The Human pronouncement

in steemstem •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Human pronouncement

Greetings my people of STEEMIT, this time I publish a historical review of our origin framed in research done for some time, and a reflection of what Man has done since its appearance, there is still much to investigate and conclude to determine our origin and what we do with our world


Some time ago we have been analyzing our origins from various points of view, the religious and the scientist, this has been the encounter and difference between the church and science which leads us to the jocular question of who was first the egg or the Hen ?, Religiously we have the answer in the first most published book in the world "The Bible" where the origin of humanity is established with the genesis in which part of God's creation is the first man on earth "Adam "and the first woman " Eve " from there starts the origin of humanity from the point of view of the Christian religion which is one of the ones with the most followers in the world.

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But there are always genotypic and phenotypic questions that are characterized by humanity, from that point of view and the night posed as the scientific version of human evolution as it was said Charles Darwin (1871) and of how the genetic crosses were given with their alternating to give rise to modern man, from the investigations of Darwin to the present there are countless works in anthropology that locate the origin of the species in the African continent, works of paleoanthropologists that calculate in millions of years (1.8MM) the origin that led evolution of the Hominidus to Homo sapiens Sapiens (PMI 2007)

In the Tanzania region of the Olduvai gorge, Louis and Mary Leakey found, between 1954-1959, remains with more than 1.7 million years old, both in a australopithecus he Zinianthropus Boisei as a Homo Habilis its possible predator, who used stone tools as an insipient of a material culture and as a result of a hand-brain dialogue, Olduvai would name the first material culture of the gender homo and place the homo habidis as an ancestor of homo sapiens

Encyclopedia Universal History Volume Prehistory and Ancient World, PMI (2007)

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Africa saw the birth of the human being, fruit of an evolutionary process that paleoanthropologists calculate in millions of years and that led from the first hominids to the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the anatomically modern man, who, like his predecessors 1.8 million years ago, left Africa and the Middle East, migrated to Eurasia and later arrived in America, thus beginning a new Evolution that in the Neolithic, would lead to the cultivation of plants and the domestication of fire, and the first human civilizations.

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In the mid-nineteenth century, a process of updating data on the origin and evolution of the human being began, through the reading and analysis of fossils found in Africa, Europe and Asia,At present an improved data interpretation of the evolution of Homo Sapiens Sapiens or modern man has been developed, the chronology indicates in a decreasing way that the origin is between five million up to 900,000 when the australopithecus become extinct giving way to homo sapiens, all this due to the glaciations and other factors that influenced such as genetic crossings and interfecundity as determined by analysis of culture developed by prehistoric man like Achaeulian, domestication of fire, the splendor of the parietal art and fossils found with morphological characteristics of both, if we add all these elements we realize that they revolutionized in that moment the life and the evolution of the Homo Erectus until arriving at the current man.

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The finding of a young child that, according to studies, dates back to about 24,500 years, with physical features between neanderthalensis and chromañon indicate that it is possible that both species were in phase of hybridization in the regions that cohabited Western Asia (1998).

Encyclopedia Universal History I take one Prehistory and Ancient World

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It can be summarized that over time science and religion have maintained their knowledge of the evolution of man and the human revolution and what it has meant to evolve and transform our lifestyle by developing new technologies for the genetic improvement, the cure of diseases, the low rate of infant mortality and the longevity of the human being.

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We can also talk about the deterioration of the environment, air pollution, damage to the ozone layer, the use of atomic energy for war purposes, the development of new diseases resulting from genetic research and mutations, the use of biotechnology for other purposes not beneficial, for all the above mentioned I believe that if we manage to solve the human origin slavon, the answers and solutions to many of the evils that accompany us would be reached. I thank all those who have taken the time to read this article more than pleased I hope your comments thank you ... @issavets

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The photographs were downloaded from the internet
Sources., leidyalexandra.bloqspot,,,,,

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