Steemworld: Surprise! New Feature!

in steemworld •  7 years ago 

A few days ago I ran into a new issue on my favorite Steemy thingymajing,, but rather than waste a lot of words let me show you what the page looked like and what happened next:

IfItAintBroke 2018-05-12 07-48-56.png

@steemchiller who runs the site had made a change to improve layout visibility, but it had unexpected consequences for some of us. My eyes are sensitive to the ocean of white that is the Inter net. To deal with this, I used an add-on in my Firefox browser to get a dark theme and turn all this white into black, but @steemchiller had no way of knowing that his most recent improvement made the page painful for me to use. I was bummed out by the prospect of having to look at more white and not being able to read the information in white sections.

When I approached him with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" American style logic, he informed me he had been working on a dark theme for the page, but that it wasn't ready yet. Less than an hour later I found a comment in which he told me to reload the page and look in "settings" to find the new Dark Theme. I was blown away by the speed of his response, but also by how good this dark theme looked on my screen. Check out this sight for sore eyes, beautiful!

Screenshot from 2018-05-12 22-30-56.png

All I can say is WOW. I love the look of this dark theme, and I did not have to turn off the add-on in FireFox so all other sites I visit remain dark. Should you be interested in using this feature; I've marked the things to look for with red dots.

I like to thank @steemchiller for starting my day off with a very pleasant surprise, he didn't have to do this just for a single user, and I hope the info is useful to anyone who needs a dark theme to save their sore Eyes. Greetings!

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I use steemworld so much, all the time. Nice dark theme

Gracias por la informacion, nunca he entrado en esa pagina, la revisare para ver de que se trata, muchas gracias por todo, estoy muy agradecida contigo, un abrazo muy grande y muy muy fuerte.

Espero que te conviene este pagina. Abrazos!

Happy to read the dark horse is happy.

Sure is. Also loved your correct assessment of boarding schools.

If @steemchiller starts a Worldwide Church of Steem, please schedule me a baptizm. The man's a god!

Great news! Man, I'll be using that for sure from now on. 😍

It looks badass, too.

I'm glad I saw this post.