in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago  (edited)


That’s right! The limited edition 2017 Steem 1 oz silver round is up for grabs! So, here’s how this will work.

All you have to do is 3 things -

  1. Upvote this post
  2. Resteem this post
  3. Leave a comment below ( something along the lines of I’m in!)

That’s it. At the end of this posts payout, which is 7 days, I will randomly select the winner and ship a brand spanking new steem silver round to the winner! Doesn’t get any easier than that!

So there you have it. What are you waiting for...get to upvoting, resteeming, and commenting! 😁

I’ll announce the winner shortly after post payout. Within a day or two.



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: )

Contest is officially over. I will announce winner in a couple days. Thanks to all who participated! 🤗

In, in, in...count me in!




Here's a 100% upvote, just for doing this and being a really cool dude, if you draw my name please redraw and award that coin to someone else. Thanks for all your support to the #steemsilvergold

I couldn’t agree with you more save for one thing, you’re both extremely awesome dudes! 🤗 Your new posts as well will be most welcomed not to mention I'll be following the #steemsilvergold tag for more info.
Regards, V

Super. Thanks.

You got it sir! I appreciate it boss.

Your reply restored humanity. This is such an inspiration it might not be too much for you but it give hope for others. Followed!

I second @raybrockman's stand on this! 100% upvote and resteemed! If you draw my name, please choose someone else!!

Hey sevin! Sounds good. Thanks for stopping by! So is your first name sevin or is that your fav number? Just curious!

Can both be the right answer?

Sure I guess so! That’s cool! 😁

Yes! My parents named me Sevin and coincidentally my favorite number is 7!

Oh, really? Were you desiring that number 7 round I have?

I didn't even think about the significance of it!!

I have number 777. 😁

I'm not in either, I just like commenting on other people's posts. Give it to someone who didn't get any.

1500 out of 1500? That's one you HAVE to hang on to!!!

Well ok. Thanks for stopping in. I appreciate it. I plan on hanging onto number 1500. 😁




I'm in.

Im in! Upvoted and resteemed for my followers!

Thanks for the chance. I would love to have one of these!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm in!

If i win, this coin will become my new pocket piece! Replacing the 1/2 eagle i won in m2tm's contest -- good fun!!!

Awesome! Hope you win! 😁

oh yeah this is the first time ive seen the real coin they look stunning! IM In! :)

Sweet! They are beautiful coins! I’ve got you counted!😁

Very generous! I’m in.

Super! 😁

I'm in too!

Totally a collector at heart, I wish I could have bought more for myself! Time to bring a few more back home...lol.

Great! You all really killed it with this. Can’t wait for the second round!

They're beautiful!!!!


and btw... I'm in!

Im in like flyn

Gave you an upvote and a resteem but I don't need the coin. I've got my five already waiting for me when I get home on Friday.

I'm in!

Good luck!!

Hello, nice post! I already have some, so I don't feel right competing. However, I noticed that #10 coin and that happens to be my favorite number. Would you be willing to trade me for it? I would happily trade you a coin and pay a slight premium on top for the low COA #10. Your contest would still work, you'd get extra funds, and I'd owe ya! Thanks for considering!

I'm in. They look awesome!

"Hook" me up (get it?)!

I am very grateful for this opportunity

Steem crypto. Steem coin. What's next, Steem country? :) I'm in!

I love it! Then we can re-instate the silver and gold standard to back our STEEM Crypto which will come with a fail safe that further backs the coin and increases its value via the STEEM Coin.
Steemland will be the richest little new country in the world which will continue to grow it's wealth exponentially thanks to the intelligence of all the Steemians who inhabit the land.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'd love to win one of these and add it to my stack! Thank you so much for the contest! Upvoted and Resteemed.

I have you entered. Thanks!😁

I've upvoted, and once I resteem your post will probably be posted every hour or so do to some mishap with my account that in still trying to figure out, but it's worth the rep to earn one of the elusive STEEM Silver Coins!

I've been collecting silver since I was a young teen (currently 32.) I began by collecting silver change with the dates of 69 and below, but once I reached 21 I began investing in real silver bars. My wife and I had four 10 oz bars and five 1/4 oz rounds which we were going to add to over time in order to protect our selves for the day fiat currency finally died, but when my wife miscarried our only child to be at four months and had to stay a weak in the hospital due to her extensive blood loss, we had no choice, but to sell. That day I felt as never before , for a void had been carved out of me and life’s meaning had finally finished it’s story.
However, instead of falling victim to my negative feelings and thoughts thus plummeting myself further into the abyss, I decided to give my whole self to that one last thing holding me together (save my wife, she’s always been my rock,) cryptocurrency. I took a leave from architecture school and got busy. Our safety blanket has almost reached it’s goal and once that’s been accomplished we will then once again have the money to re-invest in silver.
Whatever I’ve got to do to earn one of those STEEM rounds will be done. I searched all day yesterday when I first saw them, trying to no avail to find a place that I might be able to afford to or at the least save up for a bit so that I might own what I now know to be pretty much unattainable lest I find favor amongst those lucky enough to be in possession of my dream coin.
I could further elaborate, but I’ve already reavealed too much of myself and I don’t want this “comment” to turn into a novella. I bid you thanks and praise for your time and generosity and am already in angst for you next post. Regards. V

Great comment V.
I remember that day it was horrible. That was the first time I ever saw my big brother cry and it broke my heart. I couldn't imagine a more terrifying scenario than not only loosing your child, but coming so close to loosing your wife as well.
I trully hope you win. I won't be commenting on the comp for that specific reason, but I will be sure to resteem and share.

Speaking about my tears was a little much J. You've never seen me cry cause that shit embarsses me and many other things, but now you've put me on blast. Just make sure you don't tell anyone to S your brother's D on this platform again if they stay arguing with you again lol. You've got your own piece.
Why the hell are you still awake?

Alright, alright I'll mind my manners and I'll answer your sleep question with a quote from 50 Cent when he was asked something similar. "Sleep is for those who are broke, I don't sleep."
As long as the markets moving I'm awake trading on it.

I definitely want one, i can work for you XD

I'm in, but, i'd prefer a new stacker (or a non-stacker that would see the light with a new round in hand) won. Good on ya for doing this cool browser!

They look so cool and 1oz Silver too! Count Me In Thank You Very Much!!

for a silver steem it token I will definiely upvote, reteem, and try to leave a nice comment.
a nice comment. Along the lines of I am in it. hurray

I'll jump in to this. This is such and awesome silver coin and the CoA numbers are pretty cool

I am in for sure! I would love a Steem Silver Coin 🕺upvoted, re-steemed, followed and commented 👍 great contest, easy to enter and an awsome prize! Whats not to like? Nice work @coolbowser 👏

I missed the chance to buy, so I'm in ;)

Those are sweet! I'm in. Sure hope I win. :)

Well. As of now you have a 100% chance of winning as you are the only one who has commented thus far. 😁

Cool! I’m in!

Oh my God! They are so beautiful! I already represent one of them in my hand!

This is amazing I believe that more need to be minted so the community can buy or win them threw contest! !! GOoo steemsters

Sure thing, I'm in!

I'm in! I hope I win this!

Ohhh shiny! I missed out on these unfortunately, so put my name in the hat to win one of the precious! : D Upvoted and resteemed as well. I'm in. :D

Physical cryptocurrency coin xd I’m in!

In for the the beautiful shiny!

I'm in. These are just cool!

Count me in for this awesome coin. Very nice of you for offering the chance to a lucky Steemian.

You’ll be counted as long as you resteem this post. It doesn’t appear that you have. Correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks!

I don't know why it is not showing up in my feed as resteemed. I did resteem it and it shows the resteem is already done when I try to click on it again, as shown below. Any suggestions? Thank you

Ok. I’ll count you in. Might have something to do with the issues here on steemit. Thanks.

I love it! Then we can re-instate the silver and gold standard to back our STEEM Crypto which will come with a fail safe that further backs the coin and increases its value via the STEEM Coin.

@coolbrowser, I followed you already for your love of God and wife and vitC,
I thank you now for your love of the community... you really are cool in my book, many blessings brother

What a beautiful coin, count me in! 👍

Bought you a @booster for this baddass post!!!

Hey thanks a booster for that! 😁. Appreciate it! Does this mean you’re in for the drawing? I don’t believe I saw a resteem on this by you. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I want to win this so bad. I wanted to get a Steem silver round but didn't have the funding to have a private mint make just one. Crossing my fingers!

Caught me, put me in the boat.

A very generous offer! Thank you for the opportunity to potentially get in on one of these amazing coins!

Best of luck to all involved! But mostly to me! Hahaha

I'm in!

This post has received a 3.18 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @generation.easy.

Sounds super fun.. count me in!

Awesome, count me in. :)


: )






Thanks, much appreciated. Have a great night. :-)

Very nice, didn't know they even existed.

Encapsulated and & cert of auth, 1,500 mintage? Count me in, ^voted, resteemed, and... this :)

What a cool idea!

I am in. upvoted & resteemed :)

I'm in! I know just where I'll put it.

Im in \o/ but i'm with @raybrockman as i have a coin on the way, if i was lucky enough to win please find someone who hasnt got one already to give it to.:)

Wow! That's awesome! I'm in!!!

Well, nothing like being able to hold something real from the digital world. It would be like a portal using currency as the key.

I'm in.

Very kind of you, I'm In!

Beautiful coin, thanks for this giveaway!! Steem In!!

I bought one, but hope "I'm in!" Should I win I would likely do a pay it forward type thing!

You’re in. I’m not excluding anyone! Good luck!










Thanks man!

I'm in!!!

I'm in. This would be an amazing win. Thanks for doing this @coolbowser.

WHAT!?!?!? I'm In!

Are you giving away all these or just one? If you're giving away all of them I'd love to get #10. (though I'm assuming you're not giving that one away since the low #) It has been my soccer number since middle school and maybe even as young as elementary school and I was thinking to myself I would love to get #10 next year if it was at all possible when I place my order.

I'm in! Nice giveaway. Are there really only 1500?

Ok. You’re counted. And yes there are only 1500!😁

Ed wants in.

Consider Ed in!

Thanks so much for doing this. I'm in!

Me, me, me. Count me in. I missed out on the chance to get 1 when they were originally on offer, I was gutted I missed out.

I’m in! That’s a really Steemin’ Hot prize!!

I'm in! If I win, it may lead to another giveaway... nice job @coolbowser!

This is a great idea, and count me in.

Hope I get it! Just caught the silver bug a couple months back.

I'm in! Upvoted and Resteemed. I did not know they had these, but I think it is really interesting.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm in!
I hope i get one,i love anything related to steemit

Wow....i love it,i want it..the unlimited steemit silver history..come,come,come to beh i've been waiting for you #steemsilvergold

This is totally cool!😉 i'm 100% in

Thanks for the chance i will love to get one of those babies

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the opportunity! I only found out about these coins after it was too late! Count me in!!!!

This is a cool idea. Thanks for the generosity. The coin itself is a great design. You can count me in on this one. I missed the sale of these.

There are some that are floating around on the secondary market! @raybrockman had some for sale and I have a few available if you want to purchase some. I wrote a post about it here


Han & Chewy said you're an alright dude.

Han & Chewy.JPG

:O What a gorgeous coin!! I am in for sure!!!

I'm in. Awesome coin .

I'm in! Up vote and resteemed! Good luck everyone 👍

Ahh my dads a huge hoarder of Silver, never thought I would be but I am in!

Cool, im in. 100% upvote, resteemed! I want one, I'll put it in a picture frame in my office!

Good job @coolbowser You got a lot of peoples juices flowing.

I've been away for a few days and have just about missed out.
I think I need to be more proactive when new rounds come out and purchase a few.

I'm in! If I win this one I will dedicate one of my following openmic entries to @coolbowser and the steemsilvergold community:) I alreadyhave got one composition that is called "Golden Leaves" if you like to check it out.
It should have called "Silver Steems" I guess;)

Oh nice, gimme! :)

I'm in.

Upvoted, resteemed and keeping the fingers crossed! My precious......

I'm in...good luck everyone! :D

I guess my first reply didnt post, so im in, the coin is beautiful, i upvoted,resteemed and followed you. Thanks and God Bless.

I'm in too if the door is open!
Tel me where do I need to send my postal address 😊

im in

I am in 🤣

I didn't see these until they were gone. Amazing works of art ! Im in for sure. Thank you

I collect silver. Totally sold my liberty dollar coins back in the day. Wish i kept them... I would totally hold onto this.

I gotta have one, so count me in🐓