RE: Calling All SteemSpeakians!!!! New SteemSpeak Avatar? VOTE HERE!!!

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Calling All SteemSpeakians!!!! New SteemSpeak Avatar? VOTE HERE!!!

in steemspeak •  8 years ago 

good post
upvoted&followed :)

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You didn't even read it (no discussion necessary, I know it). Are you just going to spam ''upvoted&followed :)'' everywhere, hoping to get a lot of followers and make the big money? Well don't waste your time and don't mess up Steemit like that, it is not going to work. I understand why you're doing it, like A LOT of people these days. Normally I don't react to these useless kind of comments. But wanted to be nice and give you some advice: You're wasting your time!

Try writing posts that contribute to the community, with original content and stuff. But only if you like it. If you're in it for the money (because you see all the cash flow here on Steemit), you will most likely have a hard time.

Anyways, cheerio!

You sir are going to do GREAT on this platform. Keep it up...!

Surely would be nice! But we'll see how it goes. Checked out a bit of your work, I really liked the custom patterns, especially the number 1, 2 and 4. Would love to have pyjama trousers with those patterns!