Silver - The most undervalued Precious Metal

in steemsilvergold •  8 years ago  (edited)

Published: April 23, 2017 at

Throughout history Gold and Silver have been used as currency and represented true wealth. Some of the oldest gold treasures found go all the way back to 4,000 B.C after determining their date. For thousands and thousands of years these precious metals were used as currency in trade and looked at as treasures by royalty. You can research any kind of royalty through history and also find the presence of Gold, Silver and sometimes both. Tutankhamun Nebkheperure or better known as the famous Egyptian Pharaoh King Tut, had more than his fair share of gold. His final coffin was even made of solid gold. Vikings had their piles and piles of silver treasure. Scottsdale mint has even made a series of two ounce silver coins portraying viking culture. One coin displays Ragnar Lothbrok who was the king of Sweden and Denmark, and another coin has his son Ivar "The Boneless" on it. It seems no matter where you look throughout time and history, gold and silver are a constant presence. Even our lousy paper dollar was backed by gold and silver up until 1971 when president Richard Nixon ended that policy. Now the controversy between why he and the elite ended that policy may be a topic for another day, but a couple questions should immediately pop up in your head. What is my fiat currency backed by? Who deems this piece of paper to be valuable? That is just it in reality, all your truly holding in your hand is a piece of paper. We have an endless supply of it and can continually print more and more out. It doesn't matter what number you place on the banknote in ink, in reality it is worthless. Looking back to 1913 when the gold standard was still strongly in effect, there was $2.64 for every ounce of silver. Currently if you head to, they are telling us there is now $885 for every ounce of silver even though I truly believe that number to be well over $1,000. Now you are probably wondering how the title of this article fits into what you have read thus far. Well, here it goes. I constantly am watching and communicating with other silver stackers on youtube who put out content for the silver community. Recently I came across a very ignorant comment and I will not include his name but I will tell you what he commented. He stated "HAHA while you children put away silver, Real men are putting away gold". I was overwhelmed with humor and confusion as I read this as to what the logic in his thought process was. I myself did not reply but I did read a reply to his comment, and this person wrote "Okay well if the time comes, and S*** hits the fan I will be more than glad to sell you a loaf of bread for one ounce of gold". Now his reply was funny but very relevant to my point. Silver is just as important as gold because in order for him to successfully barter and trade without getting totally ripped off for that loaf of bread, silver would be a crucial factor in making it possible. Again I did not reply but I proceeded to talk to my dad about the comments. What my father began telling me is precisely the reason why I am writing the article and why I titled it what I have. He told me how "Silver is the most undervalued asset and precious metal you can invest in". Looking back at that same year in 1913, if you had one ounce of silver, you could purchase yourself a barrel of oil. The Dollar to Oil ratio in 1913 was $2.11 for every barrel of oil. Back then that was still cheaper than silver. Today that ratio is a little different. Currently there is now $23.80 for every barrel. That is a dramatic increase, but not as astronomical as silvers % increase since 1913. If you look at the numbers and ratios from then compared to now, silver is your biggest asset to hedge yourself against inflation. Currently silver's spot price is around $18 an ounce. Believe me though, the value behind each ounce is more powerful than you think. Currently it is so affordable to put away an ounce or two here and there when you can to preserve your wealth just in case the "Clock strikes midnight" as my father says. No matter what some troll on the internet may say against Silver Stackers and investors, if Viking Kings and other persons of Royalty throughout history had silver, I assure you silver is not for children. Silver was their treasure back then, and I don't know about you but I look at my small stack as my personal treasure as well. If silver performs the way I believe it will within the next 3-5 years, people like him will quickly learn the true value behind an ounce of silver.

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In the Roman Empire with one ounce of gold you could buy a toga (suit), a leather belt and a pair of sandals. It's even more interesting when you compare the ancient wages in silver. A roman worker earned 1 denarius (1/10 of an ounce) and could buy bread for his family for a week. Great post

Isn't it crazy to think about man? I love it and think its so intriguing. I think it would be so awesome to have your labor and days wage paid in precious metals. Regardless we are blessed to be able to take our fiat and turn it into real biblical wealth. Thank you so much dude :D glad you enjoyed it!