I do not know why, but many authors like to start their own texts - no matter what content - from historical excursions, deep enough that a certain person named "our ancestor" usually appears as the protagonist. No, do not think that I have anything against it. After all, if I confess, I myself am a sinner, because I used references to prehistoric times more than once. But, it's time to tie it up. However, allow me to finally use this method, because in our topic today, without these most historical excursions can not do.
And if to be completely honest, then it probably follows that the idea to write this post came about as a result of reading the post Trolls Around The Solar System (Part 9 - Uranus) - in the blog @ruth-girl, where at the end of the post author posted a video with very nice robot. And also thanks to an interesting news, which said that some kind of humanoid robot Sofia was the first robot in the world to receive citizenship. From the moment I wondered - is a robot, and artificial intelligence is not very different concepts?
What Is A Robot? Who invented them? What are they for?
Robot - is a universal automatic device that can perform mechanical actions like a human. This word comes from the Czech robota (bonded labor) or from rob (slave). For the first time in 1920, he used the Czech writer Karel Capek in his science fiction play R.U.R (Rossum universal robots).
The idea to replace human robots in difficult and dangerous jobs was born in ancient times. Take, for example, the myth of the brave giant Talas that guarded the island of Crete. Hephaestus - the god of fire, breathed into him the soul, so that the giant could see, hear and talk, eat and drink, and also raise and throw huge stones.
But in practice this useful idea was embodied only in the Middle Ages. The creation of the first mechanical figures is attributed to Al-Jazari, an Arab thinker and inventor of the XII century. But, the first who completely assembled the mechanical servant, it is customary to consider the Spanish mechanic Juanelo Turriano who lived in the XVI century. Of course, this is probably just an exaggeration, but nevertheless, even in the Middle Ages, robots still existed - a mechanical clock with moving figures and a battle of the bell.
On this the history of the development of robotics does not end, because in 1805 the French mechanic Henri Meilard made a full-size mechanical doll of a teenager. Sitting at the table, the doll could write on paper short poetry and draw. Dressed in the shape of a French soldier doll in 1870 was taken to America, where the doll was badly damaged after the fire. After a complete restoration, the mechanical boy was dressed up in a green dress and became a mechanical girl named Green-Lady or Miss automation.
However, in reality, the first modern robots appeared only with the development of heavy industry. They were able to perform routine and monotonous operations, carry large loads, work with harmful materials. In a word, robots began to be actively used only since the 60s of the last century, when the mass production of goods began to develop. Today, modern robots are divided into several generations:
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- First generation - is robots with programmatic control. They perform a strictly defined sequence of operations. Their behavior can be changed in advance, rebuilt, that is, it is a question of their retraining.
- Second generation - is sensitized robots. They are more perfect, perform assembly and assembly operations, welding, collect information about the external environment. Have a more complex management system. A robust part of such robots is algorithmic and software, which makes it possible to process sensory information and generate control actions.
- Third generation - is the so-called intelligent, or intelligent robots. They do not so much reproduce the movements of a person as they automate his mental activity. Such robots are characterized by even more complex functions, because their control system includes elements of artificial intelligence. About which we will continue to talk.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
As you have already understood, a man tried to create a "mechanical servant" in antiquity. But such an idea as an intelligent robot appeared quite recently. And so that you understand what artificial intelligence is, you have to start with theory as usual.
The term "Artificial Intelligence" was first proposed at a seminar with the same name in Dartmouth College in the USA in 1956. Particular attention here should be given to the specificity of the word Intelligence - the semantic emphasis in it is made on the ability of the human consciousness, like the ability to acquire new knowledge, and not just the ability to think. That is, initially the emphasis was on the ability of machines to acquire new knowledge.
But, as usual, something went wrong and the English scientist Alan Turing suggested as a criterion determining whether the machine can think - "a game in imitation." According to this criterion, the machine can be recognized as thinking, if a person conducting a dialogue with it on a sufficiently wide range of questions can not distinguish its responses from the answers of a real person.
How to grow AI using blockchain technology?
Artificial Intelligence today is developing at a rapid pace, in particular one of the best achievements in the field of AI we owe to Hong Kong. For example, in Hong Kong by Hanson Robotics, a humanoid robot was created on the basis of blockchain technology, which was named Sofia. The development itself is not a novelty, in fact, because This robot was assembled and activated on April 19, 2015. However, thanks to modern technology blockchain developers managed to achieve an incredible result.
Outwardly this robot practically does not differ from the person, and the combination of voice recognition from Alphabet allows it to communicate, process speech and eventually becomes smarter. The cameras inside her eyes, combined with other algorithms allow her not only to see, but watch out for faces to establish eye contact. Sofia also imitates human gestures and facial expressions and can answer certain questions and make simple conversations on pre-determined topics. Her intelligence is connected to the network through the SingularityNet blockchain-platform, allowing her to learn and improve herself with each passing day. It is not excluded if in a few years it will give her the opportunity to have her own consciousness and logical thinking.
The Sofia software is designed in such a way that all of its AI experience is derived from direct interaction with the person. Communicating with people, Sophia replenishes her base, which allows her to show more qualitative expressions and interactivity, imitating human features and expressions. Thanks to a kind of similar artistry, it allows her to more realistically become embodied in human life and create a sense of mind inside the machine.
In fact, watching this is very interesting, but one day you begin to wonder - how will our society look like in some 10-15 years after the production of such robots will begin in large numbers? I do not know about you, but if we were all robots, then most likely it would look like this ....
My personal diary: a few days in the life of a robot
Each of us is alone. Everyone is looking for his half, but what is this half - no one knows, since we have not talked about this for a long time. When did we stop discussing such things? And did we ever discuss them at all? Probably not. What's the point of this? Yes - half. It's as if you've become whole. Whole and full of meaning. Or not, the sense of the machine is full, and we - the people - must be something else. We are better than cars. Cars are everywhere. Now we can not distinguish machines from people. People are machines, and machines are people. Bioprosthetics and intelligent stations. People are those who can experience. Yes! Those who experience emotions. Well, there's anger, joy, laughter ....
Heck! This robot laughed like a man yesterday. I stopped picking the menu-order, when suddenly this laughter! They themselves do not know what they are doing. They laugh, cry, eat, they even have "trade unions of electronic systems." And then these information jams in the morning ....
I remember talking on the phone. Lovely: "Hello", "How are you there?", "What's new?", "How are you?". It was so touching. Where now are these sets of neat digits on the display, these grinded keys, those whistles and the voice rushing to you for hundreds of miles? You press the tube harder - so that the microphone is closer to the mouth, wrap the tube lump in the palm of your hand and so you catch the sounds, sending their distant lands along the wires to another same warm handful .... Oh, this constant interpersonal access! With the introduction of the mental network of communication, we are "always in touch". We became more accessible, but it did not make us closer.
Yesterday we were outside the city. Gray, steady trees - I ripped off their tops. Did the trees used to be taller than us? I remember something vaguely in my childhood .... My mother raised real flowers in our garden and sent a report like a 4G projection. When her deception was revealed, she was punished with a disconnect from the interpersonal network for a year! Yes, then it was a punishment. Now many wanted to do this, but who would allow it? Probably, because Mom then went to the expedition - they did not want to connect, and on the Earth it was already impossible. She always said: "Technology was invented by us as a means to manage our time". Then time was used to produce things. Various cases. We went to the shops for bread. Bought beds, clothes. Changed time for money. And then the cars replaced everything. Now we stopped moving, and I do not want to connect to this network. I fly away and ask you: "do not forget that you are a man"! And I do not forget. I do not see my mother any more in a dream. Someone told me: "It means they flew for the solar system". Let it be so - I do not care.
Mother Mom, you were not afraid of these night connections, the dedicated lines - you found the meaning in the world outside of yourself, having survived the Information Hunger and the War of the Steppes. And we stayed here - your sons - the functions of wandering information. "Tumblers and controllers" - as you called us affectionately. We no longer say "Hello" and "Bye", we no longer part with each other, but we never get close to you, to the world and to each other. Who we are, every moment of our life is renewed. While we are alive, we can not escape from constant change. Therefore, I feel sorry for losing what is going away - let it dissolve in the vastness of the small universe, let what we were, turn into a whiff of wind, in the rustle of controllers, in the music of advertising clouds. And what we will become in the future, I will exchange with gratitude for a little red flemming.
T. says a lot, I wonder where he gets it from? His connection to the 6th generation, he uses immediately 3rd and 5th portals - this allows you to use different parts of the brain for simultaneous conscious signal processing. Hehe, the world of subconscious impulses, it's no surprise that T began responding to mousegrams in one monosyllabic way: the streams of unfiltered information are like an anthill: everyone is busy with their own business, but this is just an anthill .... But he knows a lot. So much that I forgot, which I do not know. Poor T we lose it.
People should be contacted with M. People of this type with the device of external manipulation are always useful in the analysis of cases concerning external lethargy. Let him show him a trip or vacation with a beauty - this will distract T from self-loading.
Tomorrow I'll sign up for the repair of my hand. She's been messing about for a long time. Yesterday I woke up late and cooked the soup. I thought, I sing and drive around the city, but my fingers are not unclenched! In itself, this is nothing: the soup was cooked, and I ate, but my fingers squeezed the plate so that I could not pull it out or release it. Of course, with a plate in my hand, no matter how I tried, I did not manage to get a car ....
Sometimes, I think I remember my past lives. M. says that it was once called "deja vu". A beautiful word. But I have this due to the peculiarities of the cache memory - after the injury, she began to write down new personalities, not erasing the old ones. I remember myself in the twentieth century: it's snowing, I'm getting ice cream, next to a girl. She turns around and smiles. I smile too, and we look into each other's eyes. Long look. The queue pushes us and carries us in different directions. We did not see each other again. But, it seems to me, from that moment I somehow live in part her life, and she lives some part of mine. I wonder what it feels like when I think of it, but is it the same as what I feel when they consider me?
It's nice to realize that now our exchange of information with L. reaches 8 watts per day. Before that, I had no access to anyone else. And it's not in these new devices, - yes, L. with the latest NSK model and gold wire, but is it the case? With Q. I myself had a gold wire and TU 16 on the medulla oblongata, and what all this led to? The wire was burned, and the TU got used to the brain so that I could not distinguish Q. from myself.
No, in my relationship with L. you have to be more careful. "If you want, you can stay connected to me during sleep" - an alarming symptom! Why should I sleep? And my dreams? A dream-sofa? I purchased it for myself, it is single and not intended for joint connection. But the main thing is why?
"People tend to desire strange things" - these are the words of my mother. And I do not want the strange. I do not understand this strange. Let earlier it was so, that everyone had his own world and we all did not know each other, as now. This has its pros and cons. I'm just a little tired. This constant access - it chills a little, or how can I say it? Well, just no more. I have enough communication and no communication. And the one and the other.
Time is a very strange program: it covers the whole system, predicts delays, backlog, coherent work, joint access and much more. And what if this program is erased? T. says that then we will not. It is doubtful. Yes, of course, without time will not be what was, and what will be. But there remains what is. Eternal now - is this not the last self-sufficient goal? When I tried to give up time, I did not have enough energy. So now I save energy for the crumbs: I limit the exits to the Forum, exclude McDonald's, beer and chips for the night, I do exercises in the morning.
Today we built a house. If we build a good one, then we will live in it. But I doubt that we will be able to build a good house this time. The last time the house came out so transparent, and there it was cold. This is because the Earth in a transparent house is visible through the overlap, and T. says that what we see, we are. And the Earth is generally cold.
The house was built in turn, replacing on the guard of the operators of information attacks, brazenly storming our ports several times a day. They do not just do not ask permission to send you a couple of helpers - they send them in bundles, and sometimes they do not catch the ordered materials.
Why is the house again so transparent? We probably put air, fog and wind in there. And this is absolutely impossible to do in one house. The wind will disperse the fog, and the air will dissolve everything solid! It is necessary to share this observation with others. By the way, in our house there is no equipment. Technology is only a channel for information, but in itself it is useless. And we have enough information. Even with an excess. Especially in T. with his constant, soundless chewing on the lips of entire libraries. T. says that if he ceases to drum, he will forget himself. That is, he speaks to himself about himself and thus builds his own world. Also an option. Some people have nothing to say about themselves. I wonder what they are then building their world from?
As you see, technologies change not only the world. First of all, they change us. Of course today with the portals until napryazhenka, but everything else is already on the way. Or already sold in stores. For example, now you can buy yourself a printer, and print yourself slippers.
And if they used to think that people would be easier to learn to use robots than teach robots to human language, then today everything is quite different. After all, we all hunted for transgenic tomatoes, wi-fi completely pervades us, and half of the brain is stored in Wikipedia. We will never be the same again. So let's face it.
Transgenic fruit - Poison for human life.
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This is true, however, how many do not warn a person about the fact that it is harmful, a person still abuses it. In my example, this is not more than an expression)
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One can lead a horse to water, but one can't make it drink
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Hi floxxy,
This is an exciting topic you raised here. No doubt, AI is the future, but the future is already here with us. That's why we've seen many things that weren't thought to be possible being achieved with ease of precision.
Here's a little tip from me, for you to get handy with:
Thanks and cheers
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