Silver of the Day #13 - Quarters

in steemsilvergold •  7 years ago 

I've been getting loads of coins from the bank to search through for silver and so far I've done dimes and Half Dollars. So it only made sense that I would move on to quarters.



I traded my $200 in half dollars for $200 in quarters which is 20 rolls. It took me around an hour to go through them all and I found a grand total of....... ZERO silver quarters. That's right, after striking out on the half dollars, I also missed with quarters, but at least I didn't leave empty handed.


While searching through for the silver coins, I found six bi-centennial quarters. Although they're not worth anything more than face value, I always feel like I won when I find a drummer boy quarter in my change. The fact I got a total of six of them was a nice consolation prize.

Time to take the quarters back and get something else. Hopefully I have better luck next time!

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Before coming to steemit I was on Youtube and I watched hundreds of videos from people that were, like you, searching for silver. The videos from the last two or three years simply didn't find any. I think so many people searched that there are no more silver dimes, quarters or halfs. The only ones that were found were a few war nickels.

That's a good tip, @ronaldoavelino. I wasn't sure how many people were actually looking, but if there are high enough numbers, then yeah, there probably aren't many coins left. I may have to try looking for the war nickels as you say. That would be a LOT of nickels. Ha ha ha. I'll have to get a friend help me carry them all!

Okay, the half dollars and the quarters were a no go. What is the plan now? You say you're going to take the quarters back and get something else. Are you doing that like this week, or are you going to wait a little bit more? You've tried everything, right? Or would you trade the quarters and search for the 'war nickels'? :)

I'm going to go for quarters again. I liked that even though I didn't get any silver quarters that I still got some bi-centennials. That almost makes up for it. So I'll give quarters another go and see what happens. I hadn't really considered doing the nickel route, but I may have to try it. I've got a tube that still has room for more, so if I found more they'd have a home right away.

I'm going to try to do it again this week. I really could trade them in every day. I just have to make it out to the bank and that's not going to happen every day. ;)

I tried asking my bank about half dollars and the only ones they had were Susan B. Anthony halves. So no silver there. Haha! Best of luck coin hunting @themanwithnoname!

Strange that they wouldn't have any rolls of Kennedy halves around. Oh, well. Yeah, I don't think you're going to get any silver out of those Susan B Anothonys. At least not unless they changed them a lot.

Thanks, I'll need it. :D

howdy @themanwithnoname..I stopped in to see what you had going on with silver and it looks like you're still in the hunt. I keep reading accounts of people doing this but never finding any, how do you know that someone hasn't gone through all of them.
I sure would if I had access to them at the bank. but still it's a fun hunt and I like seeing the results so I think it's a cool post!

Yes, I'm still at it. Still hunting for the elusive treasure. I don't know that someone hasn't gone through them. In fact, quite a few of the rolls looked like they had been picked through, so my hopes weren't high for most of them, but I looked anyways. At least I got the bi-centennial quarters as a participation prize.

I'd love to work at a place where I had access to lots of change that I could look through, without having to have customers in your face wanting to cash checks and such. I think it would be hard to look through the change at the bank.

I still have a good time doing it even if I don't find anything. It's fun for me, and I like that it makes me seem quirky. Ha ha.

yes sir @themanwithnoname it definitely is a fun hobby that's for sure.
Did you get involved in that so you could join the SSG group?
And do the other members do this type of thing also?

I got involved in sorting coins because of SSG. I wanted to find new ways of getting silver and I figured it would be a cool adventure to write about. Most of the other people haven't talked about searching through rolls for silver, but I'm sure that some have at some point. A lot of them just post about whatever silver or gold they've been buying recently.

well sir it sounds like a great way to stand out from the crowd but what if you run out of money? you just write about other things? I mean does belonging to the SSG group mean that you have to write about silver or gold?

I never know from one day to the next what I'm going to post about so no one ever knows what to expect.

I can't run out of money by sorting coins. I just take them back and get new ones. No money lost.

When I buy silver bars, coins, and rounds, then I "lose" my money, but I get shiny new additions to my collection, so I don't worry about it. I only invest what I can afford to do without, so I don't have to worry about running out of money.

If I've already written about the coins I have, then I can write about the coins that I want to get.

Yes, you have to have a certain level of content that is related to SSG. Not all your posts have to be about precious metals, but there need to be at least a few per week. I find it's easiest for me just to do it every day, and then I both get my posts out and I get more active. I like the constant stream of payouts from posting every day, even if they're not much.

I've been there, and mostly I've not put a post up because I couldn't think of anything to write about. Now I always have something I could write about. If you're into precious metals, you could start writing about them and eventually you could get in. :)

howdy there Blondie! Clint wasn't even blonde in that movie was he?
anyway I guess to the Mexicans he was. So that is a pretty darn good plan you have there, I mean this solves the problem of trying to come up with something to post about.

although people tell me that they like going to my blog because it's so different and they never know what to expect but on the other hand if you know what to post about all week then you can plan it out a lot better and in a much shorter time frame.

and think of the fantastic coins and such that you would like to own that you could post about. Do you have some favorite websites that you go to for information? I know there's tons of them.

I could get into precious metals very easily, Ive purchased them before but it's been a long time ago. I have a collector mindset and get addicted to collecting certain things so yeah I could easily get into the metals and coins.
speaking of which, I gotta go see what you did today!

He was probably closer to brown hair, but sometimes that's called dirty blond. Which would make sense for Dirty Harry.

If you've found a formula that seems to work for you, then stick with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Some people like the variety and you may get more viewers in the long-run by having a mix of topics. A lot of people focus on a few main topics, so the population might be looking for a nice mix.

I like to look at JMBullion and a few others. I also like the website for one of my local coin stores as it lists their prices which means I can get an idea of where things are at without having to check each coin for availability.

Glad to hear you at least have exposure to them. Maybe one day you'll get back into collecting them. :)

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