keep up the good work men!!

@steempress great project i am waiting for the day when it wil live .really you gays are working in very big project with smart idea .by this we can use steemit platform in more easy way

Posted using Partiko Android

Excelente muchachos, @Fredrikaa y @Howo
Me encanta el ánimo de incorporar más personas a esta iniciativa, cuenten con la colaboración de esta humilde servidora.
Les comento, lo que más me gusta de SteemPress es la posibilidad de incorporación de personas jóvenes, quienes a través de las TIC's he iniciativas como la suya pueden expresarse, bien a través de la palabra escrita, la pintura o la fotografía. Esta es una ventana al mundo para que puedan conocer y dejarse conocer.Lo único que falta es la incorporación de un traductor a varias lenguas dentro del sitio, para evitar estar saliendo a realizar las traducciones de los temas de interes.

Excellent boys, @Fredrikaa and @Howo
I love the encouragement to incorporate more people to this initiative, count on the collaboration of this humble servant.
I comment, what I like most about SteemPress is the possibility of incorporating young people, who through ICT's have initiatives like yours can express themselves, either through the written word, painting or photography. This is a window to the world so that you can know and let yourself be known. The only thing that is missing is the incorporation of a translator to several languages ​​within the site, to avoid going out to make the translations of the topics of interest

Congratulations @steempress! You have completed the following achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

In a hurry - in a word - brilliant. Thank you.

Thanks guys!
I installed your plugin the past weekend and what I'd like to see is an option on each individual post if/when to publish it to Steem. This would give us better control than the global setting.

Thank you for your good work and your contributions :)

Pretty new to our Steem Community, just found this post via resteem from @acidyo.

Very interesting to read of your efforts and vision for the future. Currently on vacation, just "stopping in," as time allows to do some "curating," as encouraged by @abh12345 and the Steem Community.

Once back, I will look into this more. Upvoted 100%, resteemed, and now following! 👍😊

Posted using Partiko Android

This is all awesome. Instead of bringing Wordpress to STEEM, you're taking STEEM to Wordpress. From what I've been able to observe so far, you've been doing a great job of listening and implementing features that will make Steempress better, and at some point indispensable. Of all the outreach projects I've seen, and there are a few, but not nearly enough, this is the best. How better to reach the blogger than going straight to where they live, their own blog. And being able to upvote, comment, etc directly. That's fantastic.

I sincerely wish you all the best with this awesome project.

Cool idea. I thought for a while if there was any way to integrate Wordpress into the platform. Well, I believe there is now!

Hey guys, you are doing an excellent job, of course we support you, and already vote you as witnesses, keep doing a good job, and we will always be with you, have a nice day :)

WoW, a beginning that marked the beginning of a great work and dedication for Steem, I wish you many successes and blessings in this great path that has already begun and now it does so in a more formal way. From this moment count on my vote as a witness. A hug.

I have an doubt is this belong to Steem community @steempress looks alike a great project. I am pretty much interested in the project


Fantastic!!! Great job guys <3

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Steempress is a brilliant plug-in already and your vision for it is inspiring. I'm looking forward to continuing using it, taking advantage of the new benefits as they come and promoting it to my followers on and off Steem blockchain.

I'm adding you to my witness selections of course :)

God work continues getway

What a good job, guys, congratulations.

I just got a hosting service, and since I configured the pluggin, I will soon write my first post using steempress.

However, how much with my support. And they already have my vote for a witness.

A big hug, and follow the success.

Wow big news....all in one article. Given the plethora of great options available to you this summer, the Steem community are really fortunate that you have chosen to be FT on the Steem Blockchain. Fantastic to have you as such great Ambassadors for Steemit - and if I don't already support your witness it will be next up.

Thats great.
Thanks for resteem sir @ackza ,@howo ,@acidyo.

This is a great news. Personally, I'm very grateful for your support, so I am totally sure that you will make an excellent work here on Steemit :)

They deserve more than all these votes! Thank you for your work

Good work guys.
Have installed the plugin on my site (still being built) and am looking forward to how you integrate WP with Steem...

I'll definitely vote for you guys!

I like wordpress tool in which you can publish your post on wordpress which automatically publish in steemit.


Congrats guys on your new journey!!! Lets hope this will bring more genuine and great content providers onto Steemit!!!

If I see the third step come true, it would be like a dream fulfilled. Can not do the same with blogger? Greetings and success!

It is interesting to read what you want to bring to the whole Steemit community.

steem press is like word press to design website , good to see our youngters are growing with our time and giving us exposure to new ideas and applications, thank you for this update and pls continue this good work

Upvote my comments and Reply

Good luck on your roadmap. This a great project for the blockchain. If you can just convince 10% of wordpress users into steem through your project, that would already increase the userbase 700%. And with that comes a lot of content and readers.

@steempress you guys got my witness upvote!

I will vote for steempress witness. You guys are awesome. I am using the steempress with wordpress and it has been awesome for me. Simple to use and everyone should use it and start blogging.

Great post, and good to hear.

I have a number of friends that I'm trying to drag kicking and screaming to Steemit, but enabling them to interact via WordPress will make it that much easier, and allow them to see the value before making the jump.

Looking forward to further updates!

i would difinitely like to follow steempress projects and learn more about the tools. ar the tools found in steempress website ?

Ready, I already voted for you as a witness. I think you are doing a great job rewarding good creators of content in the Hispanic community, youre goals are ambitious and beneficial for the blockchain.

Love to see this guys. You got my full support and support from my community also.
Love this so much

Done :) @steempress has been a witness to my writings

Those photos look like before and after shot pair, if Fredrik Aarrestad had turned to his left while taking the photo then it might have looked like mugshots too. He's got Arrested in his name. :P
Fredrik Aarestad gets arrested while Martin Flees. hahahaha

Sorry, couldn't help making this comment, no offence to Martin and Fredrik.


I have not heard of the steempress before.
i will learn what is this steempress.
please support me. @steempress

This is a great initiative which I will give a try very soon. Witness vote on it's way.

Oh yeah!

aaqui mi visita para saludar y ver su blog,saludos desde margarita venezuela,seguimos en contacto.

Informasi yamg sangat bagus

I love how you guys really care for the platform and not just want to create a convenient tool for bloggers to write on Steem. You guys rock! Will get my vote.

Hello, please vote blog for me

@Fredrikaa @Howo

Excellent, you know what you count on us for everything we can. Greetings and keep growing.


Awesome, thanks!

Love this concept <3

Great succes.

With great pleasure, we fully support the @steempress witness. thank you @howo and @fredrikaa it works well.

this is just remarkable. i will join your discord to ask a few questions

relly great news for everyone. i have chosen you as witness. thank you so much for what you done.

This is actually awesome! I'm so glad to become part of such an amazing project that is committed to supporting quality content from people who have amazing skills such as writing, photography, music, all kinds of different things being support by this amazing project.

Definetly you guys have my witness up-vote! Keep on the hardwork.

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