How about we start with this rousing moral story that shows an important life example!
A kid named John was vexed. His dad thought that he is crying.
Whenever his dad asked John for what good reason he was crying, he said that he had a great deal of issues in his day to day existence.
His dad essentially grinned and requested that he get a potato, an egg, and some espresso beans. He put them in three dishes.
He then requested that John feel their surface and afterward fill each bowl with water.
John did as he had been told. His dad then, at that point, heated up each of the three dishes.
When the dishes had chilled off, John's dad requested that he feel the surface of the different food things once more.
John saw that the potato had become delicate and its skin was stripping off effectively; the egg had become more diligently; the espresso beans had totally changed and filled the bowl of water with smell and flavor.
Lesson of the story
Life will continuously have issues and tensions, similar to the bubbling water in the story. It's the way you answer and respond to these issues that counts the most!