SBS New Pours... Check Out These Cool New Pieces, WOAH!

in steemsilvergold •  6 years ago 

This video isn’t public on YouTube yet... that’s why there so far very few views. It needs to be released at peak YouTube hours. Why? I dunno... guess I’m kind of a sell out.

But the video is accessible if you have the link. And here’s the link:

New Poured Silver There, Check it out... tell me what you think.

Thanks. Love,

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What a beautiful collection! I particularly liked the swords. Great craftsmanship!

Thank you my friend. I do need some more/different tools to get the effects that I’m after, but I need more space and money for the tools, hehe. Take Care. Oh, and Happy Holidays!

What's up doc? Well then there's Daffy too. Swords are look pretty cool.

Yep, got a few more cartoon characters to play with before the end of the holidays :D

The link does not work, SBS...

Sometimes with Steemit you have to hit play, then pause, then play again. It’s public on youtube now though, thanks for the heads up ;-)

Imagine in hundred years your items are still being traded. That is the part I like.

Absolutely. Some of it will stand the test of time. When I was a young man I built things out of wood and looked forward to future generations enjoying my structures. I think metal... generally, hehe... more durable :P

Beautiful work of art....

Thank you much ma'am.

Amazing sir👍👍

@sbsparts Incredible Creations, Nicely Done !!