Will Connor McGregor Get Knocked Out By Floyd Mayweather?

in steemsports •  7 years ago 

SteemSports Presenter: Scott Frank, @scottybuckets

SteemSports Editor: Nolan Jacobson, @theprophet0, STEEM Witness & PeerPlays Witness.

Is this real life? Did Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather just agree to a boxing match that will yield over $150 Million to split between the two athletes? Yes, this is happening in August in Las Vegas.
Now I will tell you how this is the dumbest fight of all time that will put an end to Connor McGregor’s career and be an ENOURMOUS loss for the UFC. The UFC is rolling in $$$$ right now. Boxing has been struggling to stay relevant for the last 15+ years as the UFC has become a multi-billion Dollar business. And THIS fight is about to reverse the trajectory of both sports.
Last month, boxing had its best night in years with the exciting and brutal Heavy Weight Fight between Wladimir Klitchko and Anthony Joshua. It was the best heavy weight fight since the 90’s and a rematch is already in the works. Combine this with the ABSOLUTE BEATING that Connor is going to take from Floyd in August and boxing will once again be back on the map. And the UFC will look like complete fools for allowing this fight to even happen. Sure, Connor will make more money than he ever has, but the beating he will get and the certain knockout he receives will be devastating and possibly career ending.
I grew up with Iron MIke Tyson and Evander Holyfield and then Lenox Lewis and those days are long gone. But thanks to this ridiculous fight, boxing will be back on the map. Thank you Connor and Dana White for being complete fools by letting your Super Star get knocked out by an aging boxer. And if you think I'm the crazy one, go to the sports book at any hotel in Vegas and you can see that Floyd is -900 to win the fight.
So why would Connor agree to this fight? Two reasons, Money and Ego. There aren't many things in the world that a man wouldn't do for $60+ Million dollars. In fact, if this payout gets a high as we think it will, Connor will then demand similar payouts for future fights. His previous 3 fights, which were UFC pay per view records, earned him a total of $34 Million dollars. Now he is going to make double that in one fight. He may never fight in the UFC again. Why fight for $15 Million a fight?
Now let's look at reason 2 that Connor is fighting, Ego. All of the world wide hype that Connor has received has gotten to his head. Yes, he is a bad and tough man, but he is stepping in the ring with one of the greatest boxers of all time. This fight is destined to only have one outcome, and that is for a bloodied and unconscious Connor laying face down in the ring.
The reasons Floyd is fighting are simple. First, he can't lose. And second, is money. Floyd has a raging gambling problem and often bets millions of dollars per game. He can never have enough cash... August can't get here fast enough to see this fight. And in a blink of an eye, it will all be over, by way of a knockout. Cheers!
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Great post, very well written @steemsports. I am not a boxing fan per se. But now i actually find myself enthousiastic to watch it later this year. I do hope it becomes one of those active matches with explosive action and if that KO comes it should not come soon!

Thank you Rymlen! It will be one hell of a night!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post. We all know the the likely outcome. But I wish for the other way round

here is my article on the conor vs mayweather fight and some stats https://steemit.com/life/@protrado/vote-conor-mcgregor-vs-floyd-mayweather-who-will-win

Conor McGregor has speed, precision, and accuracy, so he does naturally have a chance to win. Especially if you believe in the theory of a INFINITE universe. Then yes Conor will win eventually, BUT not in this paradigm.
The reason why? That is simply the fact that CONOR is a mma fighter, YES he does a have a IRISH boxing record (Many People Are Not Aware Of) but I can guarantee he was not fighting the caliber of fighter that Floyd Money Mayweather is. Floyd has beat and defended his belt against some of the TOP and MOST ELITE boxing strikers ever to step in the ring. GUESS WHAT, they couldn't even hit Floyd! Floyd has the one thing that will nullify Conors Techniques, and thats the ELITE skill of MOVEMENT. Floyd is one of the least PUNCHED fighters ever in boxing, and if the worlds greatest "BOXING" legends could not land? What makes people think Conor will be any different, he is a man that realistically has never seen this level of striking and defense. it will be probably be one of the most BORING fights ever of course, but only because Floyd is a DEFENSE fighter as well as Conor, his main game in the cage is the COUNTER, that's what won him his bread and butter! So I guess we will see what happens it might come to who engaged first? But if they do I think FLOYD's counter and "BOXING" defense may be a bit tighter! I have Floyd winning by Decision Conor may get put on his bum a few times but then again its BOXING so of course he will recover the fight continue and Floyd takes the Win by DEC.
Thanx for your time! GREAT POST! Will resteem! Glad you posted it. I was gonna do it later. Now I dont have to! lol! KEEP ON STEEMING.

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Thanks for reading, supporting, commenting and Steeming!!!!!!!!!

Interesting perspective, you are spot on mentioning that Floyd's movement is next level!

yes it is and if age has no effect, then it will be a Major factor!

I got $100 on CONOR, split decision win for 100 to 1 odds! That would be over $10,000 and I found a site that accepted BTC!

Here is how the fight will go.

LMFAO this is crazy

Haha @grey580 this is amazing, thanks for posting!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A 40 year old is fighting a 28 year old, get serious!!!!!!

We know Mayweather is not in his prime, but there is 50 or more people that have been fighting in the WBO working hard for a title shot and want a piece of Mayweather. I think Mcgregor should fight another boxer before even getting in the ring with Mayweather. Mcgregor should fight Andre Ward but i would say it wouldn't even be a fight, Mcgregor would get KO'ed first round. Mcgregor is more cocky'er than Mayweather, and If I was in my prime at 28 years old, why not try to fight someone who is 40 years old who's a legend just to say i beat him.

This fight now makes the UFC bigger than the WBO. The WBO just got downgraded cause if your a champ in the UFC you can now decide to fight any boxing champ without working your way up in the WBO.

If Mayweather loses kiss WBO good buy, the real champs are in the UFC. If Mcgegor loses the match then this will be the last fight you will see with a UFC fighter, fighting a boxing legend.

I would like to see Mayweather win by second or third round just to let the UFC not to mess with any WBO boxing champs.

I see Mayweather using the high guard the first two rounds, getting Conor's timing, range etc. Conor probably gets him the corner one of those rounds and let's his hands go and the Pro-McGregor goes wild. When they show the replay it will show all those punches we're getting rolled off Mayweather's shoulder causing no damage. Third and fourth rounds Mayweather starts hitting pot shots. McGregor missing more of his punches. Fifth and six Mayweather let's thw combos go snapping McGregor's head. By the seventh round either the ref stops it or McGregor's corner throws in the towel. Mayweather by TKO

This is how Mayweather fights. Vs. Mosely he took a couple big shots and the rest of the bout was some of the most beautiful counter punching I'd seen.

Floyd looks like a malteaser with eye balls 😂

upvoted, I personally think conor will beat floyd..he's stronger and he knows how to strike.

I have a weird feeling that Connor McGregor is going to win. But i don't know why?

I am interested now that this fight is set to take place. I hate to say it because I am not a fan, but I think Mayweather has the advantage. I don't know if it will end in a KO, but I am hoping to see a good fight.

Man i think ill be pulling for Conor on this one!

Conor will win this fight. He has really good boxing and movement. Also he has knockout power and a good chin. Floyd wont be able to knockout Conor.

No, Floyd will get knocked out by Connor. He is 40 years old

You reckon Floyd would get done by Klitscko?

I feel like Conor McGregor in the videos I have seen has a small chance of winning by KO. His sparring videos don't look super sharp, therefore Floyd can lay jab after jab on him and wear him down.

12 rounds will be difficult for McGregor given the fact he is wearing heavier gloves I feel. This will play into Mayweather's hands. Also some of the greatest boxers of all time have been unable to touch floyd... Shoulder roll, Jab all night long and win.

Floyd will win late or on points. Cannot see McGregor winning.

Also, you can win 25 steem off me if you correctly predict the winner and method of victory > https://steemit.com/steemsports/@grimboslice819/mayweather-v-mcgregor-it-s-official

@grimboslice819 Even at 41 Mayweather still the favorite to win this "made to profit" match. They are going to use "boxing rule" not MMA. I agree with @steemsports this is a big loss to UFC if McGregor end up sleeping.

Oh well, they will both make a lot of money after this show.

https://QUE.com - I will follow ALL who follow me. I think that's fair.

Anyone who thinks Connor WILL win probably just hates Floyd. Anyone who thinks Connor CAN win is assuming that MMA, or UFC, rules will play a factor in this match. I haven't seen anyone post about the actual structure of this fight whether it's traditional boxing setting, (only using gloves), or if it will be more like MMA. Either way would be a major advantage to the respective fighter known for that style.

If Floyd had to fight MMA and McGregor had the option to fight him on the ground, even though McGregor is not known for ground and pound fighting...FLOYD WOULD LOSE. Of course all of this relies on McGregor's ability to actually catch Floyd.

I agree with you @Steemsports on one point, if Floyd beats McGregor in a way where McGregor has viable attempts at getting Floyd on the ground and fighting an MMA style of fight, if Floyd still manages to prevail, it will be justification for all the Brazilian Jujitsu fanatics to hit the boxing gym.

Sure MMA is a more balanced fighting form, but if you can still be the biggest bad ass on the planet without mastering the art of having another man's balls in your face, than you are going to go that route especially if Floyd can prove being excellent enough at the sweet science (boxing) allows you to ignore MMA altogether.

A lot of McGregor fans think it will go like this

But it will more than likely go something like this

All that said, if McGregor does win, I estimate Boxing becomes the new baseball, where @steemsports articles are the only proof the sport still exists. In fact, I look at all of those baseball posts as fan fiction.

Is boxing fight, the answer is NO

When i heard about this fight all i saw was money.

The build up is going to be immense, the climax disappointing. I think Mcgregor will probably get knocked out but I still think he could pull out the upset of the century. He took some heavy shots from Diaz and was not fully knocked out, just submitted twice.

Most books already have Floyd at -1000 now. And i think the first real reason why Mayweather agreed was money because win or lose, he's getting paid.

Agreed, his main motivation is always the money.

sure...he will knock off Connor McGregor.....

Mayweather is a old defensive fighter, he deffinetly wont go for the knock out!

There will definitely be prop bets available of knockout or not, what round, tie, decision etc. Now Vegas has Floyd at -1000

no.. Floyd will NOT KO Mcgregor....

  1. Mcgregor will be a bull dog.. he is not gonna give up..

  2. Mayweather does not have that KO power he once use to.. He is a masterful technician of the sport... 1 2... disengage... move... engage.. 1...2.. over and over...

  3. Mcgregor has a better chance at KO'ing Mayweather than vice versa.. Mcgregor is out to prove something.. in his sport there are alot of Flash KO's.. Mayweather is a GOD at making sure Flash KO's don't happen to him..

It's going the distance or a DQ because of these two's temper...

12 Rounds.. Floyd by unanimous decision ....

Connor will DEFINITELY have to try for the KO. That is his only shot.

I saw that!! :D

There's no doubt in my mind he will get knocked out. His UFC fame has gone to his head, he believes he's invincible and he's not. Floyd is no average boxer.. he is a champion.

To summarise:

McGregor = Rookie boxer (0 wins - 0 draws - 0 knockouts)
Floyd = Legend, enough said.

Simple maths really. I still look forward to the fight nonetheless.

This fight between Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather is nothing but a money making vanity fight and a total mismatch as far as I'm concerned.

I do find it sad that both fighters feel the need to do this.

Connor McGregor has been so successful in UFC and has already proved himself to be a canny, brave fighter so why is he prepared to risk it all purely for money. Misguided.

Floyd Mayweather had retired with his honor and his health intact and now he wants to come out of retirement for a fight with an individual who is not even a true boxer. All for the share of a big payday. Misguided.

I bet gregor will win . No doubt

Don't think so,it's going to be a match to watch.... Can' t Wait ! ! !

I think this will turn out like the Muhammad Ali- Antonio Inoki fight, if you have no idea what that was it was Ali against a Japanese wrestler, mixed martial artist, you can Google it.

Connor and Floyd you just can't avoid.
Do you have a hunch who will give the last punch?
Millions in cash for two men to bash.
Turn that money to steem it would sure be a dream!
Who Who will it be? We'll all have to see.
August in Vegas the boxers will take us.
150 between them, Do you think we can steem them?
Matweather or McGregor? Who will fall and who will swagger
To the boxing poem I wrote you may comment or vote

We'll see a Mayweather beat McGregor with no problem. Already happened in the fight against paquiao, combat without spectacle, and that won "money" for the points system, avoiding paquiao at all times. McGregor is a beast, but in boxing he has no chance..The billion dolar Fight.. BUSSINES!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the post @steemsports Happy to see you reporting on MMA news! Must say, a very one sided article! guess we know which side you've got your money on :) Would have been great if you could have gone into some technical detail about how their skill sets match up, and how this could determine the outcome.

If Conor looses, it wont hurt the UFC that much. Boxing has way more to loose, much bigger down side.

Also realize ALL the pressure is on Floyd. This is a boxing match, and his 49-0 undefeated legacy on the line. He's older, slower, and smaller than Conor.

Remember the UFC is making money from this fight! Also, who is to say that Conor would ever even fight in the UFC again after this? I can see possibly one more title defense but he's got the hardware, the title, the money. He would be smart to retire from this dangerous sport while he still has his health. Conor knows this, and the UFC surely knows this is an option.

How many more fights does Conor have on his UFC contract??

@steemsports love mcgregor and the luck of the Irish 🍀 but he going down sorry to say

Either way I will be watching it. May weather fights are always fun to watch, but this one will be interesting. I think it has a good chance of going the distance, in a decision fight, I've seen lots of fights spin around and champs fall, but Mayweather knows how to make a show and come out on top.

Great post. Wow, so this is official. I thought it will never happen. Floyd will win the match, everyone knows it, but it is going to be interesting to see in which round is going to be over. Maybe first :).

I had a dream that Mcgregor forgot it's boxing and knocks Mayweather out with a roundhouse kick! :)

Mayweather will win the fight :)

legends says mayweather is still runnin' :D

I can't wait to see this!

absolutely agreed with every you said and i like connor for his determination but this is suicide, and it ain't sparta.

This reminds me of Rocky III when he fought Hulk Hogan in the charity fight. And the boxer won 😜

No, I would be very surprised if he gets a KO

I agree that Conor will definitely lose this fight, but....I really do wish to see Mayweather lose.

Can't wait to see if MMA can Cross over we know that a Boxer could never be competitive in MMA.

Man, just wait that I get to 1000 followers + .... "HA HA" !

300and counting ;)

In BOXING? Connor is toast. I'm still going to bet money on the underdog, though.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment